HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-117-89DN: Cowan TOWN OF NEWCASTLE dol 0. 2 REPORT File # Res. #a./v. j 5 By -Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, May 1, 1989 RE1PORT #: PD- 117 -89 FILE #: DEV 88 -93 and OPA 88 -80/N SUBJECT: REZONING AND OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS COWAN PONTIAC BUICK LTD. PART LOT 11, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILES: DEV 88 -93 AND OPA 88 -80 /N RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-117-89 be received; and 2. THAT the applications for Official Plan Amendment File 88 -80 /N and Zoning By -law Amendment File DEV 88 -93, submitted by Cowan Pontiac Buick Ltd. to permit the creation of an employee parking lot be-DENIED; and° 3. THAT the Region cyi Durham, the applicants, and those parties interested be so advised. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 On November 21, 1988, Committee considered Staff Report PD- 242 -89 in consideration of an application to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63. The applications would seek to amend the existing "Residential" designation and "Urban Residential Type One (Rl)" zoning to develop a 1028 square metre site into a 33 space parking lot to be used by the employees of Cowan Pontiac Buick Ltd. � I ...2 REPORT NO.: PD-117-89 PAGE 2 ---------------------------------------------------------- __ ---------------- 1.2 The subject lands are municipally known as 39/41 Church Street and abut Cowan Pontiac Buick directly to the north. The subject lands currently support a semi-detached and accessory buildings. The building will be demolished in order to provide for parking. 1.3 Committee endorsed Staff recommendation to refer the application back to Staff for a subsequent report pending receipt of outside agency comments and for the purposes of facilitating a Public Meeting as required in the Planning Act. 2. PUBLIC MEETINGS AND SUBMISSIONS: 2.1 Pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act, a Public Meeting was held on November 21.1 1988. 2.2 A petition with forty-four (44) names was submitted by Mrs. Heather Rowe. Mrs. Rowe spoke out in opposition to the proposal on the basis that the demolition of homes would cause a hazard to students who attend Vincent Massey School. Mrs. Rowe also cited the threat to the quality of life from the creation of noise, pollution and garbage. She also stated that the parking lot would be an intrusion of commercial use into an established residential neighbourhood and would alter the character of the streetscape of Church Street. Mrs. Rowe resides at 36 Church Street, directly across from the proposal. 2.3 Mrs. Evelyn Samis also spoke in opposition to the proposal for the same reasons as Mrs. Rowe, however, believed that the proposal would devalue her property. Mrs. Samis resides at 45 Church Street, directly west of the subject proposal. 2.4 Mrs. M. Sills had submitted a letter of opposition as well for the same reasons noted above. ...3 REPORT NO.: PD- 117 -89 3.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the applications were circulated to various agencies for comments. The following is a summary of comments which have been received. 3.2 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department offered no objection to the amendments provided the applicants enter into the Standard Site Plan Agreement meeting all requirements financially and otherwise. 3.3 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department offered no objection, however, requested that a demolition permit would be required and the provisions of the Ontario Fire Code must be adhered to. 3.4 The Region of Durham Works Department noted that servicing will not be required by the proposed parking facility and the application would appear to have no effect on abutting sanitary sewers and watermains on Church Street. 3.5 The following agencies offered no objection to the proposal as filed: - Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - Regional Health Services - Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission - Public School Board 4. STAFF COMMENTS: 4.1 Staff have reviewed the proposal with respect to the policies in the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and have noted that the subject lands are designated as "Low Density Residential" in the Main Central Area of Bowmanville. Section states that land so designated should be used predominently for residential use not exceeding a density of 30 units per hectare. It is intended of the plan to maintain the character of those lands designated "Low Density Residential ". ...4 ��rq REPORT NO.: PD-117-89 PAGE 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.2 Although fencing and landscaping drawings have been submitted to adequately screen the parking lot on Church Street, Staff is of the opinion that the use would not be consistent with the residential streetscape on Church Street. The homes are older in nature and are landscaped with mature hardwood trees. The intrusion of a use such as that proposed would not be in keeping with the character of Church Street East. If the south side of Church Street is to be converted to commercial uses, it should be done in a comprehensive manner through a proper development plan. This proposal is piece meal redevelopment and may jeopardize future development option in the general area. 5. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the applications submitted by Tom and Ellen Cowan to amend the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended be DENIED without prejudice. Respectfully submitted, � G14 Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development CRV*FW*j ip *Attach. April 20, 1989 Recommended for presentation to the Committee Chief - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - Kotseff istrative officer ...5 REPORT K0.: PD-117-89 PAGE 5 ______________________________________________________________________________ Hamilton and Associates Barristers 6 Solicitors P.O. Box 39, l Division Street BOWY&0VILLEx Ontario LlC 3K8 Mr. Tom Cowan c/o Cowan Pontiac Buick Ltd. 166 King Street 8aoL 8OW;ANVZLLEv Ontario LlC 3Z2 M. sills 33 Church Street 8[WMANR/ LL8, Ontario LlC ISS Steven and Heather Rowe 36 Church Street B[WM\0VILL0, Ontario LlC lS5 JJ| O R � - t!1 " W V Z O V 0 50' 100 200 300m mum KEY -MAP lmm� - 50m 0 �NP.A. 88�80/N 552 0'