HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-16 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting April 16, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Seto Angela Tibbles David Reesor Tracey Ali Colin Maitland Karin Murphy Councillor Hooper Tenzin Gyaltsan REGRETS: Kim Vaneyk (Ex-officio), Ruth Goff (Ex-officio), MEMBERS ABSENT: Allan Kirby, Andrew Kozak STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Kristy Kilbourne Angela welcomed all to the meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST None to declare. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 13.08 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Ron Hooper THAT the agenda be adopted. "CARRIED" ADOPTION OF MINUTES 13.09 Moved by Bonnie Seto, seconded by Tracey Ali THAT the minutes of March 19th, 2013 be accepted. "CARRIED" 1 BUSINESS ARISING OHT Nominations for 2013 A number of individuals were considered by the Committee for the OHT Award nominations. 13.10 Moved by Bonnie Seto, seconded by Ron Hooper THAT Frank Stapleton be nominated for the Lieutenant Governor's Ontario Heritage Award for Lifetime Achievement; Karin Murphy and David Reesor be nominated for their longstanding voluntary service to local heritage organizations; and Garfield Shaw be nominated for his commitment to the production of local history publications. "CARRIED" Additional recommendations could be considered at the May meeting. Faye will be in contact with Charles Taws at the Archives to assist with the write up for Garfield Shaw. There are a couple of questions of clarification about the number of nominations in a given category and if the individual has to be living or a post-homous nomination will qualify. VAC Historical Write-Up Sign A letter has been prepared to be sent to the Visual Arts Centre Clarington Board of Directors respectfully requesting that consideration be given to moving the historical write-up on the building from its current location in the stairwell to the front doorway next to the heritage plaque. Candidates for designation: Knox family, 6325 Enfield Road No new information. Camp 30 Faye updated the Committee that previously the applicant had been informed that there was a 12-week turnaround from a recommendation by the National Board when received by the Minister. No decision has been received as of yet, the owner has inquired with Parks Canada and is awaiting a response. 2 REPORTS from OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville CIP — Next meeting is April 17. At this meeting the CIP group will be reviewing its Terms of Reference and composition as the 3-year term should be renewed. Most members have indicated they would like to remain. Newcastle CIP — Next meeting is April 25. At this meeting they will be discussing Draft Urban Design Guidelines for Newcastle, as well as funding that was recently approved by Council in the 2013 Engineering Department budget for a streetscape study. Orono CIP — Meeting was held on April 3rd. The 90th Anniversary and general conditions of Orono Park were discussed. ACO, Clarington Branch — Tracey indicated that planning for Doors Open which will take place on June 8th is well underway and that they will be promoting the event at a booth at the Maple Festival. NVDHS —Allan was not present to provide an update. Museum — Bonnie informed the Committee that the Museum has updated their membership list and levels. They have noticed that there are few members of the CHC as part of their membership. They will be sending out a letter in the mail to CHC members to request they become members. Heritage Week Working Group — Angela provided an update on the Heritage Week wrap up meeting that was held on March 21st (Attachment 1). Veridian has confirmed that the road banner will be replaced at no cost to the Committee. Overall, the event was a success and planning for Heritage Week 2014 will commence in August. CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL Letter from MTO in response to the Council Resolution on timing of advertising the relocation of homes and also the inclusion of out-buildings in the relocation - Confirmation that salvage of materials and delivery will be provided at no cost to the Municipality. 3 Update from MTO In response to the Committee's questions and requests it was indicated that: - A heritage home relocation consultant assignment has been initiated for priority properties. - They are working to advertise these properties for relocation later this month - MTO will consider the merit and feasibility of each relocation proposal, including those which include outbuildings. - They are open to allowing the relocation of a smoke house from one of the properties which was discussed at the last meeting and will work with the Museum if there is interest. - They will not be offering 1930's-50's houses for relocation or salvage aside from regular recycling/reuse efforts that coincide with demolition such as Habitat for Humanity. - MTO is awaiting the CHC review of completed CHER documents and a municipal salvage plan including a database of requested materials. MTO's heritage consultants review the database and coordinate the salvage of materials. MTO would like this to be done before the Committee breaks for the summer. - MTO have requested to attend another CHC meeting as soon as possible. It was determined that a special meeting should be held for MTO to attend. Staff will make arrangements with MTO. It is anticipated that Planning Staff will receive many inquiries regarding the properties once they are advertised. Staff will look into preparing a resource such as a Q&A sheet upon which to refer interested persons. Invitation from MTO to an Archeological Findings Session Municipal Heritage Committee members are invited to attend an archaeology presentation on the 407 East project on Monday May 6 from 7pm to 9pm at 407EDG Offices located at 400 Dundas Street in Whitby. A few members of the Committee indicated interest in attending. 4 Letter regarding Heritage Trees David Pearl from Alliston, who is involved in Heritage Tree Treasure Hunts in Southern Ontario contacted Angela in response to the newspaper article. He indicated that the tree on the Heritage Week Treasure Hunt Map would not be as old as previously thought. He would be interested in working with the Committee to promote any information regarding Heritage Trees in Clarington. It was agreed that providing information on Heritage Trees on the Heritage Website would be something of interest for the Committee to pursue. He is specifically interested in a heritage tree that was referenced in another document at the Sam Powell house as it was planted for the 1937 coronation of King George V1 and Queen Elizabeth. Angela has spoken with the Bowmanville Horticultural Society, and they will follow this up. The BHS has also indicated an interest in partnering with CHC in a Heritage Tree project. Committee members noted a large oak tree on Old Scugog Road and the beech trees on Beech Avenue. Trees can be individually designated but Clarington has not pursued individual tree designation. PROJECT REPORTS Inventory Photographs — No update. Barns —MTO has offered to assist with this project by providing a list and locations of the barns that are in the 407 path. Staff have been able to map barn structures using the codes from MPAC; additional work will be needed to refine the way in which this information is extracted to get to the age of barns and types that would meet "heritage". NEW BUSINESS Liberty Bowl The Committee reviewed photos of Liberty Bowl taken by David and Karin. David provided a commentary. The owners have sold most everything inside; much of the equipment, lanes and materials will be re-purposed/reused. 407 Heritage Bridges, Scenic Roads, and Rail Corridors The MTO has asked that any bridges, scenic roads, and rail corridors identified as heritage resources in the Municipality's heritage resource inventory be relayed to their 5 heritage consultants. Since Clarington is so large, this type of resource has not been inventoried to date. Additional staff and resources to complete such an inventory would be necessary. Reference to the protection of historical structures, streetscapes, landscapes, vistas and ridge-lines are included in the Cultural Heritage objectives of the Clarington Official Plan. The Committee reviewed the listing and photos of affected bridges, roads, and rail corridors provided by the MTO from the 2009 Environmental Assessment. It was suggested that current photos be taken so that they can be compared with the 2007 photos. Staff will request the digital photograph files from the MTO. Karin and David will take photos of the features. Photographic documentation is the proposed strategy for recognizing these heritage features. Heritage Plaques As a solution to the problem of theft and the high cost of the bronze heritage building plaques, Planning staff are exploring different options to replicate the bronze plaques using materials that will not be subject to theft but are aesthetically appealing and will stand up to weathering. A sample plaque using plastic material was reviewed at the meeting however Committee Members agreed that they would like to continue exploring other options. Tenzin Gyaltsan moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: May 21, 2013, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1A Attachments Attachment#1 — Heritage Week Update 6 Heritage Week 2013 Working Group Report to C.H.0 April 16, 2013 The group met on Thursday, March 21 to review the various activities held during Heritage Week 2013. Representatives from the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario(Clarington), Bowmanville Business Improvement Association, Bowmanville Museum, Clarington Heritage Committee, Clarington Older Adults Association, Newcastle Village District Historical Society, Visual Arts Centre and Planning Services staff were in attendance. Bowmanville B.I.A: Bowmanville B.I.A did support the week and approximately five merchants participated with Heritage window displays. It was generally expressed that this represented a good starting point for future years. Bowmanville Museum: This year, the Museum didn't field any dedicated Heritage Week Events The group welcomed the Museum's newly appointed Executive Director, Julia Fielding, who expressed her support for the Museums participation in Heritage Week 2014. A.C.O: Ten people attended the ACO/Museum Walking Tour and several more had been expected, but were probably deterred by the extremely cold weather. C.H.C: The Orono Old Home Movie Night was very successful, with approximately fifty people attending. Everyone was most appreciative, and also enjoyed the display of Heritage Panels supplied by the Planning Department. The Banner was erected across Highway 2 by Veridian at the beginning of February, but unfortunately fell victim to very high winds on Heritage Day. It seems likely that improper installation played a part in this loss, and Veridian has kindly agreed to assist with its replacement Books were sold at the Apple Blossom Flower Shops (3), Orono Home Movie Night (1), VAC Closing Ceremonies (1) Hoopers Jewellers (3) and the C.O.A.A (12), for a total of 20 sold with $380 generated. Twelve people visited the Open House at 107 Beaver Street in Newcastle on Saturday February 23. C.O.A.A: All events held at the Beech Centre were well attended. Fifteen people came out to the Heritage Photo Day in costume, 132 people attended the Legend of Dan McGrew theatre event, nine people were at the Geneology session and the Cozy Cafe Old Tyme Pricing event brought in good crowds all day. NVDHS: Twelve people attended the Family Day event held in the Historical Room, which featured an archeological dig, and model train display. The Society was very pleased by the public's interest. V.A.C: There were very few additional visitors to the VAC during Heritage Week, and attendance at the Closing Ceremonies was also sparse. Treasure Hunt: Participation in the Treasure Hunt was disappointing. Some comments were received that the Hunt was too long, and there also seemed to be difficulty with pick up locations for the map. On the positive side, there was feedback that people were enjoying the map as a map, and were planning to use it for sightseeing in better weather. It is also permanently available on the Municipality's Heritage Website. Publicity and Promotion: The considerable time and effort put into publicity and promotion enjoyed varying degrees of success. Posters and postcards were widely distributed, but there was feedback that quantities of postcards were not used. The Website enjoyed a significant increase in traffic during January (approximately 20 visitors/day) and while Clarington Communications Department estimated that the number of people who saw their social media and electronic messages was in the tens of thousands, some problems were encountered with intergroup social media promotion. Radio KX 96 gave some coverage to Heritage Week, and there was also good support from Orono Weekly Times ( two articles) photo op, editorial and two articles in Clarington This Week and SNAP published a photo and write up of the Closing Ceremonies. Conclusions: Overall, members were very satisfied with the outcome of Clarington's first Heritage Week. All indications were that the Week achieved its prime objective — that of raising public awareness of the importance of local Heritage As the weather undoubtedly played a part in the low turnout to outdoor activities, there was a suggestion that the group consider moving the week to later in the year. It was noted that, although the third week in February is provincially recognized as Heritage Week, there was no appreciable promotion or support from the Province or the Ontario Heritage Trust. After discussion, it was decided to retain the February dates, and concentrate on more indoor activities. Efforts will be made to involve the School Board and Library, and it was suggested that a partnership with Ontario Power Generation be explored. In light of the success of the Orono Home Movie Night, it was decided to include a screening of a local heritage film during Heritage Week 2014, and a partnership with the local Cineplex Odean will be pursued. The V.A.0 will look into reserving space in the library and/or the ground floor hallway of the Municipal Administration Centre for Heritage Week Art displays. These will be installed for the entire month of February. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held in August. Date TBD.