HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-22-95 Addendum Date: MAY 29, 1995 ADDENDUM TO Report#: s.P-22_9c File#: D.02 .33.06 Subject: TRAFFIC STUDY, PRESTONVALE ROAD AREA, COURTICE Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. THAT Report Addendum to WD-22-95 be received for information. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Copy of correspondence dated May 24, 1995, from T. Prevedel, P.Eng. , Director of Transportation, Durham Regional Works Department No. 2: Copy of Resolutions from the May 15, 1995, General Purpose and Administration Committee 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.2 At a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on Monday, May 15, 1995, several resolutions we passed dealing with the recommendations in Report WD-22-95 (Attachment No. 2) . 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3. 1 Meeting Held With Durham Regional Works Department At the request of Mark Lenters, Durham Regional Works Department, a meeting was held on Tuesday, May 23, 1995, to discuss the recommendations contained in Report WD-22-95. THIS IS PRINTEDO RECYCLED PAPER REPORT NO. : ADDENDUM TO WD-22-95 After some discussion, Mr. Lenters requested that a decision regarding the recommendations contained in Report WD-22-95 be deferred to provide sufficient time for the Regional Works Department to fully explore the options available regarding the intersection of Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street. On May 24, 1995, a letter was received from Mr. T. Prevedel, P.Eng. , Director of Transportation, Durham Regional Works Department (Attachment No. 1) . 3.2 Cost Estimates and Development Charge By-laws Cost estimates will be available when the Region, in consultation with Clarington, has completed a detailed examination of the various alternatives. However, it should be noted that: a) The extension of Bloor Street from Bruntsfield Street to Prestonvale Road is Clarington's responsibility. It is not included in the existing Development Charge By-law, but is included in the proposed Development Charge By- law. b) The reconstruction of Prestonvale Road from Glenabbey Drive to Bloor Street is included in Clarington's existing Development Charge By-law. C) The realignment of Prestonvale Road from Glenabbey Drive to Bloor Street, if approved, would be in Clarington's proposed Development Charge By-law. d) The improvement of the Prestonvale Road/Bloor Street intersection would be a Durham Regional responsibility REPORT NO. : ADDENDUM TO WD-22-95 PAGE 3 and would have to be included in their proposed Development Charge By-law. 3.3 Time Durham Region has advised me that they could complete their review in about six (6) weeks. Respectfully submitted, Walter Evans, P.Eng. Director of Public Works WAE*ph May 26, 1995 Attachment Reviewed by, l A.- Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer May 24, 199S The Regionai Municipality of Durham Works Department Municipality of Clarington Box 623 40 Temperance Street 105 Consumers Dr. BOwmanville, Ontario Whitby,Ontario Canada L1 N 6A3 L1C 3A6 (805)668-7721 Fax:lsosf 668-2051 Attention: W.A. Evans, R Eng. VGA. Silgailis, P.E.g. Commissioner of Works Dear Sir: Please quote our raf: RE. Southwest Courtice Community Bloor Street Profile, Regional Road No. 22 and Realignment of Prestonvale Road TRA-RR22-DEV We are in receipt of correspondcnce front 0, M, Sei nas & Associates Ltd. to your mr. Nick Colucci which was copied to our Mr, John Presta. G. M. Sernas& Associates Ltd. promote improving the profile of Bloor Street east of Prestonvale Road by construction of earth fill embankment. A copy of this letter is attached for your information. Staff from the Region agree in principle to elevating the profile of Bloor Street east of Prestonvale Road in recognition of the Type 'A' designation of Bloor Street and the associated geometric standards. The issues which remain unresolved in the context of the Southwest Courtice plan are related to cost attribution and timing. In addition, we have a copy of your report to General Purpose and Administration Committee dated May. 15, 1995. Staff of the Transportation 'Branch at the Works Department agree with the proposed designation of Prestonvale Road as a Type 'C' Arterial from Highway No, 2 southerly, however, we have technical concerns about the .realignment of Prestonvale Road relating to the proper spacing of intersections along the proposed Bloor Street realignment and safe sight distances for east/west traffic on Bloor Street at the relocated intersection. ATTACH4M NO. 1 ADDENDUM TO WD-22-95 V'. 100%PostconAUmer ...2 - 2 - It is our opinion that the proposal to realign Prestonvale Road in the vicinity of Bloor Street has not been fully explored both in concept and design. We request further consideration of this matter through consultation with Region Planning and Works staff, It would also appcar that the chatter should be addressed through the Southwest Courtice Secondary Plan process. We appreciate your consideration of the foregoing in reporting to Clarington Council. Yours truly, T. Prevedel, P. Eng. ML/am Director of Transportation Encl. CO: C. Curtis, P. Eng., Manager, Developrncrrt Approvals D. Crome, Planning Department, Municipality of Clarington D. Allingham,P. F.ng., Totten Sims Hubicki N. Mensink, P. Eng, G. M. Sernas&Associates Ltd. March 17, 1995 Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street 13owmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Attention: W.N. Colucci,P.Eng, Dear Sir: F� Y,4 G.M. Sernas QAssOCiates ltd. ( q_ Consui;ing Engineers&Planners 110 Scoria Court, Unit 41 i i" Whitby, Ontario L1 N 8Y7 } Telephone; (905)432-7878 1 Toronto Lire: (905)686.6402 Fax; (905)432-7877 Re: Southwest Courtice Community Bloor Street Profile(Regional Load No. 22) Our Project No. 8821¢ Further to our telephone conversation, we enclose a copy of sketch drawing 88214-S1K-7 showing the findings of our preliminary investigation of possible improvements to the vertical alignment of Bloor Street between Prestonvale Road and Trulls Road. Existing grades were plotted from your 1" = 100 ft. mapping (approx. date 1972). The existing culvert, carrying Robinson Creek under Bloor Street, appears to be a 13 70M dia- CMP with t = 2.8mm thickness and 68mm x 13man corrugations (54" dia., 12 gauge, 2 213" x 112" corrugations). It is in good condition and, subject to a more detailed investigation, should be capable of carrying additional embankment loads associated with raising the profile of Bloor Street. The culvert is presently approximately 20m long and has a cover of about 3 metres. Both alternative profiles are based on a design speed of 80 km/h (with K values of 30m and 35m for sag and crest curves, respectively). The profile marked Alternative W involves the raising of the low point by about 5 metres. The resulting grades match existing conditions well, both at the intersection of Prestonvale Road and at the driveways of residential properties. With an assumed road cross-section incorporating two paved lanes (3.5m each.) and two shoulders (2.5m each) as well as 2:1 embankment slopes, the existing culvert would have to be extended by 14 metres at each end. The profile marked Alternative V keeps the low point at its existing elevation. The new road grades require cuts of up to 4.5 metres on each side of the valley. The intersection at Prestonvale Road is lowered by about 1.5 metres. Prestonvale Road will require regrading (or relocation to the west) and regrading is also requirod at the driveways. Assuming the same road crass-section as described above, the culvert would have to be extended by 4 metres at each end. ...21 'J J ,--t J"J J J. lull,, , v L,.-, , Municipality of Clarington Mr. N_ Colucci, P.Eng. March 17, 1995 Page 2 1'V ,JV JULJ JLVL 1 V'J J/ VV�. C.l .'-.VCMaS ASSOCtales I'M- c�wnasa,�,evo«�, Please note that the above findings are very preliminary and require verification by carrying out surveys, soils investigation and detailed engineering design_ Yours very truly, Cr.M. SERNAS & ASSOCIATES LRv=D Dennis Szechy, P.Eng. Associate, Design Manager DS/br Encl. cc: Region of Durham, Attn:Mr. I Presta, P.Eng. (encl_) G M. Sernas & Associates Limited, Attn: Mr. N. Mensink, P.Eng_ (encl.) G.P. & A. Minutes - 7- May 15, 1995 PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D He requested that paragraph 3 of item 9.4 on page 535 of Report PD-47-95 be deleted in its entirety and replaced with a requirement that a functional design study be prepared which would delve into the merits of the alignment of Prestonvale Road. Resolution #GPA-324-95 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the order of the agenda be altered to allow for consideration of Report WD-22-95 at this time. "CARRIED" Councillor Hannah made a Declaration of Interest with respect to the Phair Avenue portion of Report WD-22-95; vacated his chair and refrained from discussion and voting on that portion of the report. Councillor Hannah is a resident of Phair Avenue. Resolution #GPA-325-95 Motion made by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT the motion be divided to allow for consideration of each paragraph separately. "CARRIED" Traffic Study Resolution #GPA-326-95 Prestonvale Road Area Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Report WD-22-95 be received. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-327-95 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT Prestonvale Road, from Highway#2 to Bloor Street, remain as a local road. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-328-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Prestonvale Road, from Glennabbey Drive to Bloor Street, be realigned as illustrated on Attachments#5A, #513, and 5C to Report WD-22-95. "MOTION LOST" ATTACH411T NO. 2 ADDENDUM TO WD-22-95 G.P. & A. Minutes - 8- May 15, 1995 Resolution ##GPA-329-95 Moved by Councillor Pingle, seconded by Councillor O'Toole THAT paragraph 3 to Report WD-22-95 be tabled to the Council Meeting of May 29, 1995. "MOTION LOST" Resolution #GPA-330-95. Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor O'Toole THAT Prestonvale Road, from Glennabbey Drive to Bloor Street, be realigned as illustrated on Attachments#5A, #513, #5C to Report WD-22-95, subject to Staff undertaking a cost analysis of the three options for the alignment of Prestonvale Road and how it will affect the development charges and the taxpayers. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-331-95 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT, when the realigned Prestonvale Road has been constructed, the existing Prestonvale Road be changed as illustrated on Attachment Nos. 5a, 5b and 5c'to Report WD-22-95 or in some other configuration acceptable to both the Municipality and the property owners in the area and that it be renamed at that time, subject to Staff undertaking a cost analysis of the three options for the alignment of Prestonvale Road and how it will affect the development charges and the taxpayers. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-332-95 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the location of the proposed Secondary Public School be on the west side of the realigned Prestonvale Road (Exhibit 1, Attachment No.3 to Report WD-22-95), subject to Staff undertaking a cost analysis of the three options for the alignment of Prestonvale Road-and how it will affect the development charges and the taxpayers. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-333-95 Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Recommendations 2, 3 and 4 be included in the Draft Official Plan, subject to Staff undertaking a cost analysis of the three options for the alignment of Prestonvale Road and how it will affect the development charges and the taxpayers. "CARRIED" G.P. & A. Minutes - 9 - May 15, 1995 PUBLIC MEETINGS CONT'D Resolution #GPA-334-95 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Hannah THAT the stop condition on Glenabbey Drive at Bruntsfield Street and at Pinedale Crescent be removed and that the proposed By-law (Attachment No. 7 to Report WD-22=95) be forwarded to Council for approval to implement this recommendation. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-335-95 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT Mr. Whitehead be advised that, if he feels that the planting of the eight (8) trees in 1992 and the planting of an additional eleven (11) trees in 1995 is not sufficient, on his request, the residents on Prestonvale Road will be contacted to see if they would want to have a tree planted on their property. Resolution #GPA-336-95 Moved by Councillor O'Toole, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT a copy of Report WD-22-95 be forwarded to those persons named at the end of Report WD-22-95 and that they be advised of Council's decision. "CARRIED" Resolution #GPA-337-95 Moved by Councillor Scott, seconded by Councillor Pingle THAT the Committee recess for lunch for 45 minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 2:00 p.m. Rezoning Resolution #GPA-338-95 Application- William Torino Moved by Councillor Hannah, seconded by Councillor O'Toole Construction Ltd. THAT Report PD-46-95 be received; THAT the application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, of the former Town of Newcastle, submitted by W.D.M. Consultants on behalf of William Tonno Construction Ltd. be referred back to Staff for further processing; and