HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-12-94THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: DEV90074.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # _t/­/0 k V c bate: Monday, February 7, 1994 Fees. LLO( _� (i + Report File Fiie DEV 90 -074 (X -REF: 18T -90036 & ok`1 6 j o? N)°�-°° Subject: REZONING APPLICATION - DWIGHT CHIZEN IN TRUST PART LOT 10, CONCESSION 21 FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: DEV 90 -074 (X -REF: 1ST -90036 & OPA 90- 077/N) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -12 -94 be received; 2. THAT the proposed revised Plan of Subdivision 18T -90036 dated June 1993, as further red -line revised, as per Attachment No. 1, be Approved subject to the conditions contained in this report; 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by -law, to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the Owner and the Municipality at such time as the agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development; 4. THAT the attached amendment to By -law 84 -63 be Approved and that the "Holding (H)" symbol be removed by By -law upon execution of the Subdivision Agreement; 5. THAT the Official Plan Amendment application be Closed; 6. THAT Council provide the authority necessary for Staff to undertake expropriation proceedings, should the applicant be unable to obtain the Longworth Ave. connection between Liberty Street and the west limits of the subject lands; 7. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and 8. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Dwight Chizen In Trust 1.2 Agent: G. M. Sernas and Associates J�J PAPIER LA PC ILL. E, PPIMED _ RECYCLED PAPEq REPORT NO.: PD -12 -94 PAGE 2 1.3 Rezoning Application: from 00Agricultural (A) 11, to an appropriate zone to permit the development of 297 residential units ...2 1.4 Subdivision: proposing to develop 82 single family dwelling units, 73 lots for semi - detached /link dwellings (146 units) , 69 street townhouse units, 0.346 ha (0.85 acres) for a local commercial block and 1.937 ha (4.79 acre) park block. 1.5 Land Area: 18.08 Ha (44.67 Acres) 2 LOCATION 2.1 The subject property is located in Part Lot 10, Concession 2, Former Town of Bowmanville. The property is located south of Concession Road 3, west of Mearns Avenue, north of the Canadian Pacific Railway line and east of Liberty Street. The property abuts Regional Road 14 (Liberty Street) at two locations, one having frontage of 20.2 metres, the other 6.13 metres. 3 BACKGROUND 3.1 An application for Zoning By -law Amendment was originally received by the Municipality of Clarington Planning and Development Department on August 13, 1990. On August 29, 1990 the Region of Durham Planning Department advised the Municipality of an Official Plan Amendment (O.P.A. 90- 077/N) submitted with respect to the subject lands. Application for proposed plan of subdivision was received by the Municipality on September 6, 1990 (18T- 90036). 3.2 A revised rezoning application and subdivision design was received in May of 1992. The revisions to the applications ...3 516 REPORT NO.: PD -12 -94 PAGE 3 provide a net increase of 19 residential units as well as introducing a commercial component to the proposal. The commercial block is proposed to be 0.346 ha (0.85 acres) and accommodate a maximum of 500 square metres of retail commercial floor space. A retail market analysis was not requested. 4 EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 The subject lands are currently vacant and have been used for agricultural production. 4.2 Surrounding land uses include: South: strip residential development fronting on Liberty Street, vacant agricultural land subject to applications for residential development (18T- 87057) and the Canadian Pacific Railway East: agricultural land containing a supporting residential unit, as well as lands subject to Draft Approved development applications. North: strip residential development fronting on Liberty Street, vacant lands subject to Draft Approved development applications and new residential development. West: existing strip residential fronting on Liberty Street, a trucking operation, Liberty Street and new residential development. 5 PUBLIC MEETING AND RESPONSE 5.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands for the original application, as well as the revised application. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner and tenant within the prescribed 120 metre distance. ...4 5-17 REPORT NO.: PD -12 -94 PAGE 4 5.2 At the original public meeting one neighbouring resident stated concerns with the development as they related to potential drainage problems and future roads abutting their property. Prior to the second Public Meeting, a couple of written submissions were received by Planning Staff on the revised application. One letter objects to additional development in the area and specifically to the rezoning of agriculturally zoned lands. The other correspondence noted concerns with future drainage and potential flooding problems, potential garbage from the site as well as concern for small children around the construction site and equipment. No one appeared at the Public Meetings. 6 OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 6.1 Within the Ministry approved June 1991, Durham Regional Official Plan the subject lands are found within the "Living Area" designation. Said policies encourage development with a variety of housing mix and type. The future Longworth Avenue extension which is to bisect the proposed lands is now designated as a type "C" arterial in the 1991 Plan. The proposed 26.0 metre width would appear to conform with the Durham Plan policies. 6.3 Within the Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle, the subject property is located in Neighbourhood 112C" and is designated "Low Density Residential ". Said neighbourhood also has a population target of 5500 people. The proposal would appear to conform with the population target. 6.4 The proponents land ownership equals 18.08 ha. The application proposes 297 units or 891 people. The red -line revisions proposed by staff will reduce this total unit yield by one. The density of the application as calculated conforms with the low density residential requirements. ...5 REPORT NO.: PD -12 -94 PAGE 5 6.5 The local official plan policies permit convenience commercial facilities in residentially designated areas in accordance with projections of need. Neighbourhood commercial facilities shall provide items of daily necessity for the residents of the immediate surrounding neighbourhoods. The policies state that a retail market analysis may not be required by Council for convenience commercial facilities. The application would appear to conform to the local Official Plan. 7 ZONING 7.1 The subject lands are currently zoned "Agricultural (A)" and "Urban Residential Type One (R1) ". The 11R1" zone only affects that part of the property that fronts on Liberty Street for the first 29 metres. The proposed residential units and commercial development would not be permitted in the Agricultural (A) zone. It is noted the agricultural zone is utilized in the Municipality's documents as a 'holding' zone, for lands within the urban area, prior to any development approvals. 8 AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 In accordance with departmental procedure the subject application was circulated to a number of agencies and departments for comment. The following agencies /departments provided either no comment or objection to the application as submitted and revised; Ministry of the Environment, Clarington Hydro and the Separate School Board. 8.2 The Public Works Department Staff have discussed the proposed plan of subdivision at length with the proponent. During the discussions the applicant was advised that he is responsible for the connection of Longworth Avenue to Liberty Street. The applicant should make every effort to acquire the lands between Regional Road 14 and the west limits of this plan of ...6 Jl� REPORT NO.: PD -12 -94 PAGE 6 subdivision for the above -noted connection. Should the applicant be unable to obtain the required lands for the connection, and the Directors of Public Works and Planning and Development are both satisfied that the applicant has made all reasonable efforts to acquire these lands, the Municipality will then consider expropriation. In dealing with the matter of expropriation, the applicant would be responsible through the conditions of draft approval for the necessary security, for all monies to: • appraise the value of the property, • purchase the lands, including cost of expropriation, • road construction costs, • administration and any other costs deemed necessary by the Directors of Public Works or Planning and Development. Public Works Staff further advised that at such time that the above -noted road connection issue has been resolved, the following conditions are applicable. That a minimum of two accesses be provided for this development. One of the two accesses should be Longworth Avenue. In addition to the typical servicing and design requirements of the Public Works Department, the applicant is responsible for constructing the storm drainage works necessary for this plan in accordance with the West Branch of the Soper Creek Master Drainage Study, dated May 1991, prepared by Marshall Macklin Monaghan and as finally approved by the Director of Public Works. The applicant's engineer will be responsible for the preparation of a Stormwater Management Implementation Report to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The applicant shall be responsible for reimbursing the Municipality for the cost of oversizing the stormwater management works as well as other requirements as noted in the conditions of draft approval. 520 ...7 REPORT NO.: PD -12 -94 PAGE 7 8.3 The Municipality's Community Services Department advised they have no objection to the application as filed subject to Block 174 being accepted as parkland dedication, the Longworth Avenue frontage and services being in place prior to the issuance of the 51st percentile of building permits and that a 1.8 metre high chain link fence be constructed along the east property line of the proposed park. 8.4 The Fire Department has advised that the site falls within the response area of station No. 1. Access routes to the site are all based on future proposals. Concern is therefore expressed that access to the site for fire fighting purposes is not adequately provided based on this site alone. It was further advised that no building permits be issued until all access routes and water supply have been made available. 8.5 Ministry of Natural Resources have advised they have no objection to the proposed rezoning application. A second correspondence provided no objection to the proposed plan of subdivision subject to a number of conditions. The conditions included among other matters final reports to be submitted by the applicant and approved by the Ministry dealing with stormwater flow from the site; anticipated impact of the development on water quality; and erosion and sedimentation control. 8.6 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Staff has advised that the subject development is situated within the study area of the West Soper Creek Tributary Master Drainage Plan (MDP) . The MDP indicates that certain stormwater run -off controls must be constructed in association with the development of the subject lands. A stormwater detention pond is proposed, immediately north of the C.P.R. lands, to control the flows generated by the upstream development area. The Conservation Authority Staff have no objection to the proposal subject to the conditions noted above. ...8 � r� i REPORT NO.: PD-12-94 PAGE 8 8.7 Regional Planning Staff advised the application conforms to the Ministry approved Durham Region Official Plan. They further advised that servicing for the site is dependant on the development of the Schickedanz lands (18T- 87057) to the south. A road widening on Regional Road No. 14 (Liberty Street) of 5.18 metres is required as opposed to the 4.572 metre widening shown. In addition, Regional Works requires a traffic study be prepared for their review and approval. 9 STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 In the review of the proposed Plan of Subdivision, Staff is concerned with the lack of adequate road access for this 296 unit subdivision. Currently, the only available access is through Swindells Street which connects to the Melody Homes Subdivision to the north. This single road access is considered inadequate. As a result, appropriate conditions of approval are imposed to: a) require the applicant to acquire land from the abutting property owner to the west (Brooking Transport) to extend and connect Longsworth Ave. to Liberty Street. In the event the applicant fails to acquire the land and the Directors of Public Works and Planning and Development are satisfied that the applicant has made his best effort, the Municipality will then proceed to expropriate part of Brooking Transport land for the purpose of connecting Longsworth Ave. subject to conditions as stated in paragraph 8.2 of this Report; and b) In the event Longsworth Ave. connection to Liberty Street is not provided for prior to registration of the plan of subdivision and that there is no secondary road access other than Swindells Street , then the number of building permits will be restricted to a maximum of 50 dwelling units. ...9 REPORT •D •4 PAGE • 9.6 Staff have also identified some design and lotting concerns which will require red -line revisions. Revisions to the application will relocate the on- street townhouses located on Swindells Street, which is to serve as a minor collector function, to the east side of street "Ell. This results in the reduction of one lot and a slight adjustment to the distribution to dwelling types of 82 single family lots, 74 (148 units) semi /linked lots, and 66 on street townhouse lots. 9.7 The subdivision has been designed with large lot singles abutting the existing single family homes on Liberty Street. As well, singles are proposed to front on Longworth Avenue the major collector road. The convenience commercial block, would be zoned with a Holding (H) prefix which would only be removed after the completion of a site plan agreement. 10 CONCLUSION 10.1 In consideration of the above noted comments Staff would recommend approval of the application for proposed Plan of Subdivision (18T- 90036) to permit the development of a total 296 units. As well, staff would recommend approval of the attached zoning by -law amendment, subject to the removal of the holding symbol at such time as the appropriate subdivision and site plan agreements have been executed. Respectfully submitted, Jr a­ �J­_, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning and Development Recommended for presentation to the Committee Ma5r11_e Marano, Acting Chief Administrative Officer CP *FW *cc Attachment #1 - Conditions of Draft Approval Attachment #2 - Proposed Zoning By -law Amendment 27 January 1994 ...10 JZ3 REPORT NO.: PD -12 -94 PAGE 10 Dwight Chizen 403 Sackville Street TORONTO, Ontario M4Y 1S6 G. M. Sernas and Associates Ltd. 110 Scotia Court Unit 41 WHITBY, Ontario L1N 8Y7 Mr Michael Puk 273 Liberty Street North BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3Y6 X24 Sylvia Brownell 261 Liberty Street North BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3Y6 Mr. and Mrs. Gough 79 Clayton Crescent BOWMANVILLE, Ontario LIC 2N9 Brooking Transport Ltd. 281 Liberty Street North BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3Y6 �., „, � PLAN IDENTIFICATION 1. That this approval applies to draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -90036 prepared by G. M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. dated revised June 1993 and further revised in red as per the attached plan) showing 82 lots for single family detached dwellings, 74 lots (148 units) for semi - detached or linked dwellings, Blocks 156 to 167 (66 units) for on- street townhouses, Block 174 for park, Block 175 for Convenience Commercial, and various blocks for reserve, road widening, site triangle etc. FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS 2. That all streets within the Plan of Subdivision shall be dedicated as public highway and shown as such on the final plan. 3. That all streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington and shown on the final plan. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 4. That the Owner shall retain a qualified landscape architect to prepare and submit a Landscaping Plan to the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development for review and approval. The Landscaping Plan shall reflect the design criteria of the Municipality as amended from time to time. 5. That the Owner shall retain a professional engineer to prepare and submit a Master Drainage and Lot Grading Plan to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. All plans and drawings must conform to the Municipality's Design Criteria as amended from time to time. ......2 J�5 -2- REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONTU 6. That the Owner shall retain a qualified consultant to prepare and submit a Tree Preservation plan to the Director of planning and Development for review and approval. 7. The applicant will make every effort to acquire the lands between Regional Road 14 (Liberty Street) and the west connection of Longworth Ave. All written communication between the applicant and the abutting property owner should be copied to the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development for their information. Should the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development be satisfied that the applicant has made all reasonable efforts to acquire these lands and is unable to obtain the required lands for the above noted connection works, this Municipality will then consider "expropriation ". The applicant would be responsible through the conditions of draft approval for the necessary security (in the forms of unconditional and irrevocable Letters of Credit), for all monies to: (a) appraise the value of the property; (b) purchase of lands, including costs of expropriation; (c) road construction costs; and (d) administration and any other costs as deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development. 8. That the Owner shall enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Municipality and agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the Municipality's standard subdivision agreement, including, but not limited to, the requirements that follow. 9. That all easements, road widening, and reserves as required by the Municipality shall be granted to the Municipality free and clear of all encumbrances. IK 126 -3- 10. That the Owner shall dedicate Block 174 for park purposes and further agrees to provide for a 1.8 m high chain link fence at the east limits of the site in accordance to the park Site Master Plan at no cost to the municipality. No building permit, above and beyond fifty one percent (51 %) of the entire subdivision, will be issued by the Municipality until the Longworth Ave. frontage and services abutting the park are completed to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services. 11. That the Owner shall pay to the Municipality, development charges in accordance with the Development Charge By -law, as amended from time to time, as well as payment of applicable front end charges pursuant to the Development Charge Act, if any are required to be paid by the owner. 12. That the Owner shall provide and install sidewalks, street lights, temporary turning circles etc. as per the Municipality's standards and criteria. 13. That the Owner shall cause all utilities, including, hydro, telephone, Cable TV, etc. to be buried underground. 14. That the Owner shall provide the Municipality, at the time of execution of the subdivision agreement, Letters of Credit acceptable to the Municipality's Treasurer, with respect to Performance Guarantee, Maintenance Guarantee, Occupancy Deposit and other guarantees or deposit as may be required by the Municipality. 15. That prior to the issuance of building permits, the Owner shall retain an architect to prepare and submit an Architectural Control Plan to the Director of Planning and Development. The architect shall further certify that the said Plan has achieved the objectives of providing: a variety of housing style; attractive streetscape treatment; harmony of colour, style and exterior materials used, etc. ...4 2- 7 -4- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION 16. That prior to the issuance of building permits, access routes to the subdivision must be provided to meet Subsection of the Ontario Building Code and, that all that all watermains and hydrants are fully serviced and the Owner agrees that during construction, fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code, storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subsection and open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. 17. That a minimum of two (2) accesses must be provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works for this development. One of the two accesses shall be Longworth Avenue. At the time of registration, should the sole access to the subdivision be from the north, the number of dwelling units available for construction shall be limited to a maximum of 50. 18. That the storm drainage works necessary for this plan of subdivision are constructed in accordance with the West Branch of Soper Creek Master Drainage Study, dated May, 1991, prepared by Marshall Macklin Monaghan and as finally approved by the Director of Public Works. 19. That prior to the detailed engineering submission, the applicant's engineer prepares a Stormwater Management Implementation Report that details all storm quantity and quality control facilities, erosion protection measures, conveyance of storm drainage, both major and minor systems from this site. In addition, the report should specify the location of the storm connection to which existing storm sewer system the applicant proposes to connect. This report shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. 20. That the applicant's engineer prepares the " Longworth Avenue engineering design" that details the vertical and horizontal alignments to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. The grading of this development should be based on the engineering design of this road. J�� ....5 -5- 21. The applicant will provide a "staging plan" or any other necessary provisions that will control the sequential development of this plan of subdivision to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, said plan is to be incorporated in the Subdivision Agreement. 22. That in accordance with the subdivision agreement with Schickedanz Brothers Limited (18T- 87033), the applicant being a benefitting property owner is required to reimburse the Municipality for the cost of oversizing the stormwater management works and any other works as deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works to service this Plan of Subdivision. The applicant's cost are as defined in the above noted agreement and the West Branch of the Soper Creek Cost Sharing Report, draft dated September 1991, prepared by Marshall Macklin Monaghan and as finally approved by the Director of Public Works. 23. That the applicant is required to pay to the Municipality his share of the costs of the Soper Creek Erosion Works. The costs will be included in the subdivision agreement. 24. That the applicant is responsible for the costs of all construction works (roads, sewers, utilities, etc.) required for the connection of Longworth Avenue, Street "B" and Swindells Street to the existing streets. 25. That the applicant will be responsible for all costs (including land acquisition; legal, survey, etc.) associated with the intersection construction of Regional Road 14 and Longworth Avenue. All necessary approvals associated with this intersection construction must be obtained from the Region of Durham and submitted in writing to the Director of Public Works. 26. That both sides of all internal streets be fully serviced (and stubs be provided for all future streets) with water sanitary sewer, storm sewer, hydro, telephone and cable television for any future lots which may front onto any internal streets. 5�9 Iwo no CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONTU 27. That 4.5 m X 4.5 m sight triangles be indicated at all "local street" corners. 28. That temporary turning circles be provided at the terminus of Longworth Avenue, Streets G, F and B. Any lots adjacent to the temporary turning circles should be frozen and building permits withheld until such time as the roadway is extended and development proceeds beyond the limits of this development. The following lots should be held from development at this time to facilitate the temporary turning circles and appropriate maintenance concerns: Lots 13 to 19, 21 to 23, 140 to 142, 145 and 146. 29. That prior to the issuance of the building permits for the above noted lots, the applicant bears the costs of the removal of the existing temporary turning circles at the above noted streets and completes the temporary turning circles to an urban road standard, including asphalt paving, curb and gutter, sodding of boulevards, sidewalks, street lighting and street trees. 30. That the applicant assumes all costs for provision, installation and location of Community Mailboxes to service this subdivision, in a manner satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. 31. That a copy of the Registered Plan be provided to the Municipality on disk compatible for CAD system. 32. That all the conditions of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be satisfied, financially and otherwise. 32. That all the conditions of the Ministry of Natural Resources be satisfied, financially and otherwise. �30 r�4 D E N S I T Y Ii,• 400(lp '� PLAN T8T- 820.iT�•� ' ;-1 -.a - I L_LLUJ_- 1_�_1.1_L_J — LLLLLLLLLLI I 1iIM�= 1 A V'IT V —E it 'V EL O P M i -T 1 a• +- IBT —a 1 .1 -Me- i tl 1'ROPOSEDM ` ol � r � >�N ` T l M -(f • _:. —.- D RAFT - PLAN w. T— SUMMS10N OF OT OF LOT 10 �C£mON 2 D T F• i _ i 1 -.s 0/ Daf gta+U. MNo.��`+N9�1LThh. 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I I _ � � _ � _'°t ,•._� � _ �Tx_ �; _,� - -- ����`�:_- � _�`` __ �,.,G,a L_L1_1_l_I_�_�._1.1_L_� III --=�- •' _ ., '� ���` >: ,•._' --� - - ; _ � °•�° - J - " ' ENCLAVES OF LIBERTY STREET —� — 7B T -9 00036 I I I I I I I I I III >� >, _R TS >. TS ,��' ' '' h• T• � � I - -- p��. <� �:s. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY -LAW NUMBER 94- being a By -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington has recommended approval to the Region of Durham of proposed red -line revisions to draft Plan of Subdivision 18T- 90036. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By -law 84 -63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington to implement the red -line revised Plan of Subdivision. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "3" to By -law 84 -63 as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Agricultural (A)" to "Urban Residential Type One - Holding ((H)R1)" "Agricultural (A)" to "Urban Residential Type Two - Holding ((H)R2)" "Agricultural (A)" to "Urban Residential Type Three - Holding ((H)R3)" "Agricultural (A)" to "Neighbourhood Commercial - Holding ((H)C2)" as shown on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By -law. 3. This By -law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY -LAW read a first time this BY -LAW read a second time this day of 1994. day of 1994. BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 533 1994. MAYOR CLERK This is Schedule "A" to By-law - , passed this f A. . —day LOT 10 ,, 2 I t�CONCESSION } }:tin ..�•.v� „h 'v�.: v {i_.$f+ �'l?;!.; + v..,: I �- ZONING CHANGE FROM I A TO '(H )R I' \` sT. LO W - - - - -- 114G�►�ORTH »>J> ZONING CHANGE FROM % X. A T H R 2 �} ZONING CHANGE FROM = = 'A� TO �(H )R3 m ZONING CHANGE FROM = ' 0 25 50 loom Mayor 50m 0 Clerk LOT 11 LOT 10 LOT 9 CONC, ESSIO IIIJI' H ST. RI r lH)R1 R3 A (H)RI i ° R2 (H)R1 i A I, R3 R2 (H R2 a a R2 = RI A A Nl Fa (H)R4 A -s i N RI (H)CI R1 (IQRa wl a z I 0 / �2 A (H)R2 R2 ZO W R1 J ��y0 W 2 Z OW ( BWMANVILLE O A 0 50 f 100 200 300m 60m0 5-34 .� 18 March, 1994. ZEN ESTATEES t. ('O, 403 SACKVILLE c,TIl HT TORONTO, ONT, WX 156 960.2339 - FAX; 463 -,1,:1; 550 The Corp. of the Municipality of Clarington, ofe'Vw,(tment of Planning and development, 4f) 'rsmperance Street, Bt.�.�ntanvi l la, Ontario, LTC IA6 hfi't' o Mr. Drank Wu deRt Sir, my planner forwarded a facsimile copy of your report dated 8 Mar_ )) 1954 to me today and I want to clarify a number of p6i.nts to dt. by you as there are obviously seriove misundarstandirju* ycyur- statement that I had not approached Brooking Transport duv,tng the past two years and that I had last aicatio e'd t�lem aYy(.Ii;�. 4 or 5 years ago is incorrect. My gro3 ,,Ring TranQPOrt includes the fol lowing i 1, I met with them in the fall of 1989 and again in 1391... They were qui.ta clear at that time that they were not inteelpoted in either selling or developing their property, but'wduld contact me if their mindq changed. 2. Since 1991, I have asked two realtors from Oshawa Ahd Bowmanville area firms to sEe if Brooking Tranapor� hA4d Changed their position. One realtor reported to me hint Brooking wen not interested, and the other that they Oer,e interested at a price of two million. As they own theee Acres, this seemed either unreasonable or uninterest.ecl• 3., in November 1993, my planner Nick Mensink approached Brooking with my offer of froa planning services for t'he draft plan application. They retuned the offer to 'A.n !.Kt in developing their property, and stated that they were 00t ,interested in selling but were running their businb9n. I ritol that I have made an honest effort to determine that Br:�)o' -ctng Transport was not being offered for sale and was rlrt Jnt:,,c,reated in developing their land. I an an architect and custom builder, as such I am a busindsstman. I r,,.;�pect the position of Brooking Transport and the dii•fi. �altietr t yr y face in bucinesa. When they' tell me that they are', tr#ark.lrtg al, tho it business and don't want to be distracted by this do, %sr.lnpmont, I respect 'that. The town staff may expect We t.o be 0r1Rr•os,ive towards Brooking Transport, but I must abide by 81-0o 'king needs and their own plank • Brooking Transport hra x not ob fe- �.t.ed to my development, or tha tact that Longuorth will.• pomeday pass through thair they w+ tc,' act n s g .l forcing them to N I mot with you, Mr. Wu, and Mr. Mensink, at your office in the fall of 1993 to dioauss a number of conditions your staff had made in an earlier report.. Most of those items were re0olved as t.herQ was never a reason for staff's objection. The cehtrsl ionon of our meeting was the report condition that I had to provide tho road opening on Longworth to Liberty Street eyon t;h,ogh it Jo not my property. At that time I told you that i f you maintained the condition it would only serve to raise the volqu of the land beyond its value as residential house logo, and I would not be able to purchase the land under a normal market condition. I Basked you to make only the normal conditions of ac.cPan provided for in the Planning Act as there would exist aco4R3 from the south, north, and if necessary from Liberty fil.net: through my existing road accoss. 5u1-anquently, I met with Mr. Tony Cannella from the town and Mr. Mroyt nk to further discuss the access issue. While I was oyp sting that the issue would be measured on planning principlev of traffic density and distance, sand that some discusoian eoold develop the potential of -using my existing access to Liberty Proat,, Mrs Oannolla iht,t'odUPPd W Pxpropriation schema as the only method available to my development should I not be'abl* to acquire the Longworth linkage. I did not think that this woo a ro4onable action to take. After the General Purpose and Adm Kimtration Committee tobled my application, I telephoned you on $ February 1994 to dianvoc your plAoing a new condition of a limit of 50 lots on the development. My concern wan that thin condition would make it financially Impossible to develop a first stage. I understood that yop were gctnq to make a meeting between myself, yourself and Mr. Evans to d .Goons access alternatives to Longworth. This meeting was to Wk place after you met with Brooking Transport. I am not clear se Q why this meeting to oeok an Alternative to expropriating Smoking Transport did not take place. In your paragraph 20 you make a political comment on the plu"O ng issue comparing my development to the problems you have esi.ac fenced on Glenabbey Drive in Courtice. I do not bolteve that it to correct to expect the *am* problem to arise here, appenially ass we are able to design around the problem. A knock dawn emergency barricade can be placed on Swindel to restrict all best emergency vehicles if Freeland residents complain of exaRns ive traffic; this would move traffic south to Meadowvltw. I bave a road allowance sized access to Liverty Street which can be t, sod am a temporary access until Longworth is developed. Clearly the issue is not whether we can provide proper platsntng and traffic flows to serve the community; we can. The i,cn"v is whekber my development should be limited to 50 lots until I.c,r:c,{worth can be devalolsed. The $0 lot limit is too smoll to oi'Kat the high start up costs in engineering, servicing and I'1 F-1 f• ' — 1 �: — '�+ �- f= 1 <: 1 1 L. d_t i -. 1 • I Fi 1 L– 1 L' t_i t L L' t i a 3 gra,lt,ng. What you are really saying in that the effective limit iq sera lots. This is not workable. 'e' pavelopment of neighbourhoods such as this one are never rtnoompoliahed in one proposal. 9ach party involved hag their own t.,tmet•.able for marketing, servicing and finance. There is no need to force me to open Longworth as'long as I can meet normal p1.onn ing criteria. bongwo_rth will be opened as d natural, proycession of the market forces. The Brookings will meek to trove to a better location as their business prospers. Xf it does not prosper, then they will well or develop to realize their potential. I will not be able to develop my north-west vl t.n of Pt;out 45 lots until Brooking decidea to relocate due to the ir7t.errgrated grading between theit site and mine. Therof'one I 81so have a desire to see Brooking Transport move and Lett` gvprth opened. I can better facilitate this goal if you do not #Inca onorous restrictiono on my development. I envision that this will occur before the parcel east of trine is developed and long More the region will seek to ektand Longworth east of Mysens �1t!6!i�ue. I wish to see my development proceed to council with only the stjodard planning conditions of access and egress, not a limit on Qvo lopment, and not any special conditions towards developtng honiworth. Longworth ought to by opened by the owner of the Brooking Transport land. It is toot ethical to attempt to force out the Brookings since the town'hate already lost that battle ooce at the ONO. While opening bongworth is a Concern for the town, it is more a long time frame regional .issue which will cl<cur naturally* It would be moot unfair to place the onto of pvoviding Longworth on my shouldgrs as it is not my land to gi.vee a :-d it does not improve my development. Anaprelyr copiea to members of council, Brooking Transport, Ronald J. Kitchen. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON To: Marie Knight, Deputy Clerk Front: Carlo Pellarin, Planner, Development Review Branch Date: 24 March 1994 Subject: REVISED CONDITION OF DRAFT APPROVAL PART LOT 10, CONCESSION 2, BOWMANVILLE 18T -90036 - CHIZEN Please find attached a copy of the revised conditions of draft approval for 18T- 90036. The revisions incorporate the recommendations approved by G.P.A. on Monday March 21, 1994. Carlo THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Memorandum To: FRANK WU, DIRECTOR, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT From: MARIE P. KNIGHT, DEPUTY CLERK Date: FEBRUARY 15, 1994 Subject: REZONING APPLICATION — DWIGHT CHIZEN IN TRUST — PART LOT 10, CONCESSION 21 FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE OUR FILE: D14.DEV.90.074 At a meeting held on February 14, 1994, the Council of the Municipality of Clarington approved Recommendation #GPA- 46 -94: "THAT Report PD -12 -94 be tabled to allow staff to liaise with Brooking Transport." Mar e P. ight MPK /lb