HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-96-91 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DN:MAIN-CEN.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # vmg Z 8c) Date: Monday, April 22, 1991 Res. # By-Law# Report#: PD-96-91 File #: PLN 12 . 9 Subject: SECONDARY PLAN STUDY FOR THE BO ILLS MAIN CENTRAL AREA Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-96-91 be received; 2 . THAT the Town of Newcastle undertake a Secondary Plan Study for the Bowmanville Main Central Area subject to a financial contribution being received from development interests within the Study Area; 3 . THAT Staff be authorized to issue a Request for Proposals for the preparation of the Secondary Plan Study in accordance with the attached Terms of Reference, and to select the consultant and to report back from time to time with respect to the progress of the Study. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 As Committee is aware, the Planning Department will be commencing the review of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan later this year. This review has been largely necessitated by the proposed changes to the Durham Regional Official Plan. It is expected that the Review of the Town's Plan will take at least two years to complete. 1 .2 Of particular significance to the Town is the major changes the Proposed Regional Plan proposes for the Bowmanville Main Central Area. The Plan proposes to allocate 200,000 sq.m. (2, 153,000 sq. f t. ) of retail and personal service f loorspace to the Main Central Area, which represents a significant increase over the 46 ,500 sq.m. (500,000 sq. ft. ) allocated to the Main Central Area by the existing Official Plan. As well, the location of the Bowmanville Main Central Area is conceptually shown in the Proposed Regional Plan. The increase in the commercial floorspace C REPORT NO. : PD-96-91 PAGE 2 allocation, together with the reduced level of detail in the Regional Official Plan, places the onus on the Town to provide the appropriate policy framework within the Town's Official Plan to guide development in the Main Central Area. 1 . 3 On February 6, 1991, Regional Council approved Amendment No. 40 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. This Amendment extended the boundaries of the Bowmanville Main Central Area westward to incorporate a substantial amount of undeveloped land. The Amendment also approved the application submitted by Markborough Properties for a 21,300 sq.m. (230,000 sq.ft. ) shopping centre. Most of the other lands in the area covered by the Amendment were designated Special Study Area. 1 .4 Amendment No. 40 also specifies that an Urban Design Plan be prepared prior to the zoning of any lands within the subject area, and that the lands designated as Special Study Area require further study prior to the approval of development applications . 1 .5 It is further noted that the solicitor for the Bowmanville Mall has requested the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to refer Amendment No. 40 to the Town's Official Plan and the related Amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan, to a hearing before the Ontario Municipal Board. The position of the Bowmanville Mall, as indicated in the letter to the Ministry, is that the addition of the new lands to the Main Central Area would have the effect of creating a satellite to the existing Central Area which will have a serious impact on the current economic viability and revitalization of the existing central business district. The letter also states that the development of the Markborough site as a shopping centre is premature until the future of the area is determined by the necessary studies . 1. 6 All of the factors discussed above have persuaded Staff that the Planning Study for the Bowmanville Main Central Area should proceed independently of the Town's review of its Official Plan. REPORT NO. : PD-96-91 PAGE 3 2 . SECONDARY PLAN FOR THE BOWMANVILLE MAIN CENTRAL AREA 2 . 1 The purpose of the Secondary Plan Study for the Bowmanville Main Central Area would be to develop a long term development strategy for the area, and an Urban Design Plan and detailed guidelines to facilitate the implementation of the development strategy. The Study would also have a number of specific objectives, including the development of the Main Central Area as the civic focus and the major commercial centre in the Town; establishing the means for integrating a broad range of commercial, institutional, office, community, recreational and residential activities which complement each other and the role of the Main Central Area; the development of a methodology which would identify and monitor the impact of new commercial developments in the Main Central Area on existing commercial uses to ensure that these areas do not experience an undue economic decline. 2 .2 Staff propose that the Study Area for the Secondary Plan Study of the Bowmanville Main Central Area generally encompass all of the lands delineated as the Bowmanville Main Central Area by the Town's Official Plan, as amended by Amendment No. 40, as well as those lands on the north side of Highway No. 2 in Concession 1 between Regional Road 57 and Green Road (See Attachment No. l) . Staff also propose that the Study Area be divided into two smaller Study Areas, as shown, in recognition of the differing issues to be addressed in these areas . 2 . 3 Given the amount of work required to complete the Secondary Plan Study for the entire Main Central Area, Staff propose that the Study be jointly undertaken by a consultant and the Planning Department. The particular responsibilities of the Consultant as proposed by Staff are outlined by the draft Terms of Reference attached to this Report (Attachment No. 2) . Specifically, the Consultant would be responsible for Phase 1 (Overview and Land Use REPORT NO. : PD-96-91 PAGE 4 Options) for the entire Study Area, and Phase 2 (Recommended Secondary Plan) and Phase 3 (Urban Design Plan) for Study Area 1. The Planning Department would be responsible for Phases 2 and 3 for Study Area 2 . 3 . STUDY FUNDING 3 . 1 A number of commercial proposals have been submitted for the lands between Regional Road 57 and Green Road. Staff have advised the applicants that the Town will not be able to process their applications pending the completion of the Secondary Plan Study for the Main Central Area. 3 .2 The applicants, specifically Delbert Developments, Willsonia Industries, West Bowmanville Developments, Cosmart Marketing and Baseline Holdings, have expressed an interest in funding the consultant's portion of the Secondary Plan Study for the Main Central Area in order to expedite the study process. However, the Consultant will be retained by and will work under the direction of the Town. Input from the developers could be provided under strict guidelines to be detailed in the Terms of Reference. 3 . 3 Staff have advised the developers group that 50% of the funding for the consultant must be provided to the Town prior to the Town retaining the Consultant, with the remaining 50% to be provided prior to the commencement of Phase 2 (Recommended Secondary Plan) . The landowners will be submitting Letters of Undertaking to the Town agreeing to the cost sharing of the Study. 3 .4 Staff note that, given the wide range of issues to be addressed by the Secondary Plan Study, the Town will benefit from the expertise that the consultant will be able to provide. i i .1 ' REPORT NO. : PD-96-91 PAGE 5 Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. Lawrence (E Kotseff Director of Planning Chief Admi istrative and Development Officer JAS*DC*FW*df *Attach 12 April 1991 r �-� Attachment No. 1 f91. uEADOMVIC`M ,.'� Ol WCREST KV r / J J.{CK l PoWRH ST `NOTOK CT Rqb +�1 CT � TNINO T< ��.4' 4AC0 PI K � TILLEY K S CT ! Cpl EDSALL • Y �W / G W \ R[NOEP KE A N j AVE SAUMOFAS AV ANV LC R0. T \ ET NCRRI4AN5 ] � 1 STEVEN-RO. ST CONCESSION ST, L -- V- _.V ;` } �� ^^111188886666tltltltllYYYUIII � � LOVEAS �r, s HIGHWAY_N�2 �,� AItKANIEA ] � ' Study fi A (\ Area �c P O/TEE, `Ot. � _ Study ' rea 1 �� s. �� HES CA COLE . I CRESCENT i� CT. rea 2 "A d C y o4 CRT. KWa u E. MIGHWA N• 2 LAWRENCE L OOREEN f \ O�t L a 2 J� t PPNCE >1 ORES .0 NNE T �`�T I �a JNIE T OEERPARK CT FL]T AVE. y V G Gi L Noses oa. ST rtHWY ON FFEM�ONO O o Z 6•S � � CP¢ DR. ST. vNSCWX CAE SOPE - ff PAPo(WAY AVE G/EA Y D a D 111 9 KWAY ORES. g �\ ty - 9T OANLINE R z —1]17/ R JOf�W—.S)iCIOT�T AV�� � FN OAD W gg BASCL E II HIGHWAY N. 40I 11 ll NOAO _` 1 / AKE SpErc� , Sum' iU A`" R41p � II B.F. 1 RoAO _3. ACH A \ 64 WAT,p O.A.% _ LAKE ONTARIO D� BOWMANVILLE MAIN CENTRAL AREA STUDY Attachment No. 2 DRAFT BOWMANVILLE MAIN CENTRAL AREA STUDY TERMS OF REFERENCE I. , Background The Bowmanville Main Central Area is centred on Highway 2 (King Street) and is 3 .2 km in length. Proposed changes to the Durham Regional Official Plan promote the development of the Bowmanville Main Central Area as a Regional Level commercial centre, with 200,000 sq.m. of gross retail and personal service floorspace. Section 9 (Central Areas) of the Draft Durham Regional Official Plan forms Attachment No. 1 to these Terms of Reference. A CAUSE Study for the historic downtown Area has been approved and will serve as input to the Secondary Plan Study. The Secondary Plan Study of the Bowmanville Main Central Area will be jointly undertaken by the Consultant and the Town of Newcastle Planning Department. The particular responsibilities of the Consultant are specified within these Terms of Reference. II. Study Purpose 1. To develop a long term development strategy for the Main Central Area with regard to Section 9 . 3 .4 of the Proposed Durham Regional Official Plan. 2 . To develop an Urban Design Plan and detailed guidelines to facilitate the implementation of the development strategy. III. Study Objectives 1 . To formulate a Secondary Plan which facilitates the development of the Bowmanville Main Central Area as the civic focus and the major commercial centre in the Town of Newcastle. 2 . To establish the means for integrating a broad range of commercial, institutional, office, community, recreational and residential activities which complement each other and the role of the Main Central Area. 3 . To determine the means for preserving and enhancing historically and architecturally significant structures and areas in the Main Central Area, with particular regard to the integration of new developments . C= t � PAGE 2 4 . To distribute the commercial floorspace allocated to the Main Central Area to allow a full range of retail, personal service and office uses to be provided, in particular the establishment of significant office employment. 5. To develop a Secondary Plan which would accommodate a significant public sector presence in the Main Central Area through the creation of long term municipal and other government facilities . 6 . To provide for the development of a variety of housing types that complement and give support to other land uses in the Main Central Area. 7 . To review the requirements for pedestrian, vehicular and transit systems . 8 . To formulate plans for the development of an urban park and open space system to serve the residents of the Main Central Area and which integrates with other components of the park and open space system serving the community, in accordance with the Town of Newcastle Recreation/ Leisure Master Plan ( 1991) . 9 . To develop a methodology which would identify and monitor the impact of new commercial developments in the Main Central Area on existing commercial uses to ensure that these areas do not experience an undue economic decline. IV. Study Area The Study Area shall generally encompass the lands delineated as the Bowmanville Main Central Area by the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, as well as those lands on the north side of Highway No. 2 in Concession 1 between Regional Road 57 and Green Road. The boundaries of the Study Area may be further refined upon completion of Phase 1 (Overview/Data Collection) of the Study. For the purposes of the Secondary Plan Study, the Main Central Area Study Area has been divided into Study Area 1 and Study Area 2 (see Attachment No. 2 hereto) . Study Area 1 is comprised of an undeveloped area with a 270,000 sq.m. retail commercial project approved through Amendment No. 40 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Attachment No. 3 hereto) . Most of the remaining lands within Study Area 1 are designated by the Amendment as a Special Study Area. Study Area 2 generally encompasses the existing developed portion of the Main Central Area, including the historic downtown, the Bowmanville Mall and strip commercial development. PAGE 3 V. Study Process The Consultant will be responsible for Phase 1 for the entire Study Area. Phase 1 - Overview and Land Use Options Phase 1 will involve the collection of background information relevant to the Study, and the identification of issues to be addressed by the Study. As well, the general principles for the future development of the Main Central Area shall be established and various Land Use Options prepared. The work undertaken in this Phase shall include the following components: 1. Land Use and Natural Features a) provide detailed mapping of existing land use and land ownership b) identify and assess the potential for the intensification of commercial uses c) identify significant natural features and issues, including hazard lands and significant landforms d) prepare a comprehensive assessment of development constraints related to land use and urban form, including existing and potential land use conflicts e) review existing Official Plan policies and the policies of relevant agencies such as the Town of Newcastle Public Works Department, the Region of Durham Works Department and the Conservation Authority to determine the implications for future development patterns f) review studies relevant to development in the Main Central Area g) identify and assess various measures to integrate the various land uses and minimize land use conflicts in the Study Area h) assess the ability to meet the Provincial affordable housing targets within the Main Central Area i) provide an urban design analysis of existing streetscapes in the Study Area j ) identify the streetscape and heritage elements to be incorporated into the planning and development of the Study Area PAGE 4 2. Market Component a) identify the Trade Area of the Bowmanville Main Central Area on the basis of the Town's Commercial Inventory and the Proposed Changes to the Durham Regional Official Plan b) identify market characteristics of the Trade Area including anticipated growth c) identify the appropriate role for the historic downtown and other distinct parts of the Bowmanville Main Central Area d) identify the means of monitoring and staging commercial growth in the Study Area so as not to create the undue economic decline of existing businesses 3. Transportation a) identify and assess any existing deficiencies in the transportation network within and serving the Study Area b) assess the requirements of the transportation network within and serving the Study Area using a 'built-out' scenario of the proposed urban structure of the Durham Regional Official Plan c) identify and assess options for the transportation network in the Study Area, with reference to the proposed urban structure in the Durham Regional Official Plan, including but not limited to additional collector and arterial rods, intersection improvements and a one way street system c) identify existing deficiencies with respect to on-street and off-street parking, examine options for the provision of additional public parking, and make recommendations to finance improvements for off-street parking d) detail traffic and parking improvements relative to specific development applications e) identify and assess existing and future pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular connections to ensure safe and convenient linkages within and leading to the Study Area f) assess opportunities for public transit and requirements to incorporate into the transportation network PAGE 5 4. Open Space/Recreation a) review the existing deficiencies in open space and recreational facilities relative to existing and projected future populations in the Study Area b) detail the park and open space network for the Study Area, as identified in the Recreation/Leisure Services Master Plan ( 1991) , including: opportunities for the provision of additional parkland and recreational facilities, existing and potential linkages with valleylands, parks and Conservation Areas civic park development opportunities and any necessary acquisition program 5. Government Facilities a) identify provincial, regional and municipal government facilities and lands within the Study Area b) review the short term and long term growth plans of various government organizations within the Study Area, including but not limited to the Town of Newcastle Administartion, the Town of Newcastle Library Board, the Town of Newcastle Fire Department, the Durham Regional Police Department and the Bowmanville Museum c) assess the type, size and location of new government facilities needed to service the Town of Newcastle which should be located within the Study Area 6 . Municipal Servicing a) identify the capacity existing in municipal sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water systems available to service development within the Study Area b) identify any constraints on residential or commercial intensification within the Study Area c) assess each land use option in terms of the capital improvements to the municipal servicing systems required � C - PAGE 6 The Consultant will be responsible for Phases 2 and 3 for Study Area 1 . Phase 2 - Recommended Secondary Plan for Study Area 1 Phase 2 will involve the preparation of a Recommended Secondary Plan for Study Area 1 appropriate for adoption as part of the Town of Newcastle Official Plan. As a minimum, the Secondary Plan will be comprised of the following elements: a statement of goals and objectives a Land Use Plan indicating recommended land use designations detailed policies to support each of the land use designations policies to guide the preparation of an Urban Design Plan Phase 3 - Urban Design Plan for Study Area 1 1 . Work on the Urban Design Plan will proceed concurrently with the Secondary Plan Study. The Urban Design Plan will be presented to Town Council for approval at the same time as the Secondary Plan. 2 . The Urban Design Plan is intended to supplement and implement the Land Use Plan. It is not to be incorporated into the Town of Newcastle Official Plan, but rather is to be adopted as a guideline by Council. 3 . The Urban Design Plan shall generally address the issues outlined below. These issues may be further refined upon completion of the Land Use Component of the Study. As well, additional issues as follows, may be identified for study within the individual Design Precincts: Building Massing, including bulk/height limitations and building setbacks Street facades Pedestrian linkages between nodal points Locational Criteria for service entrances Use of arcades, awnings and canopies Landscaping Signage PAGE 7 Street furniture such as seating, trash receptacles, streetlighting, bus shelters and bicycle racks, with detailed hardware specifications to be provided for each. VI. Public Participation 1 . Substantial and meaningful public involvement and consultation will be sought at each stage of the study process. 2 . A CAUSE Study Weekend for the Main Central Area has been approved for September 26 - 30, 1991. The Consultant will be required to attend and possibly participate. 3 . Groups with a particular interest in the Main Central Area must be identified. 4 . The most effective mechanisms for providing information to the public and securing public input must be identified prior to the commencement of the Land Use Component of the Study. Suggested mechanisms include: the placement of a Public Notice in local newspapers, as well as postings in community facilities, at the beginning of each stage of the Study requesting submissions from the public Public Open Houses/Workshops newsletters to be published with each phase of the study for distribution to businesses within the Main Central Area, interest groups and to hand-out at Public Open Houses interviews with special interest groups, major landowners, and members of the development industry in Phase 1 and at the end of Phase 2 . VII. Consultation Process During the course of the preparation of the study, the requirements and policies of all affected public or regulatory agencies shall be considered. VIII.Meetings The consultant will be required to attend meetings, including but not limited to: PAGE 8 1. Meetings with the Town of Newcastle Planning Staff as required; 2 . Consultation with the public and interest groups, including Public Open Houses . IX. Deliverables The Consultant shall prepare the following documents through the study process: Newsletters and Pamphlets for the Public Participation Process Background and Options Report Draft 20 Final 75 Recommended Secondary Plan for Study Area 1 First Draft 20 Circulation Draft 40 Final 75 Summary of Recommended Secondary Plan for Study Area 1 (Newsletter or Poster Format) 250 All newsletters and reports shall be printed on paper made with recycled materials . Appropriate visual displays which illustrate the various reports will be prepared for the public participation process . A base map of the entire Study Area shall also be digitized from existing Ontario Base Maps ( 1:2000) and cadastral mapping. All original text, maps, plates, data, reports and other materials or information collected or prepared by the Consultant shall be considered municipal property and will be turned over to the Town at the conclusion of the Study. All data files used and developed through the study process will be provided to the Town on a floppy computer disk (3.5 inch format) . In addition, all reports will be provided on a floppy computer disk (3 .5 inch format) in Wordperfect 5. 0. i i II 0 r' j I i PAGE 9 X. Study Direction The work of the consultant will be directed by the Town of Newcastle Planning and Development Department. The consultant will be required to meet regularly with Town Staff to review the Study's progress and to seek direction from Staff. XI. Contract for Services The Consultant shall prepare a written contract containing the following: a detailed description of the Consultant's suggested approach to the Study as outlined in these Terms of Reference and the requirements for any municipal staff resources a specific timetable/work plan for the various phases of the Study and a deadline for commencement, the submission of any reports and completion of the Study process and final report the name(s) of the principal(s) of the firm who will be coordinating and presenting the Study and the Staff who will specifically be assigned to the Study cost estimates with upset costs for the Study, including such matters as the cost of meetings, mileage, secretarial, telephone, fax, computer and printing costs . The Consultant will furnish an itemized estimate of the costs of each component and phase of the Study process . Any per diem rates and meeting rates for additional work not specifically covered in these terms shall also be provided a schedule of hourly rates and an estimate of the number of days that each member would spend on the study and a sum total of this time The Consultant is encouraged to make separate constructive comments and suggestions regarding the Terms of Reference and the approach to the Study which in his/her opinion, would improve performance in carrying out the assignment. Such comments shall not be made conditional to the acceptance of the assignment. Upon approval of funding for this Study, the contract will be executed by the Town. PAGE 10 XII.Timing The Study is expected to commence on or around June 15, 1991 . It is expected that the Study will be completed within 12 months from commencement. XIII.Cost Overrun All costs incurred by the Consultant in preparation of the Study and not specifically provided for in the Consultant's proposal and authorization letter will not be the responsibility of the Town of Newcastle. Attachments 1. Section 9 of the Proposed Durham Regional Official Plan 2 . Map of the Study Area 3 . Amendment No. 40 to the Town of Newcastle Official Plan