HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-21-93 Addendum THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT Meeting: SPECIAL GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTElg# D L Date: MARCH 12, 1993 Res. # ------- By-Law# Report#: File#: ADDENDUM TO REPORT TR-21-93 Subject: 1993 CURRENT BUDGET AND 1993 CAPITAL BUDGET AND FOUR YEAR FORECAST AS AMENDED Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT addendum to report TR-21-93 be received for information, 2 . THAT the 1993 Capital and Current Budgets identified in TR- 21-93 as amended to reflect a 0% increase in the 1993 taxation year be approved, 3. THAT the Newcastle Library, and the Bowmanville and Clarke Museums be advised of their final grant award, 4 . THAT the Visual Arts Centre and Handi Transit be advised of their final grant award, 5. THAT the adjustments identified in Schedule A to Addendum TR-21-93 (and as detailed in this report) be approved for incorporation into the 1993 Current and Capital Budgets as appropriate. 6 . THAT the appropriate by-law be forwarded to Council for approval. BACKGROUND 1. TR-21-93 Council began its 1993 budget deliberations on Friday, March 5, 1993 and continued on Monday, March 8, 1993 . During the deliberations certain adjustments were directed by Council. These adjustments are outlined on the attached Schedule "A" . In addition there were some issues which Council requested be investigated further. These have been commented on in the body of this report. 2 ADDENDUM TO TR-21-93 Page 2 2. 1993 Impact As Council directed, the amended 1993 budgets have a tax impact for 1993 of 0% over the 1992 household mill rate. 3. Staffing Issues The issue of staffing in the 1993 budget was focused on the following: a) Finance : part-time to full-time Clerk Typist 1 - Purchasing. Council raised the question during deliberations, of whether the needs in the Purchasing Function could be met by using a contract position for the Clerk Typist 1 position that is currently on the organization chart as a part-time (24 hour) position. Council directed that this issue be explored and reported back with the addendum report. Consideration was given to the possible problem which may be encountered with the union, particularly when the deficiency in the "purchasing/buying" function is to be alleviated by shifting the duties of the existing union employee. Consideration was also given to the fact that the recommendation to move the clerical position to a full-time position is really a short term solution. The Corporate demands in the true "purchasing/buying" function will be expanding with the implementation of the Courtice Community Centre - both during construction and following from operations requirements . In analyzing the situation, it has become apparent that more efficiencies might be realized from the outset by putting the right position in place sooner, rather than later. As was discussed with Council, increasing volumes in all departments has a spin-off effect on purchasing and as a result, Council would be requested to consider the additional position in another year or so. It is therefore respectfully recommended that, in order to better suit the longer term requirements, Council consider the following for the 1993 budget: ♦ eliminate the part-time Clerk Typist 1 position from the organization chart, • contract out the position of "assistant purchasing/buyer" on an annual basis . Council has considered the benefits of contracting out through these budget deliberations; no additional union complement, lower overhead in no additional benefits, and Council has the . . .3 ADDENDUM TR-21-93 Page 3 opportunity to review the position on an annual basis to determine it's desirability. In addition, because the purchasing function effectively serves all departments, in effect all departments would realize efficiencies that translate into real dollars; ie more efficient processing of tenders and purchase orders would help to ensure that economic efficiencies are realized from taking advantage of the seasonal discounts. The additional cost is estimated to be approximately $10,000 over the amount included in the original budget. The total provision for the position would then be $35,000. The additional cost has been identified on Schedule A. b) Community Services: there were two issues identified by this department for Council to consider: i) Horticulture - request for a temporary position. This was referred to Staff to investigate the possibility of contracting out horticultural and grass cutting activities, with no funds to be expended until the report comes forward. Community Services is compiling information to this end and will be bringing the report to Committee in the near future. The funds associated with the temporary position will remain in the budget, and may be reallocated to contracting out of the function by resolution of Council. ii) Facilities Manager - request for reclassification to Facilities Superintendent. This was discussed by Council and was identified to be an adjustment to the level which is comparable to existing superintendents within the department, without any immediate adjustment in compensation. c) Salary Administration Program - Non-Affiliated Staff. The Chief Administrative Officer mentioned in his overview presentation to Council, that there were some inequities that currently exist for a select few non-affiliated staff and their relationship to the union personnel that they supervise. This has occurred for a .number of reasons, one of which is the positioning on the non-affiliated grid. This is therefore considered to be more appropriately dealt with during negotiations and will be part of the overall negotiations reports to Council for affiliated as well as non-affiliated employees . 4. Departmental Reviews: 4.1 Public Works: Tree Trimming Contract - there was a concern that the $55,000 included in the current budget might have been double counted in consideration of the request for the . . .4 ADDENDUM TR-21-93 Page 4 additional capital vehicle for tree trimming purposes . Public Works has advised that this is not a duplication of funds, and that some contract tree trimming will be required. This is further explained in the attached memo from Don Patterson, Manager of Operations (Schedule B) . Vehicle replacement criteria: this will be the subject of a separate information report to Council by the Director of Public Works. The Public Works Department manages the fleet for all departments and advises on the most efficient replacement timing. No funds will be expended on any vehicle purchases until such time as Council has had an opportunity to review the replacement criteria. 4.2 Fire: Vehicle location: Council requested that a list of existing vehicles and their normal location be provided. This will be the subject of a separate information report to Council by the Fire Chief. 5.0 Courtice Community Centre: 5.1 Council directed that $1.5 million be allocated from existing Reserve or Reserve Funds to the Courtice Community Centre without impacting the tax levy. The funding recommendations have been identified in Schedule A for this purpose. 5.2 Any operating costs that might be required prior to the 1994 budgetary approval will be the subject of a "pre-budget request" report from Community Services . Any funds required in this regard could be considered at that time from the Working Funds Reserve account, so as not to impose any additional tax requirements in 1993 . 6.0 External Budgets: 6.1 Clarke Museum: appeared as a delegation to present and explain their budget. Their overall increase over the approved 1992 budget is approximately 0 . 1% . 6.2 Newcastle Public Library: Members of the Library Board, and the Library Director appeared as a delegation to present and explain their capital and current budgets . Amendments approved by Council are identified in Schedule A. . . .5 ADDENDUM TR-21-93 Page 5 6.3 Bowmanville Museum: did not appear as a delegation, however they have adhered to the guidelines established by Council, and the increase is at 1. 5% over the 1992 budget. 6.4 Handi Transit: The request in 1993 is $99,700, and they have identified their 1992 budget allocation at $96,000 (see Schedule C) . In fact their 1992 grant was established by resolution #GPA-454-92 at $90,000 and this is the amount actually paid in 1992 (refer to current budget - page 114) . Council may wish to adjust the grant allocation to more closely reflect Council guidelines . If the grant were reduced to $91,500 it would reflect an increase of approximately 1. 66% over the 1992 grant. This savings of $8,200 could then be included in the transfer to the Working Funds Reserve as outlined in item 8.2 of this report. This adjustment to the budget has been reflected in Schedule A. 7.0 Grants- 7.1 Grants: have been allocated the $2 .00 per capita as outlined in CS-04-93 by providing a total of $100,000 for allocation by Council. 7.2 Grants were dealt with in part on Monday, March 8, and will be the subject of further analysis on Friday, March 12th. 8.0 Contributions from Reserve Funds/Reserves: 8.1 Draft amendments: As mentioned to Council during deliberations, there was an adjustment on the presentation of the Contributions that was not reflected in the draft document. The total contribution from reserve funds remains unchanged, and the adjustment is between Parking Enforcement costs, Working Funds Reserve, and the OHAP annual letter of credit contributions from developers which was not finalized at the time that the draft was printed. These adjustments will be reflected in the final printed documents . 8.2 Budget adjustments: as identified on Schedule A to TR-21-93 result in a reduction of less than 0% on the overall impact for 1993 . It is therefore recommended that the final adjustments, include a transfer to the Working Funds Reserve of approximately $64,000, (or the final value net of adjustments made to grant requests) which will be available for application to the 1994 mill rate. . . .6 ADDENDUM TR-21-93 Page 6 The recommended transfer will ensure an overall 0% increase for 1993 and will at the same time help to offset the 1994 budget impact which is not expected to have the advantage of the significant surplus that was available for application to the 1993 budget. Respectfully submitted Recommended for Presentation to Council A Marie Marano, H.BSc, A.M.C.T. Lawrence E. Ko s ff, M.C.I .P. Treasurer Chief Adminis r tive Officer MAM/pp Attachments 1993 Budget Amendments Schedule "A" to TR-21-93 Department/Details Capital/ Page Adjustment Tax Levy Household Current Ref. Amount Impact Tax Impact .................................................................................... .......... Public Works. * remove fax machine capital pg.74 (1,500) (1,500) Community Services: * delete well-Hampton works yard capital pg.169 (20,000) 0 duplication with Pub.Works-pg.69 Finance: Unclassified Administration: * Contingency - reduce & reallocate current pg. 53 (50,000) (50,000) to Working Funds Reserve for 1994 64,000 Purchasing: * Requested - contract purchasing current 10,000 10,000 Library: • Drop box 1992 allocation to capital pg.288 (5,000) 0 Courtice Community Complex • Main Branch Site Selection (50,000) (50,000) • Western Branch request in 1993 " (65,000) (65,000) Handi Transit: * Adjust request to 1.7% to 91,500 current pg.114 (8,200) (8,200) (request 99,7001192 90,000) , ---------- , ----------- Net Budget Adjustments/Tax Impact (189,700) (100,700) 0.00 % Balance Courtice Courtice Community Centre: Dec.31 193 Allocation Reserve Funds - Suggested Allocation: . .......... . ........... • Parkland-Cash-In Lieu Res.Fund 2,170,000 (600,000) • Lot Levy - Civic Admin./Cultural 670,000 (300,000) * 11 " - Community Services 1,300,000 (300,000) * Municipal Capital Prgm for Dev.Chg. 1,300,000 (300,000) Directed Transfer to Courtice Reserve Fund $ (1,500,000) 0.00 % ----------- --------- ----------- --------- Schedule "B" to TR-21-93 Addend. THE COAPORATION or THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Mer'1 or-andLlm li 10: Walter Evans, Director of Public Works From'. Don Patterson, Manager of Operations Datc;: March 10, 1993 Subjctcl. 2 TON TRUCK COMPLB',C)� WITH BOOM -----------------------f------------------------------------------- The Public Works Department is responsible for providing reasonable efforts to keep the municipal roads in a Safe state of Xepair to accommodate daily traffics and to be ,insured that it is clone properly in accordance with Ministry of Transportation of Ontario Guidelines and completed safely in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act Guidelines . In previous years, a variety of tasks, performed above a person's head, were often completed in an unsafe manner for examples I. Small branches over-hanging the road interfering with traffic were removed by putting a person in a ;bucket of a loader and raising the person up, 2. Some small limbs due to rapid daylight growth interfering with traffic signs were removed by a person with a chainsaw on a ladder. 3. Signs indicating restrictions on bridges were mounted by putting a ladder on the bod of a truck to reach the correct height. In accordance with the new safety legislation, tbese prrevious activities must be discontinued. At this time the Public Works Department does not have egipment approved by the Canadian Safety Association with the al)ility to assist persons beyond their reach. Daily uses for the 2 ton truck and boom as propose-4 will be in the Traffic Department to improve efficiency and Safety in illstalling and maintaining traffic control signs . i rti Schedule "B" - page 2. Over the recent couple of years, we have recorded a rapid deterioration of maple trees due to extended stress along the roadside. These trees require constant attention in removal of dsad limbs . in addition, we anticipate this year and following gears emergency removal of limbs due to storms . We also anticipate minor maintenance such as graffiti painting removal on structures, minor brushing to be performed as well as ether variable tasks . Xn 1993, we plan to contract the majority of large tree removal and extensive trimming of trees, however smaller tasks or emergencies are costly and/or dangerous if the contractor or Public Works is unable to give immediate attention. Please note that tree trimming which is affected by overhead wires is completed by the Hydra and Bell Utilities or qualified contractors and at no time do public works , employees work around or near overhead plants when working on tree removal or ,trimming. The bucket truck will be available to other departments that require the use of this equipment for various other tasks. To maintain the above activities mentioned in an efficient and safe manner, the Public Works Department requires the purchase of the 2 ton truck complete with bucket. Funding for this vehicle is available in the equipment reserve fund and the purchase of this vehicle does not require any further funding. Sincerely, Don Patterson, Manager of operations D:P/ga p.c . Marie Marano, Treasurer Schedule "C" to Addendum TR-21-93 Handi-Transit 1993 Budget Report NEWCASTLE BUDGET 1993 1992 1992 1993 ESTIMATE ACTUAL ESTIMATE UNAUDITED REVENUE MUNICIPAL GRANT 119800 , T 99700 Per Resolution ��GPA-454-92 S6g{ FARES 15040 12000 12000 --------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------------------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL REVENUE 134600 108000 111700 --------------------- --------- --------- -----=--- --------------------- --------- --------- --------- EXPENSES --ADMINISTRATION-- SALARIES-ADMINISTRATION 17700 16200 17700 -DISPATCHER 12100 11500 12100 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 4100 4300 4100 OFFICE EQUIP. 1200 1300 1200 COMMUNICATIONS 2700 2600 2700 RENT, PROP. & EQUIP 3200 3700 3600 TRAVEL L SEMINARS 200 200 200 BANK, CHARGES 100 100 100 .ILLS ANCE 100 100 200 AUDJ7 500. 500 400 CONTINGENCY FUND (GENERAL) 0 1100 1200 JAN 1 5 149 TOTAL 41900 40500 42300 _____________ _ Y0 OF REMP .1NApp --OPERATIONS-- t SALARIES PERM. & TEMP. 56700 45500 34000 SALARIES TEMP. 6000 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 10200 8700 7600 GAS, OIL, ETC. 10200 8800 8000 VAN MAINTENANCE 10000 10000 8000 VEHICLE INSURANCE 4700 4700 4700 OTHER EXPENSES 1100 1200 1100 TOTAL 92900 78900 69400 ttTOTAL EXPENSES 134800 119400 111700 I SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 0 -11400 0 &WING SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) 0 0 0 ENDING-SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) G ====11400 4