HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-12 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarin ton Minutes of Meetin,-- Tuesday February 12, 2013 In Attendance-Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice-Chair Carol Little, Gord Blaker, Gary Oliver, Councillor Woo, Bob Holmes Re,-nets-Councillor Partner, Joanne Raymond 1. Call to Order-7:08 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes-Motion # 13-105 THAT: The minutes of January 8th, 2013 are approved, as presented. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Carol Lovekin CARRIED 3. Arena Mana,-er's Report- The chair provided an update, in Bryan's absence; Advising members of the number of up and coming playoff games, plans taking place for the month of March, season's end and Bryan's list of requests for upgrade considerations, during the summer. • Shower area needs attention-As this area of the change rooms continues to be a problem, the chair suggested we acquire quotations for some type of better enclosure. Arrangements for Bath Fitters to quote on complete shower enclosures will be arranged. • Bryan also had requested we continue with the flooring upgrades and had arranged for quotations. The members held off on moving forward on this project until we are all in agreement to the needs. The condition of the lobby flooring will be evaluated and discussed and our next meeting, in March. • Bryan was also requesting a cordless floor scrubber and was acquiring information on such a unit. He had advised: that type of unit is most popular, now and is being used by the municipality at the Courtice Complex and the Newcastle Rec. Centre. Gary Oliver suggested we should make sure, before purchasing that, this type of battery operated unit be adaptable to short-time usage and "Trickle Charges", when plugged in. Frequent short-time usages on a fully charged battery will not affect the battery life. Bryan will be advised to get additional information for evaluation. (2) • A letter from Kythe Baldwin, requesting a"Hockey for Heart" Charity Tournament, in conjunction with our Herman Valckx Memorial Volunteer Skate Day was read. A meeting with Mr. Baldwin, to have him outline his plan will be arranged and members of the board, who are available, will attend and follow up. The two Gords, Gary Oliver and Bryan were able to attend. Additional members would advise, if able to attend. • The Herman Valckx Memorial Volunteer Appreciation Day has been scheduled for March 24th, 2013 —Normally held on the last Sunday in March, it was brought forward this year, because of the early Easter Week-End— (March 31st.) The Newcastle Skating Club's Carnival and the pending Hockey for Heart Tournament will be held on the week-end of April 6th 4. Financial Report—Preliminary budget plans for 2013 were discussed and further follow-up was required on ice rates and wages for the year. The chair advised he would provide current municipal ice rates for our next meeting. In addition, the members requested discussions with our arena manager should take place, before deciding on his remuneration for 2013. The chair will report back at the March meeting and the budget will be set then. Accounts receivable were provided— a total of$61,586.04 were outstanding - $44,298.60, (75%) current. Statements had been sent out January 7th, to all user groups. 5. New Business—An offer from the municipality for replacement of our Defibrillator required a motion of acceptance for the board members. Motion # 13— 106 was proposed: THAT: The board members graciously accept the offer from the Municipality of Clarington for the replacement of our now, obsolete AED. A follow-up letter be sent to Mr. Horvath with motion enclosed outlining our acceptance and gratitude. Moved by: Bob Holmes Seconded by: Larry Burke CARRIED The Chair advised: Invoices for the rink-board advertising signs had been issued— 15 advertisers, for the total amount of$6,700.00. Space is still available for more advertisers and new rates were established. Motion # 13-107 was proposed: THAT: A new rink board advertising rate will be set at $325.00 annual for any new advertisers. The existing advertisers, now on (3) location will be grandfathered and remain at $300.00. All rates are plus HST. The advertiser will continue to produce and pay for their own sign. Arena staff will install and maintain. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Bob Holmes CARRIED With the Lexan sign covers becoming more expensive to purchase, Bob Holmes offered to research cleaning products for removing puck marks from the signs. Bob will also search out better pricing for the Lexan covers. A letter from Newcastle Skating Club requesting permission to sell slices of Boston Pizza, as a fund raiser at their year-end Carnival week-end. A selling price of$3.00 per slice will provide a $1.00 commission back to their club. Motion # 13-108 was proposed: THAT: The Newcastle Skating Club be allowed to sell the Boston Pizza Slices at their Carnival, providing it does not involve our Snack Bar Staff or, equipment to heat and serve. The Skating Club will collect the money for these sales. Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Larry Burke CARRIED Gord Blaker advised of three (3) playoff games that were scheduled for this coming Saturday evening, Feb.16th. Concerns for sufficient staff on the snack bar were discussed. Arrangements for two staff members to be on duty from 5:00 P.M 10:00 P.M. were made. 6. Next Meeting—Tuesday March 12, 2013—7:00 P.M. 7. Adjournment - Motion # 13-109 was proposed: THAT: The meeting is adjourned Moved by: Carol Little Seconded by: Bob Holmes CARRIED