HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-022-13 C r, 19 larftwn REPORT PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: April 8, 2013 Resolution#: -13 By-law#: Report#: PSD-022-13 File#: S-C-2007-0007, COPA2012-0004 & ZBA2011-0027 Subject: PROPOSED OFFICIAL PLAN, REZONING, AND AMENDMENT TO DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION AND TO PERMIT A 261 UNIT RESIDENTIAL PLAN OF SUBDIVISON APPLICANT: PRESTONVALE HEIGHTS LIMITED RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-022-13 be received; 2. THAT Amendment No. 93 to the Clarington Official Plan submitted by Prestonvale Heights Limited to add a " High Density Residential" symbol to the subject lands, as contained in Attachment 9, be adopted and the By-law adopting the Official Plan Amendment contained in Attachment10, be passed; 3. THAT the application for Amendment to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007- 0007 submitted by Prestonvale Heights Limited for a total of 261 units be supported subject to conditions as contained in Attachment 12 and ultimately approved by the Director of Planning Services; 4. THAT the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by Prestonvale Heights Limited be approved as contained in Attachment 11; 5. THAT the Durham Regional Planning Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PSD-022-13 and Council' s decision; and 6. THAT all interested parties registered and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 2 } Submitted by: Reviewed by: . David S Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer CP/TW/df 28 March 2013 REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 3 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant/Owner: Prestonvale Heights Limited 1.2 Proposal: Clarington Official Plan Amendment • Amend Table 9-2 by revising the housing target of the Penfound Neighbourhood as follows: i. Reducing medium density units from 150 to 75; ii. Increasing the high density units from 0 to 200; and iii. Amend all corresponding totals. • Amend Map A2 "Land Use Courtice Urban Area" and Map A "Land Use South West Courtice Secondary Plan" by deleting the Medium Density Residential symbol at the northwest corner of Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street and replacing it with a High Density symbol. • Amend Map H1 by changing the population of the Penfound Neighbourhood from 3950 to 4040. Proposed amendment to Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision From: A total of 156 units, consisting of 90 lots for single detached dwellings and a block for 66 townhouse units. To: A total of 261 units, consisting of 59 lots for single detached dwellings and 10 semi detached lots (20 dwelling units); and 4 blocks for 192 "garden flat" apartment units. Rezoning To appropriate zones to permit the development of 3 storey, 12 unit "garden flat" apartment buildings, semi detached dwellings on 18.0 metre lots and single detached dwellings on 11.3 metre and 12.0 metre lots. 1.3 Area: 6.66 ha 2. LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 2.1 The subject site is currently vacant. 2.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North - Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School South - Residential and a newly constructed commercial plaza East - Agricultural and single detached dwellings West - Residential REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 4 2.3 Location: The subject lands are located on the west side of Prestonvale Road, north of Bloor Street and east of Meadowglade Road (Attachment 1). w Figure 1: Location 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 The subject property was originally draft approved as a secondary school block which the Kawartha Pine Ridge School Board opted not to pursue. In 2007, the applicant submitted Official Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Plan of Subdivision applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007-0007. The plan of subdivision was approved in October 2008 for 90 singles and a block for 66 townhouse units. 3.2 In July 2009, the applicant submitted a site plan application (SPA 2009-0014) for the townhouse block. The proposal consisted of 66 block townhouses with units fronting onto Bloor Street and Meadowglade Road with garages at the rear of the units. It also incorporated three amenity areas totalling 0.13 hectares, including a landscape feature at the corner of Bloor Street and Meadowglade Road. The relevant departments and agencies had completed their review of the application. Aside from minor revisions to the Landscape Plan, all agencies were satisfied with the proposal and approval of the application was imminent. The proposed townhouses were three storeys in height to a maximum of 10.5 metres (see Attachment 15). 3.3 On September 7, 2011, Prestonvale Heights Limited submitted new applications to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 and Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision S-C-2007-0007. Through the public meeting report, staff identified concerns with the proposed revised subdivision layout. In order to address urban design concerns identified by Staff, the applicant submitted a revised plan, accompanied by an Official Plan Amendment application on April 18, 2012. 3.4 The following chart illustrates the differences between the Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision of October 2008 (Attachment 2) and the current proposal (Attachment 4). REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 5 TABLE 1 Dwelling Type Draft Approval Current Proposal 2008 9.3 m Singles 11 m Singles 18 11.3 m Singles 24 12 m Singles 59 25 13.7 m Singles 4 15 m Singles 9 18 m Semis 20 Block Townhouses 66 7 m Street Townhouses Apartments Garden Flats 192 Total 156 261 Total Population 442 553 * Excludes existing boundary roads and previously dedicated road widenings 3.5 A Planning Justification Report, Traffic Impact Study, Noise Impact Study and Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment were submitted in support of the current proposal. The studies are summarized in Section 7 of this report. 4. PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement 4.1.1 The Provincial Policy Statement encourages planning authorities to create healthy liveable and safe communities by accommodating an appropriate range and mix of residential, employment, recreational and open space uses to meet long term needs. 4.1.2 New development in Settlement Areas shall occur adjacent to built up areas and shall have compact form, a mix of uses and densities that allow for the efficient use of land, infrastructure and public services. 4.1.3 Planning authorities are required to provide for a range of housing types and densities with a ten year supply of lands which are designated. New housing is to be directed to locations where infrastructure and public services are or will be available. A full range of housing types and densities shall be provided to meet projected requirements of current and future residents of the regional market area. 4.1.4 Infrastructure and public service facilities shall be provided in a coordinated efficient and cost effective manner. Planning for these shall be integrated with planning for growth so that they are available to meet current and projected needs. The use of existing infrastructure and public service facilities should be optimized where feasible before considering developing new infrastructure and public service facilities. REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 6 4.1.5 Transportation systems should be provided which are safe, energy efficient, facilitate the movement of people and goods, and are appropriate to address projected needs. A land use pattern, density and mix of uses should be provided that minimize the length and number of vehicle trips and supports the development of viable choices and plans for public transit. 4.1.6 The applications are consistent with the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement as a mix of low and high density housing is proposed. The subject lands are adjacent to the existing built-up area and will make use of existing infrastructure and public service facilities. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan 4.2.1 The Provincial Growth Plan encourages municipalities to manage growth by directing population growth to settlement areas. The subject lands are outside of the `built boundary' and are considered `greenfield area'. Growth is to be accommodated by building compact, transit-supportive communities in designated greenfield areas and by reducing dependence on the automobile through the development of mixed use, pedestrian-friendly environments. Growth shall also be directed to areas that offer municipal water and wastewater systems. 4.2.2 Urban areas are encouraged to develop as complete communities with a diverse mix of land uses, a range and mix of employment and housing types, high quality public open space and easy access to local stores and services. The definition of a complete community states that it will meet "....people's needs for daily living throughout an entire lifetime by providing convenient access to an appropriate mix of jobs, local services, a full range of housing and community infrastructure including affordable housing, schools, recreation and open space for their residents. Convenient access to public transportation and options for safe, non-motorized travel is also provided." 4.2.3 The Provincial Growth Plan has set a minimum density target that is not less than 50 residents and jobs per hectare in the designated Greenfield areas. 4.2.4 Approval of the applications would meet the objectives of the Provincial Growth Plan. 5. OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan The Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area within the Durham Regional Official Plan. Lands designated as Living Area permit the development of communities with defined boundaries, incorporating the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes and tenure to provide living accommodations that address various socio-economic factors. Further, Living Areas shall be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads. REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 7 Regional Council shall support the review of development proposals currently in the approval process, to encourage higher densities where appropriate and promote area municipal official plans to maximize permissible densities for vacant lands. Regional Official Plan Amendment 128 (Growing Durham), as approved on January 9, 2013 by the Ontario Municipal Board, has identified Bloor Street as a Regional Corridor and Transit Spine. Corridors are to form the key connections between Centres and are considered the main arteries of the Region's urban structure. They provide for the movement of people and goods between the Centres to support their vitality. This designation was established to promote public transit ridership through well designed developments that have a mix of uses at higher densities. Development shall be sensitive to urban design considerations and shall be oriented to the corridor, complemented by the consolidation of access points. A long term density target of 60 residential units per gross hectare and a floor space index of 2.4 are to be supported within the Regional Corridor. The built form should include a wide variety of building forms, generally mid-rise in height with some higher buildings. The proposed uses conform to the Regional Official Plan and Amendment 128. 5.2 Clarington Official Plan In the Clarington Official Plan the subject lands are designated as Urban Residential with a Medium Density Residential Symbol. The lands are within the Penfound Neighbourhood, which has a population allocation of 3950 and a housing unit target of 1400, including 150 medium density units. The applicant is requesting to amend the land use schedule to replace the medium density symbol with a high density symbol, increase the population allocation to 4040, reduce the medium density units to 75 and add 200 high density units. Table 9-1 from the Official Plan outlines the residential density standards. The Medium Density designation would permit 4 storey low rise apartments within 100 metres of arterial/collector Road intersections. The proposal meets the criteria for Medium Density with the exception of the Net Density. The proposal will exceed the maximum net density criteria of 60 units. Medium and high density residential development will be reviewed on the basis of the following site development criteria: • The site is suitable in terms of size and shape to accommodate the proposed density and building form; • The proposed development is compatible with the surrounding neighbourhood in terms of scale, massing, height, siting, setbacks, shadowing, and the location of parking and amenity areas; REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 8 • Adequate on-site parking, lighting, landscaping and amenity areas are provided; and • The impact of traffic on local streets is minimized. The Housing policies encourage a minimum of 30% of all new housing to be affordable. Affordable housing means that annual housing costs do not exceed 30% of the gross annual household income for households of low or moderate income levels. The Official Plan seeks to achieve a mix of housing types within each of the urban communities of Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle Village: • 70% Detached and Semi-detached and similar housing forms; • 20% Townhouses, walk-up apartments; and • 10% Apartments. The goals of the South-West Courtice Secondary Plan are to provide a residential living environment that promotes a desirable quality of life and social interaction; and to provide a broad range of housing to meet evolving needs of current and future residents. Clarington Official Plan Amendment 77, approved by Council on March 26, 2012, introduced Urban Design policies for Corridors. The built form in part, is to be designed to: • Have buildings sited near the street line to contribute to a sense of enclosure and a strong street edge; • Locate main building entrances that are visible and directly accessible from the public sidewalk of the main street; • Enhance the built environment with attention to massing, building articulation, architectural detail, the use of local materials and styles; and • Enhance the pedestrian environment. Policies for Sustainable Design have also been introduced which promote higher densities to efficiently utilize existing infrastructure. Integration of transit into the early stages of new development is also promoted. The proposal generally conforms to the Clarington Official Plan with the exception of those items which are the subject of the application. 6. ZONING BY-LAW 6.1 Within the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 84-63, as amended, the lands are zoned a mix of residential zones to implement the 2008 Draft Approved Plan of Subdivision. A Zoning By-law amendment is required in order to implement the proposed amendment to draft approval. REPORT NO.: PSD®022®13 PAGE 9 7. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND STUDIES 7.1 Planning Justification Report Prepared by Sernas Associates, the Planning Justification Report states that the proposed development will have a high quality appearance facing Bloor Street, Prestonvale Road, Meadowglade Road, and the internal streets. The buildings will be paired with shared underground parking which allows for generous landscaping in the front, back and many of the sides of the buildings. The height and form of the proposed apartment buildings would be classified as Medium Density. However, because the development utilizes below grade parking, the unit yield per hectare is higher than the maximum 60 units per hectare for medium density. The proposed net density is 90 units per hectare. The proposal will introduce high density units to the Penfound Neighbourhood. The apartment blocks will contain amenity areas in each block. Public walkways will connect the balance of the development to the intersections at Bloor and Meadowglade and Bloor and Prestonvale. The outdoor amenity area proposed is 22.3 m2/unit which exceeds the Amenity Guideline requirements of 4m2/unit. The guidelines recommend 2 m2/unit of indoor amenity area although none is provided due to the size of each building and their unique design. The front doors of the apartment buildings will be connected to the sidewalk via short walkways similar to a single detached home, creating a pedestrian oriented environment (see Attachments 13 and 14). 7.2 Noise Impact Study Update Prepared by YCA Engineering Limited, the Noise Impact Study Update recommends 1.8 metre barriers for Lot 1, the Amenity Nodes within Blocks 60, 61 and 62 and for the Central Parkette between Blocks 61 and 62. A combination of noise fencing, berms and alternative "living wall" construction is proposed. Air conditioning will be required for the south unit in Block 60 and for all units within Blocks 61 and 62. Provisions for air conditioning will be required for lots 1, 20, 21, remaining units in Block 60 and for all units within Block 63. 7.3 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Prepared by Golder Associates, the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment concluded that there are no issues of potential environmental concerns with the subject lands. 7.4 Traffic Impact Study GHD submitted a Traffic Impact Study in October 2012 and subsequent revision in December 2012 to address comments from the Engineering Services Department. The Traffic Impact Study provided the following conclusions and recommendations: • During the weekday am and weekday pm peak hours, the proposed site traffic can be accommodated by the abutting road network; REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 10 • Based on the results of the analysis, there are no current or future queuing issues at the signalized intersections; • The weekday pm peak hour of traffic does not coincide with the operating hours of Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School and therefore it is unlikely that commuter traffic will be negatively affected by the drop-off and pick-up of students; • It is possible that the weekday am peak hour of traffic may overlap with activity at Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School due to the narrower margin of time separating the peak hours of commuter and school traffic; • Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School has instructed parents that students are not to be dropped off at the school prior to 9:00 am. Education and enforcement may be required to ensure compliance with this directive; • The school board is reviewing options such as, reducing the school population and providing additional parking, to address the pick-up/drop-off congestion on Meadowglade Road; • Traffic generated from future development in the area is not related to the current traffic issues resulting from the pick-up and drop-off activities at the school; • Based on the road network within the study area, traffic utilization of Cale Road by drivers from the surrounding developments will not be an issue; and • The projected future 2020 volumes for Meadowglade Road are 3,400 to 5,300 vehicles per day which is below or well within the lower limit of the Regions criteria for a Type C Arterial roadway. All intersections under current and future conditions will function at acceptable levels with the exception of the eastbound left-turn movement at the intersection of Prestonvale Road and Meadowglade Road. The study suggested that the Municipality consider implementing higher levels of traffic control such as an all-way stop or signalization. 8. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 8.1 A Public Meeting was held on May 28, 2012. Public Notice was given by mail to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject property and a public meeting notice was installed on the property in the centre of each street frontage. 8.2 A Public Information Centre (PIC) was held on November 29, 2012 at Faith United Church. Notice for the PIC was mailed to landowners within 250 metres of the subject property. The PIC was well attended by over forty residents. 8.3 A number of submissions have been received by the Planning Services Department, including written comments collected at the PIC on November 29, 2012. Below is a summary of the main concerns: Traffic and Safety at Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School • Traffic congestion in general, and specifically within the area surrounding Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School will be made worse by an increased population. REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 11 • Construction will make the roads unsafe for kids and/or traffic. Where will construction workers park? They are currently double parking on Partner Drive and sometimes blocking the street to hold conversations. • Concerned with young children's safety crossing Bloor Street to get to school and Rosswell Park. Bloor Street will be busier with 261 additional units. • Not enough enforcement of parking on local streets and student drop-off at Dr. G.J. MacGillvray Public School. • School Board should buy the parcel for expansion and additional parking. School Overcrowding • Dr. G.J. MacGillivray is already overcrowded, adding more population to the area will only worsen situation at the school. • Questioned population statistics and the number of students projected to be generated by the development. Parking • Concerned that 1.25 parking spaces per apartment unit is not adequate in an area without good transit. Little arrangement for street level parking. • Most single car garage homes cannot park two vehicles in their driveways and garages leaving one on the street most of the time. The one on the street will fill up with spaces for visitors. Design • Apartments do not "mesh" or are "inconsistent" with the current neighbourhood. • Expected a suburban or hamlet environment over an urbanized "City" environment. • General appearance of the development is unappealing, "Looks like a fortress." Amenities and Transit • Prefer a high school or open space / park to develop on the site. • Area is not readily accessible without a personal vehicle. Transit only runs at peak times. Proposal would be better for Bloor and Townline, or Trulls Road and Highway 2, where commercial area and better transit is available. • There are no grocery stores, banks or medical offices within walking distance. • Taxes should be spent on building more community services in the neighbourhood. • There are not enough parks north of Bloor Street. Property Values and Standards • Property values of surrounding residential area will be impacted negatively by the construction of apartments. • Lower quality of homes will attract crime and vandalism. • Residents in high density developments are less likely to care about the appearance of their dwellings. • Concerned that even though the applicant is proposing to market the apartments as condominiums they will become rental units or a social housing project. REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 12 Other • Notification of the application was inadequate. The 120 metre radius is not far enough to notify all who will be impacted by this development. Notification signs on site were not noticeable or believed to be missing. • The developer doesn't care about the community. They will make their money and leave. • Concerned that if this is approved, what would stop applicant from pursuing even higher density in future. • Safety concern with the proposed walkway onto school property from the development. 8.4 The following comments were also received in support of the proposal: • Prefer the current proposal over the previously approved plan, provided the apartments will be condominiums. • A resident expressed interest in the proposed condominiums as she wishes to downsize in the near future and would like a smaller unit within the community she lives in. One resident indicated a preference of one 10 storey high rise surrounded by more green space over the proposed 16 three storey buildings. 8.5 A petition was submitted on May 29, 2012 with 715 signatures in opposition to the proposed amendment from medium density to high density residential. 9. AGENCY COMMENTS 9.1 Rogers Cable Communications Inc., Bell and Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc. have no objections to the proposal. Conditions requested by the utility companies have been included in Conditions of Draft Approval. 9.2 On May 24, 2012, the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board advised that the proposal will generate up to 19 elementary students for Dr. G. J. MacGillvray Public School and up to 12 secondary students to Courtice Secondary School. Minor and Major overland stormwater drainage flows from the subject draft plan are to be self-contained and are not to enter the adjoining elementary school site. The existing 1.8 metre high galvanized chain link fence around the elementary school site is not to be altered or removed prior to, during and post any construction of the subject subdivision. In consideration of the number of units proposed, the Municipality of Clarington should investigate proposed traffic levels, turning movements and peak times and if necessary require traffic control sign(s) and/or traffic calming measures at the proposed intersection of Meadowglade Road/Partner Drive/Cale Avenue and along Meadowglade Road. Meadowglade Road has: REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 13 • A curvilinear design with four existing street intersections between Prestonvale Road and Bloor Street; • A signed student crossing at Meadowglade Road and Robert Adams Drive; and • Dr. G. J. MacGillivray Public School is our largest elementary school in terms of enrolment (2011/2012 Average Daily Enrolment is 777.25, and is projected to increase in enrolment). In December 2012, Superintendent Shelly Roy had discussions with Municipality of Clarington staff indicating that a walkway connection from Cale Avenue to the school was supported, provided the walkway was dedicated to the Municipality. Board staff agreed that any pedestrian path changes to the existing Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School site to connect any municipally owned walkway block to the school building would be implemented by the Board. The Board does not object to the walkway. Further comments were provided on January 16, 2013 indicating that the proposed easement shared by Lots 7 and 8 for stormwater purposes is acceptable. The School Board requested the Municipality of Clarington to financially secure for the cleaning of the storm system alongside the proposed development on Dr. G. J. MacGillivray Public School lands. 9.3 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) have no objections to the proposed revisions. CLOCA conditions of draft approval from October 2008 remain applicable. 9.4 The Region of Durham Planning Department advised that the proposed amendment to the Clarington Official Plan would be permitted by the policies of the Regional Official Plan as the proposal promotes higher densities and is consistent with the intensification and transit oriented development policies. The Region of Durham Works Department does not have any objection to the further processing of the applications. The application has been screened in accordance with the terms of the provincial plan review responsibilities. The following issues are applicable: • A Noise Impact Study— Update was submitted by YCA Engineering Ltd. in relation to this revised proposal. Appropriate attenuation measures (1.8m high barriers) are recommended for amenity areas and a central parkette along Bloor Street and along the side and rear of proposed Lot 1 adjacent to Meadowglade Road. Appropriate warning clauses are recommended to make future occupants aware of the potential noise situation in the affected Outdoor Living and Amenity Areas and Parkette. Also, appropriate warning clauses are recommended with respect to the ventilation requirements for Indoor Noise for the affected units. The Subdivision Agreement prepared for the related draft approved plan of subdivision should contain the appropriate provisions to ensure that the recommendations and the warning clauses of the Update are implemented; • A Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment was prepared by Golder Associates. The assessment indicated that there are no potential sources of environmental contamination in association with the site; and REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 14 • Any issues concerning stormwater management, grading and servicing are to be addressed to the satisfaction of the Conservation Authority. Municipal services are available. Previous conditions with respect to water supply and sanitary sewer service on the related draft approved plan of subdivision are still applicable. The proposed development does not present any significant impacts on Durham Region Transit. The application is considered to have no significant Regional or Provincial concerns. In accordance with Regional By-law 11-2000, this application is exempt from Regional approval. 10. STAFF COMMENTS 10.1 Clarington Emergency and Fire Services, Clarington Operations and the Clarington Building Division have no concerns or objections with the proposed application. Should the application be approved, detailed comments relating to the high density blocks will be forwarded to the applicant to address through a subsequent site plan application. 10.2 Clarington Engineering Services have no objections with the applications. The applicant has submitted a Traffic Impact Study, Parking Plan, Grading and Drainage Plans, and a stormwater management brief to address previous concerns. The Traffic Impact Study has been peer reviewed and accepted by an independent Traffic Consultant on behalf of the Engineering Services Department. The Municipality will be pro-active in the spring of 2013 by installing an all-way stop control at the intersection of Prestonvale Road and Meadowglade Road. 11. DISCUSSION 11.1 The applicant has prepared additional details on the proposal to address planning related residents concerns. A review of the concerns and how they have been addressed by staff and the applicant are outlined in Section 11.2 to 11.8 below. 11.2 Traffic and Safety at Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Pubic School Neighbourhood concerns with traffic congestion associated with Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School, which is the largest school in the Kawartha Pine Ridge School Board system, were apparent prior to this application. Municipal staff have met with the Kawartha Pine Ridge School Board to discuss potential solutions. This included adding lands from the proposed development to reconfigure on-site parking and/or student pick-up and drop-off. Unfortunately the School Board does not have the funds to develop an on-site solution for the number of vehicles dropping off and picking up REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 15 children from school. It should be noted that school parking lots are designed for employees and some visitors, although the school has retrofitted an area for a kiss and ride. Busing is provided for students living a prescribed distance from the school, while the School Board considers the balance of the student population to be walkers. The School Board has advised that they have no jurisdiction to deal with traffic congestion issues that occur on the roadway, which is municipal property. However, they are prepared to assist the Municipality by educating students and parents about safe crossing protocols. The Dr. G.J. MacGillivray monthly newsletter regularly contains articles informing parents as to the expectations for dropping off and picking up students both on site and on the street. Reminders to obey the traffic rules and to respect the neighbours and crossing guards are present. During discussions with Municipal staff, the School Board suggested introducing a walkway between Lots 7 and 8 from the school grounds to Cale Avenue to alleviate traffic congestion on Meadowglade Avenue. This will provide alternate access to the school for pedestrians walking to the proposed development from the south and for those choosing to drive students to the school. The future residents of Cale Avenue will share some of the problems associated with school operations. Although in 2008 the School Board had requested that a walkway to the school site not be established due to safety concerns, they are now open to its inclusion. The School Board advised that they will implement on-site pedestrian path changes to the existing Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School site to connect any municipality owned walkway block to the school building. The School Board will be responsible for safety on their school site. The proposed walkway is 6 metres in width to accommodate a 3 metre wide walkway and enhanced plantings and fencing between the walkway and the residential area. Municipal Staff, through the Engineering Services Department, will be conducting a Public Information Centre in late spring of this year with respect to concerns and suggestions around the drop-off and pick-up of students at Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School. 11.3 Traffic Impacts of Proposal The Traffic Impact Study concluded that traffic from the development can be accommodated by the existing road network. It indicated that traffic from existing and future developments is not related to current traffic issues surrounding the school. Projected volumes for Meadowglade Avenue are well within the lower limits for a Type C Arterial Road. There may be some overlap of morning commuter traffic and morning student drop-off. 11.4 Parking for Garden Flats and On-Street Parking Zoning By-law 84-63 requires 29 parking spaces for each pair of buildings, with eight pairs proposed, 232 spaces are required in total. The Planning Services Department REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 16 typically requests an additional 0.25 spaces for visitors per unit, adding an additional 6 spaces for each pair and 48 spaces in total. Six surface parking spaces are available for visitors at each pair, two in front of each amenity node and four at the entrance of the underground parking area. There are 240 spaces for occupants, 15 spaces under each 12 unit building. The Engineering Services Department requires one on-street parking space for every four single and semi detached units. Eighteen on street spaces are required for the development while the applicant has illustrated 36 are available, doubling the requirement (see Attachment 7). Typical Subdivision Agreements require developers to include a clause in the agreement of Purchase and Sale that sets out the Municipality's Traffic By-law 91-58 pertaining to on-street parking. 11.5 School Overcrowding The School Board has advised that the proposed development will add up to 19 students to Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School. The School Board will be implementing program changes at the school which includes relocating grade 7 and 8 students to Courtice Secondary School in September 2013. Although this will reduce the capacity of the school, it will still be overcrowded necessitating portables. The School Board is undertaking a review of the boundaries for Dr. G.J. MacGillivray Public School. 11.6 Design Many residents expressed a concern that the development would appear as a fortress. To address this concern the applicant prepared streetscape views for Prestonvale Road and Meadowglade Road which depicts the 2008 approved plan compared with the current proposal (Attachments 13 and 14). As depicted in the Meadowglade streetscape view, the proposed garden flat apartments have a similar height to the previously proposed block townhouses. There is 12.2 metres between the proposed buildings where the townhouse blocks depict a maximum of 3.24 metres. The previously approved single detached homes on Prestonvale Road had a separation between dwellings of 1.2 metres on one side and 2.4 metres on the other. Although the building mass is larger than the singles, it is smaller than the townhouses. In addition, the current proposal provides more landscaped open space between buildings which will help minimize the appearance of an enclosed streetscape. The applicant has enhanced the elevations of the Garden Flats by providing three (3) different models (see Attachment 6). The applicant intends to provide variations of materials, colours and elements such as roof lines, windows and architectural details to ensure a varied streetscape. The proposed elevations compliment the architecture of the neighbourhood. REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 17 11.7 Amenities and Transit The site is located within two Durham Transit Bus routes which operate at peak times. One route travels to Highway 2 between Courtice Road and Townline Road which provides access to a number of commercial uses. The other route travels along Bloor Street and accesses the GO Train Stations in Oshawa and Whitby. The Region has designated Bloor Street as a Regional Corridor and Transit Spine. Most of the Corridor is not serviced with transit at this time, however, this will improve as development continues. The Clarington Official Plan establishes a park system, comprised of District Parks, Community Parks, Neighbourhood Parks and Hamlet Parks. The neighbourhood parks in the area meet the established standard for the amount of parkland required. There are a number of parks both north and south of Bloor Street (see Attachment 8). There is a commercial plaza located directly to the south of the subject lands which is zoned to permit a wide range of commercial uses such as restaurants, retail, office, medical and dental, personal service uses, laundry mat and dry cleaning distribution. The plaza is occupied with a convenience store, dental office and optometrist. Two units are remaining to be leased. As the area matures, additional commercial uses are anticipated along the Bloor Street corridor. 11.8 Property Values and Standards Planning recommendations are based on the principles established by provincial, regional and local policies. Analysis is focused on compatibility of the built environment and land uses. Speculation on the value of properties or character of future residents is not a land use issue. The Municipality has Property Standards By- law 2007-070 which established maintenance standards for all properties within the Municipality, including higher density developments. 11.9 Planning Comments The applicant has submitted the current proposal, in part, to address staff concerns with the 2011 proposal (Attachment 3) compared with the 2008 Draft Approved Plan (Attachment 2) which were: • Increased infrastructure with fewer housing units. The road network increased by an additional 383 metres while the unit count dropped by 10; • Addition of a window street parallel to Bloor Street would set back the housing from the arterial street and would act as a primary visitor parking area leading to a less attractive street edge; and 0 2.1 metre high noise fence with a 0.3 metre berm for units flanking Bloor Street. REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 18 The current proposal addresses the above by: • The road network increases in length over the 2008 Draft Approved Plan due to the deletion of the block townhouses but has decreased by 204 metres from the 2011 proposal. • Removal of the Window Street and provision of a built form that addresses the streets on all sides of the development. • The siting of the proposed 3 storey, 12 unit garden flats has allowed for a reduction in the height of the noise barriers. There is no need for a barrier at the corner of Bloor and Meadowglade. This area is now open for a landscaped Amenity Area. The applicant is proposing to incorporate a living wall into the required noise barriers which will add to the landscape elements (See Attachment 5). 11.10 The Corridor polices of the Durham Region Official Plan support an overall, long-term density target of at least 60 residential units per gross hectare and a floor space index of 2.5. The proposed garden flat high density blocks achieve a density of 74 units per gross hectare and a floor space index of 0.93. The overall plan achieves a density of 39 units per gross hectare. The proposed plan supports the density objectives of the Provincial Policy Statement, the Growth Plan and the Regional Official Plan. Developments that support higher densities are encouraged in appropriate locations in order to develop communities that are both pedestrian and transit oriented. The proposed plan will increase the population by 111 persons from what was approved in 2008. 11.11 The Clarington Official Plan has been amended through OPA 77 to introduce Urban Design Policies for Corridors. The proposal has adhered to these policies by: • Siting the buildings close to the street edge; and • Providing public walkways through the apartment blocks to provide pedestrian access to the internal lots. Staff met with the applicant in July to discuss the Urban Design policies and provided the following comments: • Ensure massing and heights are compatible with the existing community; • Lower the apparent height through the use of design elements; • Provide pedestrian connectivity and a generous central amenity area; • Consider covered parking area and utilize the top for private amenity areas (decks, gardens); and • Design the facade with similar rhythm and proportions to the existing community. The applicant has considered these comments in the refinement of their elevations (see Attachment 6). The comments will continue to be considered during the review of a future site plan application for the High Density Blocks should the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning be approved. REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 19 11.12 The Residential Density Standards contained in Table 9-1 of the Clarington Official Plan permits low rise apartments up to 4 storeys in height within the Medium Density Designation. Low rise apartments are permitted, provided the net density does not exceed 60 units per net hectare. The current application accommodates 90 units per net hectare. The higher density can be attributed to the efficient use of space through the provision of underground parking. If surface parking was provided instead the garden flats would comply with the medium density residential designation. Low rise apartments within the Medium Density Designation are encouraged to locate within 100 metres of arterial/collector road intersections. Both Meadowglade Road and Bloor Street are Arterial Roads, while Prestonvale Road is a Collector. 11.13 Complete communities have a variety of housing choices to accommodate their diverse population base. Traditionally, Courtice's residential development has been predominantly composed of single and semi-detached homes. A shift is underway to create more diverse neighbourhoods that provide a range of housing choices at varying levels of affordability, tenure and amenity. With an aging population, Clarington will need to accommodate developments suitable for seniors. The Official Plan has encouraged the provision of a diverse housing stock in terms of type, tenure, density and cost to meet the need of all residents. To achieve this, a mix of housing types has been targeted within each urban community. In the last ten years, 412 apartments were built in Clarington. Only eight of those units were constructed in Courtice. These units were constructed above the plaza located at 15 Roswell Drive, immediately to the south of the subject lands. Courtice is significantly lagging in the provision of apartment units, given the rapid growth it has experienced. The applicant has developed the mixed use project on Roswell Drive. The two bedroom units are similar in size to the units proposed on the subject lands. The units currently rent for a minimum of$1,350.00 per month. As noted in Section 5.2, the Clarington Official Plan encourages a minimum of 30% of all new housing to be affordable. Affordable housing would not exceed 30% of the gross annual household income for households of low or moderate income levels. The Durham Housing Review Background Report (May 2011) indicated that according to the 2006 Statistics Canada Census, the income threshold for low or moderate income renter households is $43,031. Based on this income level, an affordable monthly rent or mortgage payment (including taxes) would be $1,076.00. It is unlikely that the proposed units would be considered "affordable" based on the above criteria. 11.14 The Municipality of Clarington "Amenity Guidelines for Medium and High Density Residences" requires 4m2 of outdoor amenity area per dwelling unit. The High Density blocks will require a total of 768m2, which is exceeded by the East, West and Central Parkette areas (see Attachment 5). An addendum to the Noise Study may be required as part of the Site Plan Approval for the High Density Blocks to ensure the appropriate mitigation measures are in place for the final layout of the amenity areas. REPORT NO.: PSD-022-13 PAGE 20 11.15 Originally the subject land was approved as a Secondary School Block as part of Plan of Subdivision18T-95026. The conditions of approval for this subdivision required the owner to contribute five per cent of the value of the land proposed for development in lieu of parkland dedication. The conditions also required the applicant to contribute to the construction of Rosswell Park which was not considered part of the parkland contribution. The Clarington Official Plan requires either five per cent of the land, or 1 hectare for every 300 dwelling units, or an appropriate cash contribution in lieu of the land. Originally the applicant was required to contribute the value of 1.06 hectare. As the proposal will add 261 units to the 232 units already approved, the requirement for parkland would be 1.64 hectares, a difference of 0.58 hectares cash in lieu of parkland. 11.16 The applicant has provided concurrence with the attached Conditions of Draft Approval. 11.17 All taxes payable to the Municipality of Clarington have been paid in full. 12. CONCURRENCE — Not Applicable 13. CONCLUSION 13.1 The proposal for amendments to Prestonvale Heights Limited draft approved plan of subdivision provides for a new housing type for Clarington. The garden flat units are a new way to deliver higher densities required by current planning policies in a modest three-storey format. This may be one of the more effective ways for Clarington to control sprawl and develop transit-supportive, walkable communities. The lands are located adjacent to or near a regional corridor that will develop incrementally over time. 13.2 Many of the existing traffic issues in this area are due to Dr. G.J. McGillivray School running at excess capacity. There are currently 11 portables on-site with plans to add a two room addition to implement full-day kindergarten in 2014. The School provides both the regular and French Immersion programs. The French Immersion program is popular and accounts for the majority of the students at the school drawing from a large catchment area. There is no significant difference between the existing approved draft plan of subdivision and the proposed revisions on this issue. Solutions are currently being implemented or considered to mitigate some of traffic issues in this area. 13.3 In consideration of the findings of all supporting studies, comments received from circulated agencies and area residents, and based on review of the proposal, staff recommends that the proposed Clarington Official Plan Amendment (Attachment 9), Zoning By-law (Attachment 11) and Conditions of Draft Approval (Attachment 12) be approved. REPORT NO.: PD-022-13 PAGE 21 CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: Promoting economic development X Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Tracey Webster, Senior Planner Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Draft Approved Plan, October 2008 Attachment 3 - Proposed Draft Plan, September 2011 Attachment 4 - Proposed Draft Plan Attachment 5 - Master Site/Landscape Plan Attachment 6 - Elevations, Traditional Craftsman, and Modern Attachment 7 - On-Street Parking Plan Attachment 8 - Current and Approved Parks Attachment 9 - Proposed Official Plan Amendment Attachment 10 - Clarington Official Plan Amendment Adopting By-law Attachment 11 - Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Attachment 12 -Amendments to Conditions of Draft Approval Attachment 13 - Prestonvale Streetscape Attachment 14 - Meadowglade Streetscape Attachment 15 - Proposed Elevation for Site Plan Application SPA 2009-0014 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: (List of interested parties to be obtained from the Planning Services Department) Attachment 1 To Report PSD-022-13 = C a� m � E J 'C ,o c C C o m 0 E ;cn ® E a� g ® o m CL z ca d N E o ° C m o € s o a O O N CO N ca Rs V o N c� J �a o m V a 0 0 d U) N O Q +o+ _ o J N _ O s m a U Z ®� DIVANO-LSz N O N E9�qo WCIV c P co N 0� Co— N f (D LO r N LO to r N 00 M W CNO It LV N d `n LO CN M �Y > F-- U Q C QO o w .b. 1332i1S Q m 00 N /c co r� oN CO It m CO M dN LO M U MIt M c M N 00 �Co A co pV n� � I CO �� ®b,�X�l Ddb g u, 4z- 1110 w Attachment 2 To Report PSD-022-13 PROPOSED DRAFT PLAN FOR BlockIB6, REGISTERED PLAN 40M-2148 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM zp +\ +tI§(}Q.iii I 33 "4r^' F ITt IKIl� q eo 4 BLOCK TOWNHOUSES BLOCK--91 - ai so X52 r� y' 37 \ ''fir lir (}.481 hyi-3.66.ac.)�J p76 61 5u. ?�'I '\ /(6sunits-44uph� e 3e i 41 4i''s 70 I 24 III s i 43rD Res fi5 0 46 -----------— — — ' ublerrf io 6Ya condlhcns�a5et forthlnoor I Ipttpr dated� {o 2f A5 r4 — �_ ._. �.— .._ .I �i� �—.'�. _5_5_.t�!5 t,, _ v1l�drefrplsn t zgpre•ed Vndef oecticn� � . for'C1ePlannmgACT'FSS3(t99DcP• 7r'( 1q this., day af.: 4YrY ?.�, R E V I S 1 0 N S - I � i i i WY,iool Aemi Im.Pm JS a � L. _ . r I �i--r.i i ! SECTION 51(2)of THE PLANNING ACT C�tJih�Z. r ,�.P.� I 0 v C ,=i:,yt liJ^ ONNEWS CUM MATE I SURVEYOR'S 19 WCATE j scHmu(E OF LAND USE Prestonvaie Heights J.D.Bames Limited low sTY S OMVAL Limited OER "Edward GolSSteSt' w 'Scott Coani 1 I INS 11-11°7,'A 11-40.e1-50 _ 24/OT M°v 23/07'�.—I.7 L I L—._I—I l_ w y " .wm°�a+clHBiecsj wrs>•-a.an (4—/1—) � I i I L , I io°enu�o5iux5aj 1Ors a-w (a lmsn wrst r •�•.�. � "� -1.L. .I—'.�_ ^ tmsmaa can i"osE665COt TOTAL J A LOW OQIAIY 0.E31OFT111A1(sotov/so5rtx5s) _1 UM41 f965.4373M TOTAL AMA LOw t>E'llsnT RE90FN1111 ame n° ®m®®� xina5[IXn TI MEON4 6£NSST•RESOE"AL LiN 0Y7 -F T—I _—-T. "7—t �_ am,,,,,,,au� _ r (ab`wn'J TOTA{MNTSRe5OVfak <1'.danDt HUNTINGTON PHASE III TOTAL AREA� 11& SOm M _.-� � I L,.--I- - � 11.Ram WH�ic° Draw ft w: Plan _071 33 es/IM 0.N i• TOTAL fflE4 aF e,= 9 ABM SSION csvhM1 Y'It 1:IOW I Attachment 3 q £g t To Report PSD-022-13 t O9i IS�000� V+ Q � o 9 8 A z 1��® Z CL ° n it3 °e9 may ' F cB x �ma� g e� "s� �6 F @@� ej cgs y� =F v ?� , ��i• �R� ° � � II 2R � "R aeeS € �d5Fso •° a I— O t pss P 8 � O � °P S3 � �� ��K—U' Z—U' Ygg9d \ \1 \\ \\ '\ ��F�__ __ — icl- T� .�xJ5t1 'll ' II J 1'99I\ \ N,✓✓1 II ���- __—_��� \ \\ 1 �� 1 N � j'�t•� 11 ti.' 1:,U'1 � ; 11 111:IJ 1j0IA \ \ W` A. / L lift —�\ ��, � �: N ' N>�P' 1 Ilt•l III ;���11'�7a1165 ss l��l �. y O ,L a`--~ \O1 �\ \mil .P`�`/'���`\ `�\` Z� � } "^ e ai7.."„ � a / � ' . a I ✓\ — / _ r 91 14, L_1_S 7l3MSS0�L_ \r—' \ \ \ \ \Yy/ yL / \ \ \ iy / C \\ L { I I Ar �\ \ \ • ' \ �/ / \\ 11 �, l —�tii / ,_ 7 r— LL I 1_i—� , /^ `< it i Attachment 4 To Report PSD-022-13 gM e ! ...liL. ..1 ..:' i` J J P P 8 &.. F i � R¢ m�y� t •,��� a p3 e p 5 g G i5 Za V`gV y4 5 gsgRp6R gEQ� i a�e �l� is z ii'�'e id dgas 1 22 s 99irr zp 5 @��y n o - Pd LL Rio! I u�i�? (I s I ] '��. `- �� F-a`- -� �,, ''-t� .-°��-,...�__-�—•�, 3 7 y III I i ( i \ b — r r 'b T. Ri 'Y v 1, l J -. \ % ,\ / ♦`r + , tat \ ' }\ • / \, \�Y \� ! a, ifs l -I } \ \ ) Y f -i a : q "srdJ' i i .��..� I MM� ,�;-' ISM ®g _--��.�rl�,,g��►� ��� ���•� '�:� ��►I��'y''J MINIM Ri99 al W, �/�11_►�! ,��u: 1�� ►� � . 11 �� _ , � •11,11, �, t� ,� . RES IV qsr 1 / I 41�i .I 1 'i Attachment 6 To Report PSD-022-13 4 - I i I , J ,, E li 6- �'� i F7 ` 1 , is 1 I Ll v o � � V i � i Oil - it? - 1 I Attachment 7 To Report PSD-022-13 N O — 11 S Z IJ��F y U V to �E R E 1 ietEY �� e„f zi loe o � Z0 {7 .c � c=n � afib�ofi,� a-8`o'n �:.,� FF�°RcBb an. m ME dQ OH° N� I ft 5 . 11 I1 ,may I II I ----- I 7. I I f � k � I us - n!l � SE II111 � p ---------- — 1111 `� - - _..._.._....... . ` S _ r 'J.,+ -- „ I ( Attachment 8 To Report PSD-022-13 Current - I and = -- Approved - t - Whitecl _.., ' Parks - ffe -' o Parkette Stuart �x a rk r E 'Stowe I?enfoun/ id - - _ mily_ {3950) - -- �-. (6100) -- _ Penfound Park r i Glenabbey - Parkette i 1' Gate House Approved ,+ Parkette - P a rk ette - 11 ~ Emily Stowe - _ Penfound and Bayview _ Neighbourhoods - Approved g Parkette (� Neighbourhood Boundary Pickard Gate _ - Park I, Parkette Valleyland B ® Proposed Park (4500) ) u t__:. Approved Park Rosswell L,; (1000) Population Park — Proposed Parkette South Courtice - - Arena Attachment 9 To Report PSD-022-13 AMENDMENT NO. 93 TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN PURPOSE: To amend the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan and South- west Courtice Secondary Plan by replacing a Medium Density Residential designation with a High Density Residential designation on the subject property located on the north-west corner of Bloor Street and Prestonvale Road; and to adjust the housing and population targets for the Penfound Neighbourhood. BASIS: This amendment is based on an application by Prestonvale Heights Limited ACTUAL AMENDMENT: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1. In Section 9.4.5, Table 9-2 "Housing Targets by Neighbourhood" by amending the targets for Neighbourhood N9 "Penfound" and amending all corresponding totals as follows: Table 9-2 Housing Targets by Neighbourhoods Urban Area Housing Units Neighbourhoods Low Medium High Intensification Total N9 1175 75 200 75 1525 Total 8875 1695 750 2025 13345 2. By amending Map A2 "Land Use — Courtice Urban Area" as shown on Exhibit "A" to this Amendment; 3. By amending Map H1"Neigh bhourhood Planning Units — Courtice Urban Area" as shown on Exhibit "B" to this Amendment; and 4. By amending Map A "Land Use to the South-west Courtice Secondary Plan" as shown on Exhibit "C" to this amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. I "Exhibit."A", Amendment No.93 To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan", Map A2 Courtice , Land Use, Courtice Urban Area. �■ycrsrsa=ss s.—a.M CMi SPECIAL PEC., � URBAN BOUNDARY SPEC L AREAS ST c , ® FUTURE ►� URBAN RESIDENTIAL URBAN RESIDENTIAL •• as O MEDIUM DENSITY ■ ��.I -- — — RESIDENTIAL H HIGH DENSITY I ■0.............M y— I � RESIDENTIAL 1 TOWN CENTRE 1 COURTICE WEST I ® SHOPPING DISTRICT 1 NEIGHBOURHOOD 1 M O 0 ® I CENTRE I O � 1 HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL 1 ® 0 M I PRESTIGE jEMPLOYMENT AREA NASH RDAD ® LIGHT O O INDUSTRIAL AREA GENERAL ��.• .�: � 1 INDUSTRIAL AREA 5PE LPOLICY �' BUSINESS PARK to AREA O P ... M 0 �� .. .. 0 UTILITY ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AREA 13 ® 0 GREEN SPACE WATERFRONT M o O GREENWAY 1 M o e c COMMUNITY PARK 1 d a DISTRICT PARK Remove Medium Density Id Residential Symbol ® PARK NEIGHBOURHOOD 1 PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOL Add High Density SEPARATE 1 9 `7 SECONDARY SCHOOL Residential Symbol PUBLIC M M ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1 H SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 10 Q 0 R M SECONDARY PLANNING AREA I1 O A' •........ SPECIAL POLICY AREA D O ® / - ,V •■..�I*1...SPECIAL STUDY AREA \1 �v GO STATION 1 � ' / SPELIAL 125 250 500 1,000 Melee i POLICY ■ AREA D w� 1 I MAP A2 LAND USE COURTICE URBAN AREA OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON AUGUST,2010 THIS CO 11LI—AT10N IS PR""' PNO REPRESENTS_ESTEO MOOIF CATIONS AND APPROVgI "Exhibit."B", Amendment No.93 To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan", Map H1 Courtice Neighbourhood Planning Units Courtice Urban Area. 1 I 1 F 12 I EWELL IGHTS 1 N 3 4 g WORDEN HIGHLAND 6 Y 3900 (4100) 5 HANCOCK a GLENVIEW (2900) NASH ROAD (3 00) 2COUR SHOPP I S Rk;t KING STREET 1 1 10 TOWN DARLINGTON CENTRE (2400) 6 (600) EMILY STOWE � o (6100) AVONDALE ' URBAN BOUNDARY 9 (3600) o Q NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY PENFOUND z (3950) (1000) POPULATION n o (*) SEE SECTION 17.6 K SLOOR STREET 11 •, 0 210 420 840 1,260 1,680 BAYVIEW L(3950)ulation From Metres (4500) To(4050) 1 I ------------------, IBASELINE ROAD Ip K HIGHWAY 401 w 1 Io I IZ I1 J °tiR I I I 1 MAP H1 1 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS COURTICE URBAN AREA LAKE ONTARIO OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON JANUARY 1,2010 REFER TO SECTIONS 5 AND 9 A,.-CONSOLI-ATION IS PROVIDED FOR CONVENIENCEONLV AND REPRESENTS pEODESTED MOOIFlCAl10N5 PNDAPPROVPI Exhibit "C" Amendment No. 93 To The Municipality of Clarington Official Plan Map A, Land Use, South West Courtice Secondary Plan iLLLU ' DELETE "MEDIUM" 0 NDARY BLOOR ST. ILE- DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" [Esu'DEN"Al MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBOURHOOD PARK PROTECTION AREA ADD "HIGH ... .... STORM WATER FACILITY PUBLIC DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" SECONDARY SCHOOL DRIVE PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SEPARATE ----- ----- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL q- NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE UTILITIES HERITAGE HOUSE ARTERIAL ROADS TYPE 8 ARTERIAL ROADS TYPE C DRIVE 0. --------- COLLECTOR ROADS 4- LOCAL ROAD ACCESS INTERSEC71ON IMPROVEMENT 000000*00*00-* PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE ROUTES CL RA14 W4 MAP A LAND USE BASELINE ROAD SOUTH WEST COURTICE SECONDARY PLAN AUGUST, 2010 NIOUDA''ON IS PROVIDED FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY Attachment 10 To Report PSD-022-13 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2013- being a By-law to adopt Amendment No. 93 to the Clarington Official Plan WHEREAS Section 17 (22) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by-laws for the adoption or repeal of Official Plans and Amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Clarington Official Plan to permit the development of a draft plan of subdivision which includes 192 apartment units in South-West Courtice Secondary Plan Area; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. That Amendment No. 93 to the Clarington Official Plan being the attached Explanatory Text is hereby adopted. 2. This By-law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY-LAW passed in open session this day of 2013. Adrian Foster, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk I Attachment 11 To Report PSD-022-13 I CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2013- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63,the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended,of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2011-0027; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. By adding to Section 2, thereof, the following new definition in alphabetical order as follows: "LOCAL ROAD Shall mean an improved public street with a right-of-way width of 20 metres or less." 2. "Section 15.4 SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS — URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE FOUR (R4)ZONE"is herby amended by adding a new Sub-section 15.4.34 as follows: "15.4.34 URBAN RESIDENTIAL EXCEPTION (R4-34)ZONE Notwithstanding Sections 2,3.25, 15.2 a),c)i., e)and g),those lands zoned R4-34 on the Schedules to this By-law shall be used for apartment buildings subject to the following zone regulations: a. Definitions i) Rear Lot Line: shall mean the lot line dividing the lot from a local road shall be deemed the rear lot line. b. Density(maximum) 91 units per ha C. Regulations for Apartment Building i) Yard Requirements(minimum) a) . Front Yard a minimum width of 4.5 metres and a maximum width of 6 metres b) Rear Yard a minimum width of 8 metres ii) Lot Coverage 50 percent iii) Building Height 13.5 metres" 3. Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-60) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R2-67)Zone"; I i ----------- -- "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R1-70) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R4-34)Zone"; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-59) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R2-67)Zone"; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-59) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R4-34)Zone'; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-60) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R1-75)Zone"; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-60) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R2-66)Zone"; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-60) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R4-34)Zone'; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-62) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R1-75)Zone"; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-62) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R2-66)Zone'; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-62) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R2-67)Zone"; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R2-62) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R4-34)Zone"; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R3-33) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R1-75)Zone"; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R3-33) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R2-66)Zone"; "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R3-33) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R2-67)Zone'; and "Holding-Urban Residential Exception ((H)R3-33) Zone" to "Holding-Residential Exception ((H)R4-34)Zone"; as illustrated on the attached Schedule"A"hereto. 4. Schedule"A"attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 5. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW passed in open session this day of 2013. Adrian Foster, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk This is Schedule to By-law i passed this day of 2013 A.D. OWN ON MR IN:R - -- ----� �O��O�°� Q1111111.1111111111111111 � ►���"�i 'I - �111111 _ _IIIIIIIIII�%//��llll �� _��� �ioi �� ♦ �� _Iillllllll IIIIIIII� //llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :� �� �i���!!ii���i� � i "111% .` / ,• • ' illllllllllllllllllll.11 11_ _Illllilli�°�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Q\IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'lla■■11� Clllllllllllllllllloii� ��111111- 111111 111111111111111111111111111 _IIIIIIIIIII--III-----lllllll� _= 111111111111111111111111111 x1111111111111111111111111/ �•�� 11111111111111111111111111=X111111111111111111111//� - 111111111111111111111��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII►/// • IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII _IIIIIIIIIIIilllill///!/11 r��=�nlllm►��� •■■■■■■■■■�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII CIIIIIIIIIIIII►►/� ' Attachment 12 To Report PSD-022-13 AMENDMENTS TO CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL FILE NO.: S-C-2007-0007 DATE: Conditions No's 1, 2, 4, 15, 16, 34, 41 , 43 and 45 and Note 4 are deleted in their entirety. New Conditions No's. 16, 17 and 28 are added. The existing conditions are renumbered accordingly. The original Condition No. 1 is deleted and replaced with a new Condition No. 1 as follows: 1. The Owner shall have the final plan prepared on the basis of approved draft plan of subdivision S-C-2007-0007 prepared by GHD identified as job number 07133, dated May 2007, as revised and dated February 2013, which illustrates 49 lots for single detached dwellings, 10 lots for 20 semi- detached dwellings, four blocks for 192 apartments, various blocks for road widening, walkways, site triangles and reserves." The original Condition No. 2 is deleted and replaced with a new Condition No. 2 as follows: 2. The Owner shall dedicate to the Municipality of Clarington: a) Cale Avenue b) McRoberts Crescent c) Street A the road allowances included in this draft plan as public highways on the final plan." The original Condition No. 4 is deleted and replaced with a new Condition No. 4 as follows: "4. The Owner shall prepare an Environmental Sustainability Plan for approval by the Director of Planning Services and Director of Engineering Services. The Plan shall identify the measures that the Owner will undertake to conserve energy, and water in excess of the standards of the Ontario Building Code, reduce waste, increase recycling of construction materials and utilize non-toxic, environmentally sustainable materials and finishes." i i I i i I The original Condition No. 15 is deleted and replaced with a new Condition No. 15 as j follows: 15. The Owner shall convey the 0.3 metre reserve shown as Blocks 67, 68 and 69 on the draft plan, to the Municipality of Clarington." New Conditions No. 16 and No. 17 are added as follows: "16. The Owner shall convey Blocks 64, 65 and 66 as public walkways on the final plan. The walkway in Block 66 must be enhanced with fencing and plantings between the residential area and the walkway. The walkway, fencing and plantings must be constructed to the satisfaction of the Director of Engineering Services and the Director of Planning Services, through the approval of a subsequent Site Plan Application, including dedication of easements for public access to the abutting lands." 17. The Owner shall provide commercial grade decorative metal fencing within Blocks 60 to 63 parallel to the property line adjacent to walkway Blocks 64 and 65. The fencing is subject to the approval of the Director of Planning Services and the Director of Engineering Services through the approval of a subsequent Site Plan Application." The original Condition No. 16 is deleted and replaced with a new Condition No. 18 as follows: "18. The Owner shall pay cash-in-lieu of parkland to the Municipality of Clarington based on the value of 0.58 hectares as a portion of the required dedication." New Condition No. 24 is added as follows: "24. The Owner agrees to reimburse the Municipality's costs to design and erect a sign outside of the sales office and/or on the subject lands providing subdivision consumer information." New Conditions No. 29 is added as follows: "29. The Owner shall clean the catch basins located on the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board property adjacent to the northern limits of the plan once construction of lots 1 to 21 is complete and the lots have been sodded." I I I The original Condition No. 31 is deleted and replaced with a new Condition No. 35 as follows: i "35. The Owner agrees to carry out the works referred to in Condition 32 to the I satisfaction of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority." The original Condition No. 34 is deleted and replaced with a new Condition No. 38 as follows: "38. a) The Owner shall agree in the Municipality of Clarington Subdivision Agreement to implement the recommendation of the report, entitled "Noise Impact Study" prepared by YCA Engineering Limited, dated April 2012 which specifies noise attenuation measures for the development. The measures shall be included in the subdivision agreement and must also contain a full and complete reference to the noise report (i.e. author, title, date and any revisions/addenda) and shall include any required warning clauses identified in the study. Blocks 60 to 63 will require 768 m2 of Outdoor Amenity area in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Amenity Guidelines for Medium and High Density Residences and shall meet the MOE criteria of Outdoor Living Areas. An addendum may be required for Blocks 60 to 63 as part of the Site Plan Approval for the high density blocks to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. b) The Owner agrees that any recommendations of the Noise Impact Study, as may be updated, requiring warning clauses related to potential noise from the adjacent arterial roads, shall be provided as a separate printed notice attached to the Offers of Purchase and Sale, in addition to be registered against title." The original Condition No. 41 is deleted and replaced with a new Condition No. 45 as follows: "45. The Owner shall agree in the Agreement, to grant to the telecommunication provider any easements that may be required for telecommunication services. Easements may be required subject to final servicing decisions. In the event of any conflict with existing telecommunication provider facilities or easements, the Owner shall be responsible for the relocation of such facilities or easements." j I I i i The original Condition No. 43 is deleted and replaced with a new Condition No. 47 as follows: I "47. The Owner shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines and provide the necessary field survey information required for the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of the natural gas distributor." The original Condition No. 45 is deleted and replaced with a new Condition No. 49 as follows: "49. Prior to final approval of this plan for registration, the Director of Planning Services for the Municipality of Clarington shall be advised in writhing by: a) Durham Regional Planning Department, how Conditions 3, 7, 12, 38, and 40 to 43 have been satisfied; b) Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, how Conditions 33 to 37 have been satisfied; The original Note 4 is deleted and replaced with a new Note 4 as follows: "4. Where agencies' requirements are required to be included in the local municipal subdivision agreement, a copy of the agreement should be sent to the agencies in order to facilitate their clearance of conditions for final approval of this plan. The addresses and telephone numbers of these agencies are: a) Durham Regional Planning Department, 605 Rossland Road East, P.O. Box 623, Whitby, ON L1 N 6A3 (905)668-7721. b) Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, 100 Whiting Avenue, Oshawa, ON L1 H 3T3 (905)579-0411. Consolidated conditions of draft approval have been prepared as an attachment to this amendment to summarize all amendments made to date. The other conditions remain unchanged. I I Attachment 13 To Report PSD-022-13 11.20m(3T-0')) gn iw• -.. ii .. �� ��� it .,_.•,.. _,,.. �...: r-r-::; 4" <3. -:_� � �[LG�� '%1-`- � - g�9 BLOOR STREET PRESTONVALE ROAD CALE AVENUE 2008 DRAFT APPROVED PLAN 18.00m(89'-0') 1220m(40'-0') 1220m(40'-0'7 12.20m(a0-0"� IN- I � yf t!V jr 7t t, � � �,, 5 � ,', ��-�,_i ,,� , �-•-� �. � , t� ",t �, (, it I : BLOOR STREET PRESTONVALE ROAD CALE AVENUE 2012 PROPOSAL PLAN rw w 9 Afq W Lu KEY PLAN I jardin : ,:.. ^ 000 SigTB05lgeRONR1NG HUNTINGTON PHASE III PRESTON DESIGN GROUP INC —�a,.N. PRESTONVALE STREETSCAPE Attachment 14 To Report PSD-022-13 CONDO CONDO CONDO CONDO s,mse-o, TOWNS a.29mso.-0. 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