HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-181 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2004- 181 Being a By-law to authorize a second lease amending agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Canadian Waste Services Inc. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and seal with the Corporation Seal, a second lease amending agreement between Canadian Waste Services Inc. and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this 28 day of June, 2004. By-law read a third time and finally passed this 28day of June, 2004. ~1{~~, . John MutfQl1,. ayor ..~ '. --~" : '. '\ Agreement ATTACHED TO BY- LAW 2004 - 181 NOT AVAILABLE 07/2g/2004 12:47 4158547404 DENNIS HEFFERON LAW PAGE 02/03 .. J; -j-RO # -40 Notice Under $.71 Of The Land Titles Act The 8ppllcanr(s) hereby 8PpllGS 10 the Land R@gi.strar. I Prop9rtfas PIN R9celpted ~s DR302525 on 2004 07 29 yyyy mm dd a~ 12:14 Page 1 of 16 Descripflon 26606 - 0001 L T I::.state/Quallf'ier Ft:!e Simple Lt Conversion Qualified PT L T 25 CON BROKEN F~ONT DARLINGTON; PT LT 2e CON BROKeN FRONT DARLINGTON NOW DESIGNATED AS F>TS '. 2 & 3 ON PLAN 40".1"913. S1T INTeREST IN NS6265; SfT DN1602ge: CLARINGTON CLARINGTON ~ ~edescrlptlon Addfe.ss I Consideration Cons/ceration $ 0.00 I Applicant(s) The notiea is based on or affect\!. a vulicf and exlstlng estate, right. interest or equity in land Name Address to,. S~rvlce THE CORPO~ATION OF THE MUNICIPA,L.IIY OF CLARINGTON 40 Temperance S~et BowmanVille, ON L, C SA6 This clocumll:!nt is not author1zed under F'owar of Attorney by this party. Thi~ document is being authorized by a municipal corpol"atlon The Corpol"atlon of the MU"ICip~lity of Clsrlngton by John Mutton, Mayor and Patti L. Barrie. Munieiipal Clerk. I Party To(s) Capacity Share Name Address for SGJViC6 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CANADA CORPORATION 504$ South Service Road Suit(/: 300, Burlington, ON L7L 5Y7 I, Oonafd P. Wright, Vlce~PreSident. have the authority to bind the corporation Thl!;t documSlnt is not authorl.;ted undgr Power 01 Attorney by this party. I Stat9m9nfS ThiS notic~ i~ f()r an indetermlnato l'ariod Schel;Jule: $ge Sehedules This docum~nt I'elates to registratIon no.(S)LT1001S"4 I Slgnad By Barbara-Ann Gale 2e:OO-200 Say Sr.. Royal Bank Plaza. South Tower Toronto MSJ ;aJ4 acting tor Appllcant(s) SIQned 2004 07 29 Tel 416..-864-7385 Fax 4168647404 I Submitted By DENNIS HEFFe~ON LAW OFFICE 2aOO-200 Bay st., Royal Sank. Plaza, Sou1h Tower Toronto M5J 2J4 2004 07 29 Tel 416-864-73eS Fax 41 BS647404 I Fees/Taxes/Paymenr Sfatvtory Regi.';tfHtion Pee $60,00 Tota/Palo $60.00 07(29(2004 12:47 4158547404 DENNIS HEFFERON LAW PAGE 03(03 \, LRO 1t 40 Notice Unde... S.71 Of Thll!!! Land TJtles Aet 'Th& sppJ;cant(s) hereby applies to the Land Registrar. Ft.8celPh!d as DR302S25 on 2004 07 ~9 at 12:14 File Number yyyy rnm do Page 2 011a ApplicBnt Cllont FJle Number: #77:21: SPA 2003-054