HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-70-891 5 (s) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #'5,0 OQ Res. By -Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, March 6, 1989 REPORT #: PD -70 -89 FILE #: OP 3.4 & OP 3.11 -IRECT: PUBLIC OPEN HOUSES - PROPOSED SECONDARY PLANS FOR HAMPTON AND ORONO FILES: OP 3.4 AND OP 3.11 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -70 -89 be received for information. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 As authorized by Council, Planning Department Staff held Public Open Houses for the proposed Hampton and Orono Secondary Plans as prepared by The Proctor and Redfern Group on January 25, 1989 and February 1, 1989 respectively. 1.2 Public Notice for the Open Houses was advertised in the Canadian Statesman, the Newcastle Independent and the Orono Weekly Times. As well, public notices were mailed to the residents and major property owners of each hamlet and all property owners within 120m of the proposed hamlet boundaries. A total of 374 public notices were mailed for the Hampton Open House, while 802 notices were mailed for the Orono Open House. ...2 600 51 REPORT NO.: PD -70 -89 PAGE 2 1.3 Planning Department Staff and representatives from Proctor and Redfern were present at the Open Houses to answer questions regarding the proposed Secondary Plans. A representative from the Public Works Department was also present at both Open Houses, while a representative from the Community Services Department was present at the Orono Open House. 2. HAMPTON PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE 2.1 The Public Open House for the proposed Hampton Secondary Plan was held in the Hampton Community Centre, and was attended by approximately 100 residents. Written comments submitted at the Open House, as well as letters submitted to the Town, are summarized on Attachment No. 1 to this report. Generally, the residents noted existing problems with drainage and well water supply and quality, and were concerned that new development would aggravate these problems. Concern was also expressed about increased traffic, capacity at area schools, and the change in character of the hamlet. Several landowners requested that additional lands be considered for development. 3. ORONO PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE 3.1 The Public Open House for the proposed Orono .Secondary Plan was held in the former Orono Town Hall; approximately 60 residents attended. Written comments submitted at the Open House are summarized on Attachment No. 2 to this report. No letters regarding the Orono Secondary Plan have been received by the Planning Department. Comments generally addressed site-specific details of the proposed plan. 3.2 The Orono Valleyland Concept and the Downtown Orono Parking Study as prepared by The Proctor and Redfern Group were also on display at the Open House. These studies however, will not be incorporated into the Orono Secondary Plan. Rather, the recommendations of these studies will be dealt with individually by the Departments responsible. ...3 600 52 REPORT NO.: PD -70 -89 PAGE 3 4. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 4.1 Hampton residents expressed a number of concerns with further development of the hamlet, citing existing problems with drainage and wells. Orono residents were generally favourable towards the further development of the hamlet. 4.2 Staff and The Proctor and Redfern Group will consider the comments received at the Open Houses, as well as agency comments, in the review of the proposed Secondary Plans for Hampton and Orono. Recommended plans for each hamlet will be developed and presented to Council at a future date for the Public Meetings as required under Section 21(1) of the Planning Act. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development JAS *FW *jip *Attach. February 20, 1989 600 53 Recommended for presentation to the Committee f -1 ® _____________ ®® Lawren . Kotseff Chief dr,inistrative Officer ATTACHMENT NO. 1 HAMPTON PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE - RESIDENT COMMENTS & LETTERS RESIDENT LANDOWNER COMMENT Arthur Morton does not agree with a new road over the creek; Ormiston Lane, Hampton concerned with drainage problems on Ormiston Lane Lesia & Michael Karas opposed to new development: concerned with possible Old Scugog Rd., Hampton well water contamination and supply disruption; overcrowding at the school before a larger facility is built; negative effect on peaceful community atmosphere; effect on taxes Dave Shmyr wants developers to fix roads destroyed by heavy Ormiston Street equipment and to pay for new well if existing ones dewatered during construction; wants tree preservation by -law David Taylor concerned with possible impact on well water supply Ormiston Street Wilf & Jill Hambly wants municipal water, more storm sewers, the Mill Temperance Street Pond rehabilitated, and roads improved Sam Mastrangelo wants to put commercial plaza with residential King St. /Taunton Road apartments at northeast corner of King Street and Taunton Road Wilma Kantor opposed to more development because of existing water Division St., Hampton problems and will change community atmosphere Bert & Jeff Beckell include lands in Lot 20, Conc. 5 in Secondary Plan; Pt.Lt.20, C.5, Darlington designate as "Residential Expansion "; Holt Road should be main artery between Taunton Road and future Highway 407 to relieve congestion at McCallum and King Streets R. Farrow need to consider water supply due to existing Mill St., Hampton contaminated wells; look at bringing water from Tyrone Wayne & Barbara Wells back part of property should be redesignated from McCallum St., Hampton "Area Subject to Development Restrictions" to "Long Term Residential Expansion "; has been completely cleared of trees Chester Borek concerned that residential expansion areas adjacent Pt.Lt.16, C.5, Darlington to his property would negatively impact on agricultural use of his property (pig, poultry operations) Mrs. John C. Cook drainage in Hampton is very poor; deep drilled wells Old Scugog Rd., Hampton have alot of minerals, especially iron; wants to stay a village ...2 600 54 Page 2 of ATTACHMENT NO. 1 HAMPTON PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE - RESIDENT COMMENTS & LETTERS RESIDENT LANDOWNER COMMENT Robert Simon proposed new lots will create a water availability Old Scugog Rd /Ormston St. problem for established homes; increased traffic on Hampton Old Scugog Road will increase noise levels and safety problems for residents along Old Scugog Road Rick & Sandra Purrott noted drainage problems in Hampton; prefer pedestrian McCallum St., Hampton bridge over creek on Mill Street rather than two -lane vehicular bridge - concerned with increased traffic on McCallum Street; use the money to develop the pond for recreational uses Marie McCormack does not want Hampton to become like Enniskillen; 6th Concession Road does not want water problems like Courtice; opposed to extensive new development Michael McCormack does not want to lose peaceful, quiet atmosphere; 6th Concession Road sees no reason for large scale subdivisions; wants guarantee development will not affect his well; opposed to proposed Plan Georg Krohn drainage in neighbourhood is very poor; should be Temperance St., Hampton considered in development of area Sharon Yarrow concerned with possible impact on well and increased Perry Ave., Hampton traffic; drainage problems behind her property Wm. & Jennie Marsh concerned with greater contamination of existing Old Scugog Rd., Hampton wells and eventual depletion of water supply so that expensive alternative measures will be necessary; will cause crowding at schools; roads will deteriorate more rapidly; should fix the pond and road over pond Hans Haagmans wants to change designation of part of his property McCallum St., Hampton from "Area Subject to Development Restrictions" to "Long Term Residential Expansion" Wm. & Marilyn James wants to redesignate part of property from "Area McCallum St., Hampton Subject to Development Restrictions" to "Long Term Residential Expansion "; subject area does not contain trees worth preserving Joe Riddle wants property redesignated from "Area Subject to 0ld Scugog Rd., Hampton Development Restrictions" to "Existing Residential" 600 55 Page 3 of ATTACHMENT NO. 1 HAMPTON PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE - RESIDENT COMMENTS & LETTERS RESIDENT LANDOWNER COMMENT Michael Zygocki opposed to the designation of the north part of his Ormiston Street - (Files property as subject to development restrictions; 86- 85 /D /N; 18T- 86059) entire site suitable for residential development with proper drainage plan Joseph J. Neal for no objection provided "Area Subject to Development Berta Turkocio Restrictions" to extend beyond eastern boundary as Lot 16, C. 5, Darlington currently proposed; wants to be able to sever 1 acre retirement lot at northwest corner of property Stuart D. Glaspell wants south half of Lot 20, Concession 5 included in Lot 20, C. 5, Darlington Hamlet - would more evenly balance development on either side of the creek; development could be served by extending McCallum Drive to Holt Road; would increase the hamlet's frontage on Taunton Road; lands are suitable for residential development; new hamlet boundaries would be defined by roads; would place more children within walking distance of major recreational and educational facilities; would include last of the non -farm residences on Taunton Road in hamlet; lands easily served by roads; would provide for improved transportation network to relieve existing traffic problems Secondary Plan should provide for some commercial and dry light industrial development; fire hall and ambulance station should be considered for Hampton area; designate Special Study Area to north of Hampton to examine possible commercial /industrial development related to Highway 407; Mill Pond should be reconstructed for recreational purposes and as a storm water detention basin Chester Borek disagrees with property being designated as subject Lot 16, C.5, Darlington to development restrictions; wants lands to west of creek designated for Residential Expansion, and lands to east as Long -Term Residential N�� ATTACHMENT NO. 2 ORONO PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE ® RESIDENT COMMENTS RESIDENT LANDOWNER COMMENT Roy Forrester municipal water should be a condition of expansion Mill Lane, Orono allows for smaller lots and assures a continued supply of safe water Klaas & L. Schoenmaker object to Commercial designation on property east of Station St., Orono Main Street and north of Station St.; should remain undeveloped because of drainage course Douglas Simpson objects to residential designation on property to Main St.N., Orono west owned by Mr. Ochonski because of presence of watercourse; development would create drainage problems on adjacent properties Ralph Bouwmeester Main St., Orono William Grady Mill St.N., Orono Steve & Heather Rowe Bowmanville Chris & Lynn Robinson Main St.N., Orono Gordon & Marjorie Lowery Main Street, Orono preserve pedestrian entrance into Orono Park from Main Street at Victoria Street extension need stop sign at junction of Mill Street and Mill Lane; is Town responsible for maintenance of unopened road allowance at 122 Mill Street support limited population growth and minimum lot size requirement want front part of property fronting Main Street redesignated from "Long Term Residential Expansion" to "Residential Expansion" want west side of Main Street North fronting on road redesignated from "Long Term Residential Expansion" to "Residential Expansion" Dirk Wordstra wants to include all of his property within hamlet L.29, C.4, Clarke boundaries and redesignate existing agricultural property to "Long Term Residential "; if property was developed, the road could be redirected to make it safer Horace & Marjorie Best want front part of property fronting Main Street Main St.N., Orono redesignated from "Long Term Residential Expansion" to "Residential Expansion" Katie Climenhage opposed to new development in Orono Leskard Road Dave Climenhage likes Valleyland Concept Leskard Road William Carman wants hamlet boundaries to be extended west to Main Street Ochonski Road, east to the road allowance between Lots 26/27, and south to the halfway point of Concession 4