HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-010-13 Staff Report # 1 larin n Leading the Way REPORT PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: COUNCIL Date: January 28, 2013 Resolution #: By-law #: / Report #: PSD-010-13 File #'s: ZBA 2012-0023 and SPA 2012-0034 Subject: AN APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY REZONING TO PERMIT OUTDOOR STORAGE OF PRE-ENGINEERED PANELS FOR A MAXIMUM OF THREE (3) YEARS APPLICANT: ALPA PRE-ENGINEERED PANEL SYSTEMS INC. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council: 1. THAT Report PSD-010-13 be received; 2. THAT the application for proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 39 (Temporary Use Provision) of the Planning Act submitted by Alpa Pre-engineered Panel Systems Inc. to change the zoning to permit the temporary outdoor storage of pre-engineered panels for a maximum of three (3) years be approved; 3. THAT the by-law to change the Zoning By-Law contained in Attachment 3 be passed; 4. THAT a By-law be forwarded to Council for removal of the Holding (H) symbol upon execution of the Site Plan Agreement; and 5. THAT all interested parties listed in Report PSD-010-13 and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. ') Submitted by: Reviewed by�-- Da i . Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu Director, Planning Services Chief Administrative Officer CS/CP/df 23 January 2013 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-010-13 PAGE 2 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Alpa Pre-engineered Panel Systems Inc. (Alpa) 1.2 Agent: Ivano De Carolis 1.3 Rezoning: Zoning change from "General Industrial (M2)" zone to permit temporary outdoor storage of pre-engineered wood panels and trusses for a maximum of three (3) years. 1.4 Site Area: .060 hectares 1.5 Location: 1720 Baseline Road, being Part Lot 29, Concession 1, Former Township of Darlington (Attachment 1). i 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 At the Council meeting of January 14, 2013, Council approved resolution #GPA- 004-13, which requested staff to bring forth a recommendation report to the January 28, 2013 Council Meeting. Report PSD-001-13 was the Public Meeting report initially recommending approval of a Temporary Use By-law for a maximum of three (3) years to permit the lands at 1720 Baseline Road in Courtice to be used exclusively for outdoor storage of pre-engineered wood floors, walls and trusses (panel systems) for the construction of new homes. As the report was being finalized, and before the Public Meeting, staff received two complaints from nearby business operators about Alpa's operation. As a result, Staff recommended the application continue to be processed. 2.2 As noted in the Public Meeting report, Alpa employs 70 people. The company has run out of room on the manufacturing site situated at 17 Cigas Road in Courtice. In addition to 17 Cigas Road, Alpa also owns 29 Cigas Road and is currently leasing property at 45 Cigas Road for storage of completed panels prior to shipping. Alpa has recently leased 1720 Baseline Road to use as temporary storage as well. This last property is subject of the rezoning application. See ortho-photo on next page. 2.3 1720 Baseline Road is zoned "General Industrial (M2)" zone which permits a broad range of industrial uses. By-law 84-63 does not permit outdoor storage as the principle use without a building or structure on site. As such, the applicant is requesting a temporary use by-law for a maximum of three (3) years to use the site exclusively for outdoor storage of the panels systems. 2.4 The applicant has also applied for Site Plan Approval. REPORT NO.: PSD-010-13 PAGE 3 29 Clgas Road FH1 FAH �� 4 a3 t �� ,�•° ;' �` 17 Clgas Road A� v , F ZBA 2012-0023 3. LAND CHARACTERISTICS AND SURROUNDING USES 3.1 The subject property has frontage on both Baseline Road and Cigas Road in Courtice. The site is currently vacant. Recently, the topsoil has been removed and replaced with gravel and limestone to provide a base for the storage of the panels. The top soil has been used to create berms along both the east and west property boundaries. The lands generally slope from north to south. The surrounding uses are as follows: North: Industrial uses, and beyond Canadian Pacific Railway; South: vacant cultivated land and single detached dwelling zoned General Industrial (M2); East: Vacant land, industrial uses; and West: Vacant land, industrial uses. REPORT NO.: PSD-010-13 PAGE 4 4. PROVINCIAL POLICY 4.1 Provincial Policy Statement The Provincial Policy Statement addresses the need to maintain and direct land use to achieve efficient development and land use patterns. Land use must be carefully managed to accommodate appropriate development to meet the full range of current and future needs, while achieving efficient development patterns. The proposed temporary use will provide an interim use for an otherwise underutilized parcel of land. 4.2 Provincial Growth Plan The Provincial Growth Plan (Growth Plan) requires adequate supply of lands providing location for a variety of appropriate employment uses. The Growth Plan requires economic development be promoted through the provision of a mix of employment uses and a diversified economic base to meet long-term needs of both existing and future businesses. In order to achieve this goal a range and choice of suitable sites for employment uses must be maintained. The temporary use of the subject property does not appear to conflict with the Provincial Growth Plan. 5. OFFICIAL PLANS 5.1 Durham Regional Official Plan 5.1.1 The Durham Regional Official Plan states that "Employment Areas" shall be used for manufacturing, assembly and processing of goods, service industries, research and development facilities, warehousing, business parks, limited personal services uses, hotels, storage of goods and materials, retail warehouses, freight transfer and transportation facilities. Such uses shall be designated in appropriate locations in the respective area municipal official plans. The proposed temporary use conforms. 5.2 Municipality of Clarington Official Plan 5.2.1 The subject property is designated as "Light Industrial Areas" in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan. The range of industrial uses permitted in the Light Industrial Areas shall be sensitive to and compatible with abutting uses. The predominant use of land in the Light Industrial Areas shall be manufacturing, assembling, processing, fabricating, repairing, research and development and warehousing. Limited outside storage accessory to a permitted use may be permitted provided it does not exceed an area equivalent to 25% of the total gross floor area, the materials to be stored as outdoor storage area shall not exceed a height of 3 metres and storage areas shall be located primarily in the rear of the REPORT NO.: PSD-010-13 PAGE 5 lot and shall be appropriately screened so as to not have a negative impact on abutting properties and not be visible from a freeway. 5.2.2 The Official Plan policies relating to Temporary Use By-laws state that Temporary Use By-laws may be passed to permit the use of lands, buildings or structures, on a temporary basis, for any purpose provided that: a) the proposed use is temporary in nature; b) the proposed use is compatible with the adjacent existing land uses, there is minimal impact on the Natural Features and Land Characteristics on Map 'C', or satisfactory measures to mitigate any adverse impact will be applied; c) there will be no adverse impacts on traffic or transportation facilities or services in the area; d) adequate access and parking are provided; e) the use can be removed and the site can be restored to its original condition; f) adequate sewage disposal and water services are available in compliance with provincial and regional standards; and g) it does not jeopardize the long term implementation of the plan. 5.3 Amendment 77 5.3.1 Amendment 77 to the Clarington Official Plan was approved by Council in March 26, 2012. Amendment 77 states that the predominant use of land in the "Light Industrial Areas" shall be for manufacturing, assembling, processing of raw material, fabricating, repairing, research and development and warehousing. Outdoor storage is to be limited to 25% of the floor area of the main building. Amendment 77 has not been approved by the Region of Durham. 6. ZONING BY-LAW 84-63 6.1 The entire property is currently zoned "General Industrial (M2) Zone" which permits outdoor storage to occupy 70% of the site. However, it does not permit the use of lands exclusively for outdoor storage of goods and materials. 7. PUBLIC MEETING AND SUBMISSIONS 7.1 At the statutory Public Meeting, a business operator in the area appeared before the General Purpose and Administration Committee to object to the rezoning. Mike Konopacki owns a building on 1700 Baseline Road in Courtice. The building contains seven other businesses in addition to his own, Mike's Transmission. He test drives cars in the area to determine what needs to be repaired. Recently, Cigas Road was blocked by flat bed trailers loaded with wood panels. He noted that forklift trucks also travel on the road causing a hazard. Mr. Konopacki stated that the wood panels are stacked 12 feet high, which is higher than the newly created berms and chainlink fence. He noted that he does not have a problem REPORT NO.: PSD-010-13 PAGE 6 with the storage on Cigas Road, but he does not believe that they should be visible from Baseline Road. In addition, staff received a phone call from a business operator on the Cigas Road, expressing the same concern with flatbed trucks parked on Cigas Road. Concerns raised at the Public Meeting will be discussed in Section 10 of this report. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation has noted the site is subject to CLOCA's Ontario Regulation 42/06 Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses. CLOCA has issued a permit for the regrading of the property and for the placement of gravel and limestone fill (approximately 460 cubic metres) for a base on the property. 9. DEPARTMENTAL COMMENTS 9.1 Emergency and Fire Services Emergency and Fire Services has advised that this site would need to comply with the requirements of Subsection 3.2.2 of the Ontario Fire Code, Outdoor Storage of Lumber and Forest Products. Subsection 3.2.2 specifies the requirements for ground surface, clearances (to other structures and vegetation), pile heights, fire department access, fire extinguishing provisions (for example on site water if no hydrants available) and portable fire extinguishers. 9.2 Engineering Services The Engineering Services Department has no objection to the temporary rezoning provided that through the site plan approval process the applicant complies with the grading plan as submitted. 9.3 Finance Department The Finance Department advises that taxes are paid in full. 10. DISCUSSION 10.1 Three main concerns raised by area business operators about Alpa's current operation: i) loaded flat bed trucks parked on Cigas Road, ii) forklifts driving on Cigas Road, causing a traffic hazard; and iii) the appearance of the subject site from Baseline Road. REPORT NO.: PSD-010-13 PAGE 7 In addition to these concerns, Committee members raised the question as to whether forklift trucks could be used on public roads and whether the use would actually be temporary for a three year (3) period as applied for or did the applicant intent to reapply for a prolonged or permanent outdoor storage use on the site. Following the Public Meeting, Staff met with the General Manager of Alpa to discuss the various sites on Cigas Road and how operationally the panels are moved to and from the various sites. On January 11th, 2013, the applicant provided a letter to the Mayor and Members of Council providing clarification to some of the questions and comments raised at the Public Meeting (see Attachment 2). Appearance of the Site The subject site has frontage on Baseline Road and Cigas Road. The most predominant frontage is on Baseline Road. To minimize the visual impacts from Baseline Road the proposed zoning by-law requires the panels to be set back behind the front face of the building to the immediate west of the site, being 15 metres from the property front line. In addition, the height of the outdoor storage is limited to 3 metres. The applicant has applied for and must receive site plan approval. The applicant has already installed a chain link fence along the property boundary on Baseline Road for security purposes. The applicant is proposing to plant 6 foot cedar trees along the fence line to screen the site. Staff have requested that the topsoil berms be seeded to keep dust down in dry weather conditions. Staff will also request cedar trees to be placed on the berms 15 metres back from the front property line. Long Term Storage Needs The applicant acknowledged that due to on-site constraints, trailers with panels were temporarily parked on Cigas Road. However, the long terms storage needs are being reviewed. New production equipment will allow the panels to be manufactured faster. This will reduce the need to produce the panels far in advance to meet their client's needs and therefore reducing storage requirements. Alpa owns 17 and 29 Cigas Road, as well as leasing lands at 45 Cigas Road. They intend to purchase additional sites in the area for storage. The applicant has been advised to speak with staff prior to purchasing additional lands to determine if the site is appropriate for outdoor storage. Forklifts on Cigas Road At the Public Meeting officials from Alpa suggested panels are manufactured in the plant at 17 Cigas Road. The panels are loaded onto a flat bed truck and moved to 1720 Baseline Road. A forklift will drive to the site on Cigas Road and unload the flat bed, once unloaded the forklift will return to the plant. REPORT NO.: PSD-010-13 PAGE 8 Typically, forklifts are used to load and unload tracker trailers in industrial areas and construction zones. The Ministry of Transportation has advised staff that forklifts are permitted on public roads even though they are not licensed. Staff contacted the Durham Region Police Department and spoke with an officer in the Traffic Division regarding enforcement. The officer confirmed that the forklifts were not allowed on public roads under the Highway Traffic Act, but acknowledged that this activity does take place on a fairly regular basis in various areas and is rarely ticketed. Although the operation of the forklift on a public road may be contrary to the Highway Traffic Act, it should not be a consideration for the rezoning as there are options for operating the site without having a forklift crossing Cigas Road. Should the application be approved, the applicant will be required to find a solution to transporting and unloading the panels at the 1720 Baseline Road site prior to the issuance of site plan approval. Should the applicant chose to place a building on the site, specifically to house a forklift, the draft Zoning By-law allows for the placement of a 6 metre x 6 metre shed on site. Should this option be selected, the site plan agreement would contain provisions ensuring that it is removed at the end of three (3) years. 10.2 All departmental and agency comments have been received and there are no objections to the approval of this application. Planning Staff have reviewed the application relative to the Provincial policies as well as the policies of the Official Plan and are satisfied that the use is temporary in nature and will have no impact on natural features, traffic or transportation facilities and will not have an impact on the long term implementation of the Official Plan. The application provides a temporary use of otherwise undeveloped land until future development occurs. The granular base provides for relatively minimal investment in the property and allows the lands to easily be redeveloped further without constraint once the panel systems are moved off the site. 10.3 Alpa is a successful enterprise in Clarington. Unforeseen storage issues have required them to lease and rezone the subject lands for outdoor storage on a temporary basis as a solution to an overcrowded manufacturing site, and storage on flat bed trucks. The proposed Zoning By-law increases the setbacks for the outdoor storage from 7.5 metres in the M2 Zone to 15 metres and restricts the height to 3 metres. In addition, provisions have been made to allow a 36 square metre structure to house the forklift. Staff are satisfied that through site plan approval process, the site will be adequately screened from Baseline Road, given the temporary nature of this use. The appropriate securities will be taken to ensure the works are complete. REPORT NO.: PSD-010-13 PAGE 9 Prior to the removal of the (H), the applicant is required to enter into a site plan agreement. 11. CONCURRENCE 11.1 The Municipal Solicitor and the Director of Engineering Services concur with the recommendations of this report. 12. CONCLUSION 12.1 Given that Alpa has experienced business growth that requires an interim solution to their capacity problems, staff have no objection to the temporary rezoning and respectfully recommend that the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application be APPROVED and the attached Zoning By-law be ADOPTED by Council. Alpa l will have three years to find a more appropriate site for their increasing business operations. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: X Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Cynthia Strike Attachments: Attachment 1 - Key Map Attachment 2 - Letter from Alpa Pre-Engineered Wood Panel Systems Attachment 3 - Zoning By-law to amend By-law 84-63 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Ivano De Carolis Joann Kozina and Lucy Jardine Mike Kornopacki Attachment 1 To Report PSD-010-13 � aroa 3�uanm woa aqua E E � . o �. m LY® ® E ® L. >1 N E C) Cu �. CL a) a) �^�., to Q CL CO 0 CD E • a, Q` m E j z5j o O I N CL 00 p r Q) F— 0 E° Attachment 2 fJS..._� j41 PAIN�� q� To Report PSD-010-13 r - JAN 115 20'i3 DES t EBU`#9 MUNICIPAL-ITY OF CLARINGTON REVIE,NED BY PLAN: ING OEPARTMLNT__J 9 0 R I,INAL To; Alpa Pre-Engineered Panel Systems Inc. 1❑ Cour,,clL ❑ COUNCIL ❑ FILE DIRECTION INFORMATION Alpa Lumber Group COPY TO: 10 MAYOR ❑ MEMBERS ❑ CAO I OF COUNCIL I Friday,January 11,2013 1❑ COMIMUNITY'❑ CORPORATE ❑ EMERGENCY SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES ❑ Eidf'�lEERlNG ❑ 1SUNICIPAL ❑ OFERAIICIVo Mayor and Members of Council. S LACES CLERK'S Municipality of Clarington PLANNING o SOLICITOR ❑ TREASURY 40 Temperance St. SERVICES Bowmanville, On L1C 3A6 ❑ OTHER MUNICIPAL CLERK'S FILE ]Z_e: An Application for Temporary Rezoning to Permit Outdoor Storage 'M1`R-e—Rd., Courtice. Report No.PSD-001-13 File#'s:ZBA 2012-0023 and SPA 2012-0034 Dear Mayor and Members of Council, I would. first like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to speak in front of you to address our concerns as to the necessity of the approval of this application. We have applied for and received by the Municipality of Claringtons' Engineering Services Department and CLOCA, approval to resurface the property in question in order to make it acceptable to store our finished product. We have substantially complied with the requirements of our permit other than work that will be continued in the spring such as planting trees to screen the site and seeding the berms: Some information though had been overlooked in the presentation and at our opportunity to support our applications. As for the .omitted information, the power point.presentation did not show the fact that we also own 29 Cigas Rd. This property is adjacent to the land in question with more of a direct access, Also it was asked at the meeting about our future plans in case we run out of room again. I neglected to tell the Committee that we have recently invested in a multi-million dollar wall panel line that will increase our production capacity and therefore allow us to decrease our turnarouu-id time, In other words, since we can build it faster we will not need to build so far in advance and store to satisfy the builders schedule. As far as screening the frontage on Baseline Road, we plan on putting 6' cedars along the east fence line and also seeding and maintaining the berms. We will also try and keep most of the stored product closer to the north side of the property facing Cigas Road. The bundles and rows of finished product are piled in an organized and neat manner to facilitate not only aesthetics but efficiency. The•other concern regarding our forklifts on Cigas Rd. only can be addressed by focusing on safety on the road. Not only are our drivers certified in the safe use of a forklift, they also have many years of experience in the safe handling of material on route. The forklift is equipped with strobe lights and also 17 Cigas Rd., Courtice, Ontario LIE 2T1 PH: 905-434-1900 FX: 905-434-9776 Page 1 turning signals for safe passage on the road. The forklift is also equipped with a"slow moving vehicle" sign on the back. As mentioned,the forklift will be crossing the road unloaded. We do acknowledge this to be.a temporary solution. Our long terra goals, as mentioned, is to increase our production capability by continuing to purchase advanced equipment and also to acquiring more land in the area such as the property adjacent to us which.we ]ease for storage presently. Without this approval, we will run out of storage space to satisfy our customers building schedules and thus have to lay off employees and who will suffer financial loss. We tool< over an existing operation that would have otherwise gone bankrupt. We expanded the business to a point where we have more than doubled the number of employees and would like to retain this volume. We ask that you tale into account that we are a member of the community in good standing. Have enhanced the local businesses around us by giving them opportunities to quote and supply. We are good for the community, good for the local economy and ask that this application be granted oil a temporary basis so we can continue to work together to grow our business. Respectfully, ,Wano De Caroli.s, Manager Al.pa Pre-Engineered Panel Systems:Inc. C.C. Mr. George Frankfort, Vice President of The Alpa Luunber Group 17 Cigas Rd., Courtice, Ontario LIE 2T1 PH: 905-434-1900 FX: 905-434-9776 Page 2 Attachment 3 To Report PSD-010-13'' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW NO. 2013- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington II WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2012-0023; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Schedule 24.4 "Special Exceptions — General Industrial (M2) Zone" is hereby amended by introducing a new subsection 24.4.20 as follows: "24.4.20 GENERAL INDUSTRIAL EXCEPTION (M2)ZONE Notwithstanding Section 24.1 b., 24.2 c. i), d., e:, g and Section 24.3 a and b., those lands zoned M2-20 as shown on Schedule "A" attached to this By-law shall only be used for temporary outdoor storage of pre- engineered wood products for new home construction subject to the following zone regulation: a. Building Size(maximum) 36 sq. metres b. For the purposes of this Special Exception, outside storage shall be subject to: i) Front Yard (minimum)from Baseline Road 15 metres ii) Height(maximum) 3 metres" Pursuant to the requirements of Section 39 of the Planning Act, 1990 as amended, the use may be permitted for a period of three (3) years ending on January 28, 2016. 2. Schedule "4" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "General Industrial (M2) Zone"to "Holding— General Industrial Exception ((H)M2-20) Zone" as illustrated on the attached Schedule"A" hereto. 3. Schedule"A"attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Sections 34 and 36 of the Planning Act. By-law passed in open session this day of 2013. Adrian Foster, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk This is Schedule "A" to By-law 2013- passed this f 2013 A.D. Cigas Road � N � Baseline Road Zoning Change From"M2"TO"(H)M2-20" Adrian Foster,Mayor Patti L.Barrie,Municipal Clerk N a BAS¢WE ROAD 8 g wunncE wu"r "WM1YAY401 COURTICE ZBA 2012-0023 —� SCHEDUL.E 4 m�+,Y