HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-56-94THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN:GO- RAIL.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: Monday, May 16, 1994 Report #: PD -56 -94 File M PLN 23.2. 3 Subject: BOWMANVILLE GO RAIL STATION LOCATION AND FEASIBILITY STUDY PLN 23.2.3 File # �C -) ) f5-6-W-.60 Res. #C-20 - 3 15- - C0 By -Law # Recommendall@nsis respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -56 -94 be received; 2. THAT the Bowmanville GO Rail Station Location and Feasibility Study prepared by Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg, Cumming Cockburn and DS- Leas Associates be received; 3. THAT the preferred locations for the GO Rail Stations in Bowmanville and the intermediate station in Courtice be endorsed; 4. THAT the preferred locations be protected through the Municipality's land use planning instruments including the Official Plan, Zoning By -law and the review of plans of subdivision; 5. THAT the Minister of Transportation, the Ministry of Transportation, Gord Mills, M.P.P. and the Region of Durham be forwarded a copy of the Bowmanville GO Rail Station Location and Feasibility Study; 6. THAT the Minister of Transportation be requested to initiate an Environmental Assessment immediately with the objective of extending GO Rail service to Bowmanville by 2001; 7. THAT the Minister of Transportation be extended Council's thanks for the Ministry's financial assistance in undertaking the Bowmanville GO Rail Station Location and Feasibility Study; and 8. That the consultants be extended Council's thanks for their work on this Study. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 The Bowmanville GO Rail Station Location and Feasibility Study was prepared as a fourth phase of the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study. This Study was authorized by Council on May 25,1992 and added to the original work program. At that time, it was apparent that the GO Rail station was a key element to the land use plan for RE AP ELF 0 EAPIEP P R CYCLE _ {j 9 TH. IS PRINTED (XJ RECYCLED PAPER [ ✓lr /WIi• REPORT NO.: PD -56 -94 PAGE 2 the Bowmanville Main Central Area and that a more detailed technical analysis was appropriate to determine the technical requirements and feasibility of any station location. The Ministry of Transportation contributed funds to cover 75% of the cost of the Study. To undertake this phase of the work, Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg added DS -Lea Associates to their consulting team to provide expertise on GO Rail operational requirements. Cumming Cockburn continued to provide expert advice on the traffic analysis for the road network developed through the secondary planning process. 1.2 A draft report was prepared in April 1993. A Technical Steering Committee comprised of representatives of the Ministry of Transportation, GO Rail, the Region of Durham and the Ministry met three times during the course of the Study. Agency comments have been incorporated into the final report. 1.3 The draft report dealt with three land use scenarios prepared under Phase 2 of the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Study. Council rendered its decision on the land use scenarios in June 14, 1993 and reaffirmed this decision in July 26, 1993. As a result, a fourth land use scenario was prepared by the consultants and incorporated in Secondary Plan for the Bowmanville West Main Central Area (Amendment 56). Amendment 56 was adopted by Council on December 13, 1993 and the matter is currently before the Ontario Municipal Board. 1.4 The completion of the GO Rail report was delayed to incorporate the new land use scenario brought forward in Amendment 56. Subsequently, the Municipality's consultants were fully occupied in defending the Secondary Plan before the Ontario Municipal Board. The report has been finalized with updated traffic projections and land uses based on the Secondary Plan. REPORT NO.: PD -56 -94 PAGE 3 2. SUMMARY OF REPORT 2.1 Projected Passenger Volumes Passenger requirements have been determined on the basis of existing GO ridership and a comparative analysis of other GO Rail lines specifically in Milton, Georgetown, Stouffville and Richmond Hill. The 1991 GO Rail Passenger Survey indicated that 425 persons within the Bowmanville catchment area utilize the Lakeshore East line. The Bowmanville catchment area include that portion of Newcastle east of Solina Road and municipalities north and east of Newcastle. Ridership in the Bowmanville catchment area is anticipated to increase with the extension of GO Rail service and with population increases. It is projected to be 850 persons by 2001 and 1,200 persons by 2011. 2.2 The preliminary design criteria for the station site in its ultimate development include the following: • Passenger volume 1,200 /day • Parking 800 spaces • Kiss 'n Ride 60 spaces • Taxi Stand 2 or 3 taxis • Bus Transit Local bus interface with 4 bays • Site Access One or two entrances • Site Area 3.8 hectares (9 acres) 2.3 The Study examined five possible station sites along the CP railway corridor as follows: • Mearns Road • Liberty Street • Scugog Road • King Street /Martin Road • West of Martin Road t_ i: 1 J J I REPORT NO.: PD -56 -94 PAGE 4 The preliminary analysis eliminated the first three station site options. The last two were subject to more detailed analysis. 2.4 Recommended Station Location The consultant's recommended station location for Bowmanville remains a site west of Martin Road, straddling the C.P.R. with parcels on the north and south sides. Two alternative layouts for the station facilities are provided locating the bus bays, kiss 'n' ride, and taxi connections on either the north or south blocks (Attachments 2 and 3). The preliminary cost estimate for the station, exclusive of land acquisition, is between $ 5.7 and $ 6.5 million. 2.5 Layover Site A layover site will be constructed east of Prestonvale Road to serve the future extended GO Rail service to Oshawa. When GO Rail service is extended to Bowmanville, this layover yard would continue to be used. 2.6 Double Tracking Versus Station Tracks The consultant examined the options of constructing a double track mainline versus station tracks which would provide for temporary storage of trains during rush hour periods when trains could not return to the layover site. Double tracking provides flexibility, reduced operating costs and minimizes the impact on residential areas due to the noise and vibration of idling trains in the morning and evening. However double tracking would cost approximately $4 million versus the estimated cost of $800,000 for providing station tracks. 2.7 Courtice Station Site The consultant's recommended station location for Courtice is on the west side of Courtice Road at the C.P.R. line (Attachment #4). This site is relatively close to the future Bloor Street Station in East Oshawa. It is anticipated that this station site may be developed later than the Bowmanville site, at such time as the REPORT NO.: PD -56 -94 PAGE 5 Courtice area population increase riderships to the point where there is difficulty in parking, traffic congestion or lack of seats at the Bloor Street Station site. The consultants recommend that the Courtice Station site requirements be reviewed once the Bloor Street Station site is operational. 3. STAFF COMMENTS 3.1 Staff endorse the two recommended sites for future GO Rail facilities in Bowmanville and Courtice. The draft Clarington Official Plan contains provisions which recognize these sites and protects them for future use. Both the Bowmanville and Courtice sites have appropriate adjacent land uses which would minimize the adverse impact of these services and take advantage of these regional transit facilities for future employment opportunities. The Municipality should seek the implementation of the double tracking option along the C.P.R. mainline to ensure that impacts of GO Rail operations on Bowmanville residential areas are minimized. 3.2 It is recognized that it is a long process to fulfil the Environmental Assessment requirements necessary to extend GO Rail service. The completion of this Study enables the Municipality to protect the preferred sites for future GO Rail stations. However, if GO Rail service is to be extended by 2001, it is necessary to proceed to initiate the Environmental Assessment as soon as possible. It is recommended that the Municipality make this request of the Minister of Transportation. 3.3 The Ministry of Transportation staff have provided ongoing assistance through the study process. The Ministry's contribution of 75% of consultant fees enabled the Municipality to undertake this study concurrently with the Bowmanville Main Central Area Study. It is recommended that the Ministry's assistance and the work of the consultants be formally acknowledged by Council. REPORT NO.: PD -56 -94 PAGE 6 The recommended Bowmanville GO Rail station site was incorporated into Amendment 56. The draft Clarington Official Plan identifies both Bowmanville and Courtice stations. The Municipality should ensure that these station sites are protected through its land use planning policy instruments and the development process. The Municipality should urge the Ministry of Transportation to initiate the Environmental Assessment process to extend GO Rail service to Bowmanville by 2001. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer DC *FW *df 9 May 1994 *Attachments 1. Bowmanville GO Rail Station Site Options 2. Bowmanville GO Rail Station Site Configuration 3. Bowmanville GO Rail Station Site Configuration 4. Courtice GO Rail Station Site Configuration - Alternative 1 - Alternative 2 " Attachment #1 \ � / CANADIAN TIRE FUTURE PARKING i 300 SPACES I IiAIST. MAIN LINO TRACE: - ^— TC� - ? CGNSISTS STORAGE aus / rau LOOP .� PARKING RIDE 400 SPACES ` ep U� _ _— - -- - ASPEN - DS-Lea Associates a0o f MARTIN ROAD WEST GO STATION SITE Alternative 1 DS -Lea Associates Ltd. C-n -g Er q ---PW- Attachment #3 A I CANADIAN TIR PARKING 143 SPACES 7 CAR TAXI ,I I [ STAND ■ ■�� rM.A.K,.. \ i PARKING / 555 SPACES / _ _. e0 Q /✓ VO Z j / ASPEN- -Sp \ / I' EXIST. MAIN UNE TRACK ? CONSISTS STORAGE MARTIN ROAD WEST GO STATION SITE Alternative 2 ,' DOD ODD DS-Lea Associates Ltd. C —ft.np Enymoe�t•Plamoit �V� ado COURTICE ROAD STATION SITE