HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-10 Minutes lVe w, ie i 1$ i :�14 to n Minutes ofMeetinz— Tuesday April 10, 2012 (Not vet approved by committee) In Attendance—Gord Lee,Chair Larry Burke,Vice—Chair Carol Little,Gord Blaker,Bob Holmes,Gary Oliver,Bryan Wiltshire Regrets- Councillor Woo,Councillor,Partner,Joanne Raymond 1. Call to Order—7:00 PM. 2. Adoption of Minutes—Motion# 12-008 was proposed: THAT: The minutes of February 14, 2012 is approved as presented,with no additions, deletions or, changes. Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by: Gary Oliver (No meeting in May, due to lack of quorum) CARRIED 3. Arena Manager's Report-Bryan Wiltshire brought our committee up to date on our spring program advising: Men's Sunday Night Ball Hockey would commence April 15th. Lacrosse—Monday April 16th.—Sea Cadets were booked into the arena for Sunday May 27th. —The Orange Parade will take place from the arena in July. In addition,the Clarington Chamber of Commerce had inquired about holding their Trade Fair at the arena in August. A discussion on this event followed and the chair was asked to contact Mr. Hickson for further information on their needs, i.e. tables, chairs, electric services to vendors and timing of event. The chair will report back at our next scheduled meeting, in May. Then, a rental rate will be established. Discussed then took place on our need for a new amplifier. The equipment required had been quoted on by two sources. The following motion was propose Motion# 12-009 was proposed: THAT: Mike Stacey's quotation for equipment and installation would be accepted and the price was not to exceed$700.00. Gord Blaker,who had been handling the quotations, would advise Mr. Stacey and continue to follow-up with the installation and payment. Moved by: Larry Burke Seconded by: Gary Oliver CARRIED (2) Bryan also brought to our attention a need for plumbing repairs in the ladies washroom—there were two toilet stalls out of commission. The chair advised he had finally heard from Jack Burgess Plumbing regarding their invoicing in September of 2011,which had remained unpaid. As these invoices had been in dispute, our members were waiting for clarification before paying. With plumbing services currently in need and clarification of the outstanding invoices received,the outstanding invoices to Burgess Plumbing were marked for payment—a total payment of$4,829.62. Motion# 12-010 was proposed: THAT: Two quotations for the plumbing repairs currently required will be requested. As there is a need to get in behind the block wall where the problem is,Bryan will have Burgess and the municipality's recommended plumbing service quote on the job. Moved by: Larry Burke Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED Bryan also brought to our attention,the need for floor repairs in the dressing rooms and hallway. His first quotation was in the vicinity of$6,000.00.A second quote was forthcoming. 4. Financial Report—Accounts Receivable were reviewed- $58,840.29 was Outstanding,with 87%($51,312.84)being current. Ongoing follow-up on Receivables will be carried out by the arena manager. YTD income statement had not been received from our bookkeeper, at meeting time. Our CIBC statement for March 31, 2102 indicated a bank balance of$70,452.38. 5. New Business—Requests to Gord Blaker from NVMHA for additional banners to be installed in the arena were discussed. As a lift truck is required for installation, it was decided that our policy needs to be reviewed. After discussion by our committee,Motion#12-011 was proposed: THAT: Only OMHA Ontario and Silver Stick finalists and championship banners would be hung in the arena. Also, each season end banners, approved for hanging from the arena rafters will have to be in our staff s possession by August 1St. They will then be hung for our September ice opening. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Gord Blaker CARRIED (3) Discussion followed on ice flooding for all minor hockey user groups, In particular,2nd period floods for younger age groups. Motion# 12-012 was proposed: Second Period floods would be eliminated for Novice, Atom and Peewee Divisions and would stay in effect for any age group over Peewee. The only exceptions would be at the arena staff's discretion. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Larry Burke CARRIED Gord Blaker reported that the Lobby Bleacher Seats were still in progress and we are hopeful of having them in place for our September ice opening. The chair advised: Garbage pick-up charges by Waste Management were in need of reviewing. Monthly fuel/environment charges for March of 2012 totalled $152.09. Councillor Woo had advised the chair in writing that we could be added to the Municipality's contract pick-up,through the purchasing department. It was determined, we should follow up on this opportunity to save on expenses Motion# 12-113 was proposed: THAT: Over the summer months, arrangement would be made for the cancellation of service from Waste Management and the pick-up of their containers. Arrangement would then be made to be added to the Municipality's contract service for waste pick-up. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED 6. Next Meeting—Tuesday May 8th. 7:00 P.M. 7. Adjournment Motion# 12-114 was proposed: THAT: The meeting is adjourned Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED 9:15 pm.