HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-59-94Subject: REZONING APPLICATION & OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICANT: PAUL AND LISA LANGLEY PART LOT 17, CONCESSION 10, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: DEV 89 -141 (X -REF: OPA 89 -142) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -59 -94 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend the Official Plan and Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, as amended, for the former Town of Newcastle to permit the development of three residential lots be DENIED; 3. THAT the Region of Durham be forwarded a copy of this report; and 4. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Paul and Lisa Langley 1.2 Official Plan Amendment: From Oak Ridges Moraine within the Major Open Space system to an appropriate designation to allow the expansion of the Hamlet of Burketon Station and permit the development of three hamlet residential lots. 1.4 Zoning By -law Amendment: Original Proposal: from "Agricultural (A)" to an appropriate zone to permit the development of three (3) hamlet residential lots with two (2) direct access points on to Regional Road # 57. Revised Proposal: from "Agricultural (A)" to an ...2 ►J / RECYCLED - ECY1Rt DASD PRIMED CR RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. PD -59 -94 PAGE 2 appropriate zone to permit the development of three (3) hamlet residential lots with access via a private road. 1.4 Area: 5.92 hectares 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 In December of 1989, the Planning and Development Department received an application by Paul and Lisa Langley to amend the comprehensive zoning by -law in order to permit the development of three (3) hamlet residential lots. In December of 1989, the applicants also applied with the Region of Durham to amend the Hamlet Secondary Plan for the Hamlet of Burketon Station. 2.2 In addition, the lands were also the subject of a previous rezoning application (DEV 85 -005) submitted by Paul and Lisa Langley to rezone the lands from "Extractive Industrial (M3)" to permit the development of one (1) single detached dwelling. This application was approved on April 28, 1986 and By -law 86- 051 was passed which placed the lands within the Agricultural (A) zone. 2.3 With respect to the current applications, Staff report PD -149- 93 was presented to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on November 1, 1993 with a recommendation to deny both the official plan amendment application and the zoning amendment application. Subsequent to the consideration of Staff Report PD- 149 -93, Committee referred the application back to Staff to investigate other alternatives. 2.4 On April 11, 1994, the applicant appeared before Council with a revised proposal to provide access to the three (3) new lots via a private road. Committee resolved to direct Staff to investigate the feasibility of an agreement which would exempt the municipality from the responsibility of maintaining the private access. ...3 el REPORT NO. PD -59 -94 PAGE 3 3 PUBLIC NOTICE 3.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. 3.2 As a result of the public notification process, Staff have received one (1) written submission with respect to the proposal. The Highland Creek Sand and Gravel Company Limited, which has active aggregate extraction operations on the east side of Regional Road # 57, opposite the subject lands, detailed concerns over the proposal due to the potential for conflict between the incompatible uses. Concerns cited included the lack of a buffer between the pit and the subject lands and the close proximity of the proposed lots to a licensed aggregate operation. 4 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 4.1 Within the Durham Region Official Plan the subject site appears to be designated as Oak Ridges Moraine within the Major Open Space System. Within the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle, the subject property is located outside of the limits of the Burketon Station Hamlet Secondary Plan. Therefore, the applicant has applied to amend the Burketon Station Hamlet Secondary Plan. 5. ZONING BY -LAW COMPLIANCE 5.1 Within Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63 of the former Town of Newcastle the subject site lands are zoned "Agricultural (A)" Under the provisions of the Agricultural (A) zone, only one (1) single detached dwelling would be permitted to be developed on the subject lands. Therefore, the applicant has applied to amend the zoning by -law. ...4 J J REPORT NO. PD -59 -94 PAGE 4 6. AGENCY COMMENTS 6.1 In accordance with Committee direction, Staff circulated the revised proposal to the Public Works Department in order to investigate the feasibility of maintaining the private road, which is approximately 380 metres (1250 feet) long. 6.2 The Public Works Department has advised that the development of the three (3) proposed lots on a private road or laneway is undesirable since it would be difficult or impossible for emergency vehicles and other government services such as animal control, garbage collection and school buses to access these lots. 6.3 Although the Public Works Department acknowledges that a private road may be feasible legally, it is anticipated that future residents may complain regarding the limited level of service provided by the Municipality in relation to taxation. This may lead to the undesirable situation of future residents requesting the municipality to assume responsibility to the private road. Therefore, the Public Works Department is of the opinion that the development of a private road to access the proposed lots is not in the best interest of the municipality. 7. STAFF COMMENTS 7.1 Staff have reviewed the application and the revised proposal in relation to the comments received from the original circulation, the Mineral Aggregate Resource Policy.Statement and the Regional Official Plan. 7.2 Within Report PD- 149 -93, Staff noted that the proposed use was not compatible with the adjacent pit. Following the preparation of Report PD- 149 -93, the Planning and Development ...5 REPORT NO. PD -59 -94 PAGE 5 Department received a letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources which appears to corroborate this statement. The letter refers to the application in relation to the Mineral Aggregate Resource Policy Statement and concludes that the municipality should be cognizant that rural residential development near or adjacent to a pit or quarry is considered an incompatible land use. 7.3 In addition, since the incompatible nature of the proposed land use has been established, the application would appear to be contrary to Section 19.1.3 of the Durham Regional Official Plan. This Section states that a goal of the Regional Official Plan shall be to protect high potential aggregate resource areas from incompatible land use. The approval of the subject application would appear to be contrary to this goal given the Provincial Mineral Aggregate Resource Policy Statement. 7.4 Moreover, a separate issue with respect to the proposal is that of access. The Regional Works Department objected to the applicant's original proposal which included two (2) new access points on Regional Road # 57 to serve the proposed lots, on the basis that the new accesses would have undesirable effects on Regional Road # 57. As a result, the applicant revised the proposal to provide a private road parallel to Regional Road # 57 with which to provide access to the proposed lots. However, this proposal was equally unacceptable to the Municipality of Clarington Public Works Department. It would appear that it is unlikely that the applicant would be able to provide a form of access to the proposed lots which is satisfactory to all parties. 7.5 Finally, Staff advise for the Committee's information that the ...6 : 11 REPORT NO. PD -59 -94 PAGE 6 Oak Ridges Moraine is currently under study by the Provincial government and all background reports and studies seem to indicate that the Moraine is a significant environmental and ecological feature worthy of protection from incompatible uses. 8 CONCLUSION 8.1 In consideration of the comments contained within this report, Staff respectfully recommend that both the Official Plan Amendment Application and the related Zoning By -law Amendment Application be DENIED. Respectfully submitted, �-,] r �w G Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development WM *FW *cc Attachment # 1 - Key Map Attachment # 2 - Survey 27 May 1994 Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Interested parties to be notified of Council's and Committee's decision: Paul & Lisa Langley 2320 Concession Road 10, R.R. #2, Blackstock, Ontario LOB 1B0 Highland Creek Sand and Gravel Co. Limited Box 338 Pickering, Ont. L1V 2R6 Att: D. C. Schmiegelow SUBJECT SITE LOT 19 LOT I ­RD. ALLOW, 8TW. DARLINGTON BOUNDARY ; , ROAD M3 RH RH FCAHADIANACIFIC RAILWAY Q H', a W b1 ut O ( A RFC �o RH-3 '- —1 CONCESSION ROAD 10 '- o so too Zoo 3oom KEY MAP Dev.., dumml4l I � ?ACi FI I C RA' L WA Y LA,VDS N9 4243 Ni7°943� NJ,tr4'.�w .� 170.14w _� 47.27r 1 3 jrs 1 rral a y q 0 N a R w Lost �3 i 0 Y _ 3 o W N W ; O � u� V W i N W o (i\ w a i s o _ , o M J : '� W >• V O t a , V d 10 ROAD I T: q W V i m N 10 a'� V .w � A 0 w N rf is a 1 Z t 01 a Z Z � q ! ^1 1 Z Z = c 2 Q Z r, g Z r'A M V1 N IL OC i Lcr *''1 0 A q o w J O �vu z � 3 LAn�r�i Lou' i rai o' = Con crH• Block Foun 11 r l I Oq w M()21 M72r76 r70rE 4*3i0'\ ,PQNcE ALLOWANCE BETWEEN CONCESSIONS 9 a /0 z v, W U I C) �I4 ATTACHMENT #: PLAN OF SURVEY OF LOCATION OF BUILDING ON PART OF LOT 17, CONCESSION 10 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM (FORMERLY TOW NSHP OF DARLINGTON, COUNTY OF SCALE - I" 200' NOTES. BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO THE BEARINGS AS S~ ON MAN ATTACHED TD I)vST N* 109870 SIB - STANDARD IRM BAR I "pwn 48" LONG t OBNOTES Fof1U0 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFI CATE I CERTIFY THIT, THE FIELD SURVEY REPRESENTED ON TN/S PLAN WAS COMPLETED ON THE /in DAY OF JULY, 1986 JULY 14, 1986. 0YTA90 —aW N. F Gim NOD? H. F. GRAN ONTARIO LAND 172 MATER STa� "3T OFFICE PORT PERR'r� TEL. (416) W6 -3