HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-045-04 ,J , ..-If"....... _ "f' \.;;~ .t!' 1 '~. , > Cl~mgron REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 'Pb8'. 1,)l>.. Date: Monday, April 19, 2004 G/J{t .;)((,:;'1)<+ By-law #: Report #: PSD-045-04 File #: PLN 2.5.3 Subject: PHASE II DISCUSION PAPERS - DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-045-04 be received; 2. THAT Report PSD-045-04 be endorsed as the Municipality of Clarington's comments on the Region of Durham's Official Plan Review Phase II Discussion Papers; and 5. THAT a copy of PSD-045-04 and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham, to Durham area municipalities and any delegation. Reviewed bY;O ~ ~. Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer CP/DJC/sn April 13, 2004 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 625 ,T .. 0( , ~~. ~, , ~ REPORT NO.: PSD-04S-04 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Durham Region's first Official Plan was approved by the Province in March, 1978. That Plan established a structure for the Region that recognized the existing urban areas as the primary locations for future growth, designated a major open space system consisting of valleys and significant natural areas, and defined a rural area to protect agricultural land and a rural way of life. The second Durham Regional Official Plan (DROP) was approved by the Province in 1993. The Plan built on the strengths of the first Plan by establishing a growth management structure that would balance growth with the protection of the environment and other essential resources. 1.2 On April 5, 2000, Regional Council endorsed a two-phased approach to the review of the Durham Regional Official Plan. Phase I commenced in May 2000 with the release of a background paper entitled "Regional Official Plan Review, First Step - Issues". This report provided an overview of the Region and its planning context, and identified issues that should be considered in an Official Plan review, including: growth; urban form; commercial structure; the Oak Ridges Moraine; and non-farm rural development. 1.3 In September 2000, Clarington Council provided comments on the Region's background paper through its consideration of Staff Report PD-088-00. Council's comments suggested that the Region's review should also address aggregate resources, the environment, and transportation. 1.4 The second phase of the Official Plan Review commenced in July 2003 with the Region's release of the following Discussion Papers: . Population, Employment and Urban Land; . Commercial Policy Review; . Protecting Our Rural Resources; . Towards a Sustainable and Healthy Environment; and . Issues and Directions (summary report). These papers have been circulated to the public and agencies for review and comment. Transportation and its impact on land use policy were considered through the Durham Mobility Study process and the Durham Transportation Master Plan. Clarington's comments on these documents were provided in Staff Report PSD-146-03. The major concern noted by Clarington was the target to reduce auto use by 15% and the transportation demand management program, as these two items have significant implications on land use and urban densities. 1.5 The purpose of this staff report is to provide the Municipality of Clarington's comments on the Phase II Discussion Papers. The main report provides a general overview of each paper with Clarington's comments indicated in bold. The report focuses on the broader directions and vision presented in the Papers, the inter-relationship of the proposed policies, and the implications for Clarington. The Attachments contain charts that summarize all of the recommendations and directions identified in each Discussion Paper and Clarington's comments. 626 "" , ", ~'- " REPORT NO.: PSD-045-04 PAGE 3 2.0 POPULATION EMPLOYMENT AND URBAN LAND 2.1 This Discussion Paper reviews the existing population and employment growth targets contained in the 1993 Region Official Plan, presents updated population, dwelling unit and employment forecasts to 2031, and provides an evaluation of urban land supply to accommodate the forecasted population and jobs to 2031. 2.2 There are two key factors driving the population forecasts in Durham Region and Clarington. First, it has been determined that the current 2021 population target for Durham Region of 970,000 will not be achieved until approximately 2027. The second factor is that Ajax Council has indicated in its 2000 Official Plan that Ajax's urban boundaries will not extend beyond those which are currently shown in the Official Plan. Based on these two factors, the population forecasts for the Region have been modified to redistribute the growth potential of Ajax to Oshawa (75%) and Clarington (25%). 2.3 The following chart provides a comparison of population forecasts for Clarington. The first forecast, as contained in the Discussion Paper is without any consideration of physical, environmental or policy considerations. The second forecast, also from the Discussion Paper, is based on a redistribution of Ajax growth after 2021. The third forecast was prepared for consideration of the Development Charges Study in 2000. 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 2026 2031 Discussion Paper 72,585 83,519 96,695 112,485 130,155 149,270 167,375 Population 11\ Discussion Paper 72,585 83,510 96,695 112,485 130,155 151,985 174,245 Population 12\ Development 72,001 82,907 [ 93,647 104,154 115,963 I Charge 2000 13\ (1) Durham Region Reference Forecast assuming no physical, environmental or policy constraints (2) Durham Region Recommended Forecast based on 25% of redistributed growth from Ajax due to policy constraint (3) 2000 Clarington DC Forecast, unadjusted to base year 2.4 The Discussion Paper Recommended Forecast represents a population increase of almost 2.5 times from the 2001 base. The Discussion Paper has also determined that, unlike Ajax, Pickering and Whitby, Clarington will have sufficient land designated as Living Area within the existing urban area boundaries to accommodate the population forecasted to 2031, under the density and intensification assumptions provided. 2.5 The Clarington Official Plan, as approved in 1996, provides a 2016 population target of 130,600. Staff agree that the population figures of the 1993 Durham Plan, as reflected in the 1996 Clarington Official Plan, are too aggressive. The May 2000 Development Charges Background Report population forecast was significantly less aggressive, proposing a 2016 population of 104,154, and a 2021 figure of 115,963. The forecast contained in the Discussion Paper is more reasonable although still more aggressive than anticipated through the 2000 Development Charge Review. 627 ~, LI', .. l .1 ~ , REPORT NO.: PSD-045-04 PAGE 4 2.6 A policy decision to direct growth to Clarington vs. Ajax may be optimistic since the Discussion Paper also acknowledges that there is a culturally driven preference for growth to locate in the western portion of the Region. If additional lands are designated in the western portion of Durham, this will affect the assumptions in the forecast. Final local municipal forecasts can only be determined when the urban land supply issues are finalized. The Region should provide some direction or recommendations regarding how growth can be more evenly distributed among the area municipalities. 2.7 The population forecast and the households forecast together with assumptions on density and unit mix is used to determine urban area land requirements. The factor applied to the population figure to determine number of households is called persons per unit (ppu). During the previous Regional Official Plan review this number was assumed to be steadily decreasing to a low of 2.79 by the year 2021. In reviewing the recommended population and household forecast the ppu appears to vary considerably by Municipality. Among the Lake Ontario based municipalities in Durham the ppu in 2021 is projected to range from 3.33 in Pickering to 2.69 in Oshawa. Clarington is projected to have 3.08 persons per unit for the same time frame. In addition, the rate of decline between municipalities also varies considerably. More discussion is warranted on the assumptions made as this can have a significant impact on number of units being generated, as well as land requirements. 2.8 As noted in the section above, several assumptions are made in order to calculate future land needs. Vacant land designated as Living Area is assumed to develop at a gross residential density of 18.2 units per ha (uph) 1 7.4 units per acres (upa). Existing developed areas, as of 1991 are assumed to intensify and account for 20% of population growth. These density assumptions are evenly applied to all Lake Ontario based urban areas, while a lower factor of 12.4 uph (5 upa) is used for all remaining urban areas. Clarington, although a Lake Ontario based municipality, has 4 separate urban areas and a significant rural land base. As a result the character of both Newcastle Village and Orono are not the same as Bowmanville and Courtice. Furthermore, it is recognized that people moving to Clarington are typically younger families looking to find affordable ground-related residential development they can purchase. Density and intensification assumptions should be reflective of the existing character of the community. 2.9 The Discussion Paper acknowledges that subdivision developments since 1991 have generally proceeded with declining average densities and that plans of subdivision have been permitted to develop with lower than expected densities. However, the ROP is founded on the basis that the density of new development will increase, and ultimately 628 ,. ~ ' .., .t ~ , REPORT NO.: PSD.045-04 PAGE 5 achieve a goal of 17 uph 1 7upa, and existing urban areas will accommodate approximately 20% of all new population growth through intensification. From a planning perspective this is an appropriate goal as it makes better use of land and infrastructure, provides a more transit supportive development and reduces the need for urban boundary expansions. However, the Region of Durham was the approval authority for subdivision approval until more recently, and remains a critical commenting agency. The Region should provide direction other than maintaining urban boundaries for achieving higher urban densities and ensuring local municipalities are achieving the desired densities. 2.10 The DROP, while setting out land use goals, objectives and policies, does not address urban form. The discussion on development trends focuses on policy framework and not the actual built form or market implications of development. The Regional Official Plan should provide a holistic approach on how to achieve higher densities, incorporate smart growth principles, and define the regional and area municipal role in achieving these objectives. 2.11 The Paper proposes maintaining current urban boundaries until 2007 in consideration of the land needs analysis undertaken. Staff concur with the position of Regional Staff that no major expansions to urban boundaries across the Region should be considered at this time until several large initiatives are completed, including the Highway 407 EA, Seaton, Pickering Airport, the Greenbelt Plan and any Smart Growth initiatives to be included in the Provincial Policy Statement Review. Also any urban boundary expansion should have the benefit of completed watershed studies. The existing urban areas boundaries in Clarington are sufficient to address growth requirements under proposed intensification and density assumptions. However, based on the comments contained in previous sections of this report, these will need to be monitored and urban area boundary issues addressed in the next ROP review. If the Region determines to expand any urban boundaries, then the Region must resolve the untenable northern boundary for the Courtice Urban Area created during the last Durham Plan Review. An appropriate logically-defined boundary based on planning, transportation and environmental requirements should be established. 2.12 The Paper sets an ultimate employment target for Durham Region of one job for every two persons (50% employment), with interim targets of 37% by 2021 and 40% by 2031. Staff agree with these targets and note than an improved employment-to- population ratio for Durham Region is critical to realizing many of the targets and goals discussed in the Discussion Papers. 629 ~ -. \ " .-" , REPORT NO.: PSD-045-04 PAGE 6 3.0 COMMERCIAL POLICY REVIEW 3.1 The Commercial Policy Review Discussion Paper indicates that the Region will face major pressure for new commercial development that could double the commercial space over the next 20 to 30 years. The Paper advocates for less Regional involvement in commercial approval matters, which represents a major change in policy direction. It indicates that Regional interests should be defined to include primarily higher order retail facilities that have a Regional scale of 600,000 sq.ft. (55,740 sq.m). The Region's proposals to strictly limit their involvement and provide a more generalized framework for commercial issues is contrary to other regional interests. Commercial areas are the focus of urban activity and, even if centres are not regionally significant "commercial areas", they impact regional transportation, intensification and other Smart Growth objectives. The Commercial Paper gives the impression that maintaining a healthy supply of commercial "space" is more important than how that "space" is deployed and used, and how it impacts existing downtown areas. The Region's interest in commercial areas should extend beyond only the highest level of retail centres. 3.2 The concepts of the Main Central Area and Sub-Central Area are suggested to be continued, but the designations are proposed to be renamed using more contemporary planning terminology such as "Regional Centre" and "Urban Centre". The Paper indicates that the Region should prepare policies that would establish the role, scale, and form of major nodes and arteries of regional interest. These policies would guide municipalities in preparing secondary plans and approving development within these areas. Area municipalities would be solely responsible for any retail planning beyond these areas. 'Power Centers' are also identified as continuing to be the predominant form of new major retail development for the foreseeable future with future commercial land requirements for all categories being based on 20% lot coverage. The Region should promote a more intensive commercial development framework (greater than 20% coverage) to create a transit-supportive environment. The Region should also promote the intensification of existing power centers over time. 3.3 The Paper also suggests that the practice of using retail floors pace allocations as a method of directing commercial growth be discontinued. Designated regional centers would be limited to those commercial concentrations whose scale is regional in nature. It is proposed that the Region adopt a more flexible approach to the use of arterial roads such as Highway 2, Taunton Road, Simcoe Street and Brock Road for commercial corridors. The policies would allow for a mixture of high intensity uses along corridors, including commercial uses. Municipalities would be permitted to use employment areas bounded by highways or arterial roads to respond to their individual commercial needs. This would eliminate the need for special purpose commercial designations. 630 <._l , REPORT NO.: PSD-045-04 PAGE 7 The Municipality supports a commercial policy direction that promotes nodes and corridors; however, the policies should avoid the commercial stripping of all major arterial roadways. 3.4 The Region proposes to establish design criteria for arterial roads to address the need for a finer-grained access system to commercial uses, and coordinate design standards along regional roads for building siting and landscaping. The Municipality supports a policy initiative that would allow more access to Regional Roads. However, proposing Region-wide design standards along Regional roads appears to contradict many of the other ideas expressed in this paper, such as a low lot coverage objective and the reduced level of Regional involvement in commercial development. The Region should not seek to withdraw from providing major policy direction for commercial development in favour of greater control in areas such as urban design and landscaping which are site plan approval issues administered by the local municipalities. 3.5 In order to maintain a healthy and competitive supply of retail floorspace throughout the Region, the Discussion Paper proposes to pre-designate preferred regional centres or establish criteria that would enable future designations to be initiated by private applications or through studies by municipalities. The Region would also encourage municipalities to undertake commercial opportunity studies to monitor future retail commercial floorspace needs. The Region must protect traditional downtown cores by ensuring that new commercial is not created at the expense of high vacancy rates in downtown core areas. Regionally significant centres should be designated by the Region in consultation with local municipalities. 3.6 It is suggested that new regional commercial concentrations may share many of the characteristics of employment lands. The Region should determine the opportunity for retail and office uses at key strategic intersections when planning employment lands along new highways and corridors. Lands designated for employment should not be eroded for commercial development. The Region should establish policies to protect employment areas. 4.0 PROTECTING OUR RURAL RESOURCES 4.1 The rural area of Durham makes up 85% of the land area of the Region and is host to 10% of the Region's population. The rural area possesses a wide variety of natural resources such as streams, wetlands, woodlands, groundwater and open space, as well as good quality soils and climate for agricultural production and high quality gravel and sand resources. Although the majority of the rural area is currently set aside for agricultural and open space uses, other uses such as settlement areas, rural residential, aggregate extraction, tourism areas and golf courses are becoming more common. 631 REPORT NO.: PSO-04S-04 REVISED PAGE PAGE 8 4.2 The Region's rural resources are valued both for their natural heritage significance and the benefits that accrue to society from their use. The Regional Official Plan should seek to achieve a balance between the competing demands on these resources to ensure a healthy and sustainable rural resource base for future generations. 4.3 A key principle presented in this Discussion Paper is ensuring the protection of agricultural resources for future generations and reducing future conflict between non- farm and farm uses within the rural area. This is proposed to be achieved primarily through new policies that would discourage the creation of new residential lots. However, the Region is also proposing policies that would permit the creation of new parcels for farm related industrial and commercial uses. The Municipality agrees with the proposal to limit the creation of new rural residential lots, but believes that the policies that would permit new lots for farm related industrial and commercial uses is contradictory to the objective of reducing the further fragmentation of the rural land base. These types of uses should instead be encouraged to locate on existing lots of record. Clarington also generally supports farm markets and farm produce stands as they help sustain the viability of the agricultural industry; however, further discussion is needed on issues such as criteria for location, size, and permanent markets vs. seasonal markets. 4.5 The Discussion Paper notes that there is a current abundance of existing opportunities for rural residential development in the Region, and proposes a number of policies to curb or halt new residential growth within the rural areas. These include deleting existing opportunities for lot creation such as: the severance of farm retirement lots and surplus farm dwellings from non-abutting farms; lots for the relocation of heritage structures; new Country Residential Subdivisions; infilling within concentrations of 4 ha lots; and new clusters. Clarington supports this direction since it would reduce the further fragmentation of the agricultural land base and the potential for additional conflict between agricultural operations and non-farm residential uses. The one area of disagreement is the proposal not to allow severance for the relocation of heritage structures. It is noted that in October 2003 the Clarington Agricultural Advisory Committee did not support the deletion of severance policies for farm retirement lots or lots for surplus farm dwellings of non-abutting farms. 4.6 The Discussion Paper also proposes more comprehensive policies regarding the aggregate extraction industry, and in this regard is taking a similar approach to that undertaken by Clarington. In particular, the Region has proposed that environmental and socio-cultural constraints be idenVfjed in order to better define the "High Potential Aggregate Resource Area , ,.' REPORT NO.: PSD-045-04 PAGE 9 The Municipality recommends that, within the Oak Ridges Moraine, all key natural heritage features be identified as a constraint to aggregate extraction. With respect to young woodlands, it is recommended that the onus be placed on an applicant to verify whether the lands are occupied by a young plantation or early successional habitat. Rural residential clusters, rural residential concentrations, existing trailer parks, commercial uses and tourism uses should be included as socio-economic constraints. 4.7 The Region is proposing that rehabilitation plans for new aggregate extraction operations be reviewed when individual applications are submitted. This would help ensure that the rehabilitation of these areas complements the approved rehabilitation plans for existing adjacent extraction operations. Due to the large aerial extent of the aggregate resource, the Region should be taking a lead in requiring area-wide rehabilitation plans. The preparation, review and implementation of area-wide rehabilitation plans by the Region, in consultation with the Municipalities, would ensure that final rehabilitation of the operations creates a consistent landscape. The Region should also adopt a policy requiring all new or expanding operations or revisions to existing aggregate extraction licenses to incorporate progressive rehabilitation. The Region should also include a policy encouraging continued use of the Management of Abandoned Aggregate Properties (MAAP) program to ensure abandoned pits in the Region are rehabilitated. 4.8 The Region is proposing to prohibit golf courses within Agricultural Areas, and require all proposed new golf courses and golf course expansions to apply for an amendment to the Regional Plan. Applications would need to be supported by various technical studies including a hydrogeological study, a Best Management Practices Report, and a monitoring report. As well, the Region would require area municipalities to limit the scale of clubhouses. The Municipality generally supports the Region's proposed policy direction regarding golf courses. However, Clarington does not support the proposed requirement to have all golf courses proceed by amendment to the Regional Plan. There does not appear to be any compelling reason to amend the existing policy that provides for an amendment to either the Regional or area municipal Official Plan. The Region should instead focus on providing policy guidance to local municipalities. 4.9 The Discussion Paper recognizes that the functions of the urban and rural open space systems are different. Proposed objectives for rural open space include a focus on agricultural land, environmental stewardship, and passive recreational uses, while the use of urban open space would be focused on both active and passive uses, as well as 633 REPORT NO.: PSD-045-04 PAGE 10 environmental protection. Overall, there is a lack of discussion on the significance of the rural Major Open Space System, although much of the discussion on the importance, function and objectives of the major open space system is included in the Natural Environment Discussion Paper. The Municipality supports the proposal to distinguish between urban and rural open space, but notes that open space areas within hamlets possess similar functions to urban open space areas. More emphasis should be placed on the Major Open Space component of the rural areas in order to ensure a balance between protection and use of all rural resources is achieved. 5.0 TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT 5.1 This paper proposes a number of policy directions with the objective of refining and enhancing the environmental policies of the DROP. A key initiative is the proposal to establish a policy framework in the DROP that would use watershed planning as the basis for land use planning decisions. The preparation and implementation of watershed plans would be required as a prerequisite to development. The DROP would also identify the minimum components of a watershed plan, including the preparation of a water budget, a surface flow modeling study, and terrestrial and aquatic resource studies. This general policy direction is supported. However, the preparation of a Watershed Plan should not be a prerequisite for consideration of all types and scales of development, and should apply only to the designation and expansion of urban boundaries. If watershed plans are a prerequisite to development and urban boundary expansions, the Region will need to accelerate the current timelines for the preparation of such plans. Lastly, the Regional Plan needs to recognize that there is a hierarchy of watershed based planning tools, including subwatershed plans and stormwater management studies. 5.2 Policies are proposed to safeguard the quantity and quality of water resources. The quantity of surface water and groundwater would be protected by ensuring sustainable water taking and the maintenance of infiltration rates through the development approval process. The quality of surface water and groundwater would be protected by identifying vulnerable aquifer areas, significant groundwater discharge areas, and capture zones for municipal wells in the Official Plan and by including policies that would protect these areas from incompatible uses. Additional policies are proposed requiring hydrogeological studies for land use applications that have the potential to impact water quality or quantity. The general policy direction is supported but the policies should be facilitative rather than prescriptive, appropriate of a Regional scale plan. 5.3 New policies and mapping to enhance the protection of the natural environment are proposed to be incorporated into the DROP. A natural heritage system consistent with that approved for the Oak Ridges Moraine would be identified on mapping, and is proposed to include significant natural features such as all wetlands, fish habitat (warm '34 , REPORT NO.: PSD-045-04 PAGE 12 . Assuming that there will be significant residential intensification but not applying the same rigor to commercial development by assuming that it will continue at 20 % coverage. . Having no Regional role for commercial development under 600,000 sq. ft. yet wanting to create a transit-supportive land use plan. Moving from the Discussion Paper stage, the next task of the Regional review is to develop consistency both in terms of a mutually-supportive, comprehensive set of policy directions and an appropriate role for the Region in land use planning. 6.2 One of the most controversial elements of the proposed directions for the Regional Official Plan is the recommendation to not expand the current urban boundaries until at least 2007. The rationale is that there are a number of large, ongoing initiatives that will affect the Regional structure. This includes the Highway 407 EA, Seaton, the Pickering Airport, the Greenbelt legislation and the Smart Growth initiatives to be included in the new Provincial Policy Statement. Furthermore, watershed plans across the Region are currently under preparation, with many not being completed until 2007. Any urban boundary expansion should have the benefit of completed watershed plans. To expand urban boundaries within the Region at this time is pre-mature without the resolution of the above issues. These initiatives will provide the broader provincial and regional context, as well as the site-specific analysis necessary to make Region-wide decisions on appropriate growth policies and urban expansion areas. The position of Regional staff in this regard should be fully supported by Clarington. However, in the event that the Region does decide to expand urban area boundaries in the context of the current Regional review, the Region must address the irregular north boundary of the Courtice urban area created through the 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan. The current boundary is untenable as a residential neighbourhood and an appropriate boundary based on planning, environmental and transportation considerations should be established. 6.3 The Regional Plan must recognize the diversity of individual municipalities across the Region. Clarington is somewhat unique, sharing attributes of both the western lakeshore "urban" municipalities and the northern agricultural-based municipalities. One standard does not fit all and the urban/rural character of communities should be reflected in the development of goals and objectives. This includes matters like intensification targets, development densities, woodland coverage, and rural employment needs. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Durham Region Official Plan Review, Issues and Directions Report (under separate cover) Attachment 2 - Discussion Paper Comments on Population, Employment and Urban Land Attachment 3 - Discussion Paper Comments on Commercial Policy Review Attachment 4 - Discussion Paper Comments on Protecting our Rural Resources Attachment 5 - Discussion Paper Comments on Towards a Sustainable and Health Environment 636 REPORT NO.: PSD-045.04 PAGE 13 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Bryce Jordan Tony Biglieri Sernas Associates The Biglieri Group Ltd. 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 28 Bellefair Avenue Whitby, Ontario Toronto, Ontario L 1 N 8Y7 M4L 3T8 637 N' I- Z w ::I :I: ~ ~ U) I- Z w :::E :::E o () o c C.c E 0 w .~ ~ "C 0 c.<: C'a O)~ C '!:OOM o C ; eN I'll co 0 -0..- ::::l ~ c'O)N 0'<:0 1l..I-N . 0) 0) ~ !i +-'Ctl+-'l.--O) O)"COC co ::JO)COC > 0) 0) co .<: 0) 0.<:'<:.- 'W.~ Co -e -: Co ;5 0 :?; "co en > ::J """.- > 0)0)- o.CS:Q)QQ) C, I.... ~ ~ E co II~ ~ C. 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