HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-23 Minutes MINUTES THE ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD April 23, 2013 PRESENT: Elaine Dillon John Witheridge Wendy Partner Laverne Boyd Jackie Moore Gail McKenzie Gord Lowery Willie Woo REGRETS: 1. Call to Order: by Chairperson at 7:03 pm 2. Agenda Presented by: John Witheridge Moved by: John Witheridge Seconded by: Gord Lowery that we accept the agenda as presented. Passed 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting Presented by: Jackie Moore Moved by: Wendy Partner Seconded by: Laverne Boyd that the February 19, 2013 minutes be accepted as amended. Passed 4. FINANCIAL REPORT (Orono Arena and Community Centre) Net Income February 28, 2013, year-to-date is $23,458.87. See full report attached. Motion 2013-0401 : Moved by Gail McKenzie to Table the discussion of the Financial Report to the next meeting on June 25th meeting. Gord Lowery, OAAA, to request Rory Woods, the book keeper to attend the next meeting on June 25, 2013. Moved by: Gail McKenzie Seconded by: Wendy Partner Passed 5. CORRESPONDENCE: Jackie received from the Municipality, the Protocol — Council - Appointed Advisory Committees — which is attached below All members of the Board are to review and prepare any questions. Motion 2013-0402 Moved by John Witheridge to table the discussion of the Protocol to the June 25th meeting. Seconded by: Gord Lowery 6. Old Business Nothing to discuss 7. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion of the By-law 2008-036 which allows the Municipal Service Board to operate the Orono Arena. Motion 2013-0403 Moved by Willie Woo to table the discussion of the By-Law 2008-036 to the June 25th meeting. Seconded by: Laverne Boyd 8. Next Meeting Date: 4th Tuesday of the month, next meetings are: • June 25, 2013 — Pete hosts Walkabout meeting, along with OAAA • October 22, 2013 9. Adjournment Motion to Adjourn Moved by Lavern Boyd at 8:16 Passed John Witheridge Jackie Moore Chairperson Secretary AtadEFK!d Noy 1 To Addmdm b Repot QDO1S-M PROTOCOL COlAGCL-APPOIfiTED III S ORY COMMETFEES Card has esL3bMslw d a mm er of add uy commothms one pupase is is p wide adze to Caul m M wl - 1N rm d p maid.es lied by Cand and an any Imes n in b the MoTondee by Cmm3lL Card app n- ' -the me - e aid - to■UMe CooffodkMS at The berg OF eadh Can]hNM PURPOSE The pupoae e f tine PmbmA is b esbbM a sbffKbffdLmd Rafts of Pramed� far Appobded AOW uy Camp-. 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The drag nm ups of M Ci a Pp-Vs h be mme■ied by the staf MMm and fohwaded by m m = I m b the ihairoat Cftk for- I- an I e nod aad Agenda and,at the dsnn of the Depahnent Head may be posted an the Iliaicipal websdr- The n- I of Con■fte numMigs shat gen mraIV not al fitUle rm P, lo a. weloc me■berofihe Corroithme- M ofthe Comofte dWM be i by the slaff f®oth b the Iliaicpal Ook for bolEi th in the Caurd agenda A G non-dh a slhal not twwod hnahis aw Anm*b direr gmups or agF, im wihoht the mmes ht of Cain the Urpw orthe dk!7m tmbmL 3 li� The hma- 4 al depol bent hespmhsi for a CohmhdhBe sh proMide cehia� bkmbm and I I - assbdahce b the Camdtkm-,as d�hed pr�i.by the Depmb■ehd Heat b e • the pmperfffulmrog ofthe Cmhmdbme- a y.Staff wi pho mm the iobnkrg hesoums to a Cow + pnaing and forwading e+eC■g math b h d as■may 1 n and a�onespmhdence {ih�d■hg shoe in + Pofes�rh�advice on shahs wmhih the mandalh<of the and assid the Ckowilhae in pafi ■hg it a ools and ahtim&m b ils CenNaft.ccmmi ue■hPi as me b be aMe In uny ad the■hand- ofthe Comndlhs- Staff nmouoes me pho,d nriy b asst the Carmr�i0e it uhdeFbftq theme h■and3k-- Add&uhid mmpmesk of R!gmffm staff;such as amphat he9eahbh oragain cf sh be atthedsrip on oF*a Uepainert Head and wfti staff fine and~cmdmkilsL Tw OF Caritwe TheimmcglNeCUmmloesludmi de wig the ihsm c f Cahardor as oihehwse NKM3&d m the tic Taohs of Rokimm for the in gehher a Cmhh■ a shaft not sheet beiwP n the tine of the hma 4 Cahmd com*s hs and the appnilehd oF a nehr Ca odk a by Caaut utss aorh ed neicosay by the momt i�or� -5- ReLa6on to CXNMMMRIM TOMM of RLfPJtInG! K 6 ih#Cuffmnfte nmaxWeser iron■ aF fiance was pfd and appiumid m aduance afiis p doaiL In the erataFa aoid bin the p alaol andthe eown dk tan of eRrana-,this pn6ad sha p vat THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2008-036 Being a By-law to establish a Municipal Service Board to operate the Orono Arena and to repeal By-law 78-63, as amended WHEREAS Section 196 of the Municipal Act, 2001 authorizes a municipality to establish a Municipal Service Board; AND WHEREAS Section 198 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality may give a Municipal Service Board the control and management of such services and activities of the municipality as the municipality considers appropriate and shall do so by delegating the powers and duties of the municipality to the Board; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Clarington by agreement dated September 1, 1977 authorized by By-law#77 -73 has leased from the Durham Central Agricultural Society the lands and premises located at 2 Princess Street, Orono, Ontario and has constructed an arena, community centre and grandstand thereon; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the aforesaid arena, community centre and grandstand be under the management and control of a Municipal Services Board appointed by Council to be called the "Orono Arena Community Centre Board" ( the Board). 2. The Board shall be comprised of eight (8) persons all of whom shall be appointed by Council; two (2) members of whom shall be members of Council; two (2) members of whom shall be representatives of the Durham Central Agricultural Society; two (2) members of whom shall be representatives of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association; two ( 2) members of whom shall be from the former Township of Clarke. 3. The members of the Board shall serve for the term of the appointing Council and shall continue until such time as their successors are appointed. 4. The members of the Board shall serve without remuneration. 5. Each member of the Board shall have one vote. 6. The members of the Board are eligible for appointment for more than one term. 7. Subject to such limitations and restrictions as Council may, from time to time, impose by by- law or resolution, the Board shall: a. Hold regular meetings a minimum of four (4 )times during each calendar year- one of which shall be a formal Annual General Meeting during which officers of the Board are to be elected. The Board shall be responsible to fix the times and places of meetings of the Board and to establish the mode of calling and conducting the business of the Board and to make regulations governing the conduct of its members and employees; b. Elect a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and a Secretary-Treasurer, all of whom shall hold office at the pleasure of the Board, or for such period as the Board may prescribe; c. Employ such officers and servants as it may deem necessary, determine the terms on which they are to be employed, fix their salaries and prescribe their duties; d. Adopt policies for rules for the use of the arena, community centre and grandstand and for the admission of the public thereto, and for regulating all other matters and things connected with the management thereof. 8. The Board shall keep minutes of its meetings and all books, paper documents used in and pertaining to the business of the Board, and all such minutes, books, papers and documents shall be open to the Members of Council and to any other person or persons appointed for that purpose by Council in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. 9. The minutes of the Board meetings shall be submitted to the Municipal Clerk within ten (10) business days following the meeting. 10.The meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act and no person shall be excluded therefrom except for improper conduct. 11.The Board has power to let from year to year or for any time not exceeding 10 years, the right to sell refreshments within the Orono Arena and on such terms and conditions as the Board may prescribe. 12.The Board shall occupy the premises throughout the term for the use as a community centre and arena and for no other reason. 13.The Board shall not commit or suffer or permit to be committed any waste or damage, disfiguration or injury to the premises or the improvements, installations, fixtures, and equipment thereon and any nuisance in, at or on the premises. 14.The Board shall not do or permit anything to be done that results in the cancellation or threatened cancellation or the reduction of coverage under or threatened reduction of coverage under any insurance policy on the premises or any part of it. 15.The premises is defined for the sake of this by-law as Orono Arena and Community Centre. 16.The Board at all times shall maintain the premises in a satisfactory condition as determined by the Municipality acting reasonably. The Board shall keep the premises in a clean condition and shall obtain, at its expense, janitorial services. The Board will also be responsible for winter maintenance snow removal. 17.The Board hereby accepts the Arena and Community Hall on an " as is" basis. The Board shall maintain and keep the premises and every part thereof in good working order and promptly make all needed maintenance, repairs, and replacements, as would a prudent owner. 18. If structural repairs or replacements to the roof, foundation or load bearing walls, building envelope and/ or the mechanical equipment are needed, then the Municipality shall be obligated, at its expense, to affect such repairs or replacements. 19. If the Board during the Term of this lease or any renewal of the lease, desires to make any alterations or additions to the premises, including but not limited to erecting partitions, attaching equipment and installing necessary furnishings or additional equipment of the Board' s business, the Board may do so at its own expense, at any time provided before undertaking any alteration or addition, the Board submits to the Municipality a plan showing the proposed alterations or additions and the Board shall not proceed to make any alteration or addition unless the Municipality has approved the Plan. The Municipality shall not unreasonably or arbitrarily withhold approval. 20.The Board shall be responsible for and pay the cost of any alterations, additions or installations, or improvements. 21. No sign, advertisement or notice shall be inscribed, painted, or affixed by the Board or any other person on the Board' s behalf on any part inside or outside unless approved by the Municipality. 22.All alterations and additions made by or on behalf of the Board shall immediately become property of the Municipality without compensation to the Board. 23.The Board agrees to observe and comply with all applicable governmental laws and regulations including fire, police, health, etc. The Municipality will ensure that the building meets all appropriate codes and regulations. 24.The Board will be responsible for the cost of all utilities for the building. 25.The Board shall promptly notify the Municipality of any accident, defect, damage or deficiency in or on any part of the premises which comes to the attention of the Board. 26 The Municipality will provide the Board with full access to all available areas of the building. 27 The Municipality covenants with the Board for quiet enjoyment. 28 The Board cannot sell, lease or otherwise dispose of any of the assets of the Orono Arena and Community Centre, all or part of real or personal property related to the centre. 29 The Board agrees to use the revenue it generates from the provision of the municipal service to fund the operation and maintenance of the operation. 30 If the Board determines that it no longer requires an asset for the purpose of providing a Community Centre or arena, the Board will release its interest in the asset to the Municipality. 31 The Board will provide information to the Municipality on the operation and management of the Community Centre and will be required to present to Council a report once during the term of each Council. 32 The Board may enter into agreements for the operation and maintenance of the Orono Arena and Community Centre. All such agreements that the Board enters into will hold the Municipality of Clarington harmless from any and all claims, actions, damages or lawsuits pertaining to the use of the facility and premises. 33 Any employee of the Board will be considered an employee of the Board and will be subject to the appropriate laws and regulations regarding employment and will not be considered an employee of the Municipality of Clarington under any circumstances. 34 The Municipality agrees to provide property and contents insurance coverage to the Building. 35 The Municipality agrees to provide liability insurance coverage under the Municipality' s Master Policy. 36 If the Board dissolves, all assets, including bank accounts shall be temporarily turned over to the custody of the Municipality until a replacement Board is established. 37 The OAAA will use the revenue it generates for the provision of services at the Orono Arena and Community Centre to fund the operation and maintenance of the operation. 38 In the event that the OAAA ceases to exist, all assets relating to the operation of the Arena and Community Centre will be released to the Municipality of Clarington for the benefit of the Orono Community. 39 The Board shall, on or before the fifteenth day of December of each year, prepare and submit to Council an estimate of its financial requirements for the ensuing financial year. 40 The Board shall keep distinct and regular accounts of its receipts, payments, credits and liabilities. 41 The accounts and transactions of the Board shall be audited by the Municipal Auditor, and all minute books, books, records, documents, transactions, accounts and vouchers of the Board shall be opened to his inspection at all times. 42 Immediately after its accounts and transactions have been audited, the Board shall submit them, together with an annual report of its affairs, to Council. 43 THAT By-law 78-63, as amended, is hereby repealed. By-law read a first and second time this 3rd day of March 2008. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 3rd day of March 2008