HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-100-89DN: WORK ..111? -A *.uw w 11_ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # (g.p_g ,5o7- By -Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, April 3, 1989 REPORT #: PD- 100 -89 FILE #: SUB.ECT: PLANNING DIVISION WORK PROGRAM RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-100-89 be received for information. 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Report is to present Committee and Council a Work Program for the Planning Division for the next three (3) years. It is intended that this work program will assist members of Council to achieve a better understanding of the planning works lying ahead of us. 2. COMMENT 2.1 The Work Program contains two (2) major sections. PART A deals with a three (3) year Work Program of the Strategic Planning Branch. This Branch addresses long term planning policy matters, special studies, economic development etc.. The works identified in the program for Strategic Planning Branch are mostly continuous over a period of several 1 (1 7 7 i U/ I PAGE 2 months, and same works will continue into the following year. Hence, it was felt that the traditional one (1) year program will not present a complete picture of the tasks that are required to be done. The three (3) year program will rectify such deficiency and also will coincide with the terms of present Council. 2.2 It should be noted that, although the works are not priorized, target dates are provided for commencement and completion of each task. The work program is not intended to be rigid and will be modified from time to time depending on availability of personnel resources, as well as to accommodate specific requests from Council. 2.3 PART B of the work program deals with various types of development applications and related activities handled by the Development Review Branch. The works of this Branch are primarily reactive in nature. It's mandate is to ensure all development applications are in conformity to the policies of the Official Plan as well as policies of Council. Works are continuous in nature and statistical information on volume of application etc. are provided in the work program. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development *FW*]ip *Attach. March 20, 1989 Recommended for presentation to the Committee tseff rative Officer DN: WORK /P 1989 WORK PROGRAM STRATEGIC PLANNING BRANCH Strategic Planning Branch activities are categorized as follows: A. Statutory Responsibilities Duties related to the administration of the Planning Act as it applies to the Durham Region Official Plan, the Town of Newcastle Official Plan and the various Neighbourhood Plans. B. Planning Studies Various planning studies to investigate issues of concern for the orderly development of the municipalities. C. Economic Development Efforts to attract appropriate and desireable commercial and industrial development to the Town of Newcastle. D. Intra Regional Planning Participation in Regional planning initiatives and responding to Provincial policy initiatives. E. Data Base Development of a sound data base to support and enhance the planning and decision - making process. 1079 - 2 - A. STATUTORY RESPONSIBILITIES A.1 Newcastle Official Plan Review - Phase 1 A review of the Newcastle Official Plan will be initiated to accomplish the following objectives: (i) to consolidate existing policies in a concise format (ii) to respond to changing economic circumstances (iii) to provide complete coverage for the rural areas (iv) to respond to Regional planning initiatives from the Durham Plan Review (v) to prepare for two - tiered planning with the possible delegation of Plan approval powers to the Region. This will be at minimum a two year project with the earlier phases consolidating the official plan documents. The latter stages will extend the Plan's coverage and add new policies for the rural areas, transportation and housing. A.2 Official Plan Amendments The Strategic Planning Branch reviews official plan amendments of major significance to the Town including extensions to urban areas, major industrial and commercial applications, waste disposal sites, mineral aggregate sites and estate residential proposals. At the present time, there are 21 such applications outstanding. It is anticipated that some of this backlogue can be cleared but major new amendments are also anticipated. This includes the Laidlaw Landfill proposals and the B.F.I Medical Waste Incinerator proposal. A.3 Hamlet Secondary Plans The Town has an ongoing process of preparing Hamlet Secondary Plans. Three existing secondary plans will be completed and two new studies initiated as below: i) Newtonville Secondary Plan ii) Hampton Secondary Plan iii) Orono Secondary Plan iv) Maple Grove Secondary Plan V) Leskard Secondary Plan Regional and Ministerial approval required public consultation, circulation to agencies, review and revision, preparation of amendment documents, Council approval, Regional approval, Ministerial approval background research and documentation, preparation of draft plan, presented to Council, public consultation, circulation to agencies 1080 - 3 - A.4 Neighbourhood Plans Neighbourhood Plans are a prerequisite for development in the Courtice Urban Area. The various neighbourhood plans have been prepared over a series of time with differing levels of detail. Coverage of the entire Courtice Urban Area remains incomplete. Furthermore, neighbourhood plans have not been amended to reflect changes in the official plan with some quite evident contradictions. As a result the following activities will be undertaken in 1989. (i) Extension of Coverge for Courtice West Neighbourhood Plan (ii) Preparation of Courtice North Neighbourhood 3 C Plan. (iii) General Review of Neighbourhood Development Plans A.5 Durham Region Official Plan Review Two discussion papers on Industrial Policies and Rural Policies have been released to date. It is anticipated that amendments to the Plan will be proposed as a result of this work completed to date. Additional discussion papers on Commercial Policies, Transportation Policies and Regional Structure are anticipated. Staff will be required to participate in the various Working Groups and formulate the Town's response to these Regional Planning initiatives. B. PLANNING STUDIES B.1 Courtice West Highway #2 Corridor Study A planning study has been initiated to determine the appropriate mix of commercial activity and other land uses as may be appropriate for the area. The study will prepare an urban design concept for the development of the area as a distinctive gateway to the Town of Newcastle and establish design criteria for commercial development. B.2 Special Study Area #11 A planning study has been initiated to determine the appropriate land uses for the area shown as Special Study Area #11 in the Durham Regional Official Plan. The primary component to this study is the Servicing Feasibility Study to be undertaken by Totten Sims Hubicki. Staff will be assessing alternative land use strategies in conjunction with this process. B.3 Fencing and Landscaping Guidelines A review of municipal standards for fencing and landscaping has been initiated. In a high growth situation such as that faced by the Town, the appropriate guidelines need to be in place to ensure that minimum standards are maintained and to facilitate the development approval process. It is anticipated two documents will be prepared: i) Landscaping Guidelines for Site Plans ii) Fencing By -law 1081 MAW B.4 Port Darlington Waterfront Study In response to Council's direction, Staff will proceed to implement more detailed studies to resolve the future land uses and prepare an implementation strategy for the redevelopment of the Port Darlington Waterfront. This may be done in partnership with a consulting firm. B.5 Rural Residential Growth Management Study - Phase 1 Rural areas in the Town of Newcastle face pressure for residential development due to its close proximity to the Greater Toronto Area and pleasant rural landscape. Phase 1 of this Study will determine the anticipated growth rate of rural areas, examine alternative scales and forms of development and associated impacts. It will recommend broad targets for rural residential growth. Phase 2 of the study will refine this information and incorporate parallel studies (Ganaraska Environmental Sensitivity Study) to identify hamlets for growth, and various implementation mechanisms. C. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Activities are co- ordinated with the Director of Planning and the Chief Administrative Officer, to facilitate the economic development of the Town. Economic development activities include marketing and promotional efforts, through to the actual facilitation of plant location and building. Economic development activities for 1989 include the following: C.1 Economic Development Strategy A comprehensive review of the Town's current prospects. It would identify the municipal support and encourage economic growth so as Town on how to focus promotional efforts to C.2 Marketing economic base and economic levers that could be used to to provide guidelines to the attract new industry. Publication of new brochure, placement of selective advertisements, development of a marketing oriented map of the Town. C.3 Fact Sheet Preparation of a series of fact sheets on the Town to supplement the Town's promotional brochure and to respond to enquiries from prospective employers. CA Facilitating Development Responding to enquiries from prospective employers; co- ordinating strategies with other parties in economic development field; building relationships with existing employers (ie. municipal staff touring plants, etc.) 108 - 5 - C.5 Profile of Town's Industries Preparation of a municipal profile of current industries located in the Town through an employer profile survey. (to be conducted by summer student). This would be utilized in the Economic Development Strategy (Project C.1) result in an updated Business Directory and Industrial Land Inventory (Project E.2) D. INTRA REGIONAL PLANNING The Town will be required to participate or respond to Regional and Provincial policy initiatives. As part of its duties, the Strategic Planning Branch will participate in joint planning initiatives or formulate the Town's response to certain issues as they arise. At the present time, the following matters are under review or expected for review and consultation. D.1 Review of the Conservation Authorities Program D.2 Draft Housing Policy Statement D.3 Highway #407 Overview and Route Selection Studies D.4 Greater Toronto Area or Durham Region Municipal Landfill Site Selection Studies D.5 Draft Weland Policy Statement D.6 Provincial Population Projections: Demographic Bulletin D.7 Ganaraska Area Environmental Sensitivity Study E. DATA BASE The planning and decision - making process must be based on a sound data base which provide accurate and comprehensive information. E.1 Lot Oriented Information System A major effort for 1989 involves the introduction of a geographic information system (G.I.S.) pruchased by the Town. The Lot Oriented Information System (L.O.I.S.) will allow the Town to have a computerized mapping system which will be linked to a tabular data on various municipal operations now stored in files or separate computer systems. E.2 Industrial Land Inventory The Town's Industrial Land Inventory was last updated in With the assistance of a summer student, it is proposed to update this information. E.3 Library A Planning Library is to be established with reference material catalogued for easy retrieval upon request. 1 n 8 3 1989 WORK PROGRAM AND PROJECTION STRATEGIC PLANNING BRANCH A. STATUTORY RESPONSIBILITIES Al. Newcastle O.P. Review Phase 1 Urban Area Policies Phase 2 Rural Area Policies Phase 3 Housing Policies Phase 4 Community Improvement A2. Official Plan Amendments A3. Hamlet Secondary Plans Newtonville Orono Hampton Maple Grove Leskard Mitchell's Corners Kendal Enf field A4. Neighbourhood Plans Courtice West Courtice North 3C General Review A5. Durham Plan Review 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1990 1 1991 1n -4 1989 WORK PROGRAM AND PROJECTION STRATEGIC PLANNING BRANCH 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1990 1 1991 A. STATUTORY RESPONSIBILITIES Al. Newcastle O.P. Review Phase 1 Urban Area Policies Phase 2 Rural Area Policies Phase 3 Housing Policies Phase 4 Community Improvement A2. Official Plan Amendments A3. Hamlet Secondary Plans Newtonville Orono Hampton Maple Grove Leskard Mitchell's Corners Kendal Enf ield A5. Durham Plan Review wage 2 1989 WORK PROGRAM AND PROJBCTION STRATBGIC PLANNING BRANCH B. PLANNING STUDIES B1. Courtice West Highway #2 Corridor Study B2. Special Study Area #11 B3. (i) Fencing Guidelines/ By -law (ii) Landscaping Guidelines B4. Port Darlington Waterfront Study B5. Rural Residential Growth Management Strategy Phase 1 Phase 2 B6. Courtice East Hwy. #2 Corridor Study B7. Other Studies C. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Cl. Economic Development Strategy C2. Marketing C3. Fact Sheets C4. Facilitating Development C5. Industrial Profile Survey Business Directory 1/4 1 1/4 .1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1990 1 1991 1096 E. DATA BASE E1. Lot Oriented Information System Phase 1 Digitizing Maps Phase 2 Development Activity Data Base Transfer Phase 3 Building Permit System MEN== SOMME Automation Phase 4 Supplementary Data Base Phase 5 Map Maintenance E2. Industrial Land Inventory E3. Library 1087 1989 WORK PROGRAM f 7 ate► / �i�Ci� 51� � Dili 7 �►i� i ai:����'��C�%i 1. Development Review Branch activities are categorized as follows: A. Statutory Responsibilities Duties related to those local planning responsibilities as stipulated in the Planning Act. This includes works related to the passing of zoning by -law, interim control by -law, temporary use by -law, and site plan approval. B. Development Applications This includes plans of subdivision /condominium, neighbourhood plan amendment, consent applications, minor variance applications where Staff provides technicial analysis and reporting on each of these applications. C. Other Activities The Development Review Branch also provides ongoing monitoring and enforcement of all active subdivision and site plan agreements, administering street names request and changes, prepared and attend O.M.B. Hearings, organize and attend meetings with residents, provides clearance letters on subdivision agreements and zoning compliance and last, but not least, provides planning information to the general public over the telephone and counter. 2. Statistical information pertaining to the volume of applications and other related activities of the Development Review Branch are provided in the two (2) attached tables. Table 1 illustrates a historical comparison of development applications received by the Town. Table 2 provides additional information on other activities as well as to provide a corelation between work volume and man hours. 1088 DN: STATIS TABLE 1 HISTORICAL COMPARISON OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS 1974 1 1977 1 1980 1 1981 1 1982 1 1983 1 1984 1 1985 1 1986 1 1987 1 1988 f 1. Official Plan Amendment 6 6 15 7 8 15 7 18 28 26 20 2. Subdivision 12 14 2 8 4 1 7 8 19 18 21 3. Rezoning 7 27 23 38 28 32 23 37 48 68 84 4. Site Plan 1 3 12 19 18 11 16 11 36 49 52 5. Land Severance 109 96 106 90 60 73 115 112 218 211 232 6. Minor Variance 72 127 91 109 96 96 88 44 79 71 130 c DN: STATIS TABLE 2 STATISTICAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES) ACTIVITIES APPLICATIONS ACTIVE APPLICATIONS TOTAL AVERAGE TOTAL RECEIVED APPLICATIONS ANTICIPATED WORK VOLUME MAN HOUR PER MAN HOUR IN 1988 CARRIED OVER FOR 1989 FOR 1989 APPLICATION 2 REQUIRED 6. FROM PREVIOUS 130 7. FOR 1989 24 YEARS Subd. Agree. Preparation 20 9. A B C B& C 130 1. Official Plan Amendment 20 2. Subdivision 21 3. Rezoning 84 4. Site Plan 52 5. Land Severance 232 6. Minor Variance 130 7. Site Plan Agree. Preparation 24 8. Subd. Agree. Preparation 20 9. Site Plan Agreement Monitoring/ 130 130 and Enforcement 130 10. Sudivision Agreement Monitoring/ 30 and Enforcement 150 Ca 20 20 11. Zoning Clearance Letter 3004 12. Subdivision Clearance Letter 1200 13. Building Permit Review 1800 14. Occupancy Permit 1220 15. Counter Enquiries 5400 16. Residents Meetings 10 17. O.M.B. Hearing 6 39 23 62 22 1364 31 20 51 30 1530 94 155 249 20 4980 34 75 109 15 1635 0 250 250 2 500 0 130 130 1 130 0 30 30 5 150 0 20 20 15 300 200 2 400 15,615 1 Activities do not include Works related to Policies and Studies under Strategic Planning Branch. 2 Does not include Director's time, 60 5 300 0 3300 3300 0.5 1650 0 1200 1200 0.5 600 0 2000 2000 0.3 600 0 1200 1200 0.2 240 0 5500 5500 0.2 1100 0 10 10 4 40 0 8 8 12 96 15,615 1 Activities do not include Works related to Policies and Studies under Strategic Planning Branch. 2 Does not include Director's time,