HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-72-94Subject: REZONING APPLICATION - 970973 ONTARIO LIMITED PART LOT 11 & 12, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: DEV 93 -032 (X -REF OPA 93- 010 /D, OPA 93 -004 /C & 18T- 93008) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -72 -94 be received; 2. THAT application to amend the Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84- 63., as amended, of the former Town of Newcastle submitted by Weston and Associates on behalf of 970973 Ontario Limited be referred back to Staff for further processing. 3. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: 970973 Ontario Limited 1.2 Agent: Weston and Associates 1.3 Rezoning Application: from "General Industrial Exception (M2 -1)11, "Environmental Protection (EP)" and "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)Rl)" to an appropriate zone to permit the development of 123 residential units. 1.4 Local Official Plan Amendment Application: from "Industrial" to "Residential" 1.5 Proposed Plan of Subdivision: to permit the development of 40 single family dwelling units, 3 triplex dwelling units, 20 quadruplex dwelling units, 60 on- street townhouse dwelling units, a 3.653 ha future development block and a 1.24 ha park. ....2 PA PEAIi� EL YIL LE THIS IS PRIMED U4 RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. PD -72 -94 PAGE 2 Land Area: total land area is 33.436 ha, the open space block is 23.122 ha. 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject land holdings are located in Part Lot 11 and 12, Concession 1, of the former Town of Bowmanville. The property has 404 metres of frontage on the north side of Baseline Road, approximately 717 metres of frontage on the east side of Spry Avenue, is south of the Good Year property and the Durham Street extension and west of Hunt Street and the houses fronting on the west side of Hunt Street (see Attachment No. 1) . 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 The above referenced property is subject to three applications. The first application is the proposed change in land use designation in the Municipality's Official Plan from industrial to residential. The second application is for approval of the proposed Plan of Subdivision for 123 dwelling units. The third application, which is the subject of this public meeting, is for the approval of the proposed amendment to the Municipality's Zoning By -law. The applications were originally received by the Planning and Development Department in August of 1993. Notification from the Region Planning of the subdivision application was received in September. 3.2 In April the applicant submitted a revised plan of subdivision application. The proposal reduces the number of dwelling units from 140 to 123. The revision proposes an increased park area and increased setback from the top -of -bank of Bowmanville Creek. Vehicle access has been reduced to one point at Nelson Street only. The area north of Baseline Road and east of Spry Avenue is proposed to be set aside for ....3 REPORT NO. PD -72 -94 PAGE 3 unspecified development and is not subject to the subdivision and rezoning applications currently under review. As per the original application the majority of the lands, being some 23.122 ha consisting of the Bowmanville Creek Valley System, are identified as open space. 3.3 The applicant has recently submitted various supporting documentation for the current proposal which have been circulated to the appropriate commenting agencies. The submissions include a preliminary report on creek stabilization measures, a draft environmental impact study, a traffic impact analysis and a servicing report. The proponent has advised that a noise impact study is also being prepared. Comments received to date have not included a review of the recently received documentation. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 There are two existing dwellings and three accessory structures on the lands presently. 4.2 Surrounding land uses are as follows: South: Baseline Road and vacant land East: Hunt Street and existing residential neighbourhood North: Good Year plant West: Spry Avenue and existing residential neighbourhood 5 PUBLIC MEETING AND RESPONSE 5.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, signage acknowledging the revised application was installed on the subject lands on June 7, 1994. In addition, the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner and tenant within the 120 metre prescribed distance, 30 days in advance of the meeting. As of the writing of this report staff have fielded several enquiries with respect to the proposed revision. ....4 REPORT NO. PD -72 -94 PAGE 4 5.2 On October 18, 1993 a public meeting was held on the original proposal. At that time, letters of concern and opposition to the applications were received, as well there were several presentations to Committee in opposition to the application along with a petition containing hundreds of names. The issues raised included i) protection of the environment; ii) the potential damage to the ecosystem and destruction of the wildlife habitat; iii) the impact the development will have upon fishing in the Bowmanville Creek; iv) the impact from the development on schools, existing infrastructure and roads; and v) the need for the community to have green areas within the urban area and the impact on tourism and employment. The residents believe the lands should be left in their current natural state for the enjoyment of the public. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan the table land portion of the subject property appears to be designated "Living Area" and the Bowmanville Creek Valley System designated "Major Open Space" with "Environmentally Sensitive Areas ". It would appear that the lands proposed for residential development are confined within the table lands and conform to the Living Area designation of the Durham Region Official Plan. 6.2 Within the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle the table lands appear to be designated "Industrial" while the Bowmanville Creek Valley lands are designated as "Major Open Space" and "Hazard Lands" with Environmental Sensitivity. 6.3 The Municipality's Official plan requires an environmental impact analysis for development on or adjacent to any lands ....5 4 REPORT NO. PD -72 -94 PAGE 5 identified as environmentally sensitive. The study is to be done to the satisfaction of the Town, the Region, the Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources. Such a study has been undertaken and is currently being reviewed by the commenting agencies. 6.4 The proposed subdivision does not conform to the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle in that the existing "Industrial" designation will have to be amended to "Residential" to conform to the Regional Official Plan. 7 ZONING 7.1 The current zoning on the subject property is "General Industrial (M2 -1)", "Environmental Protection (EP)" and "Urban Residential Type One - Holding ((H)R1) ". The area of the proposed development is predominantly within the industrial zone and partially within the environmental protection zone neither of which would permit the proposed residential development and hence the application to amend the zoning by- law. 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 In accordance with departmental procedure the subject revised application was circulated to agencies and departments for comment. To date comments remain outstanding from some of the circulated agencies and departments. The Fire Department and the Northumberland - Clarington Board of Education both provided no objection to the proposal, while the Ministry of the Environment has advised that they will only be providing comment to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs in the event the Official Plan Amendment is approved by local Council. 8.2 Regional Planning Staff have advised that the subject property ....6 REPORT NO. PD -72 -94 PAGE 6 is designated both "Living Area" and "Major Open Space" in the Durham Official Plan. The limits of the designations shall be defined in the local Official Plan and Zoning By -law with the assistance of the Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources. The proposal to redesignate from industrial to residential in the local plan is in conformity with the Regional Plan provided policies which require development to have regard for compact urban form, good urban design principles, grid pattern of roads, pedestrian access, parks and school facilities, the feasibility of expanding the existing municipal service infrastructure, etc. are taken into consideration. Municipal water supply can be provided to the site. Watermain easements will be required crossing the CPR lands, to extend services from Hunt Street. Municipal sanitary sewer are available from Baseline Road and a 6 metre easement is required along block 63. Servicing for future development block. 58 is not a problem, however details for the future development should be provided to Regional Works Staff. Servicing block 60 may present a problem due to the sanitary sewer invert elevation. An 8.22 metre road widening is required along Baseline Road. 8.3 The Ministry of Natural Resources have reviewed the application and are satisfied that their concerns with respect to stormwater management will be addressed through the review and conditions of the draft plan of subdivision. Furthermore, they advised that maintaining a buffer strip of natural vegetation adjacent to the watercourse is essential in providing protection from negative impacts which may result from development. The Ministry has no objection to ....7 REPORT NO. PD -72 -94 PAGE 7 development of the land subject to inclusion of provisions for a vegetative buffer strip along the stream banks of the Bowmanville Creek. Said vegetative buffer strip is to be a minimum of 30 metres along both stream banks, or to top of bank, which ever is greater. The buffer strip shall be zoned 'Environmental Protection'. 8.4 Clarington Hydro and the C.N.R were not circulated on the revised application, however their previous comments remain applicable. Clarington Hydro staff advised that should the application be approved a new hydro feeder line will have to be built along Hunt Street at the developer's cost. C.N. Railway officials advised that the proposed development being adjacent to the Bowmanville Town Spur line, will be expected to comply with the their Tertiary Branch Line Requirements (the applicant's agent was forwarded a copy of these requirements). The Tertiary Branch Line Requirements deal with warning clauses, setback from the railways, fencing and drainage. 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 The applicant is proposing to develop a 33.436 ha parcel of land as follows: 6.5 ha of land are to accommodate the proposed 123 dwelling units, associated roads and park area; a total of 3.653 ha over three blocks of land is proposed to be retained for possible future development; a block of land 0.264 ha in size is proposed for a water quality pond; and the remaining 23.122 ha of land is left as an open space block. 9.2 The proposed residential development has an overall net density of 39.49 units per ha. The 40 proposed single family dwelling units would calculate at a density of 26.68 units per net ha, while the balance of the development has a density of 51.39 units per net ha. ....8 REPORT NO. PD -72 -94 PAGE 8 9.3 In addition to reducing the number of dwelling units proposed and the mix of units, the design of the proposal has changed significantly. The proposal is now limited to one vehicle access at Nelson Street and a pedestrian access in the vicinity of the Albert Street road allowance. Street "A" has been designed as a one sided road along both the Bowmanville Creek and the proposed park block, allowing maximum access and vistas to the creek lands. 9.4 In consideration of comments received from the Ministry of Natural Resources, the proposal may require to be further setback from the Bowmanville Creek towards the north end of the development in order to achieve a 30 metre minimum setback from stream bank. 9.5 Staff note that the proposed triplex, quadruplex and townhouse dwelling units are all proposed to have a minimum frontage of 5.4 metres. Current zoning requirements for townhouse type dwelling units is a 6.0 metre minimum frontage. This issue may require further review, to assess fully the impacts of the reduced frontage on location of street furniture and on- street parking. 10 CONCLUSION 10.1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate a Public Meeting for the revised proposal as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee members with background on the application submitted and for Staff to indicate issues or area of concern regarding the subject application. It is recommend the application be referred back to Staff for further processing and subsequent report upon receipt of all outstanding comments, required revisions and resolution of all issues. REPORT NO. PD -72 -94 PAGE 9 Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, ) fiJ p s r, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. W. H. Stockwell Director of Planning Chief Administrative and Development Officer CP *FW *cc Attachment No. 1 - Key Map Attachment No. 2 - Proposed Plan of Subdivision Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: 970973 Ontario Limited 82 Beechwood Avenue NORTH YORK, Ontario M2L 1J5 Iain Maciver 7 Hetherington Drive BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3P9 John and Evelyn Large 14 Park Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 1B4 Alan Potter 28 Hunt Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 2W7 Mark Battle 25 Hunt Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 2W8 Ed Reid Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters P.O. Box 2800 PETERBOROUGH, Ontario K9J 8L5 Weston and Associates 64 Jardin Drive, Unit 7 CONCORD, Ontario L4K 3P3 Linda Embree 78 Lawrence Avenue BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 1J5 Mrs A. Rerecich 80 Parklane Circle BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3V9 Robert and Bernice Pearse 22 Bridle Path BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3W1 Jeff Gavey 75 Parklane Circle BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 4K9 Lance Thornton 34 John Scott BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 4K9 ....10 REPORT NO. PD -72 -94 PAGE 10 Scott Young Denis Kavanagh 10 Spry Avenue 68 Spry Avenue BOWMANVILLE, Ont BOWMANVILLE, Ont L1C 3T3 L1C 3Y3 II Fred Tippins 13 Park Street Nancy Armstrong BOWMANVILLE, Ontaio 19 Loscombe Drive L1C 1B3 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3S8 George Smith 14 The Briddle Path Rienne Bruce BOWMANVILLE, Ontario 17 Loscombe ] L1C 3W1 BOWMANVILLE, L1C 3L8 Rick Dankmeyer 4 Loscombe Drive David Lawson BOWMANVILLE, Ontario 111 Cedar Cr LIC 3Y1 P. O. Box 44 BOWMANVILLE, Lorna Miller L1C 3K3 2936 Highway No. 2 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Karl Fliesser 18 Briddle Path Mark Pengelly BOWMANVILLE, Ontario 35 Nelson Street L1C 3W1 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 1E4 Evylin Stroud 89 Little Avenue BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 1J9 II SUBJECT SITE OTHER LANDS OWNED BY APPLICANT LOT 13 LOT 12 LOT 11 I1 R1 , a EP j� TITTLE AVE 1 W O LAWERENCE qVE (H)cl tiF "a� 9 R I M O cl ` c z �aNPM w 0 w _ N RI 21 I�Q: U) Rl cn w s R s^ V }- W y� � w Z cr_ J W R 3 M 2-1 �� ON �� i J° W W J 3 2 SPRY AVE EP P PARK T � CARRUTHERS DR i LOSCOMBE DR, ANNE ST. R 1 (n II (H, PINE ST, C2 �l R 1 Z r EI ` BASELINE LOAD Ir KKAF E Y MAR A P 0 100 200 300 m 50m Dev. 93 -03 2,OPA. 93- 004 /C,18T- 93008' 4 _ e� t } Y REDUIRED INDUSTRIAL SETBACK 000 CONCESSION ax / REf1 LOT 12 CONCESSION I �� �• "/ / 18T-93008 -014 Weston & Associates i CONSERVATION�AUT/'. \ �_- Iwl \ SLa YEY arlRlriCAT[: wro :ea -laha =Z alm.n l.,e. ati .pa>.r.y ae a»..rl> lie..'e:b � ermnlot+� IraluTln.• Is.rtle� sll>t a w. >lan,lro ..r• 1>aol m a�p�m nl - rlw0 ..+r r. w irowll lr .> t...lo.r 11 - nll r I r�.nolc+r sunma: pr la.+f 1.��Iro1�MrallY It %11�e11 t.Iri b 1551�a1 Illi 0. %5 b erinnllpl-- l�mlpl.. 1.- Ivhr. ....I I.la.. u-aoli 5.655 b ownr� ra.a �.1.. al: o. raa b �. r.p.rtrlm ui.ao. lyl leln_uli o.owb 1014: ]l.t% b E15: ICtIS Slroi. fe.l l> 110;+ q Triple IS.I el: l OieO. IS.I wl: Tq lwncu.r Is.• ..1: iOiLL: la a. Lrt I Iw1sM sl tlo 411.1re Llb m. >1 �alsro p>-Iw. >. 1s wltli.sl� l.e�t lll.rtlm M t� nr rf M 0w.lm�N aMirtl >. r' \ DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION Part of Lots 11 & 12 Concession 1 Municipality of Clarington (Former Town of Bowmarwille) Regional Municipality of Durhom SCALE 11250 i#i Rnat -o= A��<fMte \\ \ Nye REDUIRED INDUSTRIAL SETBACK 000 CONCESSION ax / REf1 LOT 12 CONCESSION I �� �• "/ / 18T-93008 -014 Weston & Associates i nnr.•s axrRlcrz- 1 avnvii. ..rtoi a n rw. qe ae�l1 •5 SLa YEY arlRlriCAT[: wro :ea -laha =Z alm.n l.,e. ati .pa>.r.y ae a»..rl> lie..'e:b ermnlot+� IraluTln.• Is.rtle� sll>t a w. >lan,lro ..r• 1>aol m a�p�m nl - rlw0 ..+r r. w irowll lr .> t...lo.r 11 - nll r I r�.nolc+r sunma: pr la.+f 1.��Iro1�MrallY It %11�e11 t.Iri b 1551�a1 Illi 0. %5 b erinnllpl-- l�mlpl.. 1.- Ivhr. ....I I.la.. u-aoli 5.655 b ownr� ra.a �.1.. al: o. raa b �. r.p.rtrlm ui.ao. lyl leln_uli o.owb 1014: ]l.t% b E15: ICtIS Slroi. fe.l l> 110;+ q Triple IS.I el: l OieO. IS.I wl: Tq lwncu.r Is.• ..1: iOiLL: la a. Lrt I Iw1sM sl tlo 411.1re Llb m. >1 �alsro p>-Iw. >. 1s wltli.sl� l.e�t lll.rtlm M t� nr rf M 0w.lm�N aMirtl >. >. l Iaaa�Ilahta Lvvel. b Caoala r.N.f 1. >rtia. a. Iro�rrl.l SrtpxA ab .01101b Lt..na ran Kv Llbnbl..aoa 11rw ra:incn Lx >lan .1 Se01.l.1m NI> lt. i>50. DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION Part of Lots 11 & 12 Concession 1 Municipality of Clarington (Former Town of Bowmarwille) Regional Municipality of Durhom SCALE 11250 i#i Rnat -o= A��<fMte