HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-01-15 Minutes CLARINGTON HERITAGE COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting January 15, 2013 MEMBERS PRESENT: Allan Kirby Angela Tibbles David Reesor Tracey Ali Colin Maitland Andrew Kozak Karin Murphy Councillor Hooper Kim Vaneyk (Ex-officio) REGRETS: Bonnie Seto MEMBERS ABSENT: Ruth Goff (Ex-officio), Tenzin Gyaltsan STAFF: Faye Langmaid, Kristy Kilbourne GUESTS: Winston Wong, MTO; Darlene Proudfoot, MTO; Chris Brown, MTO; Rebecca Sciarra and Lindsay Propert, Archaeological Services Incorporated Angela welcomed all to the meeting and introduced the new member, Colin Maitland. Everyone introduced themselves. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 13.01 Moved by Councillor Hooper, seconded by Allan Kirby THAT the minutes of December 10th, 2012 be accepted. "CARRIED" PRESENTATIONS Winston Wong and Chris Brown from MTO delivered a presentation (Attachment 1) on the status of Phase 2 of the 407 East Extension (from Harmony Rd. In Oshawa to Hwy. 35/115) including updated timelines for the RFP process and commencement of construction (2015). Winston and the consultants from Archaeological Services Incorporated provided information on where they are in the process for the Heritage Strategy. There are 24 Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports (CHERs) that are required for Clarington. The remaining CHERs are anticipated to be completed by the end of the summer this year. The MTO plans to advertise 5 properties of significant heritage value in Clarington for relocation at the beginning of the summer. 1 The presentation prompted a number of questions, of which the answers can be found below: - Winston indicated that the MTO had provided Pickering with $30-40,000 to relocate a building to the Pickering Museum Village. However, that funding for relocation has not generally been their practice. - Relocation of heritage structures by MTO to MTO's surplus lands and then offering the buildings for sale is not something MTO will be pursuing as it could be a number of years after the process is complete before the MTO decides which lands are surplus and will be sold. There are also concerns with moving the buildings and the costs associated with having to bring them up to building code in order to sell them. Also whether there is a significant real estate market for this type of sale is unknown. - Local interest in heritage buildings from the 1930s-1950s - the Committee would have to know the buildings in question in order to determine whether there is local interest. Winston will provide information to the Committee. - RFP and relocation process for 8 short-listed properties in Clarington — MTO indicated that they intend on listing these properties at the beginning of the summer until the end of the summer. They will then provide a year for the relocation to take place. The Committee informed the MTO that in their experience it takes 2 years for an individual to make all of the necessary arrangements to have a building moved. Darlene indicated that the MTO would consider extending the timeframe in the case of a good proposal. - The development of a heritage subdivision is not a possibility for Clarington, due to restrictions on lot creation in the Greenbelt and that the white belt areas with appropriate servicing and zoning are a significant distance away from the relocatable buildings. - Darlene indicated that MTO staff are willing to take reasonable, well-thought out proposals and push recommendations up the chain. - Winston advised that they are currently preparing salvage guidelines for documentation, transportation, and storage standards. He indicated that the Municipality should consider this in their proposed strategy. - MTO will have a heritage specialist on site to assist in the removal of items. Items will be at no cost to the authorized person who is retrieving them. In certain cases, the MTO will consider delivering items to a specified location. - Salvaged materials could be available to the Municipality for use in parks or trails; however, this would have to be part of the Municipality's strategy. - Darlene indicated that the archaeological findings are interesting. Should the Committee be interested in hearing more about this, the MTO will be holding a presentation in the spring in Whitby for all of the municipalities involved. Darlene will provide notification of the date, time, etc. 2 BUSINESS ARISING 407 Salvage Strategy The Heritage Committee passed the following resolution: 13.02 Moved by Andrew Kozak, seconded by Allan Kirby Whereas the second Phase of the 407 East Extension is scheduled to be fully completed by 2020 and further it is to be constructed in two sub-phases of Harmony to the East Link at Taunton and then the East Link to 35/115 with anticipated completion dates of 2017 and 2020 respectively, and Whereas Clarington Heritage Committee has concern for the heritage buildings that are to be displaced as part of the construction process and are fully aware of the time required by the potential bidders to acquire the necessary services and meet the conditions for a successful move of such a structure; and Whereas the limited time frame MTO allocated for advertising the sale and the relocation of heritage structures in the first Phase; Now therefore be it resolved that, The Municipality of Clarington requests that the Minister and Ministry of Transportation take all necessary steps to ensure that the sale of heritage buildings deemed relocatable, from the 407 right of way in Clarington, begin in spring 2013 and continue for 6 months. And further, that a two year timeframe be allowed, post-award, to relocate any such buildings, and that the Ministry provide incentives to aid in the purchase and relocation costs of these valued heritage resources. "CARRIED" After further discussion, the Committee decided to hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, January 29th at 7pm to discuss salvage strategy for the 407 in more detail. 3 Toll House Faye recently met with the owner and realtor of the Toll House and informed them of the committee recommendation and that a report will be presented to Council. The CHC recommended that the Toll House be placed on the Heritage Register. The NVDHS has requested designation. There will be a further meeting between staff, the owner and Myno VanDyke (of NVDHS) prior to the report being sent to Council. The meeting is set for next week. Letter to designated property owners Faye advised that a letter has been prepared for all designated property owners and will go out the second week in February to thank them for the dedication to heritage and inform them of the Heritage Week events. Candidates for designation: 156 Church Street The Region requested more information and are currently reviewing the additional information provided to them. 5290 Main Street Angela advised that she had met with the homeowner and that he was hesitant to pursue designation for this property as he is currently contemplating some significant modifications in the coming years. Consequently, a designation is unlikely for this property. Knox family, 6325 Enfield Road Faye followed up with Jenni Knox, the family is in the process of considering the list of proposed features to be designated. Camp 30 Faye updated the group that the National Historic Sites and Monuments Board met in early December; the recommendation goes to the Minister of Environment (Peter Kent) for decision and announcement. However, Faye and representatives from the Museum (Martha) and Owner (Kelvin of Kaitlin) met with Erin O'Toole, our new MP to apprize him of where we are in the process and ask that he use his political influence to try to get the decision released quickly. 4 REPORTS from OTHER COMMITTEES Bowmanville CIP — Andrew informed that the Bowmanville CIP meeting is tomorrow night, a number of grant applications have been received for 2013 already. Newcastle CIP — Faye announced that the meeting will take place on the 24th and that a number of applications have already been received for the 2013 grants. Orono CIP — The Committee appointed Colin Maitland, lifelong resident of Orono, to the Orono CIP. Colin attended the meeting earlier this month. Faye provided on overview of the discussion at the meeting which focussed on the annual report which has just gone to Council. Orono has funds remaining in its grant program while Bowmanville and Newcastle are tapped out until the budget is passed. ACO, Clarington Branch — Tracey announced that everything is moving on schedule for Doors Open and that they have confirmed sites. The ACO meeting will be held tomorrow night. NVDHS — Allan informed that a DVD of old film clips from Clarke Township (Carveth collection) has been made. They are also working with Tourism to develop a Newcastle Heritage Walk. For Heritage Week, they will be offering a number of activities and are working on a hand bill to promote these activities which will be on Family Day. Museum — Bonnie was not present to provide and update, however, Faye informed the group that Martha Rutherford Conrad the Executive Director has resigned and will be moving West. Her last day will be Friday. The Museum is in the process of searching for a new ED. Heritage Week Working Group —Angela reported on the activities of the Working Group (Attachment 2). Kim volunteered to evaluate the Treasure Hunt submissions from the Library drop-off location on the 24th. The Committee decided to contribute one copy of each of the three books the Heritage Committee has produced for the Treasure Hunt prize. FINANCIAL REPORT — no longer necessary as funds have been transferred over to the Municipality, budget has been submitted, and will be addressed as part of the budget process in February. 5 CORRESPONDENCE and COUNCIL REFERRAL Letter from OHT re: Community Leadership Faye informed the committee that the 3 nominations, being Jenni Knox, Bill Paterson and Enfield United church were endorsed by the OHT. Presentation will take place at the Council Meeting on February 11th at 7pm. The nomination of NVDHS for community leadership was not accepted as the OHT does not deem heritage societies to qualify under this category. However, Council will recognize NVDHS at the Feb 11 th meeting. PROJECT REPORTS Inventory Photographs — No update as no photographing has taken place. Barns — Kim asked for some designated time at the next meeting to discuss this project. NEW BUSINESS Selling of Books for Heritage Week The Heritage Committee will be selling copies of their three heritage books during Heritage Week. The prices are $35.00 for the Bowmanville book, and $15.00 each for the Clarke and Darlington books. Volunteers were solicited to assist. The following people/groups will be selling the books during Heritage Week: COAA — all week Councillor Hooper — at his store Karin Murphy — at the Orono Home Movie Night Colin Maitland — at Apple Blossom Flower shops Kim Vaneyk — at the Closing Ceremonies at the VAC Books will be available for pick up at the Jan 29th meeting. 105 Queen Street, Bowmanville Faye updated on the proposed site plan for 105 Queen Street in Bowmanville. She indicated that the developer is currently in the process of applying for their Official Plan and Zoning changes. The Committee reviewed the rendering and acknowledged that it met the intent of their original recommendation from the May 2012 meeting. David Reesor moved the meeting be adjourned. 6 Next meeting: February 19, 2013, 7:00 p.m., at Clarington Municipal Offices, Room 1 A Attachments Attachment#1 — MTO 407 Presentations Attachment#2 — Heritage Week 2013 Committee Report 7 - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Highway 407 East Project - Phase 2 Heritage Strategy Update Municipality of Clarington City Hall - Committee Room 1A - � « January 15, 2013 - ntario Ministry of Transportation Meeting Discussion Items 1 . Highway 407 East Project Phase 2 Update 2. Highway 407 East Heritage Strategy Phase 2 Update 3. Cultural Heritage Evaluation Reports (CHERs) and Documentation Reports Phase 2 Update 4. Next Steps t)��Ontario Ministry of Transportation Highway 407 East Is s s.r s.s s!.r r.r a.r r r r t r sly. :.wbMnln+ _ i An liar -�rra: F!q/:r ♦ 13te' I r .N r."I 1 v O r f ssssari.-k Leisy es.•r y s s.+ - - map Lexatioff n 7,Y.lffr iilr R 1 . Wl.:r s,TaumanRd s - I.-.., t-� �w - l I Legend Orrarl _S�, yr ! pundms St 401 Hwy 2 C= D4cmr Atarresj .,r... Ales&: L i`r•. R. ,� - ... I�. .. Ausxe4;rtcrMrfal�l � �;- }F�.'Yl�f - I •++•.-".f, ,�., ' .•-, fY191sP'i:L ym!{1 A,�'eF.:+:Br��F _ _. I� -. tvWnA,Ewi bake cl ta,..v VFJL-'l.F:Curl=—.Li'k _ �I'DeRrla� •k.r a. C_IL-E§W.fillltY,r Lrk fA6Wy of Tnnsperialm,pf1 Xl f - ntario Ministry of Transportation Timelines Provincial commitment to extend Highway 407 East to Highway 35/115 by 2020 with the following key dates announced by Minister on March 10, 2011 : Phase 1 • By late 2015 — 22 km section from Brock Road to Harmony Road and a 10 km north-south highway (West Durham Link) connecting Highway 407 East to Highway 401 Phase 2: • By 2017 — Highway 407 East from Harmony Road to Taunton/East Durham Link • By 2020 — the section from Taunton/East Durham Link to Highway 35/115, and a 10 km north-south highway (East Durham Link) connecting Highway 407 East and Highway 401 . - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Phase 2 - Scope Highway 407 East Mainline: • New 4-lane highway from Harmony Road to Highway 35/115 (approx. 23 km). Freeway-to-freeway interchanges at the EDL and Highway 35/115 • Interchanges at Enfield Road, Regional Road 57 and Darlington-Clarke Townline East Durham Link (EDL): • New 4-lane north-south highway (EDL) connecting Highway 407 to Highway 401 (approximately 10 kilometres). A freeway-to-freeway interchange at EDL and Highway 401 . • Interchanges at Taunton Road, Highway 2 and Courtice Road at Highway 401 Procurement through Infrastructure Ontario using an AFP model: Project Facts: • 360 properties are required, 125 private properties remain to be acquired • 20 road structures • approximately 25 major water-crossing structures • 8 interchanges, including three complex freeway-freeway - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Phase 2 — Status • Preparatory work underway toward the issue of the Request for Proposal (RFP) in Summer / Fall 2013 • Pre-construction work required for Phase 2 including field investigations such as built heritage resources and cultural heritage landscapes t)��Ontario Ministry of Transportation Highway 407 East Transportation Corridor Project Public Heritage Strategy Status — Phase 2 heritage building relocation g gY Request for Proposal (RFP) Process *IN PROGRESS 2013 j A � r - - - - - J m Heritage building relocation Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 implementation Ii Cultural Heritage Heritage Salvage for properties identified Heritage Impact ii Highway 407 Project Assessment and Evaluation Reports Operations Environmental Heritage Screening (CHERs) and �� with Clarington for Continued Heritage I! Assessment Document Heritage selected heritage Salvage Operations prior Documentation buildings to and during demolition -Completed Reports 2009-2010 *TBD *IN PROGRESS *IN PROGRESS 2013, 2014 & beyond 2013 2013-2014 municipal engagement - ntario Ministry of Transportation Cultural Heritage Evaluation (CHERs) and Documentation Reports - Clarington Properties • All CHER\Documentation Reports to be completed for individual heritage buildings and identified cultural heritage landscape units • Target completion by @ mid 2013 • Is there local interest in 1930s-1950s heritage buildings? f'4 _ oil s +�Ari d wawa ac«•i•ocvJU H 9aM a�x*vx. Acres Road Bethesda Road Taunton Road - ntario Ministry of Transportation Cultural Heritage Landscape Documentation Report - Clarington Documentation covers identified cultural heritage landscape units in Clarington being displaced or disrupted by the 407 East project including: • heritage roads • agricultural complexes • heritage views Report Methodology involves: • identification of specific Cultural Heritage Landscape (CHL) Units • historical mapping analysis and compilation /771M AM I • air photo mapping documentation • windshield photographic documentation ft-4b�"V.maw,.V*.fftft"kl nUI& - Ontario Ministry of Transportation MTO Heritage Property Relocation Process - Phase 2 MTO is proposing a public Request for Proposal (RFP) process in 2013 for the private relocation of selected heritage buildings for Phase 2 in Clarington There are currently eight (8) MTO heritage properties that were shortlisted and considered for relocation These were chosen based on information from completed CHER reports and general property condition; includes a mix of stone, brick and frame buildings MTO Sites EDL -23; EM-25; EM-03; EM-23; EM-21 ; EM-41 ; EM-40; EDL-28 - Ontario Ministry of Transportation MTO Heritage Property Relocation RFP Process • Request for Proposal (RFP) package similar to Phase 1 will be developed with specified deadlines in 2013 • Information materials such as fact sheets for each property will be developed • Meeting with interested parties and their contractors • Municipality of Clarington may be interested in relocation onto municipal lands: a specific municipal proposal needs to be forwarded to MTO for consideration • Municipality can consider developing a heritage subdivision or park - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Hierarchy for Heritage Materials Salvage MTO has established a hierarchy for salvaging heritage features as part of the 407 East Heritage Strategy: • MTO will have priority in the salvage of materials for highway heritage installations \ commemoration • Municipalities / Heritage Committees for use in locally significant heritage buildings, municipally-owned or privately-owned heritage buildings, museum display purposes, etc. • Non-profit organizations e.g. Habitat for Humanity for Durham to salvage materials for their ReStore facilities as co-ordinated with the demolition contractor - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Heritage Salvage Plan Considerations for Clarington Prepare a Heritage Salvage Plan. • Review of all CHER \ Documentation Report(s) heritage materials salvage lists. Further municipal identification of salvageable features for: 1 ) building materials reintegration into other buildings; 2) movable objects; 3) landscape features • Specifications with instructions for the labeling, transport, storage and reassembly of materials • Securing a municipal facility or repository to stock pile selected heritage building materials temporarily: ultimate destination of salvaged materials should be determined • Heritage expertise to advise salvage / demolition contractors prior to and during removal - ntario Ministry of Transportation Heritage Materials Salvage Lists : CHER \ Documentation Reports include a heritage salvage list in Appendix B aw rF-[.. •:yr a.i✓�•.iucel�l w*:N+YtA�W'.:+wrr - lYKf Mwre .. ?lra O 1liMM! 'lu amprt icAw a aCa!!p 1! wNW}T }pqM • �_ �ritr •i+Tf..YI.14.q l.Ml ilCi il9fj.`eifll Yfi r4i Y�SC MMl�/.1ln '�Pwra f� ��rK.:.l4.yx ■1+w} a-q�al4 t..: its "iwsfe.! 5 W*" Owsatw r.•r n w I� YRa NsAawA.yf 9Nf "Mli"A[w:e�! rhlr�µq '+YS+vw�LYr9N� �"� lM1F l�an5}.! Ali + Materials List may include items such as: 4 Historic windows, doors and door/window trim hardware; u Interior baseboards; Timber floor joists and beams; Fireplace mantels; Heavy timber framing, exterior barn board and wood flooring _ Exterior stone masonry including stone sills windows and door lintels Selected stonework or woodwork decorative features - Ontario Ministry of Transportation Heritage Interpretation Concepts Strategically in MTO parking lots or trails with reclaimed heritage features and materials: •Interpretive Signage 6 •Heritage Panels _ _ •Heritage Plaques clu Ir tIERITA474 Alit Sra�x Pies;^1R.aa 71C4 - ntario Ministry of Transportation Reclaimed Timber Frame & Granite Wall for Signage Design Concepts _-z --- -- RECLAIMED TIMBER FRAME ,. W slcmnr tc*f3�7-i�stxa+'�c 'Y r�o�pe-v{�rvo�rlan ., F� - •4 SAMPLE SIGNAGE COPING RECLAIMED GRANITE WALL I FINISHED GRADE DATE: SAMKE NAMES SECONDARY GATEWAY FEATURE NOV 30.2011 CONCEPTUAL PROFILE SCALE: .104K-1N J011 E� FRAMI xkrr r� aa�rrir�� �wva t:aa - ntario Ministry of Transportation Seat Wall with Reclaimed Timber Frames & Granite Design Concepts for Trails 5C0 MIN. RECLAIMEI:1 TIMBER BEAMS _ ATTACHED TO GRANITE'A'A!I m , --- R£CWhiEDGRANITC WALE o= r - FINISHED GRACE END PROFILE 81DF PROFIT E DATE: BJWPI E hAACES SEAT WALL n+DVvr �Tt CONCEPTUAL PROFILES SQftE; RWC04JONTING Iwast°-),I I 1:25 5tr 5.4.t•Sar NO oanagM a" s k"r, - ntario Ministry of Transportation Structure on Parking Lot Design Concept i.. .. .. . ---- .. .... n+4 r. rFTM YF74,. - Nrx�r •� ��� R Mt �\iE PI Ih 6-t Via{! COMMUTER PARKING LOTS iar.d,, r r, sw.i. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN sewf w.i : AND PRCf ILE nwvfda ■w� rRr�n Heritage Week 2013 Working Groin Report to C.H.0 January 15, 2013 The group met on Thursday, November 29 with representatives from the Abandoned Cemeteries Committee, Architectural Conservancy of Ontario(Clarington), Bowmanville Business Improvement Association, Clarington Heritage Committee, Clarington Older Adults Association, Newcastle Village District Historical Society, Visual Arts Centre, Planning Services staff and Communications staff in attendance. The banner design selected by CHC was presented and it was decided to ask Council to proclaim Heritage Week at the December 17th meeting, to ensure our banner had first claim on the free location site. It will be displayed February 1st to the 24th Artwork for the poster/postcard was presented and reviewed. Several changes were suggested (including the addition of a QR code and the hashtag 92013CHW), and it was decided to leave the final design with the Communications Department, with input from group members Tracey Ali and Dionne Powlenzuk. The Heritage Week Treasure Hunt is shaping up to be an exciting event. Twenty two locations around Clarington have been researched by group members and submitted to the COAA. Treasure Hunters will begin the search at COAA(Beech Centre) and follow a circular route around Clarington. The farthest location is the Old General Store in Burketon (now Kari_Jo's Coffee Shop). The Municipality has produced the brochure and map, which will be available for pick up at the Clarington Library (Bowmanville Branch) and the Beech Centre. Completed entry forms will be dropped off at the same locations, and a winner will be drawn at closing ceremonies to be held at the VAC on Sunday February 24. A gift basket with items donated by each participating organization will be awarded. The following are in addition to the events listed in the October 25th report: On Family Day (February 18)the NVDHS will hold a Treasure Hunt for Artifacts and an Archaeological Dig for Treasures Buried by the Sands of Time in the Historical Room of Newcastle Community Hall. A short film, created by NVDHS, called "They made their own fun" will also be shown. The VAC will host a Heritage Week Arts Display all week. COAA has added a Heritage Photo Day to its activities. All are invited to come to the Beech Centre wearing elements of the past, for a fun photo shoot on Tuesday February 19 from 11.00 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Orono Old Home Movie Night will be held at Orono United Church on Thursday, February 17 at 7:00 p.m. This event is being organized by the CHC Promotion Councillor Hooper offered to coordinate promotion with various local media, together with Angie Darlison who offered to prepare a press release. Social media will be incoporated into the promotional effort, through the Municipality's blog, Facebook account and Twitter. Twenty tweets will be provided to Communications, and these will be scheduled to run throughout the Week. Participating and partner agencies will be encouraged to promote Heritage Week events through their own social media accounts The Heritage website homepage has been updated with a prominent link to Heritage Week information. Thirteen events are listed on the"Events" page. Heritage Week also appears on" In The Spotlight" section of the Municipality's Home Page, with a link to more information. CHC activities Efforts will be made to promote the sale of CHC publications through the Week. Heritage Display panels will be located at the COAA during the Week and at the VAC for the closing ceremonies, together with a Doors Open Display. Letters of appreciation have been prepared and will be sent to the owners of all designated properties around the Municipality, highlighting the importance of their good stewardship of these valuable heritage resources. Ontario Heritage Trust Community Recognition awards will be presented at the February 11th Council meeting to Jennifer Knox, Bill Paterson and Enfield United Church volunteers in recognition of their various services to local heritage. A special Municipal Award will also be presented to the Newcastle Village and District Historical Society.