HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-11-16 Minutes Clarington Older Adult Centre Board of Directors Minutes of the Meeting of Friday 16th November 2012 Voting Members Present: Steve Coles, Linda Duffie, Adrian Foster, John Hutchings, Don Welsh, Josie Roberts, Gary Bray, Cathie Ward, Jim Boate, Elaine Spicer, Norma Evans and Ron Hooper Non Voting Members : Angie Darlison and Skip Crosby Guest(s): Joe Caruana, George Acorn, Sharon Meredith and Wendy Gorniak 1 .0 Call to Order. President Steve Coles called the Meeting to order 2.0 Presentation by the Municipality of Clarington Community Service Department Joe began his presentation by stating that there were a number of points that would need to covered during the meeting today: Point # 1 Clarification of the Council motion Re: parking on the grass He confirmed that there will be no parking on the grass area permitted Point # 2 All rentals not already specified are to be decided by the COAA. The expectation is that the COAA will interpret this phrase and act accordingly. We are expected to report these additional rentals to his department which will then be forward on too Council before July 2013. Point # 3 Although the COAA has opted out of the Beech Centre Liaison Committee due to the irrational comments made during previous meetings by other members, the Municipality would prefer that we do, in fact, participate. The Board of directors has requested a terms of reference for this committee be created prior to any further decisions being made. Joe will explained to the group that the terms of reference would be created and presented to council directly. Point # 4 Line Painting This has been completed. However some members thought that the lines were to be painted to indicate parking on Beech Avenue, however this was never contemplated. Point # 5 Finding an alternative home for the COAA. A letter was sent to the COACB on the 17th of September 2012 explaining the course of action. Joe explained that the Municipality and the COAA would approach this endeavor together, in cooperation. He requested that we appoint three members for the Search Committee, not necessarily all Board members, but stressed that they be knowledgeable of all the various realities involved. It would be fine for Angie to be one of the members on this Committee. The members from the Municipality would be Joe Caruana, Fred Horvath, Sharon Meredith, George Acorn, Skip Crosby and Wendy Gorniak. He stressed that this is not to outnumber the COAA members, but because of the different areas of knowledge that they represented. There is no time frame at present as we need to take the necessary time to do a good job. Anticipated next steps included: #1 Do a comprehensive survey of other Older Adult Centers in Durham and other areas to establish the square footage per member, the types of service that they provide and how this compares with our projected needs. Angie indicated that we do already have much of this type of information. #2 Establish what our physical needs are. Skip explained that this was Parking, Bus accessibility, and for there being bus stops close to the site. What we need inside the building, single or two floors, multipurpose rooms, a large kitchen, a Cafe and do we want one building or more if we consider satellites. We should also consider not only now but also the future. Joe also mentioned that if we go to a two story will we need an elevator. He also suggested that the site criteria be on a point system, as the perfect may not be available and may become too expensive. #3 Joe would like the Search Committee to come up with the point system realizing that finances will be a factor. #4 Find an Architect and a Builder that can comply with Municipal Policies. Special Notes: • There are no preconceived ideas so we can search to see what is out there, already built or where we can build. With this in mind Sharon Meredith said that we could access 1 Clarington Board of Trade to see what is available. 2 The Municipality to see what is owned but not really on the market. 3 School Boards for what is or may become available, 4 What the Municipality could buy that would satisfy our needs. • Joe stressed that although each side should cooperate, his mandate was to report to Council, not the COAA. He did however say that he would share all information possible. He also stressed that we should move expeditiously to see this project through. Steve Coles asked for a timeline. Was it the end of 2013 or 2014? Steve also said that COAA would come up with their ideas and the names for the Search Committee This completed the Presentation by the Clarington Community Services Department. 3.0 Approval of the Agenda. MOTION TO APPROVE THE AGENDA Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 4.0 Approval of previous meeting minutes from Friday October 12th 2012 and Wednesday October 17th 2012. MOTION TO APPROVE BOTH MINUTES Moved by John Hutchings Seconded by Cathie Ward Carried 5.0 Business Arising from the Previous Meeting. 5.1 Pet Policy The draft pet policy was presented and approved with the only amendment being to include the following comment: THAT WORKING DOGS ARE ALLOWED ANYWHERE IN THE BUILDING, BUT THE OWNER IS STILL RESPONSIBLE GOR THE DOG AT ALL TIMES. Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by Linda Duffie Carried 6.0 Correspondence. 6.1 Municipality of Clarington Re: COAA Vehicle Purchase. It was agreed that Angie get prices of suitable vehicles and report back to the Board for a decision. 7.0 Reports. 7.1 Municipality of Clarington update Mayor Foster and Councillor Hooper presented the following information: Mayor Foster mentioned briefly the new vehicle and Joe Caruana's presentation, believing it to be a good step forward. He also recognized the Councillor Novak's work on the Tuesday bus service. Councillor Hooper said that the bus service is a pilot program and that we should use it or loses it. He felt that Kudos were in order for the regional representatives for bringing the matter forward. After questions, one of which related to the possibility that our neighbours might complain, he indicated to refer them to him or the Mayor. Councillor Hooper also mentioned the Defibrillator which is now a part of a new program provided by the Municipality of Clarington, they are commitment to servicing the machines and providing ongoing training which will provide cost savings to the COAA. He had, as requested, spoken to the Tennis Club regarding a large event they had held which clashed with a large event that we were holding, creating parking problems. Mr Majid apologized and said that they were unaware of our event. Also the Tennis Club structure has not been approved and the Tennis Club will be asked to remove it. Mr Horvath will follow up on this matter. 7.2 Fundraising Promotion and Current Programs Gary Bray said that tickets are still available for the Class Act Show. Regarding the Wine Event he will investigate to see if this can be done. He concluded by stating that the usual fundraising items are doing well. 7.3 Presidents Report. Steve Coles commented on Angie's Award and said that it was well deserved. All present agreed heartily. As to accessibility, this is in the hands of Fred Horvath and he is aware that it is his responsibility. Steve felt that the transit initiative was exiting and certainly a good start. He did feel that it could have been improved if there had been input from COAA. The Courtice Meeting was great and the situation there is developing the way that it should. Now we must find a home for them. He felt that all the progress we are making is because of the efforts of Angie and the staff. 7.4 Staff Report. Angie Darlison had discussed with the Board earlier and felt that this was the right time to hire a part time person. Maximum 20 hours per week, extra when needed and must be prepared to work evenings and weekends. This person could be the one to arrange the details for our operations in Courtice and Newcastle. Must have administrative ability, be personable and computer literate. The Board was agreeable to the hiring of this person. MOTION TO ACCEPT REPORTS 7.1 TO 7.4 Moved by Gary Bray Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 7.5 Treasurers Report Linda Duffie discussed the previously circulated report MOTION TO ACCEPT THE TREASURERS REPORT Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Adrian Foster Carried 8.0 Other Business. 8.1 Budget Presentation Angie ran through the Budget line by line and when agreed, it will go to Nancy Taylor and the Municipality. Centers Ron Hooper highlighted that the increase is 17.9% or$25,OOO.It was explained that we are in line with other Centers and it would cater to our increased demands for service including the new Courtice Centre. Adrian suggested that he, Ron Hooper and Angie discusses this, and Angie agreed that any outstanding difference could be covered from our reserves. Agreed that the three should meet later MOTION TO ACCEPT THE BUDGET AS PRESENTED Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Norma Evans Carried 8.2 Accessibility Meeting Update. Fred Horvath has had a reply to the survey and will follow through. 8.3 15th Anniversary Update. Angie stated that there will be many different items so as to include as many blocks of our members as possible. Planning will start in earnest in January 2013. 8.4 Facility Holiday Closure (Dec 21 st at 4.0 p.m. to January 2nd at 8.0 a.m.) Maintenance will be on duty but all other activities will cease. However, The New Years Dance will run as scheduled. 8.5 Date of Meeting to discuss today's Municipality Report. Tuesday 20th November 2012 at 2 p.m. 9.0 Adjournment. Adrian Foster moved the Adjournment.