HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-11-2013rlt Leading tiie Way Council Meeting Minutes FEBRUARY 11, 2013 Minutes of a regular meeting of Council held on February 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. Councillor Woo led the meeting in prayer. ROLL CALL Present Were: Mayor A. Foster Councillor R. Hooper Councillor J. Neal Councillor M. Novak Councillor W. Partner Councillor C. Traill Councillor W. Woo Also Chief Administrative Officer, F. Wu Present: Municipal Solicitor, A. Allison Director of Engineering Services, T. Cannella Director of Community Services, J. Caruana Corporate Initiatives Officer, C. Clifford Director of Planning Services, D. Crome Director of Operations, F. Horvath Manager of Special Projects, F. Langmaid, attended until 7:36 p.m. Communications Coordinator, J. Stycuk, attended until 8:02 p.m. Director of Finance /Treasurer, N. Taylor Director of Emergency Services /Fire Chief, G. Weir Administrative Assistant to the Municipal Clerk, C. Fleming Municipal Clerk, P. Barrie DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Novak indicated that she would be declaring a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item I — 11. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Hooper announced the following: February 16 to 24, 2013 is Heritage Week. A listing of events is available at www.heritage.clarington.net. Closing ceremonies will be held at the Visual Arts Centre on February 24, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. Winter WonderLearn on February 16, 2013, at the Newcastle & District Recreation Complex from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Council Meeting Minutes - 2 - February 11, 2013 Councillor Novak announced the following: • A Public Information Centre will be held on Phase 3: Draft Bowmanville /Soper Creek Watershed Plan, February 13, 2013, at the Baseline Community Centre from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., with a presentation at 7:00 p.m. • Family Hike Night at Enniskillen Conservation Area on February 15, 2013, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. • Information on CLOCA's 2013 Tree Planting on Private Lands Seedling Program is available at www.cloca.com • Energy- From -Waste — Waste Management Advisory Committee meeting on February 13, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at Regional Headquarters • On February 28, 2013 from 8:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. the Region of Durham is hosting an information networking seminar for local manufacturers Councillor Partner announced the following: • Newcastle Heritage Family Activities on February 18, 2013 at the Newcastle Community Hall Historical Room, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. • Orono Home Movie Night at the Orono United Church on February 21, 2013 Councillor Traill announced the following: • The Grand Opening of RBC on February 16, 2013 at King Street and Liberty Street • Tyrone Community Centre Local Meet and Greet Pub Night on February 28, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Councillor Woo announced the following: 2013 is the Chinese Zodiac - Year of the Snake • February 16, 2013 Durham Region Waste Management Centre Re -use Day. Information is available at www.durham.ca /wasteevents • He expressed appreciation to staff for their efforts regarding the major snowstorm on Friday, February 8, 2013 and acknowledged the patience of residents during the clean up Mayor Foster announced the following: • Ontario Power Generation Lunch on February 12, 2013 at the OPG Information Centre from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. with Guest Speaker Chairman Roger Anderson • Family Day on February 18, 2013 • Erin O'Toole, MP, Durham, will be hosting an Open House at his constituency office on February 21, 2013 • He expressed appreciation to Operations Department staff for their efforts during the major snowstorm on February 8, 2013 Council Meeting Minutes - 3 - February 11, 2013 • Clarington's United Way Campaign raised $21,380, a 38% increase over the previous year making it the best ever United Way Campaign. Mayor Foster extended appreciation to Fred Horvath and Members of the United Way Committee Resolution #C- 036 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the minutes of a regular meeting of Council held January 28, 2013 be approved. "CARRIED" PRESENTATIONS Councillor Hooper read correspondence from Thomas H. B. Simmonds, Chair of the Ontario Heritage Trust Foundation thanking Council for participating in the Heritage Community Recognition Program and showing appreciation for the volunteers who have assumed leadership roles in preserving Clarington's heritage. Mr. Simmonds extended congratulations to Bill Paterson, Jennifer Knox and the Volunteers of the Enfield United Church, Award recipients. Mayor Foster and Angela Tibbles, Chair, Clarington Heritage Committee, presented a Certificate of Achievement to the Newcastle Village & District Historical Society, in appreciation of their volunteer work in identifying, preserving, protecting and promoting Clarington's rich heritage. Erla Jose and Shelley Jackson, Members of the Historical Society accepted the award on behalf of the Society. Angela Tibbles highlighted the activities and achievements of Jennifer Knox. Mayor Foster and Angela Tibbles, Chair, Clarington Heritage Committee, on behalf of the Ontario Heritage Trust, presented a Certificate of Achievement and pin to Jennifer Knox for her significant contribution to the built heritage category for preservation in Clarington. Angela Tibbles highlighted the activities and achievements of the Enfield United Church Volunteers. Mayor Foster and Angela Tibbles, Chair, Clarington Heritage Committee, on behalf of the Ontario Heritage Trust, presented Certificates of Achievement and pins to Anita and Herman Broenink, John and Joan Cummins, Donna and Don Griffin, Andrea Griffin on behalf of Ruby and Fred Griffin, and Roy and Helen Morton, Volunteers of Enfield United Church, for their significant contribution to the cultural heritage category for the preservation of heritage in Clarington. Marion Pearson was also recognized but was not in attendance. Angela Tibbles highlighted the activities and achievements of Bill Paterson. Council Meeting Minutes - 4 - February 11, 2013 Mayor Foster and Angela Tibbles, Chair, Clarington Heritage Committee, on behalf of the Ontario Heritage Trust, presented a Certificate of Lifetime Achievement and pin to Bill Paterson for his significant contribution to the preservation of heritage in Clarington and in appreciation to his lifetime of volunteer work promoting the Province's rich heritage. DELEGATIONS Michelle Speelman - Viney, Vice Chair, and Julia Fielding, Executive Director, Clarington Museum & Archives addressed Council concerning Report #2 - 2013 Budget. Ms. Speelman -Viney introduced Julia Fielding, the new Executive Director of the Museum and welcomed her to Clarington. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Speelman -Viney reviewed the Museum's mission to preserve the past while taking a proactive role in Clarington's future through the collection of valuable artefacts and to serve the needs of the community through programs, exhibits, events and activities. Ms. Speelman -Viney stated the Museum collaborates with community partners to provide the best possible cultural experiences and highlighted past events including Doors Open, Culture Days and the Orono Fair. She noted the Museum is working with the Clarington Public Library on a significant project to digitize their entire newspaper collection. Ms. Speelman -Viney indicated that 2012 was a challenging and exciting year for exhibits at Clarington Museums and that a declining trend in visitors led to a reassessment of needs within the community noting they have used this as an opportunity to re- evaluate programming. Ms. Speelman- Viney acknowledged that grants remain the largest source of revenue, with the Municipal grant comprising their largest contribution. She indicated they are continuing to focus on diversifying their revenue through programs, public events and donations. Ms. Speelman -Viney highlighted new initiatives and exhibits including the branding of the museum with the acronym MAC for Museums and Archives of Clarington. Ms. Speelman -Viney thanked Council for their past support and looks forward to Council's continuing support as they embark on new initiatives in 2013. Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Newcastle Community Improvement Program Liaison Committee, addressed Council concerning Report #2 - 2013 Budget. Through use of a PowerPoint presentation, Ms. Vanhaverbeke spoke in support of the Community Improvement Plan Grant Program highlighting the benefits of the program, noting that the grants motivate owners to improve their properties sooner rather than later, increase the quality and design factor due to input from the Planning Department, and stating the improvements are contagious and motivate other business owners to improve their properties. Ms. Vanhaverbeke noted that every dollar spent by the municipality is at least doubled by the business. She reviewed photos of various businesses that have improved their signage and fagade design under the Program. Council Meeting Minutes - 5 - February 11, 2013 COMMUNICATIONS Correspondence Item I - 14 was received as a Hand -Out. Resolution #C- 037 -13 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT the communications to be received for information, including Hand -Out Correspondence Item I - 14 be approved, with the exception of Correspondence Item I — 11. "CARRIED" 1- 1 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee dated January 15, 2013 1 - 2 Paul Shipway, Deputy Clerk, Township of Uxbridge, advising Council that on January 14, 2013, the Township of Uxbridge adopted the following resolution pertaining to Energy- From - Waste, Waste Management Advisory Committee: "THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge support the Municipality of Clarington's resolution that additional air monitoring stations be considered with respect to the Energy from Waste Facility; AND THAT the Region of Durham be requested to report back to Council on this matter." 1 - 3 Paul Shipway, Deputy Clerk, Township of Uxbridge, advising Council that on January 14, 2013, the Township of Uxbridge adopted the following resolution pertaining to Highway 407 East Extension: "THAT the Council of the Township of Uxbridge support the Municipality of Clarington's resolution that the Ministers and Ministries of the Environment, Transportation and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs work together to determine more appropriate construction management practices that meets the commitments made in the EA and balances the interests of agriculture with the construction scheduling and work to be carried out for the 407 East link through Clarington to the 35/115." Council Meeting Minutes - 6 - February 11, 2013 1 - 4 Linda Gasser forwarding a copy of her delegation of January 18, 2013 to the Durham Nuclear Health Committee, with respect to Nuclear Emergency Planning in Durham Region; suggesting that Durham's Emergency Preparedness documents be consolidated in order to minimize the number of plans each household would need to consult in the event of an emergency, that the Nuclear Public Safety documents be delivered to every household in Durham Region or at a minimum to those within 20 kilometres of either the Pickering or Darlington plants, that the documents be dated so residents are aware they are looking at a current document, indicating that the public needs objective, independent, factual information in an accessible format and timely fashion and that workshops be held where the public could learn about emergency plans /preparedness, requesting that Regional staff contact major local /regional retailers encouraging them to stock good quality emergency preparedness products on a regular basis; and, requesting to be added to the mailing list to ensure she is updated on Durham's Emergency Planning activities. 1 - 5 Thomas G. Gettinby, CAO & Municipal Clerk, Township of Brock, writing to the Commissioner of Finance, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising that on January 21, 2013, the Township of Brock adopted the following resolution pertaining to the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) and requesting the Regional benefit be shared through the tax levy amongst applicable municipalities: "WHEREAS the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) is the Province's main transfer payment to municipalities and is a critical provincial funding program; AND WHEREAS the 2013 OMPF Transition -Year Stable Funding ensures municipalities will receive at least 90% of the 2012 OMPF allocation; AND WHEREAS the Township of Brock 2013 OMPF Transition -Year Stable Funding allocation is 93.0% of the 2012 Township of Brock OMPF allocation, which equates to a net reduction of $55,900 in funding allocation; AND WHEREAS the 2013 OMPF Transition -Year Stable Funding allocation based on the Provincial Municipal Fiscal Circumstances Index (MFCI) appears to penalize the Township for having its fiscal affairs in order; AND WHEREAS the Township of Brock does not directly financially benefit from the Provincially provided combined benefit of the 2013 OMPF Transition -Year Stable Funding and provincial uploads, which is proposed to increase, more than three times, the level of funding provided under the previous program in 2004; Council Meeting Minutes - 7 - February 11, 2013 AND WHEREAS the Region of Durham 2013 OMPF Upload Notice demonstrates a combined benefit of a net reduction of $5,611,400 from the upload of the Ontario Drug Benefit Program, the Ontario Disability Support Program, the phased upload of Ontario Works benefits and court security and prisoner transportation costs, as well as additional support in respect of municipal Ontario Works administration costs; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: THAT the Township of Brock strongly urge the Region of Durham to recognize the challenging fiscal circumstances the Township of Brock will face due to the reduction of the OMPF 2013 Transition -Year Stable Funding allocation; AND THAT the Region of Durham reflect the 2013 OMPF combined benefit of $5,611,400 realized by the Region in the 2013 Regional tax levy; AND THAT a copy of this resolution be sent to the Region of Durham and all Region of Durham Municipalities." 1 - 6 Thomas G. Gettinby, CAO & Municipal Clerk, Township of Brock, writing to the Honourable James J. Bradley, Minister of the Environment, advising that on January 21, 2013, the Township of Brock endorsed Clarington Council's resolution of December 3, 2012, concerning the Highway 407 East extension with respect to balancing the interests of agriculture with the construction scheduling and work to be carried for the 407 East link through Clarington to the 35/115. 1 - 7 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, advising that on January 23, 2013, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to the quarterly report on planning activities October 1 to December 31, 2012: ,,a) THAT Report #2013 -P -7 of the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development be received for information; and b) THAT a copy of Report #2013 -P -7 be forwarded to all Durham Area Municipalities, Durham Regional Police Service, and Durham Emergency Medical Services for information." 1 - 8 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to the Honourable Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Infrastructure, advising that on January 23, 2013, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to the Growth Plan — Proposed Amendment 2, Population and Employment Forecasts: Council Meeting Minutes - 8 - February 11, 2013 ,,a) THAT Regional Council endorse Report #2013 -P -2 of the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development as Durham Region's response to the Environmental Bill of Rights Environmental Registry posting (EBR Posting: 011 -7468) for the `Proposed Amendment 2 (2012) to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, 2006; and b) THAT a copy of Report #2013 -P -2 be forwarded to the Ministry of Infrastructure and the area municipalities." 1 - 9 John Witheridge, Chair, Clarington Museum and Archives Board, announcing that Julia Fielding will be assuming the position of Executive Director, Clarington Museum and Archives as of February 11, 2013. 1 - 10 Judy Malfara, Communications Officer— School Liaison, Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board issuing a reminder that Earth Hour is set for Saturday, March 23, 2013 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. and encouraging everyone to participate in the global event by turning off lights, televisions, computers and other electronic equipment for the hour. 1 - 12 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, writing to the Honourable Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Transportation advising that on January 23, 2013, Regional Council adopted the following resolution pertaining to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation's Draft Cycling Strategy: ,,a) THAT a copy of Report #2013 -P -3 of the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development be forwarded to MTO as the Region's submission on the Ontario Ministry of Transportation's Draft Cycling Strategy, recommending: i) THAT the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) consider the role of Highways 7 and 12 in providing inter - regional cycling connections and related funding, through the planning and development of the province -wide cycling network; ii) THAT MTO place a priority in implementing cycling facilities at crossings of Highway 401, Highway 407 and interconnecting links, identified in the Regional Cycling Plan; iii) THAT the Province take a leadership role in targeting programs for youth, by introducing elementary school curriculum addressing safe cycling, and by supporting cycling instruction and training at elementary schools as part of their physical activity and health programs; Council Meeting Minutes - 9 - February 11, 2013 iv) THAT MTO include local public health agencies in campaigns to raise public awareness; v) THAT MTO move forward with consultation on legislative amendments to the Highway Traffic Act aimed at: a) making helmet use mandatory for all riders regardless of age; b) permitting cycling on paved shoulders c) making it mandatory for vehicles to provide a one metre passing rule when passing cyclist; vi) THAT MTO be encouraged to review other legislation influencing cycling, including the Planning and Municipal Acts, to assist municipalities in planning and providing infrastructure that supports young cyclists in learning cycling skills within a safe environment vii) THAT a cycling forum be created to assist in the coordination and monitoring of the cycling strategy within the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA), which should include representatives from MTO, Metrolinx, GTHA municipalities and other cycling stakeholders; viii)THAT MTO adopt a similar data sharing and funding partnership for the collection of cycling data as it has for its participation in the Transportation Tomorrow Survey, the GTA Cordon Count Program and the GTA Travel Time Survey Study; ix) THAT a portion of the provincial gas tax be allowed to fund active transportation infrastructure projects that help integrate transit with active transportation; and x) THAT the Development Charges Act be amended to allow municipalities to use development charges to fund cycling infrastructure on a go forward basis without being tied to a ten year average level of service provided they have a Council approved cycling plan and provided that the Development Charge funding not exceed budgeted tax levy funding for cycling infrastructure; b) THAT a copy of Report #2013 -P -3 be forwarded to each of the area municipalities in the Region and a1PHa." 1 - 13 P. M. Madill, Regional Clerk, Regional Municipality of Durham, forwarding for information, a copy of Report #2013 -P -5 of the Commissioner of Planning and Economic Development with respect to the Region of Durham Business Count (Employment Survey). Council Meeting Minutes _10- February 11, 2013 1 - 14 Thomas H. B. Symons, Chairman, Ontario Heritage Trust, thanking Council for participating in the Heritage Community Recognition Program and extending congratulations to Bill Paterson for his Lifetime Achievement nomination, Jennifer Knox for her nomination in built heritage and the Volunteers of Enfield United Church for their nomination in the group category for cultural heritage work. Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest with respect to Correspondence Item I - 11 as she is a Member of the Veridian Connections Board of Directors, and left the Council Chambers during discussion and voting on this matter. I - 11 Martin de Rond, Director of Legislative & Information Services/Town Clerk, Town of Ajax, advising that on January 28, 2013, the Town of Ajax adopted a resolution to endorse Clarington Council's concerns regarding the appointments to the Veridian and Veridian Connections Board. Resolution #C- 038 -13 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT Correspondence Item I — 11 from Martin de Rond, Director of Legislative & Information Services/Town Clerk, Town of Ajax, with respect to appointments to the Veridian and Veridian Connections Board, be received for information. "CARRIED" Councillor Novak returned to the meeting. CORRESPONDENCE FOR DIRECTION Correspondence Item D - 7 was received as a Hand -Out. Resolution #C- 039 -13 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Hooper THAT Correspondence Items D - 1 to D- 4 and Hand -out Correspondence Item D - 7, be approved as per the Agenda. "CARRIED" D - 1 Kevin Conway, KJ Conway Communications Inc., writing on behalf of Autism Ontario, requesting that the Autism Ontario Flag be flown on April 2, 2013. (Flying of the Autism Ontario Flag on April 2, 2013 approved) Council Meeting Minutes - 11 - February 11, 2013 D - 2 Brian Crow, Producer, Republic Live Inc., requesting approval to hold a fireworks display during the Boots and Hearts Music Festival to be held in August, 2013. (Approved, provided the organizers comply with the requirements of the Fire and Emergency Services Department and that the fireworks are set off by an individual of at least 21 years of age) D - 3 James and Nancy McGarvie, requesting permission to hold the 5k and 10K Easter Dash, sponsored by the Running Room and Platinum Family Fitness, on March 30, 2013, in Courtice; indicating the permit request including the proposed route and insurance certificate have been completed and submitted to the Engineering Services Department; and, advising that proceeds from the event will benefit the Ride to Conquer Cancer supporting the Princess Margaret Hospital Cancer Research and Treatment Centre. (Approved, provided the organizers apply for and obtain a Road Occupancy Permit from the Engineering Services Department) D - 4 Jayme Harper, PFLAG Canada Durham Region, requesting that May 17, 2013, be proclaimed "International Day Against Homophobia /Transphobia" to send a message of tolerance, openness and hope and to combat homophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender expression or identities; and, requesting permission to fly the Rainbow Flag on one of the Municipality's flagpoles. (Proclaimed and flying of the Rainbow Flag approved) D - 7 Councillor Neal requesting that Council for the 2013 budget (i) reconsider Resolution #C- 070 -12, which approved recommendations contained in Report COD - 003 -12, as it pertains to non - affiliated employees earning in excess of $100,000; and (ii) that the increase for employees referred to in (i) above be 1.5% for the 2013 budget. (Correspondence referred to the consideration of Report #2) Council Meeting Minutes -12- February 11, 2013 D - 5 Brian Crow, Producer, Republic Live Inc., providing the performance schedule for the 2013 Boots and Hearts Country Music Festival to be held at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park on August 2 to 4, 2013; requesting a temporary variance to By -law 97 -126 to allow for a 60 dBA maximum level of audible sound between Friday, August 2 to Sunday, August 4, 2013, during the hours of midnight and 2:00 a.m. when the secondary stage will be in operation; advising that the highest level of sound measured at the 2012 event was 56.4 dBA on the Saturday night of the event; indicating that the organizers of the Boots and Hearts Country Music Festival have implemented a pre - festival neighbour notification plan which will keep those nearby up to date on traffic patterns and times of operation; and, indicating that they look forward to working with the Municipality and the Region to ensure a positive and profitable event for all parties. Resolution #C- 040 -13 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the request from Brian Crow, Producer, Republic Live Inc., to allow for a 60 dBA maximum level of audible sound between Friday, August 2 to Sunday, August 4, 2013, during the hours of midnight and 2:00 a.m. for the 2013 Boots and Hearts Country Music Festival to be held at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park, be approved. "CARRIED" D - 6 Elysia Petrone, on behalf of the Hamilton 350 Committee, expressing concern with the increased risks affecting municipalities without compensation or consideration for the environment, water quality and prosperity with respect to the application by Enbridge Inc. to the National Energy Board to reverse the flow of their pipeline from Sarnia to Montreal (Line 9) to allow the pumping of Tar Sands bitumen to the United States and other foreign markets; and, urging Council to request a full Environmental Assessment from both the Federal and Provincial governments, seek intervener status in the NEB hearings on the Line 9 reversal project, seek increased taxation measures on pipeline properties and right -of -ways in the municipality to create a fund for emergency response equipment and training in the event of a spill, and to demand independent integrity testing and public release of the results in order to protect watersheds and the climate and to mitigate the risk of a bitumen spill. Council Meeting Minutes -13- February 11, 2013 Resolution #C- 041 -13 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Correspondence Item D - 6 from Elysia Petrone, on behalf of the Hamilton 350 Committee, with respect to the Line 9 — Enbridge Inc. pipeline, be received for information. "CARRIED" COMMITTEE REPORT(S) Report #1 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report February 4, 2013 Resolution #C- 042 -13 Moved by Councillor Woo, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the General Purpose and Administration Committee Report of February 4, 2013 be approved. "CARRIED" Report #2 - General Purpose and Administration Committee Report February 8, 2013 Resolution #C- 043 -13 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Traill 1. THAT Report FND- 001 -13 be received; 2. THAT the 2013 Operating and Capital budgets as outlined in Schedule "A" be approved, at an estimated tax levy impact of 3.64% (exclusive of tax policy impacts), as directed in Report FND- 001 -13 be approved with the following amendments: a. Item #36, Actuarial Review of post Employment Liability, in the amount of $15,000 be funded from the Rate Stabilization Fund; b. Item #40, Fire Training Manuals, in the amount of $14,000 be funded from the Rate Stabilization Fund; C. Item #45, MAC Roof Drain, in the amount of $30,000 be funded from the Rate Stabilization Fund; d. Item #50, GPS Phase -In — Final Year, in the amount of $6,100, be funded from the Rate Stabilization Fund; Council Meeting Minutes -14- February 11, 2013 e. Item #57, Grant Program, in the amount of $14,900, be deleted; f. Item #58, Various Other Changes, be funded from the Rate Stabilization Fund; g. Item #27, CAO - Budget Adjustment for Additional Staff Related Costs, be reduced from $15,900 to $5,000; h. Item #32, By -law Staff Development, be reduced from $8,500 to $4,000. 3. THAT the following items listed as optional items for consideration, as itemized in Schedule "B" of Report FND- 001 -13, be approved: a. Item #2, the Proposed New Staffing (net of Engineering savings) be amended to add 0.25% or $100,750 to the tax levy, with the funds to be put aside in the appropriate reserve fund for future fire staffing needs to support the outcome of the Fire Master Plan currently underway; b. Item #2, the Proposed New Staffing (net of Engineering savings), for the following positions: Financial Analyst, Fleet Technician and two Crossing Guards; C. Item #2, the Proposed New Staffing (net of Engineering savings), for an Animal Services Manager, be held in abeyance, with funds approved, pending a report from the CAO regarding supervision options; d. Item #2, the Proposed New Staffing (net of Engineering savings), for an Engineer — funded through cost savings; e. Item #2, the Proposed New Staffing (net of Engineering savings), for an Emergency Services Clerical part -time position; f. Item #3, Three Summer Students, one of whom shall be an Operations Department Gardener, in the amount of $25,500; g. Item #10, Tree Inventory, in the amount of $10,000; h. Item #11, Playing Field Maintenance, in the amount of $15,000; Item #13, Tree Trimming and Brushing, in the amount of $9,000; Item #4, Staff Recognition, in the amount of $5,000; k. Item #5, Comm /Tourism Branding Items, in the amount of $5,000; Council Meeting Minutes -15- February 11, 2013 I. Item #7, Clerks — Office Renovations, etc., in the amount of $10,000; M. Item #9, Fire — Chemical Foam, in the amount of $5,000; n. Item #19, Holiday Train Safety, in the amount of $1,500; o. Item #15, Sidewalk - Herbicide, in the amount of $7,000; p. Item #17, CIP, in the amount of $7,000; q. Item #16, BIA Garbage Bins - Phase -In, in the amount of $10,000; r. Item #27, Heritage Grant Incentive, in the amount of $5,000. S. Item #1, Tax Levy Contribution to Capital, as follows: A. $213,470 be funded from the Tax Levy Contribution to Capital; B. $50,000 be funded from the Impact Escrow Reserve Fund; C. $46,000 be funded from the Rate Stabilization Fund; and D. $42,000 be funded from the Rate Stabilization Fund; $100,000 for additional high -float resurfacing from the Rate Stabilization Fund. 4. THAT the grants for external agencies be approved as follows, at an estimated tax levy impact of 0.29 %: a. The Community Care budget request, in the amount of $28,110; b. The Clarington Older Adult Association budget request, in the amount of $204,000; C. The Clarington Public Library budget request, in the amount of $2,759,491; d. The Courtice Branch Study budget request, to be funded from the Rate Stabilization Fund, in the amount of $5,000; e. The Clarington Museums budget request, in the amount of $258,702; f. The Visual Arts Centre budget request, in the amount of $192,901; g. The Newcastle Community Hall budget request, in the amount of $18,000; h. The Orono Cemetery Board budget request, in the amount of $10,000; Council Meeting Minutes -16- February 11, 2013 i. The Firehouse Youth budget request, in the amount of $55,000. 5. THAT Schedules "D ", "E" and "F" of Report FND- 001 -13 outlining Reserve and Reserve Fund Contributions and new Reserves /Reserve Funds be approved; 6. THAT approximately $801,000 be drawn from the Rate Stabilization Reserve Fund to offset the tax rate impact; 7. THAT the financing of Capital projects, as outlined in the documents attached to Report FND- 001 -13 be approved with the following amendments: a. The capital project, detailed on Page 323 of the Capital Budget, the George Reynolds Drive Connecting Link, be approved, but the project not proceed until a further report is presented to Council; b. The capital project, detailed on Page 254 of the Capital Budget, the installation of security cameras for Station 3 and Station 5 be approved, but the project be held in abeyance pending the outcome of the current arbitration case, that Staff report back to Council following the conclusion of the arbitration case; and C. The capital project item, detailed on Page 259 of the Capital Budget, Replace Car 2 (2007 Chevrolet Impala) in the Emergency & Fire Services Department Capital Budget, be removed from the 2013 budget. 8. THAT the external agencies, referred to in Schedule "C" of Report FND -001- 13 be advised of Council's decision regarding their grant request; 9. THAT the Mayor's Golf Tournament take place in 2013, at no cost to the tax base with the net proceeds from the Mayor's Golf Tournament to be directed to the John Howard Society Firehouse Youth; 10. THAT any cash flow shortfall in the Development Charges Reserve Funds be interim financed from the Municipal Capital Works Program, Impact /Escrow Reserve Fund and General Municipal Reserve Funds, to be repaid with interest as cash flow permits; 11. THAT the Orono Library Parking Lot be paved based on Option #1 of report OPD- 010 -12 at an estimated cost of $29,900 to be financed from the Municipal Acquisition of Property Reserve; Council Meeting Minutes -17- February 11, 2013 12. THAT the communication from the Clarington Tourism Marketing Board dated December 4, 2012 be received and that they be advised that a summer student for Tourism is being proposed for the 2015 budget year; 13. THAT Report FND- 001 -13 be adopted by resolution in accordance with provisions of Ontario Regulation 284/09 of the Municipal Act, 2001; and 14. THAT the appropriate By -laws to levy the 2013 tax requirements for Municipal, Regional and Education purposes be forwarded to Council for approval, once final tax policy information is available. "CARRIED AS AMENDED ON A RECORDED VOTE LATER IN THE MEETING" (See following motions) Resolution #C- 044 -13 Moved by Councillor Novak, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 Part 2 be amended as follows: "THAT Schedule A item #31 Animal Services Building renovations of $5,900 be financed from the Animal Services Capital Reserve Fund; THAT Schedule A item #41 Fire Communications - Radio Equipment Changeover of $46,000 be financed from the General Municipal Reserve Fund; THAT Schedule A item #55 Defibrillators be reduced by $5,000; THAT Schedule B Item #7 Clerk's Office renovations of $10,000 be funded from the General Municipal Reserve Fund; and THAT Schedule B Item #9 Fire Chemical Foam of $5,000 be deleted." "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes -18- February 11, 2013 Resolution #C- 045 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 be amended by deleting Part 2 g. - Item #27, CAO - Budget Adjustment for Additional Staff Related Costs in the amount of $5,000." "MOTION LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE` Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Resolution #C- 046 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 be amended by deleting Part 2 h. — Item #32, By -law Staff Development in the amount of $4,000." "MOTION LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE` Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Council Meeting Minutes _19- February 11, 2013 Resolution #C- 047 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 Part 3 a. be amended by replacing it with the following wording: "THAT two firefighters be hired in the fourth fiscal quarter at an estimated cost of approximately $55,000." "MOTION LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE` Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Resolution #C- 048 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 Part 3 b. be amended by replacing it with the following wording: "THAT Item #2, the Proposed New Staffing (net of Engineering savings), for the following positions be approved to be hired in 2013 at an estimated cost of $97,500 • Financial Analyst to be hired July 1, 2013 • Fleet Technician to be hired July 1, 2013 • Two Crossing Guards to be hired September 1, 2013'." MOTION LOST ON A RECORDED VOTE LATER IN THE MEETING (See following motion) Council Meeting Minutes -20- February 11, 2013 Resolution #C- 049 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak to the matter more than once. "MOTION LOST" The foregoing Resolution #C- 048 -13 was then put to a vote and LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Resolution #C- 050 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 be amended by deleting Part 3 e. - Item #2 Proposed New Staffing (net of Engineering Savings), for an Emergency Services Clerical part -time position. "MOTION LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE` Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Council Meeting Minutes -21 - February 11, 2013 Resolution #C- 051 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #C -43 -13 be amended by deleting Part 3 f. - Item #3, Three Summer Students, one of whom shall be an Operations Department Gardener, in the amount of $25,000." "MOTION LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE` Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Resolution #C- 052 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 be amended by deleting Part 3 j. - Item 4, Staff Recognition, in the amount of $5,000. "MOTION LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE` Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Council Meeting Minutes -22- February 11, 2013 Resolution #C- 053 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 be amended by deleting Part 3 k. - Item #5, Comm /Tourism Branding Items, in the amount of $5,000. "MOTION LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE` Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Resolution #C- 054 -13 Moved by Councillor Traill, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 be amended by deleting Part 3 o. — Item #15, Sidewalk — Herbicide in the amount of $7,000. "MOTION LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE` Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Council Meeting Minutes -23- February 11, 2013 Resolution #C- 055 -13 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow for the introduction of a reconsideration motion at this time. "MOTION LOST" Councillor Neal challenged the ruling of the Chair on the requirement for a motion to suspend the Rules of Procedure for a reconsideration motion to be introduced. Mayor Foster advised that the suspension of the Rules of Procedure is required as Council's Procedural By -law states that a Procedural Notice of Motion must be introduced at tonight's meeting to be placed on the next Council Agenda for discussion. The question "Will the ruling of the Chair be sustained ?" was put to a vote and LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Council Meeting Minutes -24- February 11, 2013 Resolution #C- 056 -13 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Traill THAT that portion of Resolution #C- 070 -12, which approved recommendations contained in Report COD - 003 -12, pertaining to non - affiliated employees earning in excess of $100,000 be reconsidered. "MOTION LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE ": (2/3 majority vote required) Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ Resolution #C- 057 -13 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT the foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 be amended as follows: "THAT Part 3 u. - Item #14, Ditch Maintenance (this year Trulls Rd 50% funding) in the amount of $92,000 be included; THAT Part 3 s. D. (Tax Levy Contribution to Capital) in the amount of $42,000 from the Rate Stabilization Fund be reallocated for this project; and THAT $50,000 be funded from the Rate Stabilization Fund." "MOTION LOST ON A RECORDED VOTE LATER IN THE MEETING" (See following motion) Resolution #C- 058 -13 Moved by Councillor Neal, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT the Rules of Procedure be suspended to allow Members of Council to speak to the matter more than once. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes -25- February 11, 2013 Resolution #C- 057 -13 was then put to a vote and LOST ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Neal ✓ Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ ✓ Councillor Traill ✓ ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ ✓ Resolution #C- 058 -13 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Partner THAT Council recess for ten minutes. "CARRIED" The meeting reconvened at 9:29 p.m. The foregoing Resolution #C- 043 -13 was then put to a vote and CARRIED AS AMENDED ON THE FOLLOWING RECORDED VOTE: Council Member Yes No Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Absent Councillor Novak ✓ Councillor Partner ✓ Councillor Traill ✓ Councillor Woo ✓ Councillor Hooper ✓ Councillor Neal ✓ Mayor Foster ✓ UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no Unfinished Business considered under this Section of the Agenda. Council Meeting Minutes -26- February 11, 2013 BY -LAWS Resolution #C- 059 -13 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Novak THAT leave be granted to introduce By -laws 2013 -011 to 2013 -018; 2013 -011 Being a by -law to appoint individuals as Parking Enforcement Officers for Private Property (Andrew O'Donohue, Ruban Sabapathy, Josh Williamson, Dan Farnell) (47 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville) 2013 -012 Being a by -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington (West Diamond Properties Inc. and Players Business Park Ltd.) 2013 -013 Being a by -law to amend By -law 2009 -0123, the Sign By -law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 2013 -014 Being a by -law to establish, lay out and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, and to name them 2013 -015 Being a by -law to establish, lay out and dedicate certain lands as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington, and to assume certain streets within the Municipality of Clarington as public highways in the Municipality of Clarington 2013 -016 Being a by -law to assume a certain street within the Municipality of Clarington as public highway in the Municipality of Clarington 2013 -017 Being a by -law to amend By -law 2001 -098, a by -law to regulate the discharge of guns or other firearms, air -guns, spring guns, cross bows, long- bows in the Municipality of Clarington 2013 -018 Being a by -law to appoint a Municipal Law Enforcement Officer (Stephen Cuomo); and THAT the said by -laws be approved. "CARRIED" Council Meeting Minutes -27- February 11, 2013 PROCEDURAL NOTICE(S) OF MOTION There were no Procedural Notices of Motion introduced under this Section of the Agenda. OTHER BUSINESS Members of Council provided comments on the 2013 budget which was approved with a 3.75% increase to the tax levy. Councillor Novak stated a pecuniary interest earlier in the meeting and refrained from voting on the Confirming By -law. CONFIRMING BY -LAW Resolution #C- 060 -13 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Councillor Neal THAT leave be granted to introduce By -law 2013 -019, being a by -law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 11t" day of February, 2013; and THAT the said by -law be approved. "CARRIED" ADJOURNMENT Resolution #C- 061 -13 Moved by Councillor Partner, seconded by Councillor Woo THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:45 p.m.