HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-19 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting March 19, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bonnie Seto Angela Tibbles David Reesor Tracey Ali Colin Maitland Andrew Kozak Karin Murphy Councillor Hooper Tenzin Gyaltsan Kim Vaneyk (Ex-officio) REGRETS: Allan Kirby MEMBERS ABSENT: Ruth Goff (Ex-officio) STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Kristy Kilbourne Angela welcomed all to the meeting. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST The matter of Declaration of Pecuniary Interest was discussed. Faye clarified what it means to have a pecuniary interest along with perception of conflict of interest. Members were reminded to familiarize themselves with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act which they all should have received as part of their orientation to the CHC and which is otherwise available online through E-laws. It was agreed that at future meetings, the protocol of excusing members who have declared an interest pecuniary or otherwise will be a standard agenda item. The member would step out for that portion of the agenda and 'then return to the meeting and it would be noted in the minutes. ADOPTION OF MINUTES' 13.07 Moved by Karin Murphy, seconded by Andrew Kozak THAT the minutes of February 19th, 2013 be accepted. "CARRIED" 1 BUSINESS ARISING 407 Salvage Strategy The Museum Board met on March 13th and were informed of the 407 Salvage Strategy, in particular the buildings close to the Kirby Museum site and the smoke house. Faye advised them of the opportunity to salvage materials and/or buildings and left them with information. We are receiving requests from designated property owners and municipal departments have been informed of the potential salvage of materials. OHT Nominations for 2013 CHC members were asked at the February, meeting to review the Ontario Heritage Trust award categories (Attachment 1) and think about who they might like to nominate from the community. Some names were put forward and to be discussed at the next meeting. Additional ideas and suggestions were discussed. To meet the deadline for submission a report will have to go, to Council in May. Therefore the committee's decision should occur at the next meeting. Candidates for designation: Knox family, 6325 Enfield Road No new information.' Camp 30 Faye updated the Committee that no further information has been released regarding, the status of Camp "30's designation as a National Historic Site. Consequently, an application for the grant program (deadline March 8/13) for federally designated sites for securing the site until re-use plans for the site have been finalized was not able to be submitted. REPORTS FROM OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville CIP — No update. Next meeting is April 17. Newcastle CIP — No update. Next meeting is April 25. Orono CIP — No update. Next meeting is April 3. 2 ACO, Clarington Branch — Tracey announced that the ACO Clarington Branch held their most recent ACO on the Go event in partnership with OPG at Liberty Bowl. Approximately 400 people were in attendance. Planning for Doors Open which will take place on June 8t" is well underway. NVDHS —Allan was not present to provide an update. Museum — Bonnie informed the Committee that the Museum is currently reviewing their mandate and vision. There has been no discussion on Kirby Village until they see whether this type of an undertaking will be in the revised mandate. She advised that the Kirby Church is still owned by the United Church and that Council has indicated that there is no particular allocation of municipal funds for such an initiative. Heritage Week Working Group — Wrap-up meeting is scheduled for March 21 st. Angela will provide an update at the April Meeting. CORRESPONDENCE AND COUNCIL REFERRAL MTCS Waiving of Fees — Faye informed that the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, and Sport has waived the land registry fees for Heritage Committee members. 2013 Ontario Heritage Conference — This year's conference will take place in Historic Huronia (Midland/Penetanguishene/Tay), June 6-9t", 2013. Committee members are encouraged to attend as the Committee has a budget for conferences. Those who attend will be asked to report back to the Committee on their learnings. PROJECT REPORTS Inventory Photographs — No update, however, it was suggested that photos be taken of the interior and exterior of Liberty Bowl prior to its impending closure and future demolition. Barns — Once GIS Staff are able to pull together a listing of property owners with barns from the MPAC data, a letter will be sent out to property owners. Kim advised that she had been in contact with a local photographer and designer who could produce pocket- size desk calendars with photos of area barns as a fundraiser. These could be purchased for $2 a piece and sold for a small profit to be put toward the barn book project. Kim also reviewed various tasks associated with the barn book project that will require volunteers. The following tasks were assigned: 3 Barn Razing Section, Angela Barn Designs and Layouts Section, Tenzin In addition, Angela has offered to assist in pulling things together at the end. Jenni Knox will be providing the Glossary. Members were asked to let Kim know directly if they'd like to take on any of the other outstanding pieces of work as distributed at the last meeting. NEW BUSINESS Website Update and Numbers Website tracking through Google Analytics was installed on the_Heritage Website by Communications Staff in early January. Analytics show that the website receives a few hits/day on average. A significant spike in visits was noted in relation to Heritage Week in February. Most visitors to the site come directly rather than through referrals from other websites. Planning staff are in the process of reviewing the website to ensure working links and the most up to date information is on the site. Categories in the header on the homepage will be organized and consolidated. CHC members are encouraged to take a look at the website and advise on content and changes. Heritage 'Plaques As a potential solution to the problem of theft and the high cost of the bronze heritage building plaques, Planning staff are exploring different options to replicate the bronze plaques using materials that will not be subject to theft but are aesthetically appealing and with stand weathering (UV rays). A sample of one plaque will be provided free of charge for mid-April meeting by a local firm. Andrew Kozak moved the meeting be adjourned. Next meeting: April 16, 2013, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1 A Attachments Attachment#1 —OHT 2013 Award Categories 4