HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-13 Minutes CLARINGTON MUSEUMS AND ARCHIVES BOARD MEETING MINUTES June 13, 2012 Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Present: J. Witheridge, Chair G. Humes Mayor A. Foster S. Laing J. Cashin-Oster M. Morawetz M. Speelman Viney B. Seto M. Carleton Joe [John didn't tell me his full name—just Joe] Staff: Martha Rutherford Conrad, Executive Director V. Michalowsky 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 7:00 p.m. 2. Adoption of Agenda: THAT the agenda be approved with the addition of the Social Media Policy and Queen's Jubilee be added to New Business. MOTION CARRIED 3. Announcements: Mayor Foster asked about Doors Open and the success of the event and support from staff and volunteers. M. Morawetz reported that Doors Open had 2600 visits to the sites. The feature site was OPG and even though they provided no additional promotion for the event still had 320 people come through that site alone. The OPG tour was said to be wonderful. The majority of audience were from out of town. M. Speelman Viney suggested the idea of a passport to take around to sites. The Chair asked for a note of commendation to the Executive Director and M. Morawetz for a job well done. (J. Cashin-Oster came in at 7:05pm) 4. Approval of May 9, 2012 Board Meeting Minutes Moved by: Mayor Foster Seconded by: M. Speelman Viney THAT the minutes of May 9, 2012 Board Meeting be approved. M. Speelman Viney asked for the second announcement from last meeting be changed from "Mayor Foster had invited himself and the Executive Director to a breakfast meeting with Gary Polonsky" to "Mayor Foster invited the Chair and the Executive Director to..." MOTION CARRIED 5. Executive Director's Report Moved by: Mayor Foster Seconded by: Mavis Carleton THAT the Executive Director's Report be received. M. Speelman Viney asked about financing and marketing. The Executive Director responded that she is working on improving marketing quality and scheduling. The Executive Director highlighted the Canada Day Event, or Dominion Day Fete. An Edwardian performer has been booked alongside the Heritage band Fresh Water Trade. The log cabin in the yard is being opened as a pioneer log cabin. The issue of reverting to the original cake-cutting time (12:30pm) was brought up because of timing for politicians attending the event. The Chair brought up the fact that board presence at the event has been minimal over the last couple of years to which J. Cashin-Oster and M. Morawetz disagreed with due to their participation last year. B. Seto asked why the Family Fun Day Event for Tales of Fantasy had no audience at all. The Executive Director says it is because of late marketing. B. Seto asked what happens when Tales of Fantasy exhibit is gone, and if the doll collection would be brought up. The Executive Director responded that exhibits have been lined up for two years. B. Seto is not content that there is no permanent exhibit. Mayor Foster approved of the rotating exhibits in the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage space. B. Seto presses the fact that she is not happy with this. The Executive Director discussed the issue of marketing and mentoring staff The Chair brought up the Hospital Exhibit opening. The Executive Director confirmed that there were 50 people at the opening. Members received invites to the event; The Chair asked if the board got invites. The discussion of Canada Day is brought up again, specifically the idea of charging for wagon rides. Marketing issues are discussed. The Executive Director says marketing is behind for Canada Day and will be on the table at staff meeting the following morning M. Speelman Viney asks if anything is going out to Clarington Tourism, etc. The Executive Director confirmed this and added the Bowmanville Library. Mayor Foster suggested that the Executive Director send along promotional material to each member for them to share. The Executive Director gave statuses on the museum's Facebook page: the page receives a couple new likes every week and has 90 at the moment. Joe wants to discuss the Family Fun Day Event again. The Executive Director explains that internal staff was used for a story-teller and another part-time staff member for support. It was assumed there would be a low attendance. Because it was a P.A. day event when nothing comes in, there is no loss—only revenue. Joe asks who is in charge of marketing. The Executive Director responds there is no direct marketing person; it is whoever is responsible for the event and then the Executive Director passes the final draft. Only one staff member needs help developing marketing skills. Other events in April and May are brought up for their low attendance, which is also a marketing issue. Family Fun Day event is confirmed not to be a new event and has received an audience in the past. The number one issue is people not knowing about the program. The Chair suggests the idea of getting a marketing co-op student next year. MOTION CARRIED 6. Correspondence There was no correspondence. 7. Reports a) Treasurer's Report Moved by: G. Humes Seconded by: S. Laing THAT the Treasurer's Report be accepted. G. Humes required a date change. Joe asks about normalizing the revenue. G. Humes responded that it is coming up short in various options but the major grant is done, only operating revenue. G. Humes says there is no pressure. MOTION CARRIED b) Fund Development Moved by: Joe Seconded by: B. Seto THAT the Fund Development Report be accepted. Joe wants to change Corn Roast event to a Saturday. There are no strict funding plans yet. Joe thinks this could be a great event but does not want to take any risks without sponsors; wants to go out with the Chair and the Executive Director to go out and get sponsors. The main focus point is to get sponsors. B. Seto asks how much is needed from sponsors. Joe cannot give a direct answer and says it will depend on supplies. Mayor Foster makes the point that perhaps a collaboration with another event could be needed to raise event success. Debate of an event to collaborate with that would not impede with the success of the event is raised. The issue of making the event more adult-oriented versus family-friendly is also debated. Discussion ends with Joe stating his main goal for the event is to make people aware of"what is here," and to give them something a little different for people who do not go to the other types of events. MOTION CARRIED c) Property Management THAT the Property Management Report to be accepted. M. Morawetz stated that June 25th is the date for the next property assessment. The Chair asked to make note that this should have been an announcement instead of until reports. MOTION CARRIED 8. Business Arising: a) Memberships Moved by: Mayor Foster Seconded by: M. Morawetz The discussion of levels of membership is brought up. The Executive Director recommends the policy given. This policy now includes a student rate; also the individual rate and family rate are now separated. The corporate rate is $50.00 which is a high-end rate compared to other museums in the area. Two out of eight museums asked have a corporate rate. No more publications because of the cost and considered useless. The Executive Director recommends replacing the journal publication and instead publish a book on the Bowmanville Museum to be sold in the gift store; the benefits are given in the booklet. The Executive Director also recommends raising the gift shop discount from 10% - 15%. The idea of a e-newsletter is discussed; if members still want a hard-copy the rate of membership will be increased by $5.00 to accommodate for printing and mailing costs. The issue of corporate memberships is brought up again by the Chair. The Chair would like to see different levels of corporate memberships to account for big businesses versus small businesses. M. Speelman Viney suggests it might be wise to have levels based on the number of staff the business has. G. Humes thinks there should be a differentiation between membership and sponsorship; should take out the corporate membership and have a straight sponsorship program. There is more discussion of benefits and disadvantages of corporate memberships. M. Speelman Viney would like an amendment to the policy to show tax receipt amounts. MOTION CARRIED b) By-Law 2007-138 Moved by: S. Laing Seconded by: J. Cashin-Oster THAT the by-law changes be approved so the Executive Director can be sent to the municipality. The Executive Director has had initial consulting with municipality staff because the museum payroll and benefits was applied to the municipality payroll and benefit providers. Two counsel members sit on board to keep track and the books are audited twice a year which the Executive Director think is enough. More discussion is given to the changes to the by-law. Joe gives his approval of the changes. The Executive Director would like board approval to move forward and report back to the board with the final version. MOTION CARRIED c) Social Media M. Speelman Viney requested an update on the Social Media Policy; this issue was discussed last meeting and was passed. Also wanted to know when the museum can expand to Twitter and update Social Media Policy. The Executive Director expects a new policy at September meeting. Mayor Foster suggests talking to Jen Cook. d) Queen's Jubilee M. Speelman Viney wanted to clarify about the last meeting: it was not to celebrate the Queen's anniversary but about a fund for all common-wealth countries. The Executive Director will go through heritage representative in Ottawa to check. 9. New Business: a) Fire System THAT the motion be granted to use reserve funds to pay $3750.00 plus HST for sheer curtains to be dipped for fire-proofing with a guarantee for condition of curtains afterwards. The sheer curtains from the upstairs gallery were sent out to be fire-tested and did not pass. The curtains need to be dipped for fire proofing, including the black curtains in alcoves. The municipality required the testing but will not pay for dipping. The Executive Director would like to put forth the motion to put $3750.00 plus HST from the reserve funds to dip the curtains. Dipping is cheaper than replacing the curtains. Discussion of replacements for the black curtains took place but will take place as a separate motion at the next meeting. MOTION CARRIED b) Brochures B. Seto brought up the issue of putting brochures in Town Hall. B. Seto states that it doesn't make sense to pay for putting out signs or brochures in racks. Mayor Foster points out there is probably a contract in place or another good reason. B. Seto doesn't like this reasoning. c) Branding THAT the discussion of new branding for the museum through a acronym or character be approved. The Executive Director wants to move away from the word museum. The idea of shortening the name and socially, but not legally, changing the name of the museum to the Museums and Archives of Clarington to make the acronym of MAC. A character could be created to accompany this acronym appropriately. Joe and Mayor Foster point out from the municipality point of view MAC reminds them of the Municipal Administrative Centre. Both agree, however, that the public will like it. MOTION CARRIED 10. Date and Place of Next Board Meeting: The next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Clarington Museums and Archives will be held on JULY 11, 2012 at the Sarah Jane Williams Heritage Centre at 7:00 p.m, only if necessary. 11. Adjournment THAT the meeting adjourn at 9:20pm. Minutes for the June 13, 2012 meeting of the Clarington Museums and Archives Board have been accepted and approved on Chair,Clarington Museums and Archives Board Executive Director,Clarington Museums and Archives