HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-12 Minutes Newcastle ennor lAr e t Board Minutes ofMeeting► — Tuesdau June 12, 2012 .(Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance—Gord Lee,Chair Larry Burke,Vice-Chair Carol Little,Joanne Raymond,Bob Holmes,Gary Oliver,Gord Blaker Arena Manager,Bryan Wiltshire Regrets- Councillor Woo,Councillor Partner 1. Call to Order—7:08 p.m. 2. Adoption of Minutes—Motion# 12-117 THAT: The minutes of May 8th,2012 is approved as presented, with no additions, deletions or, changes. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Joanne Raymond Carried 3. Arena Manager's Report—Bryan recapped the damage that was done by the vandalism to the arena which occurred on May 17th. As there were no signs of break-in,the perpetrators had either hidden in the building when it was closed for the evening or, one of the entrance doors was left unsecured by staff. The police had investigated. The chair had provided a full report to the municipality— (Nancy Taylor and both councilors). The vending equipment had been repaired by the owner and replacement of our TV set and Fire Extinguisher was in progress. Damage wasn't sufficient enough to proceed with a claim to the insurance company. Fall ice schedule was discussed—NVMHA was considering a Juvenile entry team and would be getting back to Bryan this month regarding same. Ice time for all user groups appeared to be falling into place. The board was still awaiting the Veridian rebate for our lighting upgrades. The chair advised: he had been in touch with the billing department to discuss continual estimated billings. The meters had not been read for a few months and it appeared we had overpaid for service or consumption. Follow-up from this issue will be discussed at the July meeting. Bryan was making plans for his first week of vacation, in July and then,he would be taking on any painting required in the building. Quotations had been submitted by two sources for much needed flooring in the change rooms and hallway. The current change room flooring had been installed over 20 years ago and was badly in need of replacement. The municipality's recommended floor from Gym-Con Contractors came in at a quotation of$24,690.50. 4. Financial Report—May 31St, 2012 bank statement showed a closing balance in our current account of$49,175.18. Accounts receivables were being monitored by Bryan and Gord. Revenue YTD of$161,817.69 was 49% of the board's projected target. Payroll was at 45.5% of budget- ($68,930.69). Overall expenditures of $128,335.53 were under 40% of budgeted expenditures. A capital expense of approximately$20,000.00 for flooring, if completed, would be affordable. However, further negotiations were needed with Gym-Con to get a more favorable price. Follow-up was required. Bryan will initiate. The board members were looking to keep this capital expense to a maximum of$20,000.00. 5. Business Follow-Up—Gord Blaker advised: He appeared to be closer to having the lobby bleachers completed and every effort was being taken to open our fall season with them in place. 6. New Business—The chair advised of the Municipality of Clarington's Resolution #GPA-333-12 declaring Clarington a"Blue Community". Although sales of non recyclable products are sold through our snack bar, i.e. plastic water and soft drink bottles, every effort will be taken to eliminate non-recyclable serving utensils. Biodegradable products in the snack bar will be investigated. 7. Next Meeting—Tuesday July 10,2012 8. Adjournment—Motion # 12-118 THAT: The meeting is adjourned. Moved by: Larry Burke Seconded by: Carol Little Carried