HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-01-10 Minutes r- i Minutes eeti o M n f z— Tuesday, January 10, 2012 {Not yet approved by Committee In Attendance—Gord Lee,Chair Larry Burke,Vice Chair Carol Little,Robert Holmes, Gord Blaker, Gary Oliver,Councillor Woo Regrets—Joanne Raymond, Councillor Partner,Arena Manager, Bryan Wiltshire 1. Call to Order—7.10 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes—Motion# 12-001 was proposed: THAT. The minutes of November 8d',2011 is approved,as presented:;with no additions,deletions or,changes. Moved by.Carol Little Seconded by.Gary Oliver CARRIED 3. Arena Manager's Report- In Bryan's absence, the chair provided the following information: The month of January has two tournaments scheduled—BF Peelers Tournament of January 14rh, and the Clarington Girls Tournament, which will only be using our ice pad for one evening—Friday January 20`h.Approximately S hours. In addition, the OMHA Playoffs will be underway this month. The follow-up has been completed with Veridian for the new lighting we installed this past fall. Although not official, as yet, it would appear we will receive approximately;a$4,600.00 rebate. Glass vs. Plexi on the rink boards should be discussed, this summer. Currently we are using both. Plexi is obviously cheaper, but appears to be unable to clean, with puck marks hampering the viewing area,particularly at the end boards. Currently, there are two pieces of glass ordered for the south end They will be installed by month-end. Bryan is requesting winter holidays for February 10`h to 201h, this year. Normally, he has not taken winter holidays. However, it is he and Kelly's 10`h Anniversary and they have an opportunity to go to Florida. He is requesting permission from the board. Matt Lee, our lead hand appears to be capable of looking after the (2) arena in Bryan's absence. Bryan also advised he will keep in touch with Matt on a regular basis,throughout the week. Motion #12-002 was proposed: THAT: The board members allow Bryan to take a winter vacation,during the time of Feb. 10th,to 20th, 2012 Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Gord Blaker CARRIED The chair advised of an e-mail he had received from the Newcastle Family Connection, pertaining to the discouvery of an open part bottle of liquor they had found in the back stairwell. As this stairway is most commonly used by their dance pupils and parents,there was an obvious concern. Bryan had received the e-mail and the chair had been copied. The date was Dec. 22nd. and Bryan had responded to the club. As no rentals of the upstairs had taken place in the past few days and the stairwells had been cleaned nightly, it would appear that the incident had taken place that evening. We can only assume that spectators or, visitors had hidden in the stairwell to comsume some alcohol. Strange that they had left it there;partly full. At this point we can only take a more vigilent approach to what spectators are in the building and make periodic checks of the stairwells and out of sight areas.As this is a first-ever incident,the staff can only keep an eye on the patrons and building occupants to prevent possible future occurences. 4. Financials- An unaudited year-end income statement was provided by the chair showing a small profit of approximately$4,700.00. The books and statements will be submitted to the Municipal Finance Department in February, for their audit. In the meantime, in order to apply for possible grant funding from the municipality,this report will be submitted, along with a financial forecast for 2012. The chair had prepared and submitted the Grant Application, along with 2012 budgets and forecasts. Year-end accounts receiveables were also provide to the members - $42,052.95 was outstanding; with 82%being current. 5.New Business-Gord Blaker advised that the heater installed in the Referees'room was excellent. However,the timer should be set to allow a little more time for showering and changing. Bryan will be advis to have it adjusted or,re-programmed. It was also brought to our attention that: The City of Oshawa had cut back on ice flooding for players in the younger groups. In particular, all teams up to the Atom age. This appears to be a cost and energy saving program,now implimented by the city. The board members felt we should look into this, discuss it with our user groups this summer and see if it will work in our arena. It was agreed that we will take a closer look at this during the off-season. a number of rinks will be surveyed to see what their policies on flooding procedures are. 6.Next Meeting- Tuesday February 14, 2012- 7.00 p.m. it 7.Adfiournment -Motion # 12-003 was proposed: THAT: The meeting is adjourned. Moved by: Bob Holmes Seconded by: Gord Blaker CARRIED i