HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-18 Minutes SUSTAINABLE CLARINGTON COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting of April 18, 2013, 7:00 P.M. MEZZAINE ROOM Present: Mayor Foster Councillor Hooper Neil Allin Mike Dymarski Suzanne Elston Allan Hewitt Lorraine Jones Kerry Meydam Michael Patrick Also Present Curry Clifford, Corporate Initiatives Officer Anne Greentree, Deputy Clerk, attended until 8:00 p. m. Mayor Foster chaired the meeting until the Committee selected its Chair. 1. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS Each member introduced themselves to each other at this the first meeting of the Committee. 2. TERMS OF REFERENCE OF COMMITTEE The Committee had before them their Terms of Reference as established by Council, an article from Scientific American titled "The Top 10 Myths about Sustainability" and the Municipality's Strategic Plan. Curry Clifford reviewed the Terms of Reference highlighting in it the W5 of the Committee, including the definition of sustainable development from the Brudtland Commission that is to guide the Committee. He also noted that the article provides some useful direction on the scope of sustainability and that the Strategic Plan sets as the Municipality's vision: "Building a sustainable, creative and caring community". He noted that the Plan includes six strategic priorities and the Committee's assistance in advancing and integrating each of these will be appreciated and will assist to further the Committee's mandate: to foster a community-wide culture of sustainability. It was noted that the Committee does not have a budget allocation and it was clarified that should it wish to have one, it may put such a request to Council. Sustainable Clarington - 2 - April 18, 2013 Community Advisory Committee 3. PROTOCOL - COUNCIL APPOINTED ADVISORY COMMITTEES The Committee had before them the protocol for Council appointed advisory committees (embedded in the Committee's Terms of Reference) and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. Anne Greentree reviewed these, highlighting that the Committee is advisory to Council rather than taking positions on behalf of the Municipality. She noted that when making advice to Council, the Committee is to act through resolution. Minutes of the Committee are to be completed within a week of the Committee's meeting, reviewed by the Committee Chair and included in the agenda package of the next following Council meeting as draft minutes and only become final minutes once approved. Minutes are not to be a verbatim record of the meeting and shall not generally include attribution of comments to a specific member. Agendas of meetings will be made available on the Municipality's website on the Monday of the week of the Committee's meeting. Members were asked to review the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, to be mindful that the Act deals with pecuniary interests and exempts pecuniary interests that are in common with electors generally and to be mindful to declare any conflicts at the beginning of the meeting and absent themselves from any discussion of the matter. 4. MEETING PROCEDURES, INCLUDING PROCEDURES FOR SELECTING COMMITTEE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Anne Greentree reviewed Committee procedures, noting the principles behind the Municipality's Procedural By-law apply and that the Committee is to select its Chair and Vice Chair through resolution. 5. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Mayor Foster called for nominations for the position of Chair. Moved by Kerry Meydam seconded by Lorraine Jones THAT Suzanne Elston be nominated as Chair of the Committee. Moved by Allan Hewitt, seconded by Mike Dymarski THAT Michael Patrick be nominated as Chair of the Committee. Mayor Foster called for any further nominations. None coming forward, Mayor Foster closed nominations. Sustainable Clarington - 3 - April 18, 2013 Community Advisory Committee The nomination of Suzanne Elston as Chair was then put to a vote and lost. The nomination of Michael Patrick as Chair was then put to a vote and carried. Mayor Foster then called for nominations for the position of Vice Chair. Moved by Michael Patrick, seconded by Kerry Meydam THAT Suzanne Elston be nominated as Vice Chair. Mayor Foster called for any further nominations. None coming forward, Mayor Foster closed nominations. The nomination of Suzanne Elston as Vice Chair was then put to a vote and carried. Michael Patrick then assumed the Chair. 6. DISCUSSION OF MEMBER'S EXPECTATIONS OF COMMITTEE'S OUTCOMES Members discussed expectations of the Committee's outcomes, including that the Committee will: - develop priorities from the 58 suggestions from 2010 that will provide early wins that are impactful - build on the successes in the community - by local governments, community organizations and individuals, and show the community what is possible, e.g., the Regional Government's Climate Change Local Action Plan; the Municipality's own initiatives to reduce its energy consumption and to encourage low energy and water usage in new residential developments - address the need for education especially among school aged children about sustainability specific to Clarington And in developing its outcomes, members noted that the Committee should: - recognize the urban/rural mix of Clarington and that it includes significant natural features and agricultural lands - learn from other communities as to what actions generate strong results - generate measures of success - put an economic lense to its recommendations. 7. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS AND DISCUSSION OF EXPECTED PURPOSES OF NEXT FEW UPCOMING MEETINGS The Committee had before them a schedule of meetings showing meetings the third Thursday evening of each month up to October 2014 with suggested purposes for the next few meetings. Sustainable Clarington - 4 - April 18, 2013 Community Advisory Committee The Committee received this as information and agreed to meet as scheduled on Thursday May 16th at 7 pm. There was some discussion but no decision about meeting more frequently and about creating subcommittees. The Committee determined that members should, before the next meeting, prioritize the 58 suggestions from 2010 and discuss the consolidated results at its next meeting. (Curry Clifford to develop document to enable members to note their priorities and distribute this document within a week.) The Committee will determine which organizations it wishes to subsequently meet with based on its priorities. The Committee discussed means of both sharing and editing documents. Curry Clifford to investigate this and return to the Committee with what the Municipality can do to meet these needs. 8. OTHER BUSINESS The Committee had before them a submission from John Stephenson titled "Energy Return on (Energy) Invested" and a request, through Curry Clifford, from Mr. Stephenson to meet with the Committee at its next meeting. The Committee determined that Mr. Stephenson should be thanked for his submission and that the Committee will determine its response to his request once they have determined their priorities. Curry Clifford noted that he has been asked by organizers of the Rotary Clubs of Bowmanville and Courtice Super Spring Clean-Up Day to speak about the Committee to the high school students following their clean up on April 19th. He indicated he intended to outline the role of the Committee and to seek student's comments on priorities. The Committee indicated their interest in youth engagement in the Committee's work. Moved by Allan Hewitt, seconded by Micheal Patrick THAT the Committee advise Council that it should add to the Committee two youth members who are residents of Clarington, one attending a school of the Public School Board and one attending a school of the Catholic Separate School Board. CARRIED 9. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:48 p.m.