HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-34-94Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -34 -94 be received; 2. THAT the consulting firm of Gartner Lee Inc. be retained to provide technical assistance to the Municipality with respect to the proposal by Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Ltd. to "mine" their existing landfill site, in accordance with the Terms of Reference attached to this Report as Attachment No. 1; 3. THAT the Durham Region Planning Department, and all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Ltd. has submitted a proposal to the Ministry of the Environment to "mine" the south mound of their existing landfill site northwest of Newtonville. A report prepared by Laidlaw's consultant, Henderson Paddon & Associates, outlining the technical details of the proposal has recently been submitted to the Ministry and the Municipality. 1.2 On December 13, 1993, Council adopted a resolution advising the Ministry of Environment and Energy of concerns with the social and environmental impact of the proposal, and requesting that the Municipality be fully consulted on this matter. ...2 RECYCE AIDED THIS LS PRIMED ON RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO.: PD -34 -94 PAGE 2 2. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL 2.1 The proposed mining operation would involve the progressive excavation of the waste, screening of the waste to remove 'fines' (daily cover material) , recyclable material (white metal, scrap metal, tires), and potentially hazardous waste. The 'waste overs' (waste material not screened) would be temporarily stockpiled on- site, while the fines may be stock -piled or used elsewhere on the site. Recyclable material would be sold for recycling, and hazardous materials would be temporarily stored in a lockable bin on -site. 2.2 A geosynthetic clay liner and a leachate collector system would be installed at the base of the excavated waste mound. The waste overs would then be placed back in the landfill on the approved footprint. Collected leachate would be discharged to the Rapid Infiltration Basins. 2.3 Laidlaw has indicated that additional capacity for landfilling would be made available because of the removal of recyclable material, a reduced requirement for daily cover because the waste overs would be placed quickly back in the landfill, and improved compaction of the waste. Laidlaw has estimated that approximately 42,000 metric tonnes of landfilling capacity would be recovered. The final contour for the south mound would comply with the Certificate of Approval for the site as issued by the Ministry of Environment and Energy. Laidlaw has indicated their intention to also undertake a similar operation for the north mound. 3. REQUIRED APPROVALS 3.1 Staff of the Ministry of Environment and Energy have advised that the concept of mining a landfill to undertake remedial work or to gain disposal capacity, is a new enterprise for Ontario. As such, the Ministry has begun reviewing the necessary approvals that would be required for this activity. Ministry Staff have recently indicated that they hope to have this review completed by the middle of April 1994. .3 REPORT NO.: PD -34 -94 PAGE 3 3.2 TransCanada Pipelines, which operates the natural gas pipeline which bisects the Laidlaw landfill, has recently indicated that they need to review Laidlaw's proposal to ensure the safety and integrity of the pipeline. The National Energy Board Act regulates activities using power- operated equipment in the vicinity of pipelines. As such, approval of the National Energy Board may be required prior to any work on the site. 3.3 Staff have not yet determined whether the proposal by Laidlaw would require the submission and approval of a Rezoning Application. Staff will consult the Municipality's solicitor if necessary. Similarly, the Region of Durham Planning Department has indicated that it is not clear whether the proposed mining of the landfill mounds would require an amendment to the Regional Official Plan. 4. COMMENTS 4.1 Notwithstanding whether any Municipal approvals are required for Laidlaw's proposal to mine the existing landfill mounds, it is important that the Municipality be fully aware of the proposed operation and any potential hazards associated with it. It is also important that the effectiveness of the proposed landfill lining and leachate collection system in protecting ground water and surface water quality be fully assessed. Finally, the prospect of additional landfilling activity at the site and the associated social and environmental impacts should be properly reviewed. 4.2 Staff is recommending that the Municipality retain a hydrogeological consultant to review material related to Laidlaw's mining proposal and provide advice on the technical aspects of the proposed operation. Mr. Bruce Bennett, previously with Acres International Limited and now with the firm Gartner Lee Inc., has considerable experience with the Laidlaw lands through his involvement with the "Infill" proposal and the IWA site search. ...4 -61 REPORT NO.: PD -34 -94 PAGE 4.3 As such, it is recommended that the Municipality retain the consulting firm Gartner Lee Inc. to provide technical assistance in the review of Laidlaw's proposal. The firm has advised Staff that the review of the technical document submitted by Laidlaw's consultant could be undertaken for approximately $3,000.00, while the review of information related to examples of other similar mining operations in the U.S. and Canada could be undertaken for a further $2,000.00. Sufficient funds are available for this work in the Department budget. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development JAS *FW *jip *Attach 11 March 1994 Reviewed by, /F M l VX_--7 W. H. S ockwell f/✓ Chief Administrative Officer Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mr. Normund Berzins Committee of Clarke Constituents P.O. Box 20028 NEWCASTLE, Ontario L1B 1M3 Mr. A. Dominski Waste Sites and Systems Approvals Ministry of Environment and Energy 250 Davisville Avenue 3rd Floor TORONTO, Ontario M4S 1H2 Mr. Bruce Bennett Senior Hydrogeologist Gartner Lee Inc. 105 Main Street NIAGARA FALLS, New York 14303 iiiffl Introduction Laidlaw Waste Systems (Durham) Ltd. has submitted a proposal to the Ministry of the Environment to "mine" their existing landfill in Part Lot 12, Concession 3, former Township of Clarke. The project, as currently presented by Laidlaw, would involve removing the waste material from the south mound, screening out the fines (interim and daily waste cover material) and recyclables from the waste materials. Laidlaw would then install a liner and a leachate collection system prior to replacing the waste material back into the approved footprint. The Municipality of Clarington requires technical assistance on various aspects of Laidlaw's proposal, specifically the proposed "mining" of the existing waste mound, and the installation and operation of environmental controls below the waste mound. Other concerns may be identified through the course of the review or as more information is provided. The following Terms of Reference are intended to provide general guidance to the consultant in their review and analysis of Laidlaw's proposal. However, limited information has been provided by Laidlaw on their proposal. As well, the concept of "mining" landfill sites to undertake remedial work or gain disposal capacity, is a new enterprise to Ontario. As such, these Terms of Reference may be modified in the future as more information on the Laidlaw proposal becomes available. TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. Review of Documents 1.1 The consultant shall undertake a Peer Review of technical material submitted by Laidlaw or others regarding the proposal, and provide comments to the Municipality on various aspects of the proposed operation, including the following: 1.1.1 Reclamation of the Waste Mound the excavation of the waste mound; 2. material recovery; 3. stockpiling of excavated material; 4. proposed phasing; 5. the handling of potentially hazardous waste; `�63 6. the handling of leachate- saturated waste; 7. noise, odour and dust impacts; 8. methane hazards; 9. control of sedimentation and surface runoff; 10. monitoring of operations; 11. other relevant matters as identified by the consultant. 1.1.2 Leachate Management System 1. design and construction of clay liner; 2. depth of clay liner in relation to contaminated base materials; 3. leachate collection and removal system; 4. treatment and disposal of collected leachate; 5. capacity and effectiveness of the Rapid Infiltration Basins; 6. long -term operation; 7. protection of surface water and ground water quality; 8. monitoring; 9. other relevant matters as identified by the consultant. 1.2 Review of Landfill Mining 1.2.1 The consultant shall undertake a cursory review of current, previous or proposed landfill mining projects in Ontario, Canada and the United States. The review should focus on the success of such projects, and problems encountered, in particular as related to protection of the natural environment. 2. Meetings and Reports 2.1 The consultant shall submit the results of the Peer Review of technical material to the Municipality. 2.2 The consultant shall meet with Municipal Staff and others as required. X 6 4