HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-19 Minutes MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD Meeting of the Newcastle Community Hall Board on February 19,2013 held in the Council Chambers. Present Were: C. Abraham(Acting Chair) P. DeJong B. Carmichael S. Rogers. S. DeJong W. Woo(councillor) W. Partner(councillor) ELECTION OF CHAIR Councillor Woo chaired the election of chair for 2013. S. DeJong nominated C. Abraham, seconded by B. Carmichael W. Partner nominated B. Carmichael-Declined P. DeJong nominated S.DeJong—Declined C. Abraham is elected chair for 2013 by acclamation. DIRECTOR OF FINANCE—Nancy Taylor The board had asked Nancy Taylor to attend meeting to talk to them on proper set up and working of sub committees. - to ensure committees are covered through Municipal Insurance main members need to be documented in the minutes. - Groups financial and minutes may be entered into minutes on a monthly, quarterly or yearly basis. - Strongly suggested hall board treasurer should be a signing authority if a separate bank account is required. They do not need to sign all checks but should be on the bank records. - Board will be committed to the financial well being of the sub committee i.e. responsible for debts as well as surplus. - Discuss how surplus will be used. - For long term goals dollars can be invested—Municipality will do this for us if we wish. - Operation Dept will be discussing sub committees at June meeting. - See attached information"Rules of Procedure For Sub-Committees" Thank you Nancy for taking the time to come and answer our questions on the above procedures. DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS—Fred Horvath The board asked Fred Horvath to attend meeting to discuss feasibility of Air Conditioning. - Discussed A/C options i.e.just the main hall or whole building. Board agreed just the main hall. - There would be the capital cost as well as ongoing operating costs. - Energy audit has been done so could be used to assist with investigating options - Engage engineering company to look at scope of work i.e. electrical to support A/C - No cost for first quote on scope of work. - Could cost between 10 to 15 thousand dollars. - Some challenges would be the kitchen heat, suppression system in kitchen,windows on both sides of building. - Operating costs could increase from 15,000 to 20,000 - Where to put unit—on kitchen roof?Rood would need to be reinforced. - If we are considering upgrades to kitchen should wait to do at the same time. - Operations Dept has some work to do on roof so all could be incorporated at same time. Digitize the system for cost saving Could current fans be used or should they be removed? Ceiling fans?Would this take away from the aesthetics of the room Raising funds—fundraising trillium grant,municipality Operations Dept will have a site meeting with prospective consulting firm to look at all options for cooling building. Time line April 2013 —bring forward to Direction in June 2013. LADDERS - Operations Dept inspected ladders in building—all our ladders have tagged as not suitable - Must use Grade 1 Institutional ladders. - Rob Groen will give direction on replacement—in the meantime if anything needs to be done using ladder let Operations know and they will assist. - There will be workshop for Janitorial staff on May 25 2013 Thank you Fred for taking the time to come out to discuss the above items. MINUTES 1.1 Motion by S. DeJong seconded by B. Carmichael That minutes of January 2013 be accepted as presented. "Carried" BUSINESS ARISING 2.1 C. Abraham and G. Bell met with Tom Ujfalussay and members of the Lions Club to discuss whether it would possible to have the Lions be the hall board's exclusive bartenders(see attached). In the discussions it became apparent that the Lions were thinking of a set up much like what COAA has with the Lions for bartending. They have exclusive access to bar room;alcohol and mix are kept in the hall. C.Abraham has let Tom know that the hall board is not interested in this type of set up. Members have agreed they would like to continue as we have—no alcohol or mix is left in the building each client is responsible for bringing this in the day of their event. We are looking for the Lions Club to do the bartending for each client not to necessarily run the bar room. C. Abraham and G. Bell will continue to work with Lions to this end. 2.2 Councillor Woo met with receptionist at Apple Dentistry it is understood that the Hall Board does not tell our clients to park anywhere but in our lot and the public parking spots. It is also noted that our parking lot is used by clients using the strip mall on a regular basis. The strip mall has now marked their apartment client's spots with signage. This should eliminate anyone causing problems for their tenants in the future. 2.3 G. Bell has met with Geek Girl and started plans for website video. Lisa will be attending 3 events and filming throughout the building over the next few months. C. Abraham has volunteered to star in the video. 2.4 The kitchen has had tiles put into all cupboards by Steve. Rona Hardware donated 3 boxes of tiles for this project. Steve will purchase trim for flooring and cupboard handles from Rona. Thank you letter to be sent to Rona 2.5 C. Abraham will coordinate moving of furniture for office. CORRESPONDENCE 3.1 Newcastle Library is asking for tour of building(see attached)—C. Abraham has offered to do this. Shirley Rogers would like to be included in tour to get to know building. 3.2 Group Insurance Plan through Chamber now includes counselling for staff. 3.3 Email from Historical Society—see attached) FINANCIAL REPORT 4.1 Motion by S. Rogers, seconded by P. DeJong That financial report is accepted as presented. "Carried" BILLS 5.1 Motion by P. DeJong, seconded by W. Partner That bill are paid as presented. "Carried" FUNDRAISING REPORT 6.1 B. Carmichael reported on fundraising efforts—minutes and financials attached - Old Newcastle House will be the munchies for Hotel California concert. Students from Clarington Central will serve. - Obtained council approval for concerts to get liquor license on an annual basis. - Touch of Glass has donated martini glasses for concert - Received$1000.00 from Clarington Tourism to sponsor sound/lighting for concert - Letter has been sent to Lions Club for sponsorship. - New name for fundraising is NCH Improvements Project Fund - Oktoberfest is planned for Sept 29 2013 - Discussed 2014 date for Oktoberfest—would like to book first Saturday in October for the evening. - Board members will help on day of concert April 6 HEALTH& SAFETY REPORT 7.1 Report received—added inspection of Bell Tower ladder should be done. Copy to be sent to Operations Dept. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Jennifer O'Meara from Clarington This Week would like to do story on NCH 90th Anniversary this year. C. Abraham will contact her to set up interview. 8.2 Received financials and insurance from Bowling Association. Discussed future of bowling alley i.e.Liberty Bowl teams would like to become part of this bowling alley. Secretary will look back in minutes to report on the history of the bowling i.e. is this a sub committee or does the association own the lanes. 8.3 C. Abraham brought up subject of board making decisions on email. Does not feel this is suitable when not all members are on email and not everyone reads their email on a daily basis. When issues arise as much as board would like to deal with them we are not obligated to make decisions immediately. Board meets on monthly basis if issue arises with client they should be informed of this and that their concerns will be addressed when board meets. There was further discussion but a consensus was not reached. 8.4 Village Concerts have been booked with the exception of July 2 2013 as we have a paying client using the auditorium for a free concert on this day. Board agreed Village Concert should be cancelled for this evening as the doors may be open for this event. 8.5 Events Coordinator spoke with Mark Lathangue on Feb 12 2013,who has booked wedding for Sept 14 2013. He was asking for paperwork for booking of Sept 13 for set up of his wedding. Apparently, events coordinator had told him he could have this date via email conversation. He had re-forwarded the emails but they have never reached our inbox. Normally, coordinator would enter date into calendar and do up paperwork prior to deleting email. She does not have any record of doing this. Unfortunately,the date of Sept 13 has been booked for another wedding so is no longer available for set up. Coordinator apologized for this oversight and offered to give them extra time the day of the set up and to bring items in to hall earlier in the week to be stored. Also indicated that we have worked with their decorator many times and there would no problem for them to get d6cor done in the morning on the day of their wedding. Mark asked that fee for set up of 180 chairs in gazebo be waived for error. At first coordinator said she could not do this,but in second conversation asked Mark to"leave this with her"with the intent of referring to board at Feb 19 meeting. On Feb 13 bride(not on our contract)contacted Councillor Partner with complaint(see attached email).Mark followed up with phone call to Councillor Woo. Motion by S. Rogers, seconded by S. DeJong That Mark Lathangue wedding will have the fee for set up of 180 chairs in the gazebo waived. Rehersal may be done on Thursday evening prior to wedding.Items for set up of the wedding may be brought in on Thursday or Friday and stored in room upstairs. Hall will be open 1 hour earlier 7 am on Saturday to give them more time for set up. "Carried" They would also like to return on Sunday to do clean up. No decision was made on this until we know exactly what it is they would like to return for i.e.removal of decor can be arranged by our office and decorator,alcohol and empties may not be left in the hall overnight. 8.6 Colin Rowe of Clarington Concert band has contacted office—would like to put on concert May 26 with proceeds going towards fundraising campaign for hall. This could be incorporated into our 90th anniversary. Payment to band of$400.00 would come out of ticket sales. Colin will take care of promoting event via flyers and will do up tickets. Motion by W. Woo, seconded by P. DeJong That we work with Clarington Concert Band to put on concert May 26 2013. "Carried" 8.7 Motion by B. Carmichael, seconded by P. DeJong That contract for Hotel California be signed and deposit of$1695.00 be paid. Balance due on day of concert. "Carried" 8.8 B. Carmichael asked that replacement of hall carpet be put on agenda for March. 8.9 W. Woo will contact D.Holmes for welding of chairs. We have 15 chairs with broken backs. 8.10 Events Coordinator reported between January 16 and February 16 she has shown the hall to 20 potential clients. ADJOURNED 9:20 PM