HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-12 Minutes Clarington Older Adults Centre Board of Directors Minutes of the Meeting of Friday 12th October 2012 Voting Members Present: Steve Coles, John Hutchings, Gary Bray, Irene Gourlay, Don Welsh, Norma Evans, Elaine Spicer, Ron Hooper, Josie Roberts, Cathy Ward, Malcolm Mccombe Non Voting Members: Angie Darlison and Skip Crosby 1 .0 Call to Order. President Steve Coles called the meeting to order 2.0 Approval of the Agenda. MOTION to approve the Agenda as presented Moved Ron Hooper Seconded Gary Bray Carried 3.0 Approval of previous minutes from Friday 24th August 2012 MOTION that the minutes of the Board Meeting from Friday the 24th of August 2012 Be approved. Moved John Hutchings Seconded Norma Evans Carried 4.0 Business arising from the previous meeting Covered by the Agenda 5.0 Correspondence. 5.1 Municipality of Clarington-Joseph Caruana Re: Letters addressed to Mayor Foster. First letter confirms NO parking on the grass Second letter provided Clarification of Councils expectations of the COAA. Copy of the By Law 2011-106 as amended which is attached. 5.2 Municipality of Clarington-Joseph Caruana Re: Next steps Copy of replies are on file Direction was given to Steve Coles and Angie Darlison to continue to review all information and ensure all meetings are documents with detailed meeting notes for review by the board. The Executive Committee was asked to meet to review the current by- law and provide comments back to the board for review at the next meeting 5.3 Municipality of Clarington-Nancy Taylor Re: Budget request The Budget will be discussed at the Executive meeting and will be presented to the full Board at the next meeting. When it is approved, it will be sent to the Municipality of Clarington to Nancy Taylor's attention. 5.4 E mail from Jim Boate Re: Leave of Absence It was explained that Jim has had an eye operation and a leave of absence was granted. 5.5 House of Commons Re: MP Whip Supervisor Letter received explaining who to contact due to the resignation of our MP Bev Oda. Gordon O'Connor and will be our contact until a By Election is held. 5.6 Municipality of Clarington -Anne Greentree Re Regional Cycling Plan Currently we have representation on this committee from our Beech Street Spinners Program participants. 5.7 Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Re June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award 5.8 Heritage Week Coordination It was indicated that COAA would participate in hosting events and programs along with this committee- further details to follow over the next few months. 5.9 The Terry Fox Run Thank You COAA was thanked for our assistance, 5.10 Email from Kevin Anyan Re: Letter of Support for Community Staging Don Welsh and Angie Darlison declared a conflict of interest in regards to this item as they are both involved with the Rotary Club of Bowmanville. MOTION that the Board supports this matter in principle and we will send a letter of support as well as offer assistance in hosting an event to support this cause Moved Elaine Spicer Seconded Irene Gourlay Carried 6.0 Reports 6.1 Municipal Update - Mayor Foster/ Councillor Ron Hooper and Skip Crosby. Unfortunately the Mayor is at another meeting and sends his apologies. Councillor Hooper reported that last Thursday Council members met with Department heads to discuss progress at the half term of Council. It was felt that more conversations were needed between the COAA and the staff and members of council within the Municipality of Clarington. The meeting congratulated the COAA on the increase in membership and programs offered to it's members. Ron also suggested a review of the article from the Hamilton Spectator that had recently been circulated via OACAO - Ron did mention that he had passed it along to his fellow councillors. 6.2 Fundraising Promotion and Current Initiative - Gary Bray Gary reported that we are $3000.00 off target with three months to go, so we should hit the budget. He mentioned that the Class Act tickets are moving slowly and requested that Angie send out a mass e mail to promote to push sales. Mention was made of an Elvis impersonator and John Hutchings said that he knew of several other alternatives that he could pass along to him. 6.3 Presidents Report - Steve Coles. Steve stated that he had been away for 25 days. however Angie and he had discussed the Municipal grant and they felt that an increase would be in order because of our greater number of members. He also noted the Hamilton Spectator report and said that we aligned very well with the recommendations in that report. In general our programs are up and running well and we are on track. 6.4 Treasurers Report -Angie Darlison reported in the absence of Linda Duffie MOTION that the Treasurers Report be accepted Moved John Hutchings Seconded Josie Roberts Carried 6.5 Staff Report - Angie Darlison. Angie reported an increase of 235 members in the year to date. Our current co-op student has been calling each of the new members to welcome them to the centre and ask for feedback and suggestions. Most has been very good. She has also been taking this opportunity too, inform them that there are volunteer positions available! Don Welsh asked how our new Bank was working out, The Bank of Montreal, and Angie said that all was satisfactory to date. The report to the EPC had been sent in by the deadline of 1 1 O Clock. Angie said that some Programs had to be cancelled because of low support and others because the Instructors did not wish to continue. The Courtice program meeting went well and another information session is planned for November Th at 10:30 am. The Sergeant Wilson Show is sold out but if someone wants to see it they can volunteer in the Kitchen before the show and room will be made for them. MOTION to accept the staff report Moved by Josie Roberts Seconded by Gary Bray Carried Questions were asked by members of the board about why the Tennis Club had scheduled an event on the same day that we were holding two card events. They occupied 23 parking places which created considerable parking difficulties for the seniors involved. Why are the tennis members not expected to car pool or park on the local streets? If they were fit enough to play tennis, surely they could walk to their match. Ron Hooper said that he would raise the matter with them. 7.0 Other Business 7.1 Diane Woods request regarding Dogs in the COAA After considerable discussion regarding the pros and cons of having dogs and other pets in the Centre, it was agreed that the Executive Committee would discuss this matter at their meeting and report back. MOTION that the Executive Committee discuss this matter at their meeting and, bring a recommendation to the next full Board meeting Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by Gary Bray Carried 7.2 Facility Committee Set Up This Committee will discuss Item 5.2 of these minutes with Joe Caruana. Board and Staff will be approached by Angie to sit on this Committee. 7.3 Courtice Sub Committee It was suggested that 2 Board Members be delegated to sit on this Committee. The names Irene Gourlay and Roxy Barnes were suggested despite the fact Roxy is not a Board member and Angie was asked to follow-up with them. 7.4 Wheels in Action Program Presentation of the Mayor's Golf Tournament proceeds will be presented at Council Monday 22nd October at 7 pm All board members where requested to attend. MOTION that we use the same purchasing procedure as last time using a request for proposal letter to ALL Clarington dealerships Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by Irene Gourlay Carried 7.5 Staffing Requirements Angie will bring a report forward to the next meeting for review and approvals. 8.0 Adjournment Meeting adjourned by Malcolm McCombe Executive Meeting Wednesday October 17th, 2012 at 2:30 pm Next Meeting Friday November 16th, 2012 at 9am