HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-152 " .otf/j--1 '-\ THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2003-152 being a By-law to adopt Amendment Number 36 to the Clarington Official Plan WHEREAS Section 17(22) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adoption of an Official Plan and Amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Clarington Official Plan to permit the expansion to a portion of the East Bowmanville Main Central Area, East Business District, east of Liberty Street and redesignate lands consistent with the recommendations of the Bowmanville King Street East Corridor Study Final Report. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment Number 36 to the Clarington Official Plan being the attached Explanatory Text and Map is hereby adopted; 2. That this by-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY-LAW read a first time this 20th day of October, 2003 BY-LAW read a second time this 20th day of October, 2003 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this 20th day of October, 2003. - ~. - " ~' - " . ~:9r!~-_:--- Joh . Muftan; May~ . . ,) AMENDMENT NO. 36 TO THE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: The purpose of this Amendment is to implement 1\,. the Bowmanville Kino Street East Corridor Study. \ recommendations of the BASIS: On January 6, 2003, Council of the Municipality of Clarington resolved to review the land use, transportation and urban design issues affecting lands identified as the Bowmanville King Street East Corridor, a portion of the Bowmanville East Main Central Area. Interim Control By-law 2002-01 was passed to provide the Municipality with breathing space to undertake this Study. Urban Strategies Inc., Totten Sims Hubicki..As_sociates, working with Municipal staff undertook this work which included extensive public consultation with stakeholders and residents. Two public information centres were held in June and September of 2003. This amendment is based on the analysis and public consultation undertaken through this study and summarized in the report entitled Bowmanville Kino Street East Corridor Study' dated September, 2Q03. Amendment 36 incorporates amendments to both the Clarington Official Plan and Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secon,dary Plan. ACTUAL AMENDMENT. The Clarington Official Plan is amended as follows: 1. By amending Table 9-2 Housing Targets by Neighbourhood, to adjust the housing targets in Bowmanville in the East Main Central Area from "550" to "700", and the high density units from "175" to "225", by reducing the medium density units in Vincent Massey Neighbourhood from "400 to "200" and making appropriate adjustments to totals for each neighbourhood, the Bowmanville Urban Area and Total so that the neighbourhood housing targets are as follows: Table 9-2 Housing Targets by Neighbourhood Urban Area Housing Units Neighbourhoods Residential Areas Central Areas I nten:;ification Total Low Medium High Medium High Bowmanville N1 East Main 0 0 0 700 225 275 1200 Central Area N5 Vincent Massey 1025 200 0 0 0 175 1400 TOTAL 13125 3000 875 1375 1925 1800 22150 1 .. I ., , . . ' . . 2. By amending Map A3 Land Use to expand the boundaries of the Bowmanville East Main Central Area as shown in Exhibit A. ' 3. By amending Map E2 Neighbourhood Planning Units: Bowmanville Urban Area to adjust the boundaries of the East Main Central Area Neighbourhood 1 and Vincent ' Massey Neighbourhood 5 with related adjustments to population targets for each neighbourhood as shown in Exhibit B. The Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secondary Plan is amended as follows: 1. By amending Section 3.7 by adding the words "street-related" before the word "character" and by adding the words "eastwards to Simpson Avenue" after the word "Downtown" such that it reads as follows: "3.7 To create an urban activity corridor focused on King Street which is pedestrian oriented and extends the street-related character of the " Downtown eastwards to Simpson Avenue." 2. By amending section 4.3 by replacing "3,000" with "3,100". 3. By amending Section 5.4 by adding after the word "Downtown" in the first line the words "and the East Business District east of Liberty Street." by adding the words "or the future vision for street-related commercial redevelopment" after the word "area" and by deleting the word "Downtown" in the fourth line and replacing it with the words "East Main Central Area" such that it reads as follows: "5.4 Existing uses within the Downtown and the portion of the East Business District east of Liberty Street which are not compatible with the historic character of the area or the future vision for street-related commercial redevelopment, such as auto-related sales and service, service stations, and commercial uses with outdoor storage, shall be encouraged to relocated to areas outside of the East Main Central Area." 4. By adding a new Section 5.6 as follows: , "5.6 Notwithstanding the requirement for new development to be built close to the street-line, in the East Business District east of Liberty Street a one- time, limited expansion of an existing commercial use may be permitted where Council is satisfied that it assists to implement the objectives of this Plan and improves the building's relationship to the street." 5. By renaming Section 6 from "Strip Commercial Area" to "Major Commercial Area" 6. By deleting Section 6.1 and replacing it with the following: "6.1 This designation recognizes the Bowmanville Mall as the major anchor of the Bowmanville East Main Central Area comprising approximately 10,000 square metres of gross leasable floor area. The Bowmanville Mall was built back from the streetline. Any further development or redevelopment should improve on the existing character of the area by infilling closer to the King Street streetline, developing second storey uses and vertical elements, 2 ..., I .' ..i. ,f . ~ incorporati'1g a wider variety of uses and high quality architectural and landscape design. 7. By amending Section 6.2 to delete the text after the second bullet "automobile service stations" and replace that text with "res~ential dwelling units generally above the ground fl6,0r". \ 8. By amending Section 6.3 as follows: a) In subsection ~) to add the word "and" after the words "ground floors;" b) To delete subsection c), and c) To delete the word and numbering "Section 10.3.7 (b) to (i)" and replace it with the word and numbering "Section 10.3.7 (a) to (i)". 9. By deleting Section 6.4. 10. By revising Section 8.2 by deleting the text of the first bullet and replacing it with the following: i. "For lands designated "Residential" in the Downtown, medium or high density residential uses in accordance with Section 9.4 of the Official Plan" , 11. By adding a new Section 8.3 as follows: "8.3 Low Density Residential Area a) Permitted uses on lands designated Low Density Residential includes residential, home-based occupation uses, parks, schools, institutions or community facilities. Other than home- based occupations, no other commercial use is permitted in the Low Density Residential Area. b) The maximum density of development shall be up to 30 units per net residential hectare. 12. By adding a new Section 8.4 as follows: "8.4 Medium Density Residential Area 1. Permitted uses on lands designated Medium Density Residential include residential, special needs housing, or community facilities. Predominant dwelling types include townhouses, stacked townhouses and low-rise apartment buildings. 2. The maximum density of development shall be up to 60 units per net residential hectare." 13. ' By adding a new Section 8.5 as follows: "8.5 High Density Residential Area 1. Permitted uses on lands designated High Density Residential include residential, special needs housing, community facilities 3 , . '. .' or parks. Predominant residential dwelling types include townhouses, stacked townhouses and apartment buildings up to 6 stories in height. ' 2. The density of development shall be 40 to 100 units per net residential hectare, except where a High Density Residential Area is located abutting the Regional Transit Spine ,identified on Map B, where the density shall be 60-100 unites per net residential hectare. 3. Parking for all residential units shall generally be located to the rear of the dwelling unit and may be accessed from the rear of dwelling by means of laneways." 14. By renumbering the existing Sections 8.3 and 8.4 as Sections 8.6 and 8.7. 15. By amending Section 10.6 by adding a second sentence stating. "T.he Municipality encourages the attraction and retention of other uses supportive to the Hospital including medical offices and long term care facilities." 16. By amending Section 12.1 to delete the second sentence and replace it with the following sentence: "They will provide guidelines with respect to the design, massing, height, scale and location of buildings in context of the streets, parks and public spaces. They will identify the preferred location of parking areas and laneways, landscape treatment, streetscape design and other necessary features that are important to achieve the goals and objectives of this Plan. Urban Design Guidelines may also address specific features such as fa9ade improvements and signage." 17. By amending Section 12.3 to delete the words and numbering "urban design principles of Section 10.3.7 of the Official Plan, the site development criteria contained in this Plan" and to replace them with the words and numbering "urban design principles of Section 10.3.2 of the Official Plan, the site development criteria of this Plan and Section 10.3.7 of the Official Plan". 18. By adding a new Section 12.5 as follows: "Urban Design Guidelines prepared for the East Business District, east of Liberty Street, are appended to this Plan." 19. By deleting Section 13.1 and replacing it with the following new Section 13.1 as follows: "13.1 The Municipality will implement various measures, subject to budgetary approval, to enhance traffic operations, safety and capacity on King Street East, and achieve the objectives of this Plan including: a) Improving road geometry, rationalizing lane arrangements, installing raised centre medians where appropriate and other design mod ifications; b) widening sidewalks and incorporating streetscape enhancements to improve the pedestrian environment; 4 "" I ,... . ' c) revi~wing regulations for street parking; d) adding additional traffic signals and optimizing traffic signal timing; e) encouraging the relocation of undesirable private accesses; and f) investi~ating the designation of Ki~g Street East as a controlled, access road under the Municipal j\ct, 2001, and the closing of . undesirable private accesses." I 20. By amending Section 13.2 to delete the last sentence and to replace it with the following sentence: ' "It is Municipality's policy to implement the following extension of the grid system as required by transportation need and when funding is budgeted: a) the extension of Church Street East through to connect with Galbraith Court; b) the extension of Simpson Avenue north from King Street East to provide access to residential development lands nprth of the proposed Church Street East extension; and c) tile extension of Queen Street through to Frank Street. In addition, the Municipality will investigate the possible construction of a private , road on the hospitallqnds to extend George Stieet through to Prince Street in any hospital expansion. 21. By amending Section 13.4 to add the following sentence at the end of the section: "In any development or redevelopment of the East Business District east of Liberty Street, an integrated system of private lanes shall be provided to permit movement of passenger vehicles between adjoining commercial properties. The internal laneways shown on Map B are conceptual and the exact location shall be determined through site plan approval. The Municipality will encourage the transfer of easements by private land owners to secure access between abutting properties on internallaneways. The internallaneways will not be assumed by the Municipality." 22. By adding a new Section 13.7 "13.7 The Municipality may require a traffic impact study for any proposal for development or redevelopment to ensure that it does not negatively impact operation safety and capacity of the road network. 23. By amending Map B to the Bowmanville East Main Central Area Secondary Plan as shown on Exhibit C. IMPLEMENTATION The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan and the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 5 _' I ~ '. . . INTERPRETATION The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan and the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 6 .. 1 \ .. ~ EXHIBIT "AU AMENDMENT No. 35 TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN MAP A3, LAND USE, BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA ~ ::> o (I) Ii SPECIAL ....POUCY AREA E (I) z '~ ~ @ @ g. z DELETE -MEDIUM DENSITY SYMBOLS- @ 11 EXHIBIT "BIf . . '. AMENDMENT No. 36 TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN or . BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA, NEIGHBOUHOOD PLANNING UNITS U) (4000) APPLE BLO SOM (4750 Change From '~4400n to "3600" <..9 o <..9 '::> o if) if) m L :5 Revise Neighbourhood Boundary 3 . ORIAL Revise 00) Neighbourhood Boundary BASELINE Change From "2300" to "3100" ROAD \ HIGHWAY 401 ~\ t MAP E2 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS BOWMANVILLE URBAN AREA - - - URBAN BOUNDARY NEJGHBOURHOOO BOlJNON'Y (1000) POPUlATION OFFICIAL PlAN MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON DECEIolBER 15, 2002 REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 9 , . EXHI BIT "e" } '. AMENDMENT No. 36 TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN BOWMANVILLE, EAST MAIN CENTRAL AREA, SECONDARY PLAN-EAST BUSINESS DISTRICT . ' w > 0:: a CHANGE FROM "RESIDENTIAL TO "MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" CHANGE FROM "ROAD ALLOWANCE TO "STREET RELATED COMMERCIAL AREA" I CHANGE FROM "STRIP COMMERCIAL AREA" TO "STREET RELATED COMMERCIAL AREA" DESIGNATE "STREET RELATED COMMERCIAL AREA" CHANGE FROM "STRIP COMMERCIAL AREA" TO "STREET RELATED COMMERCIAL AREA" CHANGE FROM "INSTITUTION" TO "MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" EXTEND "QUEEN ~ STREET" Vi CHANGE FROM "MIXED USE AREA" TO "STREET RELATED COMMERCIAL AREA" --- EAST BUSINESS DISTRICT BOUNDARY <____-> INTERNAL lANEWAY F3 LOW DENSIlY ~ RESIDENTIAL ~ MEDIUM DENSIlY ~ RESIDENTIAL _HIGH DENSIlY RESIDENTIAL Ilm'mlmIlI STREET -RELATED l!lHlHlmIlI COMMERCIAL AREA ~ MAJOR COMMERCIAL ~ INSTITUTION L:~"':~I EN~RONMENTAL "..:~... '," PROTECTION AREA MAPB LAND USE EAST BUSINESS DISTRICT t 8,:,WMAIWILLE EA':;T MAIN CENTRAL AREA '~EC<)NDARY RLAN DECEMBER 15. 2002 o 50 100 150 m THI'C. CONSOLIDATION 'S PROVIDED rOR CONVENIENCE Oh~' AND RlPR[)[NT~, P[(JI.tEST[O MODIfiCATIONS AND .A.PPP\'....::.L~,. - 50 m