HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-012-13 Clarftwn REPORT CLERK'S Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: March 18, 2013 Resolution#: 910,4-.19,9­13 By-law#: N/A Report : CLD-012-13 File#: Subject: APPOINTMENTS TO THE SUSTAINABLE CLARINGTON COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-012-13 be received; 2. THAT the following seven applicants be appointed to the Sustainable Clarington Community Advisory Committee for a term concurrent with Council: a. b. C. d. e. f. g. 3. THAT be appointed to the Sustainable Clarington Community Advisory Committee, for a term ending concurrent with Council, as the representative of Council; and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in Report CLD-012-13 be advised of Council's decision. i' Submitted by: W11, � '\ Reviewed by: P tti tl—, CMO Franklin Wu, Municipa erk Chief Administrative Officer PLB*jeg CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: CLD-012-13 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND On January 28, 2013, Council approved the following resolution to constitute the Sustainable Clarington Community Advisory Committee: "THAT Report CAO-001-13 be received; THAT Council endorse the Terms of Reference for the Sustainable Clarington Community Advisory Committee (Attachment 1 to Report CAO-001-13), as amended to include seven non-elected community members, the Mayor, and a Member of Council; THAT both the Mayor and Member of Council shall sit as ex-officio members with no voting rights; THAT the Municipality proceed to advertise for Clarington resident's interest in public appointment to the seven (7) member Committee; and THAT the members of the Living Green Community Advisory Committee be advised of Council's decision about this new Committee." The purpose of the Sustainable Clarington Community Advisory Committee is to advise Council on matters of sustainability in accordance with these Terms of Reference and is to conduct its business according to the Protocol for Council Appointed Advisory Committees. The following is an excerpt from the terms of reference regarding appointments: "The Committee shall consist of seven voluntary members who believe they can make a significant contribution to the Committee and, as a whole, represent the diversity of Clarington, including its range of communities and types of employment or business. Membership from youth is especially encouraged in this important initiative. A majority of the membership - four(4) - shall constitute a quorum. A member of Council appointed by Council shall sit as ex-officio member with no voting rights. Stewardship coordinators for CLOCA and GRCA may be invited too, as appropriate. REPORT NO.: CLD-012-13 PAGE 3 The members shall possess a strong interest in and willingness to help advance the Municipality's vision: "Building a sustainable, creative and caring community." Openings for the seven (7) Clarington residents shall be publicly advertised and any resident of the Municipality of Clarington may apply. Applicants will submit applications to the Municipality of Clarington Clerk's office. The membership of the Committee will be formally appointed by Municipal Council." 2.0 CURRENT SITUATION An advertisement ran for two weeks (and then was extended for a further four weeks) in the local newspapers and on our Clarington Website seeking applications from qualified interested parties to fill the seven non-elected community positions on the Sustainable Clarington Community Advisory Committee for a term concurrent with Council. In response to the advertisement, the following individuals, in alphabetical order, have submitted their applications: • Neil Allin • Louis Bertrand • Sonia Jennifer Bilas • David Brandreth • Jay Cuthbertson • Lisa Drake • Mike Dymarski • Suzanne Elston • William Graham • Allan Hewitt • Glenn Hicks • Lorraine Jones • Georg Lothar Krohn • Cathrine McKeever • Kerry Meydam • Michael Patrick • Tanya Pulfer • Libby Racansky • Kathleen Read • Alexandra Rostetter • Brad Smith • Robin Solowka • John Stephenson • Peter Vogel • Ben Walsh • Katelyn Ward • Michael Weatherbee REPORT NO.: CLD-012-13 PAGE 4 • Brian Wonnacott Applications for the above-named applicants have been circulated under separate cover (Attachment 1) as they contain personal information about these applicants. 3.0 CONCURRENCE: Not Applicable 4.0 CONCLUSION It is respectfully recommended that Council appoint seven of the following to the Sustainable Clarington Community Advisory Committee: • Neil Allin • Louis Bertrand • Sonia Jennifer Bilas • David Brandreth • Jay Cuthbertson • Lisa Drake • Mike Dymarski • Suzanne Elston • William Graham • Allan Hewitt • Glenn Hicks • Lorraine Jones • Georg Lothar Krohn • Cathrine McKeever • Kerry Meydam • Michael Patrick • Tanya Pulfer • Libby Racansky • Kathleen Read • Alexandra Rostetter • Brad Smith • Robin Solowka • John Stephenson • Peter Vogel • Ben Walsh • Katelyn Ward • Michael Weatherbee • Brian Wonnacott and REPORT NO.: CLD-012-13 PAGE 5 One Member of Council, as ex-officio member with no voting rights. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — Not Applicable Staff Contact: Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk Confidential Attachments: Attachment 1: Applications (Distributed under separate cover) List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: All Applicants Curry Clifford, Corporate Initiatives Officer --------------------------------- ------- ----------------—------—------- ---------------------------- 7 ....... .............. ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ...... ........ ...... ....... CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS mXGPA ❑ COUNCIL REPORT NO. C-k-n - oio -i -3 DATE OF REPORT fY )4�opl t f