HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-22 Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board held on November 22, 2011 at 7 pm in the Council Chambers. Present Were: P. DeJong (chair) C. Abraham S. DeJong L. Franssen W. Partner (councillor) W. Woo (councillor) G. Bell (secretary) Regrets From: B. Snowdon C. Abraham will be acting chair while present chair P. DeJong recovers from illness. MINUTES 1.1 Motion by W. Woo, seconded by P. DeJong That minutes of October 18 2011 be accepted as presented. "Carried" BUSINESS ARISING 2.1 C. Abraham reported on Collaborative meeting regarding Heritage Garden Project. Should be ready to go for tender mid December. Board discussed small changes and asked that the following be requested: - separate cost for relocation of light posts on front entrance interlock to outer edge of new interlock - removal of bollards on front interlock from plan - move electrical for irrigation system to inside of west patio fencing - separate cost for removal of front flood lights and installation of flood lights up close to the building. - Suggested that patio should be patterned concrete—possible donation from St Mary's Cement. Accessibility committee has also made suggestion that it should not be cement not interlock as it is easier to navigate the cement base. 2.2 G. Bell gave update on fundraising for Heritage Garden— in the neighbourhood of $50,000 has been raised to date. Next big event will be March 31 with return of Hotel California in concert. Youth Dances will continue and hopefully grow in attendance. Sponsorship from developers/businesses is needed. Councillors Woo and Partner will continue to pursue these. 2.3 Hall blueprints are not at Bowmanville Museum as per Charles Tawes. Secretary has sent email to Newcastle Historical Society to check their archives for us. 2.4 Discussed budget for 2012 —2016 Motion by L. Franssen, seconded by S. DeJong That yearly contracts increase is 3% as rate of inflation has increased over the 2% mark. "Carried" Motion by L. Franssen, seconded by P. DeJong That auditorium rentals increase by $50.00—will affect anything not booked for 2012 and include all 2013. "Carried" Motion by W. Woo, seconded by L. Franssen That budget is accepted as presented with the changes to auditorium and yearly rental contracts amended. "Carried" 2.5 Lawnmower will be checked out in the spring. 2.6 G. Bell reported on meeting of hall boards with Director of Operations. - agenda and minutes attached. - Board members were given municipal policy on the following areas; - Fire Prevention - First Aid - Working Alone - WHMIS Training - Use of Ladders - Fall Protection - Public Parks By-:aw 2006-126 - After hour emergency contacts list and procedures 2.7 Board discussed site plan for proposed No Frills store to the west of Hall. Councillor Woo went over traffic flow from No Frills to back of hall out to Mill St. General consensus was that it should not cause undue disruption to events in the parkette. When retaining wall and fencing are installed in future will also help to block traffic. This project is under appeal with OMB presently— scheduled for Dec. 15 2012 hearing. FINANCIAL REPORT 3.1 Motion by W. Partner, seconded by L. Franssen That financial report is accepted as presented. "Carried" BILLS 4.1 Motion by P. DeJong, seconded by W. Woo That the following bills be paid as presented; Supervision $400.00; Dayco $60.77; Schoolhouse Products $254.25 and $926.60; S. DeJong $20.00; Hardware Store $256.00; Florist $67.54; N. Nixon $56.00 "Carried" CORRESPONDENCE 5.1 Exhaust fan maintenance check off list from Power King received. 5.2 Thank you note from COAA Board of Directors 5.3 Village of Newcastle website information on advertising received for information 5.4 Community Work Program available from Springboard— check with N. Taylor, Director of Finance for insurance purposes to use this resource. 5.5 Contract from Sunnyside Acres for snow ploughing Motion by W. Woo, seconded by S. DeJong That Sunnyside Acres be retained for 2011/2012 season for snow ploughing of parking lot and sidewalk shovelling. "Carried" HEALTH & SAFETY 6.1 Not available NEW BUSINESS 7.1 S. Fogg, Custodian will take vacation December 19 2011 to January 4 2012. Will not be necessary to hire interim custodian as not much going on at hall. Lions, Masons, Ontario Early years will be notified. S. DeJong will be available to wind clock and check on hall. Backup is available if bookings should arise and custodial is needed. 7.2 Volunteer recognition award nominees should be submitted. 7.3 Election for 2 board members has been advertised on Municipal website for January 2012. 7.4 Secretary asked that board members be responsible for maintaining binder and reporting on specific areas— members agreed to the following: 1. Heritage Designation— C. Abraham 2. Health& Safety—L. Franssen 3. WHMIS — S. DeJong 4. Trust Funds—W. Woo 5. Alcohol Policy— G. Bell Secretary will set up binders and give out to members to maintain and report to board on regular basis. 7.5 Newcastle Public School would like to borrow wooden tables for Xmas dinner on December 11 at 1:30 and return on December 12. S. DeJong will be contact and open hall for them, they will bring the manpower to take them out and return them to storage room. 7.6 S. DeJong asked if floor scrubber has been decided on for custodian. G. Bell reported that S.Fogg is still gathering information at this point. 7.7 December 20 2011 will be board Christmas dinner—reservations to be made at Dee's Harvest table for 6:30 pm. Spouses invited but dinner is not paid for by board. 7.8 Purchase gift for custodian. ADJOURNED 8:45 PM