HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-129-94THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON X �F�XXX DN: BROWNS-M.GPA REPORT 90.(,)A Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# a1. Res. # Date: Monday, October 17, 1994 By-Law# Report #: ____,,,_,2_9 �4File .-__,, -'s29 �4Fiie #: OPA­--90 -042 Subject: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT APPLICATION - FILE: 90- 042 /D /N APPLICANT: 168125 CANADA INC. PART LOT 19, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE 3. THAT a copy of report PD- 129 -94 be forwarded to the Region of Durham; 4. THAT the applicant, the Region of Durham, delegations and persons listed in this report, be notified of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: 168125 Canada Inc. 1.2 Owner: 168125 Canada Inc. 1.3 O.P.A.: To amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to add a hamlet symbol of Brownsville at the intersection of Highway 2 and Brownsville Road. 2. LOCATION 2.1 The requested designation for "Hamlet" is symbolic in the Durham Regional Official Plan as shown on Attachment #1• The applicant's property is located to the south -west of the existing houses which would constitute the hamlet area. 541 RPAP ERR IECYCLE TH . IFL-DON RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO.: PD- 129 -94 PAGE 2 3. EXISTING USES There are presently about 57 built lots in Brownsville. There are no community facilities in Brownsville. 4. BACKGROUND 4.1 In May 1990, 168125 Canada Inc, submitted an Official Plan Amendment to allow for a thirty (30) lot estate residential subdivision on a 24.295 ha (60.01 acres) parcel located on Lot 19, Concession #1 (former Clarke), south of Highway No. 2 on the west side of Brownsville Road. This amendment was to change the existing designation from General Agriculture to Estate Residential. Subsequently, a plan of subdivision and rezoning amendment were submitted. 4.2 Brownsville is presently designated as a rural cluster. In October 1990, the Planning Staff reviewed the Brownsville area in light of the then proposed changes to the Durham Region Official Plan. In Report PD 311 -90 Staff stated the following: "The Town of Newcastle requests that the cluster of Brownsville be recognized as a hamlet. The cluster of Brownsville presently rivals many of the Town's existing hamlets. The preparation of a hamlet plan for Brownsville would allow Staff to evaluate current development proposals in the context of that community's overall structure rather than on an ad hoc basis." Council adopted the Report on October 29, 1990. 4.3 The Region of Durham ignored the Municipality's request to designate Brownsville as a hamlet. No specific reason was provided by the Region. As a result, in April 1993, the applicant's solicitor submitted a referral letter to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding the lack of recognition of Brownsville as a hamlet in the new Region of Durham Official Plan. y 542 REPORT NO.: PD- 129 -94 PAGE 3 4.4 In November 1993, the applicant revised the application to propose only an amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan to recognize Brownsville as a "Hamlet ". This application therefore, is not related to any specific designation of the applicant's lands. S. COMMENTS 5.1 Attachment #2 shows a comparison of population counts and lot types for Brownsville and a number of hamlets in the Municipality. As is evident from the Table, Brownsville has a population that is as large or larger than the populations of the hamlets of Kendal, Kirby and Enfield. Brownsville also has as many or more existing lots then these same three hamlets. These lots are concentrated and not dispersed. However, despite the fact that Brownsville is larger than three of the current hamlets and has a concentrated form of housing, it is not recognized a hamlet in the Durham Regional Official Plan. 5.2 In the Draft Clarington Official Plan, Staff designated Brownsville as a hamlet primarily in recognition of the fact that there are some 60 homes concentrated in the area. 5.3 The recognition of Brownsville as a hamlet in no way implies the approval for development of any vacant lands in the hamlet. A settlement capacity study and a subsequent detailed development plan would need to be carried out to delineate the limits of the Hamlet of Brownsville subject to the approval of the Region of Durham and the Municipality of clarington. 6. CONCLUSION In recognition of the existing concentration of approximately 60 dwelling units, it is recommended that the amended 546 REPORT NO.: PD- 129 -94 PAGE 4 application by 168125 Canada Inc. to amend the Durham Region Official Plan to recognize Brownsville as a "Hamlet" be approved. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer FW *df 7 October 1994 Attachment #1 - Map Attachment #2 - Population and Lots in Hamlets Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: 168125 Canada Inc. 220 Viceroy Road, Unit #1 Concord, Ontario L4K 3L2 G.M. Sernas and Associates 110 Scotia Court, Unit #41 Whitby, Ontario L1N 8Y7 544, HAMLET OF BROWNSVILLE REQUEST TO DESIGNATE BROWNSVILLE AS A HAMLET OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM INDEX REGIONAL MAP STRUCTURE n 6 LEGEND URBAN AREAS �. URBAN AREA BOUNDARY MAIN CENTRAL AREA URBAN AREA BOUNDARY DEFERRED LNING AREA ..— ENTRAL AREA EMPLOYMENT AREA S MUNICIPAL SERVICE N L LL ON PMUCIPALW TR ON HN WELLS L SYSTEMS L PRIVATE MUNICIPALSEWER WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS SYSTEMS IIIIIIIIIIIIII A EAS DEVELOPABLE ON PAWATEWELLSAPRIVATE WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS AGRICULTURAL AREAS f I PERMANENTAGRICULTUNAL = GENERALAGRICULTURAL l� RESERVE AREA MAJOR OPEN SPACE SYSTEM OAK RIDOES MORAINE MAJOR OPEN SPACE WATERFRONT SHOREUNE RESIDENTIAL • MARINA O TOURISTACTTVTIYNOOE RECREATIONAL NODE - ® ®' WATERFRONT LINKS 1, OPENSPACE LINKAGES RURAL SETTLEMENTS NAMLET OB COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ISEE SCHEDULE S D RURAL EMPLOYMENT AREA FOR DESCRIPTION) (SEE SCHEDULE 6 FOR DESCRIPTION) REGIONAL NODES AREGIONAL HOD. (SEE SECTION I6 FOR DESCRIPTION) SEE MAP D FOR DESIGNATIONS THE FOLLOWING IS SHOWN SEaECTVEL: FOR EASE OF INTERPRETATION OF OTHER DESIGNATIONS ONLY. IXISTINO FUTURE ARTERIAL ROAD FREEWAY - -- GO RAIL -��--- GO STATION SPECIAL AREAS SPECIAL STUDY AREAS A —i SPECUTL_.CYAREAS RESOURCE EXTRACTION �:'�.!j',} ENVIRONMENTALLY AREAS (SEE SCHEDULE a ;�!? n`•« SENSITIVE AREAS FOR DESCRIPTION) R2 REFERRED TO THE DEFERRED BY THE MINISTER ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD D OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS POPULATION AND LOTS IN HAMLETS Hamlet Existing Population Existing Built Lots Kendal 194 57 Leskard 214 63 Kirby 34 10 Mitchell Corners 551 162 Enfield 58 12 Brownsville 194 57 546