HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-19 Minutes MINUTES THE ORONO ARENA COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD February 19, 2013 PRESENT: Elaine Dillon John Witheridge Wendy Partner Laverne Boyd Jackie Moore Gail McKenzie Gord Lowery Willie Woo REGRETS: 1. CALL TO ORDER: by Chairperson at 6:06 pm 2. Agenda Presented by: John Witheridge Moved by: John Witheridge Seconded by: Gord Lowery that we accept the agenda as presented. Passed 3. Minutes from Previous Meeting Presented by: Jackie Moore Moved by: Jackie Moore Seconded by: Wendy Partner that minutes be accepted as read. Passed 4. FINANCIAL REPORT (Orono Arena and Community Centre) Net Income December 31 , 2012, year-to-date is $19,432.55. See full report attached. Presented by: Laverne Boyd Moved by: Laverne Boyd Seconded by: Willie Woo that the December, 2012 Financial Report be accepted as read. Motion 2013-0201 Moved by: Gail McKenzie Seconded by: Elaine Dillon To have Laverne Boyd question the Rental Booth cost of $3450 in 2012, when it was 0 in 2013, with 0% change. Passed 5. CORRESPONDENCE: Nothing to discuss 6. Old Business Nothing to discuss 7. NEW BUSINESS: Motion 2013-0202 Moved by: John Witheridge, Seconded by: Jackie Moore To request a copy of the Auditor's report for the Orono Arena Community Centre when available. 8. Next Meeting Date: Every Quarter, 4t" Tuesday of the month, next meetings are: • April 23, 2013 • June 25, 2013 • October 22, 2013 9. Adjournment Motion to Adjourn Moved by Lavern Boyd at 6:29, Seconded by Gord Lowery Passed J. WitheriJe John Witheridge Jackie Moore Chairperson Secretary Page 1 Drone Arena And Community Centre Balance Sheet As at❑4C 71,2012 ASSET CURRENT ASSETS Pchy Gash -W.63 Term Deposit 100,104.61 13a0-40eratflg accc-int 29,054.51 Cash TOW ._. 128.612.49 Accounts Receivable -3.073.90 A=unts ReasivablB WE Adjust 0.00 A=ants Receivable 3.073 90 FtecarVBblei:PW 3.1073.90 TOTAL CURRENY A55ET5 129,612.49 FIKED ASSETS Furniture&Equipment 4.644.04 Aceum I3eprec Fvrn 8 Equip -2,93e 215 FumitureIEqugvmeal Kgi 1,711.74 TOTAL FIkEI)ASSM 1,711.74 TOTAL ASSET 130,324.23 LIABILITY CURRENT LIABILITIES A=unils Nvable -4,998.16 Accounts Payable YE Ad;u3tments 0.100 A©erued Lialbilitias 1,000.60 Amoun[a Payable 7,590.74 V$CatlOn Payable 1,989.31 Vacation Payable 6.04 E.Molpyee edudicns Payable 6.00 El Payable 44793 CPP Payable 42772 Feperal Income Tax Payable 1.94909 Pension Payable 7316A7 Rec Gen Payable:Tval 10.141 18 WG6 Payable 2.153 59 G S T On Sales 15.792 40 O$T On Ptlechases -12.933.34 G S T PayvW ,36 00 FIST 1'ad on Purchases TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 11,331.14 TOTAL LIABILfTY 11,331.74 EQUITY RETM D EARNINGS Term Deposit 133.91 Retained Earnings 99 426.03 Current Eam n9s 79,432.55 TOTAL RETAINED EARNINGS 118.992.49 TOTAL EQUITY 118,902.49 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 130,324.23 PEW 1 Orono Arena And Community Centre Comparative Income Statement Actual Actual Jan 61,Z01210 Jen 01,20t1 Io Dec 31,2012 Dec 31,2011 nt REVENUE REVENUE Bank Ifbierest Revenue 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rontal-Ice Ren0l 2+17.92$.50 250,5U.111 -1.06 Dental-Arens Fwr Remal 7.186 00 6,',49.48 3.43 Rental-Booth 3.45R 04 0.00 0.00 Renim-Halo 10.256.26 8,483.25 21.13 Matting Ruwn RenUil 475 0U 270.00 78.93 17.A F.€3 -Pei.-Hydro 000 1,946.42 490,00 aA F.B.Ref BFI 0 00 45.00 -100.00 O.A.F.B.-Pet.-Wages 0.00 1,700.84 -100.441 D.A F.15 Rei wate-r 0.00 276100 -100.00 OA.F.B Ref-Supplies 0.00 494.71 -104.00 P.MC Skating 2,991.00 1,133.00 1$3.99 tc.e Equipment Cianngion Dss0ncbu 000 11.243.54 -100.00 h5g¢ IIAnrnus 290.32 18,804.93 -98.41 DGralians 14,0100.40 0.00 0.00 983f8 RBVeni5ln) 2,904.00 15,1!1310.00 5'6125 TOTAL REVENUE 2115,4137-(7 308,438.13 TOTAL REVENUE 295,497.47 306,438.13 -7.44 E34PEHSE COST OF OPERATIONS Arena MaintenarKm 34.795.45 07.177 7$ x4.16 Afeno 50ppkes 11,745.97 6,951.94 68.95 Fees S dues 104.31 4.40 4,00 AuW Fe>ca 1.000.01 500.00 too.00 BockkeepiW 1,4x5.00 174.40 491.16 Bank Chargas d Sundry Exp 189.70 213.48 41.10 Gas 8,073.72 17297 91 •53.30 Propane For Olympia 0.04 0-00 0-DQ Gasoline 568.16 466.14 16 32 Teaolof 6A31rrle l-e 269.64 390.35 -32.57 Grounds Maintenance 746.70 2;403.28 5819 Hydro 35,104.49 57,241.4E 36.63 loc E4uiprlt M 7,212.$0 3,842.15 87.72 Refuse 1,674.18 2,471:44 -24.34 Tolophm-c 3,675,32 2.993 9, 23.17 W211er 4,143.75 5.975.44 -30.05 Advertit.,n 927.1.1 302-61 206.37 1]epnauetion 0.00 427.94 400.00 of ipp Su[7i51N 66544 1,923.70 -65.A1 Miscellaneous 6,900.16 742.50 829.31 Wages 128,911.95 124,212.34 7.8u^ fl E"nse 2,80.33 2,IS43.97 9.02 Pensx©n Paya61B 3,271.96 3,348.73 301.12 CPP Even$* 2,453.53 2,057.62 19.23 Me 509me 3.5t8.46 1.430-77 145.91 Employee eenefls 0.04 754,0U -1(0.00 Psymc Expense:Total 161,Osq.23 134,4m.53 12.34 TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS 266,OS4.52 --3f 1.86173 -13.02 TOTAL EXPENSE 269454.52 305,667.73 •13.42 NET INCOME 19,43215 2,570.40 656.01