HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-14 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Manazement Board Municipality of Clarinaton Minutes of Meetinm— Tuesday February 14, 2012 (Not vet approved by committee) In Attendance—Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice Chair Carol Little, Joanne Raymond, Gord Blaker, Gary Oliver, Councillor Woo, Councillor, Partner Regrets—Bryan Wiltshire, Robert Holmes 1. Call to Order-7:05 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes—Motion #12-004 was propose: THAT: The minutes of January 10`h, 2012 is approved as presented; with no additions, deletions or, changes. Moved by:Joanne Raymond Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED 3. Arena Manager's Report—In Bryan's absence the chair discussed concerns over the cost of replacement glass and or,plastic for the rink boards. Councillor Partner offered to make some inquiries at the municipality and Orono Arena to see what they are using, where they are buying and pricing structures. Newcastle Arena is currently buying from Bowmanville Glass. This past Saturday, February 112012, in Bryan's absence at the arena the sound amplifier had broke. Considering the cost of replacing it, Gary offered to take a look at the unit and attempt to get it repaired. It was removed from the arena for Gary to take home with him,for evaluation. Discussion also took place regarding ice flooding during games, (end of 2nd period) -for the younger age groups. Bryan Wiltshire had advised our chair that the City of Oshawa was reducing their ice floods, in this manner and had found significant savings in water consumption and labour by saving 8-10 floods per week. Councillor Woo offered to take up the discussion with Community Services to see what their flooding procedure was and report back to our members. September ice was also discussed, as we had significant ice time available, this past September and perhaps, opened a week or two too early. This is a significant cost to keep good ice throughout the early weeks of the month. It also requires an i ° (2) early return to full staff, in August at a significant cost. We need to get into discussions with our user groups. Bryan will be advised to initiate ice scheduling with our major contract ice users, i.e. NVMHA, NSC, CGMHA, etc. 4. Financials—Account receivables, and income statement was provided. 2012 final budget approval waiting on arena payroll adjustment. Joanne Raymond's request for dismissal from our meeting due to a conflict of interest was granted. A motion was then proposed: 5. Motion #12-005 THAT. The board members go in-camera. Moved by: Councillor Woo Seconded by: Councillor Partner CARRIED—8:51 p.m. Motion #12-006 was proposed: THAT. The board members come Out of Camera. Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by: Gord Blaker CARRIED 6. New Business—Gary requested a discussion on employee identity,proper safety helmets and boots being worn and laced or fastened properly. This will be taken up with Bryan at our next meeting. In addition, the board would like to pursue rink board displays for change rooms,for coach's use. Carol was going to check on availability through her place of employment. Follow-up required. 7. Next Meeting Date — Tuesday March 13, 2012 — 7:00 P.M. 8. Adiournment—Motion #12-007 THAT. The meeting is adjourned. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Gary Oliver CARRIED