HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-14 Minutes CLARINGTON AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, MARCH 141h, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Brenda Metcalf John Cartwright Eric Bowman Gary Jeffery Tom Barrie Mary Ann Found Mark Bragg Don Rickard Councillor Partner Les Caswell R STAFF: Faye Langmaid REGRETS: Jenni Knox Ted Watson GUESTS. Dan McMorrow, Insurance Issue r s Laura Wood, CBOT _ _ Brenda welcomed all to the meeting, everyone introduced themselves. r Adoption of Agenda - 013-07 Moved b Eric Bowman, seconded b Gary Jeffe Y Y rY rY "That the Agenda for March 14`', 2013 be adopted" CARRIED Approval of Minutes •,-�- ... 013-08 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Eric Bowman j 'That the minutes of the February 14`', 2013 meeting be approved"` CARRIED--ma- Presentations: Dan McMorrow is a dairy farmer and insurance broker specializing in farm insurance. Dan provided a quick overview of his approach to getting the best coverage. Doing things without insurance is very risky, as you never know when you are going to be dragged into a lawsuit. As a farmer you should make sure that when someone comes to work on your farm they are insured as they can damage your livelihood. Dan's motto is "if everything is done right, then the insurance company has to pay". Read you policy, you are most likely covered for things that you did not realize, like your attendance at fairs (typically 5 per year), selling of produce, contamination of milk (e.g. a truckload). Some additional items may require riders, such as a B+B operation or home business. One of the big issues currently is oil tanks, insurance companies are looking to limit their liability based on some other incidents that have caused major clean-up operations. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 14 th, 2013 Mutual insurance companies cannot make money, if they do they are supposed to do rebates, Dan has not seen a rebate in about 20 years. The difference between coverage for $1 million liability and $5 million does not go up proportionally, liability limits are your guarantee against someone's stupidity. The additional charge to get the higher coverage may be worth it. Liability for buildings can be combined, especially if the buildings are set apart, the likelihood of a disaster happening with all the buildings at once is unlikely. Typically the inflation adjustment on houses is 3% per year but you can ask for another evaluation; barns would not be that high and it is why a combined policy may be an option. Other items available are riders for boarding, grazing endorsements, PAL (party alcohol liability) insurance for special events (even if there is no alcohol), errors/omissions and director's liability for boards and volunteer commitments. Signs do not protect you, insurance does. Bottom line is that insurance companies will not insure for stuff that they know is going to happen, for example if you are in a flood zone and it has flooded numerous times they will no longer insure for flooding. Business Arising from Minutes Letter to Minister Wynne has gone out with resolution about 407 farmland leases attached. CBOT Tour - Don and Laura Wood from CBOT, provided invitations and an update on the planning for a tour. Arrangements have been finalized with the farms. People can organize their own lunch and car pool. Let Laura know if you are attending, it is hoped that all members will attend. Stewardship Programs 013-09 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Les Caswell "Whereas the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) provided stewardship programs that were designed to assist farmers in implementing best management practices and rural residents with naturalization initiatives; and Whereas the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) has allocated $20,000 of their funding annually from Durham Region to the Clean Water — Healthy Land Financial Assistance Program; and Whereas the Municipality of Clarington has approximately half of its area in CLOCA and half in GRCA; and Whereas many of the farmers in Clarington own lands in both watersheds; and Whereas CLOCA has not allocated funding towards its stewardship program since 2010 such as those included in the document DURHAM REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITIES WATERSHED STEWARDSHIP PROGRAMS & SERVICES available on the CLOCA website and there is now disparity between the programs of the two CA's in Clarington; and Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 14 th, 2013 Whereas the Watershed Plans that CLOCA is adopting strongly rely on the implementation of stewardship initiatives in the rural areas to achieve the goals set out in the watershed plans; Now therefore be it resolved that: The Agricultural Committee of Clarington and Clarington Council request CLOCA allocate $20,000 in funding annually to stewardship programs in Clarington and further that this resolution be circulated to Durham Region, DAAC and DEAC, City of Oshawa, Town of Whitby and Town of Ajax." CARRIED Terms of Membership 013-10 Moved by Gary Jeffery Seconded by Eric Bowman "Whereas the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington was formed in 2001 and has provided valuable advice to Council and staff on numerous issues; and Whereas the terms of reference for the committee identify that the membership be drawn from the different agricultural sectors (dairy, beef, apple, greenhouse, cash crops, hog, poultry, etc.); and that members should also possess relevant farm experience, technical training in an agriculture-based field, and/or be currently involved in agricultural community activities; and Whereas the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington has benefitted greatly from members that have been on the committee for a number of years such that the knowledge is transferred from one committee to the next; however, it is also recognized that there is the need of continual renewal within the membership and the fostering of younger members; and Whereas the Council Protocol for Advisory Committees sets out the term of Advisory Committees to be the same as that of Council; and Whereas the timing of the election in October combined with Council taking office in December effectively meant Committee appointments were delayed until March; Now therefore be it resolved that: The Agricultural Advisory Committee recommend Council stagger the terms of members, by appointing half of the membership every two years, for four year terms and that the work of the committee continue until the new members are appointed." CARRIED Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 14 th, 2013 Correspondence and Council Referrals Members received two articles from Novae Res Urbis via e-mail one on appraisal values and the other on boosting local food and the potential bill that may be reintroduced to the Legislature. Additional research on this item will be carried out to determine the impact of this bill on local farmers. The request for a display and presentation at pitch-in week was discussed. Brenda, MaryAnn and Gary will work on providing a message and display. Faye will provide what is currently the display used at Orono Fair (third generation). Liaison Reports DAAC — Eric provided an update from DAAC. They had a presentation at their last meeting regarding Bobolinks and inviting the MNR representatives to present to this committee would be timely. The moratorium on taking any action on "meadow species" is in place until October 2014 but after that the time of hay-cutting may be affected, if could be delayed until the beginning of August. There are crops that the Bobolinks do not nest in such as red clover and they should be exempt from any proposed ban on cutting of forage crops. With the assistance of the Cattlemen's group a federal abattoir feasibility study is underway. Mary Ann provided more detail on the options that are being explored and suggested that Marlene Werry could speak to the study after May when the results are known. There is some concern over the width of field entrances that the Region is suggesting in their standards. Eric has been working on this aspect and providing examples of issues on Regional roads. DRFA —Farm Connections event for April 2, 3, and 4 has all the spaces filled. OFA is carrying out a rural energy use survey; if you are called please participate. Mary Ann provided a reminder that joining OFA is a two step process (different from in the past) that you have to be specific and make sure you sign up. June 81h there will be a farm safety day in Port Perry. DRFA has two spaces for the Farm and Food Care Ontario parliamentary procedures on March 27th, if you know of anyone interested contact Mary Ann. CBOT—Annual Meeting is scheduled for April 25th, CBOT is working on the process to hire a 41n person for the office; the new offices are working out great. Don Rickard is willing to continue in his liaison role between AACC and CBOT. Brenda thanked Laura Wood for attending the meeting. Future Agendas Faye solicited suggestions for meeting presenters and topics for 2013. MTO officials have been invited to attend on farm leases and other implementation issues such as weeds and tile drainage. MNR will be asked to attend on Species at Risk (bobolink). It was suggested that Erin O'Toole be invited. Marlene Werry is a possible future speaker on the abattoir business plan. Other Business 1) Eric Bowman was congratulated for receiving the Ontario Cattlemen's Pasture Award. 2) Secondary Uses- Committee members were reminded that the upcoming Countryside Discussion Paper that is part of the Official Plan Review will include a discussion on Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 14 th, 2013 Secondary Uses. The proposed changes to the PPS define accessory and secondary uses as being agriculture-related. In the past committee has always supported this definition and when Clarington submitted comments on the PPS this was reflected in the comments. 3) Environmental Farm Plans will no longer be funded as of March 31 st. It is assumed that they are going to be replaced with some other program but the details are not known. The staffing that was dedicated to EFP's was 17 and they have been given the opportunity to apply for 5 positions. As more information is known the committee will be updated. 4) Revisions to the Pet By-law - there is some concern that the role of working dogs has not been accurately captured. Working dogs are the same as employees but they stay with the herd/flock 24/7. Faye will investigate further with Anne Greentree and let the committee members know as this item is scheduled to go back to Council on March 25H 5) Discussion on the federal riding boundary proposal. History shows that Clarington has always been treated as a block and dividing it at this time does not appear to be beneficial to the area. The discussion has moved from where the Municipality has input to the federal level. Councillor Partner will provide the link to the Erin O'Toole survey. 013-11 Moved by Don Rickard, Seconded by Tom Barrie "Whereas the federal government is reviewing electoral boundaries, and Whereas the community known as Clarington has for over 100 years been in one electoral riding, and Whereas this community has a strong agricultural identity Therefore be it resolved that: The Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington recommends the review by the electoral board include Clarington as a whole within a redefined electoral district, and the name "Clarington"be included in the naming of the new electoral district." CARRIED This resolution is to be forwarded to Erin O'Toole MPP for his use in providing comments to the electoral board. Durham County was created in 1792. It was composed of the townships of Cartwright, Manvers, Cavan, Darlington, Clarke and Hope, and portions of what is now Peterborough County, created in 1838. It was united administratively with Northumberland County as the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham from 1850 until Durham County was dissolved on January 1, 1974. John Cartwright moved for Adjournment. Next Meeting April 11, 2013, 7:30pm. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 14 th, 2013