HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-73-89DN: 3. METING: COUNCIL REPORT 2 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File# Res. #` o/ By -Law # DATE: Monday, March 13, 1989 REPORT #: PD -73 -89 FILE #: SUB,JECT: STATUS REPORT WITH RESPECT TO COMPLAINTS BY MR. STEWART AND MR. NEWMAN CONCERNING MR. RYAN HELMER'S DOG AT LARGE AND STORAGE OF DERELICT VEHICLES ON SITE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -73 -89 be received for information. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 At its General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting of March 6, 1989, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Newman of Stewart Road, Newtonville appeared before the Committee indicating their family members were being harassed by their neighbour's dogs, apparently owned by Mr. Ryan Helmer. In addition, Mr. Stewart also advised that his sheep were killed by the dogs and that Mr. Helmer has kept many derelict vehicles on site in contravention to the Town's By -law. 1.2 The Committee subsequently instructed Staff to undertake all necessary action forthwith and to report back to Council. ...2 REPORT NO.: PAGE 2 ®__________®_____________®____________®_______-_ ____-- ________- _-- _____________ 2. ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE TOWN 2.1 Dogs at Large Paper work has been completed for a summon which will be served by the Durham Police to Mr. Helmer to have Mr. Helmer's dogs destroyed. A copy of the Animal Control Officer's report and a copy of the summons are attached. 2.2 Storage of Derelict vehicles The Acting By -law Enforcement Officer has ordered Mr. Helmer to remove all derelict vehicles on site by March 18, 1989. The Acting Officer has been instructed to lay charges forthwith if the Order to Comply is ignored. Copy of letter is attached. 3. POLICE REPORT At the direction of the General Purpose and Administration Committee, Staff contacted the officer at the Durham Regional Police and was able to obtain a copy of the police incident report (copy attached) which indicates Mrs. Stewart was confronted by Mr. Helmer's dogs on her own property. No charges were laid by the Police and the Animal Control Officer was notified. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Planning & Development *FW*jip *Attach. March 8, 1989 Recommended for presentation to the Committee _-____ ®_- _____ -® cLawrenc' Kotseff Chief Administrative Officer TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICERS REPORT IN THE MATTER OF: OCC. NO.: I TIME: 9 ,C) to PIA DATE: PA" 0, I'll t 1) J t. i-, f't e-) r, P Tr I Ll- + in e el- t-4 r I i ci V) r) OFFICER , - tl R qllP1:PVTqAD . T S U -M M 0 N S' U N D, E R SECTION 2 5"0 F THE PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT PROVINCIAL in respect to an application under the Form No. 106a OFFENCES COURT Dog Owner's Liability Act Provincial Courts Act PROVINCE OF ONTARIO To ....e xfi� ... oc ................................. of ...... (name of owni?) -� ................ I .................................. 4v-b Whereas it has been alleged before me that you are the owner ofi-&Aoguhich bit or attacked- n, namely, X. .......... ..................... .............. I .......... at. ... 0. <.. Q N VrI /C .............. (location) on or about the f3 �?.. day of ...t E: 6 U.7q P--'l 19.87 AND whereas a proceeding has been commenced in the Provincial Offences Court of the ........ of :60 )?-.N "/..• ............. for an order requiring the dog to be destroyed in a manner to be provided in the order; or (b) requiring the owner of the dog to take any steps that the court orders for the more effective control of the dog; the court being authorized to make this order by subsection 40 of the Dog Owner's Liability Act. THEREFORE, you are commanded in Her Majesty's name to appear before the provincial offences court at.. 1,5 2'. ........................... on the ...../.3.:........ day of .......... . 19 at 9. Q M., at ......../ .. ............. courtroom and to appear thereafter as required by the court in order to be dealt with according to law. , Issued at ..... this Li.. day of rn.OP—Cl-f 19 .......... ...... .. Provincial Judge or Justice of the Peace NOTICE TO DEFENDANT You may appear personally, or by agent or counsel. If you do not appear the trial may proceed, evidence may be taken, and an order may be made in your absence. If you do appear, a) the trial may proceed; or b) you, or the applicant, may ask the court to adjourn your case to another date. The court may grant or refuse such a request. CO 154 (rev. 07/85) CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE February 16, 1989. Mr: & Mrs. -Ryan Helmer 3439 Stewart -Road Newtonville, Ontario IAA 1,70 Dear- sir: 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 TELEPHONE 623 -3379 re: Operation of a Repair Garage in an A -1 Zone at 3439 Stewart Road, Concession 3, Part Lot 6, Newtonville - File: 10.13.230 Please be advised that 'a.recent inspection of .the above noted property namely, 3439 Stewart Poad, Concession 3, Part Iot 6, Newtonville, indicated the outside storage and repair of notor vehicles (cars) in an A Agricultural zone. Zhis type of use is not permitted in an Agricultural Zone and is in contravention of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Zoning By -law #84 -63, Section 6.4.1. You are hereby notified to _cease operation. at the above noted property within 30 days, that being March 18, 1989, so that it. will not be necessary for further action to be taken by this office. Yours truly, 7,Gary Han ch, Supervisor Plans and Examination Inspection. GH /df cc: Franklin Wu, Director of Planning & Development DRP 1 REV 12/86