HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-27-94Date: Monday, March 7, 1994 Subject: BACKFLOW PREVENTION AND CROSS — CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM Recommendations, It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -27 -94 be received; 2. THAT Council approve implementation of a Backflow Prevention and Cross - Connection Control Program as contained in Report PD- 27 -94. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 Staff from the Region of Durham Works Department and Plumbing Inspectors from the Area municipalities have had a number of regular meetings regarding backflow prevention and cross - connections. 1.2 It was agreed that a program of re- inspection of existing buildings for cross - connection and re- testing backflow prevention devices should be implemented to ensure harmful contaminates can not enter the potable water system. 1.3 In order for such a program to be successful it was also agreed the Region and Area Municipalities must work together to enforce the Region's Water System By -law and the Building Code regarding plumbing. X54 PAPER RECYCLE n ISIS PRIMED Q4 RECYCLED PAPER .M PAGE 2 2.1 A cross - connection is any temporary, permanent or potential connection that may allow a backflow of contaminates into the drinking water system. The contaminate enters the potable water system when the pressure of the polluted source exceeds the pressure of the potable source ... thus resulting in backflow or back siphonage. 2.2 An example of a cross - connection is a soft drink vending machine connected to the potable water supply line that mixes and dispenses the drink. If carbonated water which is used in the process is allowed to come in contact with copper piping the result could be copper sulphate poisoning. 2.3 Cross - connections are an ever increasing possibility as the nature and use of industrial, commercial and institutional buildings changes, thereby increasing a risk to the community of contaminated potable water. The problem is an ongoing one, because piping systems are continually being installed, altered or changed without benefit of a permit and inspection. 2.4 Part 7 "Plumbing" of the Ontario Building Code recognizes the potential hazard and requires that "... backflow prevention devices to protect a potable water system from contamination shall be selected, installed and field tested...". 2.5 Further the Region of Durham's Water System By -law provides for the safeguard of the system by requiring for the installation, inspection and approval of backflow preventers under Part V Water Service Connection. Section 20(f) "The Commissioner of Works may refuse a Water Service Connection application where in his opinion, the Regional Water Supply System may be adversely affected or where, in his opinion, there is insufficient water supply available." REPORT NO.: PD -27 -94 PAGE 3 Section 26 "Backflow preventers shall be installed by and at the expense of the Consumer where deemed necessary by a plumbing inspector of an Area Municipality or the Commissioner of Works and such Backflow preventers must be approved by a plumbing inspector of the Area Municipality in which they are installed ". 2.6 Because of jurisdictional rights, the Region must rely on the area municipalities to carry out the necessary inspections on private property. Regional support of the program is recognized again through the By -law. Section 26(b) "The Commissioner of Works may turn off the supply of water to any building or premises in which any leaky or defective Private Water Service Pipe, tap or fixture or any cross - connection with any private water supply, drain or sewer exists and shall require that the pipe or fixtures be repaired or replaced in such manner as he may approve, or that the cross - connection be eliminated before the water is turned on again ". 2.7 Control of cross connections is possible only through education, regular inspections, testing and maintenance. An effective Backflow Prevention and Cross - Connection Program would be carried out in 2 parts: PART I /DETECTION, PART II/ MAINTENANCE. 3. DETECTION 3.1 The first part of the program will require listing the higher risk buildings (industrial, commercial, institutional and multi family residential) then prioritize the degree of hazard they present. It is estimated it would take the plumbing inspector approximately 2 days per week the first year to carry inspections of these facilities and identify those areas /cross- connections where backflow devices must X56 REPORT NO.: PD -27 -94 PAGE 4 be installed. These would be the initial buildings inspected for cross - connections and would be followed by the less hazardous installations. 3.2 A portion of the inspector's time will be spent informing the owner, plant manager or maintenance staff of the potential dangers of cross - connections and the importance of backflow prevention and the maintenance of these types of devices. 4. MAINTENANCE 4.1 Part II of the program involves record keeping to ensure re- testing and /or certification of the backflow device is ongoing. This will require about one (1) day per week of staff time. There are no other direct financial implications in either staff or equipment requirements. 4.2 The benefits of such ,a control program are obvious. The municipality, in conjunction with the Region of Durham, will be fulfilling its obligation of ensuring the safety of the water system for human consumption, while at the same time identifying and correcting those situations that may lead to contamination of the potable water supply. 5. EXISTING PROGRAMS 5.1 Within the Region of Durham, the City of Oshawa and Towns of Whitby and Ajax have programs in place. The other area municipalities if not already established, will have a program starting soon. In addition, a number of other municipalities such as Scarborough and Cambridge have had such a program for some time. REPORT NO.: PD -27 -94 6. CONCLUSION 6.1 The Backflow Prevention and Cross - Connection Control Program is necessary to ensure potable water is safe for drinking purpose and therefore respectfully request Council to endorse the implementation of such a program. Respectfully submitted, a� "�'k-L) 'j, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development HGW *FW *bb *Attach 25 February 1994 Recommended for presentation to the Committee,