HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-36-95THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: DESREQ.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #112a C-S? Date: Monday, April 3, 1995 Res. # '(2i2\p Z- Report #: 12D =3095 File #: PIP 37 14 By -law # Subject: COURTICE NORTH - REQUEST TO DESIGNATE UNDER THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT FILE: PLN 17.14 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -36 -95 be received; 2. THAT Report PD -36 -95 be approved as the comments of the Municipality of Clarington on the request by Libby and Stan Racansky to designate Courtice North Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c .and adjacent lands under the Environmental Assessment Act; 3. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment and Energy - Environmental Assessment Branch, the Durham Region Planning Department, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Mr. Stan Racansky, and any delegation and interested party. 1. OVERVIEW 1.11 Purpose of Report 1.1.1 The purpose of this Report is to respond to a letter from the Ministry of Environment and Energy requesting the Municipality's comments on a request submitted by Libby and Stan Racansky to designate the Clarington Official Plan, specifically Courtice North (3a, b and c) and adjacent lands, under the Environmental Assessment Act (Attachment No. 1). 1.2 Designation Request 1.2.1 The designation request was submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Racansky to Mr. Bud Wildman, the Minister of Environment and Energy, by letter dated February 1, 1995 (Attachment No. 2). The basis of the designation request appears to be that urban development within Courtice North and adjacent lands would negatively affect baseflow to Black and Farewell Creeks, and REPORT NO.: PD -36 -95 PAGE 2 would ultimately affect water quality and wildlife in the provincially significant Oshawa Second Marsh. 1.2.2 The Ministry's requested various agencies, including the Municipality, the Region, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, to provide the following: • background information about the project; • related approval requirements; • whether or not an individual environmental assessment is needed; • potential solutions to the issues raised; and • other relevant comments. 2. THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT 2.1 The Environmental Assessment Act applies to infrastructure projects undertaken by provincial ministries and agencies, and major municipal projects. Public and private sector projects to which the Act does not apply can be designated by provincial Cabinet as being subject to the Act if significant environmental effects are anticipated. 2.2 The proponent of an undertaking to which the Act applies is required to submit an Environmental Assessment document to the Ministry of the Environment and Energy which is to include the following: a description of the project; the reasons for the project; alternatives to the project and alternate means of carrying it out; a description of how the project, its alternatives, and alternate means of carrying it out, will affect the environment directly and indirectly; a description of the effects and the actions necessary to prevent, change, lessen or remedy these effects; REPORT NO.: PD -36 -95 PAGE 3 an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages to the environment of the project, its alternatives, and the alternate means of carrying it out. 2.3 The Environmental Assessment Act is normally used to assess the environmental effects of individual site - specific projects, such as roads and waste management sites. This is evidenced by the requirement to identify and evaluate alternatives to the proposed undertaking. The evaluation process set out by the Act was not intended to assess the environmental impact of designating land for development through a municipal Official Plan, although specific infrastructure required to serve any new development is subject to the assessment requirements of the Act. For example, a Class Environmental Assessment is required for the construction of Adelaide Avenue east of Townline Road. 3. COMMENTS 3.1 There are two components to the designation request, as follows: • Courtice North Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c within the existing urban boundary; and • the "adjacent lands ", presumably those lands north of the existing urban boundary on which development is proposed. These two areas are identified on Attachment No. 3. The comments provided in this section address each area separately in the context of the specific points identified in the Ministry's letter. Staff also propose to forward a number of documents to the Ministry to assist them in their review of the designation request. These documents are listed on Attachment Nos. 4 and 5. 3.2 Courtice North Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c 3.2.1 Background information about the project The principle of urban development for the lands in Courtice North Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c is long established, and much of the land in these neighbourhoods is already developed REPORT NO.: PD -36 -95 PAGE 4 for urban purposes. The lands in Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c were designated as part of the Courtice Urban Area in the first Durham Regional Official Plan in 1976. This urban designation was reflected in the Courtice Urban Area Plan approved in 1980 and subsequently incorporated into the Town of Newcastle Official Plan in 1985. In accordance with the requirements of the Courtice Urban Area Plan, an Environmental Impact Analysis for Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c was undertaken by the Town. In November 1981, Council adopted the 'Environmental Impact Analysis - Courtice Urban Area' for use in preparing Neighbourhood Development Plans for Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c, for evaluating specific development proposals in the Courtice Urban Area, and for evaluating the land use designations and policy provisions of the Regional Plan and the Courtice Major Urban Area Plan with a view to recommending possible amendments to these documents. Neighbourhood Plans have been prepared for all of Neighbourhoods 3a and 3b, and the southern portion of Neighbourhood 3c. The only lands without a Neighbourhood Plan is that portion of Neighbourhood 3c north of Nash Road. Subsequent to the approval of the 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan, an Environmental Impact Study for the northern portion of the Courtice Urban Area was undertaken for the Region of Durham in 1994. It is Staff's understanding that a copy of this report will be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment and Energy by the Regional Planning Department. 3.2.2 Related approval requirements All development applications are required to obtain appropriate approvals (subdivision /site plan approval, rezoning) prior to development proceeding. Council Resolution REPORT NO.: PD -36 -95 PAGE 5 #C- 129 -85, approved on March 4, 1985, indicated Council's desire to support all reasonable measures to avoid harming the Second Marsh, and directed Staff to incorporate specific provisions within Site Plan Agreements for lands tributary to the Black, Farewell and Harmony Creeks. Any development of these lands must proceed through the normal approvals process under the Planning Act. 3.2.3 Whether or not an individual assessment is required The reason for the request to designate the Clarington Official Plan under the Environmental Assessment Act would appear to be a concern regarding the cumulative impact of urban development on the Black and Farewell Creeks and the Oshawa Second Marsh. Staff agree that this is a matter of some concern. However, the principle of urbanizing these lands has been long established and, for reasons noted earlier in this report, the evaluation process set out by the Environmental Assessment Act is not the appropriate mechanism for assessing the environmental impacts of land already designated for urban development. 3.2.4 Potential solutions to the issues raised The 1994 Environmental Impact Study of the Courtice Major Urban Area undertaken for the Region made a number of recommendations which, if implemented, would address many of the concerns raised regarding the negative effect of urban development on the Black, Farewell and Harmony Creeks. These recommendations included a more detailed investigation of the relationship of the groundwater regime in the study area and baseflow contribution to coldwater streams, and the preparation of environmental impact statements for all proposed developments to identify mitigation methods to minimize the impact to high water table conditions and /or groundwater recharge areas. The Study also recommended that attempts be made to protect existing woodlots and reestablish forested linkages in the study area. REPORT NO.: PD -36 -95 PAGE 6 3.3 The "Adjacent Lands" 3.3.1 Background information about the project As noted earlier, Staff have assumed that the "adjacent lands" mentioned by Mr. and Mrs. Racansky in their letter refers to the proposed development lands north of the existing Courtice Urban Area Boundary, specifically: • Deferral Area No. 6 to the Durham Regional Official Plan; and • Referral Area No. 1 to the Durham Regional Official Plan. Both Deferral Area No. 6 and the Referral Area No. 1 were designated as 'Living Area' within the Courtice Urban Area by Regional Council through their approval of the Durham Regional Official Plan in 1993. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs, in approving the Regional Plan in November 1993, deferred consideration of the Deferral No. 6 lands and the related urban area boundary, but referred the Referral No. 1 lands to the Ontario Municipal Board hearing on the Regional Plan. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs has recently indicated its intention to also refer Deferral Area No. 6 to the Ontario Municipal Board. The Deferral Area No. 6 lands are also subject of Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 93- 002 /C. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs requested various agencies, including the Municipality of Clarington, to provide comments on the adequacy of the technical reports submitted in support of the application. The Municipality responded through Council's consideration of Staff Report PD -17 -95 on March 13, 1995. 3.3.2 Related approval requirements As noted earlier, all development applications must proceed through the normal approvals process under the Planning Act. However, the lands north of the existing urban boundary were REPORT NO.: PD -36 -95 PAGE 7 not included in the environmental studies undertaken for North Courtice in 1981 and 1994. As such, the environmental sensitivity of these lands and how the impacts of urban development could be mitigated have not been comprehensively studied. 3.3.3 Whether or not an individual assessment is required As noted earlier, the evaluation process set out by the Environmental Assessment Act is not the appropriate mechanism for assessing the environmental impacts of designating land for development through a municipal Official Plan. 3.3.4 Potential solutions to the issues raised A comprehensive environmental study of the lands north of the existing Courtice Urban Area boundary needs to be undertaken to establish the principle of development for these lands, specifically how much urbanization, if any, can be accommodated. Issues to be addressed by such a study would include an assessment of the groundwater regime and baseflow contribution to coldwater streams and potential measures to mitigate the impacts of development, the identification and protection of significant wildlife habitat and linkages, and measures to monitor the cumulative impacts of development. A watershed planning study for all or part of the Black /Farewell Creek watersheds would provide an appropriate framework for undertaking a comprehensive environmental study for these lands. 4. CONCLUSIONS 4.1 Where the principle of development has been established (Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c), development applications can be appropriately reviewed in the context of the recommendations of the Environmental Impact Study recently completed for these areas. REPORT NO.: PD -36 -95 PAGE 8 4.2 Where the principle of development has not been established (the adjacent lands north of the Courtice Urban Area) , a comprehensive study on a watershed basis should be undertaken to assess the potential for urban development. 4.3 The planning process is adequate to address concerns regarding the impact of urban development on the natural environment in both of these areas, and designation under the Environmental Assessment Act is neither appropriate nor necessary. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development JAS *DC *FW *df *Attach 24 March 1995 Attachments Reviewed by, -f & 111"V W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer No. 1: Letter from the Ministry of the Environment and Energy No. 2: Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Racansky No. 3: Key Map No. 4: Information to be Forwarded to the Ministry of Environment and Energy Regarding Courtice North Neighbourhoods #a, b and c No. 5: Information to be Forwarded to the Ministry of Environment and Energy Regarding the "Adjacent Lands" Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Libby and Stan Racansky Mr. Ron Yachnin 3200 Hancock Road Ministry of the Environment Courtice, Ontario Environmental Assessment Branch L1E 2M1 250 Davisville Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4S 1H2 COURTTCE DEVELOPMENT DESIGNATION',REQUEST EA` FILE NO. NlU- .014405 4r> bisttibutiori List . Mr: David'.Crump, Director Dr, Mofeed Mi'chaea Central Region Cominss;oner. '9f> •Planning '. Attn: Ms.'R.`Ryan;; Region o•f Durham Ministry of Environment .'and Energy Box 623 .: 4th .Floor,' 7 Over ea Blvd 605 Ross_iand Road East` .: . Toronto, Ontario Whitby, ; Ontar� o ' M4H:' 1A8 L1N `6A3 ` Mr•. Brian `Nixon, Director Mr. D.: Beach Environmental. Planning and' District Manager ' Analysis Branch> - York- Durham.Districe :Office:. Attn.: :Mr: Jim: Clifford: Ministry .of En-Vi r.onment and'. energy..- . Mini s try of., Environment - and'En'ergy 4h loor. •-250 Davi `yille.. Avenue; -3rd •_ 7 Overle'a Boulevard. Toronto, Ontario - .:�Toront,0 ,'. Ontar� o . :.... ` M4S 1H2 M414 111 8 :14;s. G.L..' Beggs,- Acting; Region al Dir..ector Ministry; of Natural Resources :Southern Region= `R. R,. #2,- 50 Bloomington. Road" Vest Aurora, Ontario'. Z4G 308 Ms . Diana Jardine' Director Central and. ".Southwes -t Region Ministry 'df. Muricpl Affairs _. 14th Floor,- `777.Bay Street Toronto;. Ontar.i:o .. : M5G : 2E5 Mr. ..Davi:d.::Crbne', 'Manages Stra6egic..Plannin9 Branch Municipality .. o f:: Cl arington . 40 Temperance. Street ;. Bowmanville, :•Ontario L1C 3;A•6' . ' .. . Mr. Chris Conti Conservati.6h: Services'.Manager• . -Central• .Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - 100 Whiting.• Avenue . Oshawa ,: - Oiitar.io L1H 3T3 WP112 \0198G .. I l ,.I )V ei 1�1',: ... f :1;1)t ., 1 �l {'�1, ". {. „J*, . S \1 •.ini .T. lfri r.t.. . 1; •. y•VT ,ti,r E:N k3l UPC[ nsE I ;la.cr, p i F E 8 1 3 =- -DESIGNATION REQUEST Dear Mr. Wildman, Attachment No. 2 . t 5 "� ,PA �3 We.are writing t0 you on behalf of the residents of Courtice (our petition was mailed to you earlier). Please, save our last natural heritage. We are requesting that Clarin' gton';, official Plan, spevrfiCally Court ice North (3a, b 8 c) and adjacont 7aridv, be des lgnec; if under tha.F_nvironmentdl Assessment Act.. We have part i r. i pated in many . pub 1 i c hearings s i nc:e 1990, we have pleaded with our council and planning department. , • Under relentless pressure from developers, our planning departnteriL ..director Mr .. Wu • t�o 1 d . us , that these I, i 9t� 1 y erry i•ronmenta 1 1'y Sensitive lands will be developed anyway, Apparently in do.•ing so, the administration 'is completely disregarding the Second Marsh aoreoment which legally binds the council to do.anyt ►ring to protect tha water quality and quantity in' the Ol.ack and-Farewell creeks. There is already visible impact after earlier ,partial forest clearing and- develooing,...._that our local creeks are drying Up. The area _ in cues t.i on i s a s i gn.i f i cant recharge _for these Permanent _1 p . Coldwater s_traams. More development will adversely affect the baseflow and pollute,_,our oour ee of. drinkinq,.water, These creeks al so _sU�ply thq- provincially, sigriif icant wetland, -_the Second Marsh. . i n _Qshawa , w i t'h trout Arid s.al mon . The 1 SG maintain its water _ . _.._ y -- Quallty required b. the marsh's wildlife throughou•Lthe . -y year. The Env i ronmenta l ,Ma � . ^_.' . -�� ppi'ng Project of CLOCA identified the area as being the mnst environmentally sensitive in the whole 'Durham Region. This spring, the developer will build 71 townhouses along Black Creek in the most important area that contain an active discharge zone of groundwater which supplies the baseflow to this stream. Our f.uturp, the future of our streams, wildlife is in your hands. Please, Mr. Wildman, help us.. In Courtice; Feb. 1, 1995 Libby and S P. Ping. / 3200 Hancock Rd. Courtice, 'O,nt. L1E 2M1 (905) 436 -2375 rrr. remaining forest and xim I . 0 11 - a • IAFU.'r-&�iTION TO BE FORWARDED TO THE MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY REGARDING COURTICE NORTH NEIGHBOURHOODS 3A, 3B AND 3C 1. Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle 2. Draft Official Plan of the Municipality of Clarington 3. Environmental Impact Analysis - Courtice Urban Area for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle; Gartner Lee Associates Limited, April 1981 4. Resolutions GPA -64 -81 (October 26, 1981) and C- 1282 -81 (November 2, 1981) in respect of the 'Environmental Impact Analysis for the Courtice Urban Area' 5. Neighbourhood Development Plans for Courtice North Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c 6. Council Resolution #C- 129 -85 (March 4, 1985) regarding incorporation of provisions into Site Plan Agreements for lands tributary to Black, Farewell and Harmony Creeks 7. Development Agreement Between The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and 563186 Ontario Limited, dated March 7, 1985 (Pollard Lands) Attachment No. 5 INFOR14ATION TO BE FORWARDED REGARDING "ADJACENT 1. Comments of the Municipality of Clarington on the Durham Regional Official Plan Review • Report PD- 311 -90 and Council Resolution #C- 744 -90; • Report PD -59 -91 and Council Resolution #C- 185 -91; • Report PD- 108 -92 and Council Resolution #C- 328 -92; • Report PD -77 -93 and Council Resolution #C- 361 -93. 2. Technical Reports submitted in support of Official Plan Amendment Application OPA 93- 002 /C: • Development Concept (April 1993) - Bousfield, Dale- Harris, Cutler & Smith Inc., • Conceptual Servicing Report (April 1993) - D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited; • Hydrogeologic Assessment (March 1993) - Gibson & Associates Ltd.; • Preliminary Environmental Overview Final Report (April 1993) and Addendum Report (August 1993) - Ecoplans Limited. 3. Staff Report PD -17 -95