HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-68-89 •a�' °"'" y, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE -� REPORT /6 , -7 File # Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: JULY 17, 1989 REPORT #: WD-68-89 FILE #: SUBJECT: UNNAMED STREETS - FREDERICK CUBITT PLAN (1856) 788213 ONTARIO INC. PURCHASE FROM KNAPP PART LOT 7, BROKEN FRONT CONCESSION FORMER DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP, TOWN OF NEWCASTLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and hdministration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-68-89 be approved; 2. THAT the Town's Solicitor advise any Court to which any application may be made concerning ownership of or an interest in any roads laid out on Cubitt's Plan (1856) that the 'Town claims no interest, therein; I 3. THAT William C. King , B.A.L.L.B, acting on behalf of the purchasers and George Boychyn, Q.C., acting on behalf of the vendors, be advised of Council's decision; and 4. THAT the 'Town's solicitor take whatever action is necessary. REPORT 1. ATTACHMENTS No.l: Key Map No.2: Site Plan No.3: Correspondence from David Sims, Zhwn Solicitor, dated June 6, 1989. N0.4: Correspondence from O'Flynn, Weese & Tausendfreund No.5: Correspondence from David Sims, Town Solicitor, dated July 10, 1989. 1 n ) A .-. .2 1 t J L. 't ' IDZlv}IT K0. : WI}-68-89 Ig\G8 2 ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Public Works Staff met with the pozobaoec'o to resolve title to unopened, unnamed streets shown on Frederick Cubitt'a Plan of Subdivision in in Lot 7, D.F.C~ , registered in 1856. 2,2 The information was submitted to the Towo`s solicitor to determine if the Town had claim to a 50 foot strip of land and a 30 foot strip of land registered as road allowances and advise staff on the most expeditious method of clearing title to the subject road allowances. 2^3 The Tnwo«a solicitor advised that an examination of the title to the property revealed that, although the plan purports to be a plan of survey, on lots were sold in aomon]auoe with the DIau and there appears to be no evidence that the Town of Newcastle or its predecessor, the Township of Darlington, has ever accepted the streets by by-law or through the expenditure of any public funds. Accordingly there is no necessity for a formal road closing in accordance with the Town's Policy (refer to Attachment 0o.3) ° 2.4 Solicitors for the purchaser were provided with a copy of Mr. Sim'a cxnnoeote^ In response Public Works received a request from O`Flyoo, weeoe 6 Tauaem]freuud stating that the municipality may make application to a Judge at o County or District Court under Section 82 of the Registry Ant R.S.O. 1980 (refer to Attachment N0.4) ' or that such application can be mode by the owner's solicitor on behalf of the municipality by filing Notice of Application together with an affidavit of an officer of the Town stating that the lands had never been assumed by the Town by by-law and that Council has passed o resolution approving the application. This correspondence (Attachment 0o.4) was again referred to D. Sims, Tnmo Solicitor, for comment. . . ~3 1n � � | ULJ ` � . � IDEIY}RT 0O. : V0D'68-89 PAGE 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ � 2,5 The Tzvanna Solicitor considers an application to a District Court by the municipality unnecessary (Attachment 00.5) and cemoomem]o that the Parties (Vendor and Purchaser) resolve the quality of title by making application under the Vendors and Pocobasezo Act, and that the Municipality advise they have no interest or claim to the Imudo described as unnamed streets in Cubitt's Plan (1856) . 3" REVIEW AND COMMENT 3^I The Solicitors for both Parties are anxious to close the deal on the land transaction subject to the resolution of the matter of title to the unnamed streets. 3^2 The Town's Solicitor advises that ouleaa there has been a deed conveying the land using a description in accordance with the Plan of Subdivision the plan is not binding. Tbecebzze' the Municipality did not automatically become the owner of the streets and road allowances on the plan. It was also noted that the land has been fenced and used by the owner over the years. 3.3 Since Council is scheduled to be on vacation for the month of August, and an application may be mode to the Court during this time' Staff is seeking a OmouoiI resolution to authorize the Towu»a solicitor to proceed to advise the Court the Towu has no interest or claim in the lands in question and to take whatever action is necessary. 4. OPINION 4.1 In order for the Parties to resolve the question of title, and allow the land transaction to proceed, the Town omat co-operate by confirming it has no claim or interest in the Iamdo" . ° ~4 1n ,) 4 | ULU , ` REPORT N0° : V0}-58-89 PAGE 4 ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 The ]lovun`o solicitor has reviewed the matter thoroughly and based on his advice, it is recommended that the solicitors for both Parties be advised that if application is made under the Vendors and Purchasers Act, the Town's solicitor will be authorized to advise the Courts when application omnea before the Courts that the Towu claims no interest in the subject Iardo° 5^ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5^I It is evident that this is the most expeditious method of clearing the cloud on title and allowing the laud transaction to proceed. It is therefore recommended that Council authorize the Town's Solicitor to advise any Court that the Town claims no interest in the land described in Cubitt'a Plan (I856) which are the subject of any application and that the Solicitor take whatever action is ueoeaacy to consent to any order and clear the cloud on title. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, /4�7 Walter A. Evans, P. Eng., Lawrem1e Kotoett, Director of Public Works. Chief Administrative officer. JC0*W&E*IIv April 20' 1989 Attachments co: O'FIyuu' Weeoe & Taooem]freuod 65 Bridge Street East Belleville, Ontario K80 IL8 Attention: Mc~ William C. King 8oyobyu & Bnyobyu 36-1/2 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario LID l82 Attention: K8c. George Bnyobyu, Q.C. 1027 i i - i vC� IGHWAY No o a i o i � N n' r w w < w v m , f a J , BASELINE ROAD SITE 0.1, Z cr K_ ... ui IN X H/GHW4y No 40! SourH SERVrCE i� ROAD T i w. CRE ATTACHIIENT NO .1 ROAD WD-68-80 1 00 i 4 o LOT 7 CON I r BASELINE ROAD j I LOT 8 LOT 7 LOT 6 B. F. 546 —52-6- 3 —252 30 FT ROAD AL LOWANCE o ! a o � M 2 I 50 FT. 3 co ROAD ALLOWANCE m rn I i� � Q J 0 4 �h 0 5 0 N i00 6 7 Kr/VG'S No, Hrc 8 40r HwAY ATTACHMENT N0 ,2 DIMENSIONS ARE IN FEET WD-63-30 029' i I I [CROSS REFERENCED SIms BRADY & MCMACKIN FILE: BARRISTERS SOLICITORS June 6 , 1989 Mr . Walter Evans Director of Public Works Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville , Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr . Evans : RE: Marks purchase from Knapp Cubitt' s Plan, Part Lot 7 Broken Front Conession Former Township of Darlington Our File : 40068 .MRS , 92 You have asked my opinion as to the Town' s interest in a road ( 3XOfeet ) and a street ( 50 feet ) shown on a plan by Frederick Cubitt which was filed in the Registry Office for the County of Durham in 1856 . The plan purports to be a plan of subdivision of part of Lot 7 in the Broken Front Concession of the former Township of Darlington. I enclose a copy of the plan in question . We have examined the title to the property and it appears that, although the plan purports to be a plan of survey, no lots were sold in accordance with the plan. There appears to be no evidence that the Town of Newcastle or its predecessor , the Township of Darlington, has ever accepted the street by by-law or through the expenditure of any i public funds . The public has never had access to or used the street . I also understand that the property has been completely fenced and occupied by the owners of the land from time to time . Unless there has been a deed conveying the land using a description in accordance with the plan of subdivision, the plan is not binding . Therefore , the Municipality did not automatically become the owner of the streets and road allowances on the plan . Since the streets have in fact not been opened and no public monies have been expended thereon, I am of the opinion that the Town of Newcastle has no interest in the ATTACIVENT NO ,3 WD-na-39 -)U 117 King Street,Box 358,Whitby,Ontario,L1 N 5S4 Telephone 668-7704 ! i i � I z - SIMS BRADY&MCMACKIN street. Accordingly, there is no necessity for a formal road closing in accordance with the Town' s policy. However , by the same token, it is my opinion that the Town cannot assert a claim for compensation for the street . ! If you ha e any questions please do not hesitte to contact me . Your r ly, , Da -d D. Sims :mrs I i 10 3 1 TELEPHONE (613) 966-5222 TELECOPIER (613) 966-8036 O'FLYNN, WEESE & TAUSENDFREUND BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS STEPHEN A.WEESE.B.Sc LL.B. WOLFRAM U.TAUSENDFREUND,B.A.,LL.B. 65 BRIDGE STREET EAST KATHRYN E.BURNS,B.A.tHONS.), LLB. WILLIAM W.WALKER, B.A.,LL.B. BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO WENDY B.MALCOLM. B.A.LLB. WILLIAM C.KING, B.A.,LL.B. K8N 1L8 JOHN D. O'FLYNN (1889-1966) July S , 1989 DELIVERED BY COURIER Public Works Department Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville , Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention : Ms. Jan O ' Neil Dear Sirs/Madam: Re : 788213 Ontario Inc . Purchase from Knapp Part Lot 7 , Broken Front Concession, Newcastle Regional Municipality of Durham We are the solicitors for the Purchaser in the above-noted transaction . Further to the letter of Sims , Brady & McMackin of June 6 , 1989 to you and our subsequent telephone conversation on June 29 , 1989 , it is our opinion that in order to confirm and clarify ownership of the road allowance as set out on the Cubitt ' s Plan of Subdivision an application pursuant to Section 82 Registry Act R. S .O. 1980 must be made . Section 82 provides that the council of a municipality may apply to a Judge at a County or District court , to make orders and directions for cancelling , register plans and/or closing all roads shown on such plans . We are enclosing a copy of that Section for your review. It is our experience that such application can be made by the owner ' s solicitors on behalf of the Municipal Corporation by filing Notice of Application together with Affidavit of an Officer of the Town stating among other things that the lands had never been assumed by the Town by by-law or otherwise and that council has passed a resolution approving the application. The filing of Col.isents from the adjacent land owners is also required . A by-law . . . /2 ATTACHMENT N0 .4 E -2 WD-68-89 i 9 fI f I I✓ Public Works Department Att ' n: Ms . Jan O ' Neil Page 2 July 5 , 1989 approving the subsequent conveyance of the lands in the deed from the Town would then be appropriate . Enclosed is a copy of the form of Affidavit which will be required . You will note from the form of Affidavit that to be attached thereto would be a certified copy of the resolution approving the closure of the lands pursuant to the provisions of the Registry Act and the conveyance to the adjacent land owners . Also enclosed is a form of by-law authorizing the subsequent conveyance of the property required for registration purposes. If you have any questions or comments with respect to the foregoing please contact the undersigned at your convenience . Yours very truly , O' FLYNN , WEESE & eINDF ND Per . WILLIAM C. KING ^mlp Encl . #M0332 : 1 p . c . Messrs . Sims , Brady & McMackin Att ' n : David Sims , Esq . Messrs . Boychyn & Boychyn Att ' n : George Boychyn, Esq . Mr . Paul Marks i I I I I • Sec. 7 (2) Sec. 82 (1) (e) to which the REGISTRY compiled plan, (2) The land registrar shall thereupon enter hap. 445 1171 I ma), be regis. the abstract index in which the subdivision is entered er the instrument in nit, er lots designated in the affidavit red under the lan; ear abstract index of the land before its subdivision. and no entry shall be made in the .re an abstract or C. 409, s. 84; 1979, c• 94 s 47 (1) R.S.O. 1970, • assistance of a -ector, engage a 81•"(1) Where 170, c. 409,s. 81 in a registered a Parcel of land has been included when by the owner of plan Of subdivision that was not sign registered described parcel and the geed Plan not being In a registered deed Parcel is subsequentlysigned re do not form g wrthm the plan the °r other conveyance becomes reets or such grantee of the plan is as binding inding him as if the Parcel and all persons g upon the hall be taken parcel. Plan had been signed b claiming under S. 81 (S). y the owner of the j (2) Subsection (1) does not affect the rights of a mortgagee r of a lot or whose mortgage was registered registrar, when conveyance before the gager wing M abstract of all mentioned in subsection deed or other R.S.O. 11970, c. 409, s. 8S. (1) rater the same in � was registered. iediately preced- 82•--(1) The council of to a judge of the any municipality pality ma apply or district in which is county district court of they a county or 1y of the lots not bein situate the whole, county district plan, g less than one-half, of the lands included in any Ind e to d so to do by the judge has or any Part mane order P and the power to make orders and directions, in abstract of all the registration (a) for the 1979 c. s.on hearing of the application notice as the judge may direct; upon such r (b) to cancel merit referring or suspend in whole registered plan; or in part any ed unless an r registered in t i r objects to the (c) to close, divert or alter any or all highways, roads, streets it refers to an either or lanes show trument unless temporarily n on any such plan suspension of they or permanently or pending registrar to the plan; g the i the same land c. 409, s. 83; (d) to provide that the lands or an thereof shown on any part or or pending such plan shall thereafters Of the g such suspension or until further order not conform judge, be known executed and original township nd described by designations P °r other registration numbers or��uld, in the p or d such other to the registration of an convenient to ` ) such lan >cription, the as to the judge may her numbers or descriptions y seem convenient; ptions f•fidavit in the "n• (r) to impose such terms and conditions as t judge may seem proper; o the 1034 7 A ----- ---- - _ SIMS BRADY & MCMACKIN BARRISTERS SOLICITORS July 10 , 1989 �I t I, Public Works Department Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville , Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Mrs . J . O'Neil Dear Sirs : RE : 788213 Ontario Inc . purchase from Knapp Part Lot 7 , Broken Front Concession, Newcastle Our File No . 40068 You have asked for my comments on Mr . King' s letter dated July 5, 1989 . While it is true that the council of a municipality may apply to a District Court judge to cancel or suspend the registered plans of subdivisions and in doing so to close all highways shown therein, I consider that such an application unnecessary. Until the matter was first raised between the solicitors representing the owner and the prospective purchaser , the Town was unaware of Cubitt' s plan registered in 1856 . The plan never became effective because no lots were sold in accordance with the plan . The point in dispute is whether the Town has an interest in the road way on the original plan . As I indicated in my letter to you dated June 6 , 1989 , 1 consider that the Town never had any interest in the road in question . The dispute whether the parties is related to the quality of the title to the property and this dispute can be ATTACKMENT NO, 5 1035 WD-63-39 117 King Street, Box 358,Whitby,Ontario,L1 N 5S4 Telephone 668-7704 I i I SIMS BRADY&MCMACKIN i 2_ resolved upon a summary application under the Vendors and Purchasers Act . The initiative for such proceedings is the parties ' and not the Town' s . The Town can be served as a party having an interest in the property at which point , the court can be advised that the Town claims no interest to the road way. This seems to me a far more expeditious and economical method of resolving this matter without the necessity of the municipality undertaking the responsibility of making an application under s . 82 of the Registry Act . Since Council will be taking its summer break , I recommend that Council give staff authority to advise the court in response to any application that the Town claims no interest in the road way should the matter arise during the holidays. I hope hat the forgoing has been of assistance to you. If you have any questions , please do not hesitate to call . Yours ly, DAVID J . D. SIMS DJDS ;mak I I X036