HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-55-94Subject: STATUS REPORT ON THE OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW Phase 3 - Draft Official Plan Recommendations: 1. THAT Report PD -55 -94 be received; 2. THAT the Draft Official Plan be received for information; 3. THAT Staff be authorized to advertise and hold Public Information Centres with respect to the Draft Official Plan between June 6 - 9 (inclusive) and Public Meetings between June 21 - 23 (inclusive) to present the Draft Official Plan; 4. THAT Public Meetings pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act be held by special meetings of the General Purpose and Administration Committee the follows: June 21 - Bowmanville Recreation Complex (7:00 p.m.) June 22 - Newcastle Village Community Hall (7:00 p.m.) June 23 - Dr. Emily Stowe Public School (7:00 p.m.) (Courtice) 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 In January 1992, Planning Staff received Council's endorsement to begin the Official Plan Review. The first phase of the Official Plan Review Process was completed by Staff in November of 1992. Phase 1, Background Research, was undertaken to identify the major issues that needed to be considered in subsequent phases of the review process. 1.2 Phase 2, Planning Issues and Options, was completed in November 1993. This stage was undertaken to analyze various planning options, as well as, to formulate draft goals and objectives of the Official Plan. J4 °Y PAPER ED THIS 6 PR,rMD M RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO.: PD -55 -94 PAGE 2 1.3 Planning Staff have now completed Phase Three of the Official Plan Review. A draft Official Plan has now been completed and will be circulated for review. The Municipality of Clarington draft Official Plan provides a Plan to guide the Municipality to the year 2011. The Plan provides a vision and a structural framework for future growth and development. 2. PURPOSE OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN 2.1 The main purposes of this Official Plan are: • To foster the economic, environmental, cultural, physical and social well -being of the residents of Clarington; • To guide the future form of development with respect to land uses and transportation by articulating goals, objectives, policies and implementation mechanisms to achieve the principles of this Plan; • To assist in the prevention and resolution of land use conflicts and provide a framework for identifying and evaluating land use opportunities; • To provide the basis for other municipal plans, public works and actions which guide the economic, environmental and social health of the communities within Clarington; and, • To inform the public, business and other levels of government of Council's intentions for the physical development of the Municipality. 3. ORGANIZATION OF THE OFFICIAL PLAN 3.1 The Official Plan consists of six parts and maps as follows: Part One Introduction, Basis and Principles contains the introduction to the Plan, the context in which it was prepared, the basis for its policies and the main principles which underlie the policies contained herein. Part Two Strategic Directions provides the principles, direction and policies regardless of land use designation, unless otherwise indicated. The strategic policies are environmental and REPORT NO.: PD -55 -94 PAGE 3 resource management, housing, urban growth management, heritage conservation and economic development. Part Three Land Use Policies contains the goals, objectives and specific policies for designated land use areas shown on the Land Use Structure Plan. Part Four Infrastructure Policies relates to the supporting physical and social infrastructure to support the land use activities including parks, community facilities, institutions, transportation, storm water management, utilities and community improvement policies. Part Five Implementation and Interpretation establishes policies affecting the use and development of lands, the monitoring of development to ensure compliance with the stated objectives and the means to interpret the policies and maps contained in this Plan. Definitions of specific works or phrases are provided for ease of interpretation. Part Six Secondary Plans contains various secondary plans for specified areas identified in the draft Official Plan. Maps are divided into six areas including: • Land Use Designations • Transportation Network • Natural Features • Aggregate Resource Areas and Contaminated Sites • Neighbourhood Boundaries • Community Improvement Areas 4. HIGHLIGHTS OF KEY POLICIES 4.1 The Clarington Official Plan will incorporate a number of key policies including: • protection of Oak Ridges Moraine, Lake Iroquois Shoreline, Waterfront, and environmentally sensitive areas such as streams, valleys, steep slopes, wetlands, and forests; • firm boundary for urban residential development to year 2011. • phasing of urban development subject to the following principles; - sequential within a neighbourhood; REPORT NO.: PD -55 -94 PAGE 4 no leap - frogging; economic extension preference for intensification; of services; and, infilling, redevelopment and • housing mix objective for urban communities at 70% low density, 20% medium density and 10% high density; • assessment ratio target of 25:75 (non- residential to residential) by the year 2011; • residential neighbourhoods to allow other uses such as parks, schools, churches, fire and police stations, day care centres, art and cultural facilities and home based occupations; • full array of uses in all Central Areas including mixed use and higher density development; • three types of Employment Areas permitting a variety of non - industrial uses in addition to the traditional industrial uses; • prohibition of country residential subdivision and rural cluster in Oak Ridges Moraine and Prime Agricultural Areas; • provide a continuous green space system consisting of the Oak Ridges Moraine, Green Space and Waterfront Greenway; • permitted uses in green space system include passive recreation, conservation, and agricultural uses; • general protection of aggregate resource areas and designation of licensed and approved pits; • park system includes standards related to parks and comprises District Parks, Community Parks, Neighbourhood Parks and Hamlet Parks; • transportation policies and development standards dealing with highways, roads, parking, bicycle and pedestrian system, railways, airstrip, and airport; • utilities (hydro line, pipeline, sewage treatment, etc.) are generally permitted in any designation; • six major implementation tools for the Official Plan including secondary plan, zoning, subdivision, site plan, public land acquisition, and capital works. REPORT NO.: PD -55 -94 PAGE 5 S. PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRES 5.1 Four Public Information Centres have been scheduled between June 6th and 9th to allow public viewing of the Draft Official Plan. The Public Information Centres will be held at the following locations: June 6 - Newcastle Village Community Hall (3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.) June 7 - Orono Arena and Community Centre (3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.) June 8 - Bowmanville Recreation Complex (3:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.) June 9 - Dr. Emily Stowe Public School (4:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.) 5.2 Staff will be on hand to answer questions and to receive comments from the public. A newsletter summarizing the draft Official Plan will be distributed to the public during the month of May. 6. PUBLIC MEETINGS 6.1 Public meetings pursuant to the requirements of the Planning Act will be held on June 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, to allow the public to make comments concerning the draft Official Plan. However, before the Public Meetings begin, the public will have another opportunity to review the draft Official Plan and speak with Planning Staff. These Information Sessions will begin at 4:00 p.m. and the Public Meetings will begin later in the evening at 7:00 p.m. and will be held at the following locations: June 21 - Bowmanville Recreation Complex June 22 - Newcastle Village Community Hall June 23 - Dr. Emily Stowe Public School (Courtice) REPORT NO.: PD -55 -94 PAGE 6 6.2 Members of the public can obtain copies of the Official Plan from the Planning Department or at the Public Information Centres. In order to recover part of the printing and material cost, the Draft Official Plan will cost $20.00 for residents and $30.00 for non - residents. 6.3 Complementary copies of the Draft Official Plan will be provided to all local community groups. In addition, copies will be made available for public viewing in all branches of the Library and at the Clerks and Planning Departments located in the Municipal Administrative Centre. 7. NEXT PHASE OF THE REVIEW PROCESS 7.1 In addition to the comments received at the Pubic Information Centres and at the Public Meetings, Staff will continue to entertain public submissions over the next three months. Staff will review all comments and revise the draft Official Plan where necessary and produce a recommended Official Plan for Council's review and adoption, most likely in the early months of 1995. Once adopted by Council, the document will be forwarded to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs for final Provincial approval. Respectfully submitted, ti Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development TH *DC *FW *df *Attach 9 May 1994 Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell/ Chief Administrative Officer