HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-67-89 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # I Res. # - -- �. By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: JULY 17, 1989 REPORT #: WD-67-89 FILE #: aJB,ECT: INFORMATION CENTRE: RECONSTRUCTION OF ARTHUR STREET FROM NORTH OF ANDREW STREET TO HIGHWAY #2 VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-67-89 be received for information; and 2. THAT a copy of this report be sent to all residents who attended the information centre. REPORT ATTA HME 1. C NTS No.l: Key Map N0.2: Copy of letter to local residents No.3: Copy of advertised public notice No.4: Copy of register kept at information centre II 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 In accordance to the conditions of draft approval, the developer of Challenger Park Estates was required to upgrade Arthur Street to an urban road standard including grading, granular base, sub-base, curb and gutter, hot mix asphalt, sidewalk, storm sewers and streetlighting in conjunction with the construction of the Challenger Park Estates Subdivision (see Attachment No.l) . i 1 6 . . .2 ` DBIO0]T 0O" : V0}-67-89 PAGE Z ________________________________________________________________________________ 2.2 The construction of the Challenger Pork Estates Subdivision began the week of June 12, 1989. However, work will not commence on Arthur Street until all nounezus are addressed and the design is finalized to our satisfaction. 3.3 Due to the fact that the future reconstruction of Highway #3 through the Village of Newcastle detailed a significant future vertical alignment change, it is prudent to have the developer construct Arthur Street with the appropriate tapers to just south of Orchard Heights Drive. In future, when Highway #2 is reconstructed, Arthur Street will be then completed at the most of the developer, by the Ministry of Transportation Ontario. 3. INFORMATION C8Y0RO 3.1 An Information Centre was held at the Newcastle Village Town 8aII located at 20 King Street West, in the Village of Newcastle on June 15, 1989' between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 3"2 Local residents were informed of the Public Meeting by hand delivered letters and by Public Notice in the Cmua8ieu Statesman (see Attachment Nn.2 and 00.3) . 3.3 Three local residents attended the information centre and one resident spoke to staff prior to the meeting as he was ouobIe to attend the meeting. 3.4 The residents were generally in favour of the proposed works. However, a number of oouoerua seemed to be unanimous among the residents. They are as follows: I. Sidewalk location relative The standard sidewalk location to existing trees will be adjusted to accommodate and save existing trees where possible. . . .3 1 [l1 / REPORT NO. : WD-67-89 PAGE 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Dust control The Town has a Road Condition Policy that addresses this concern and it will be enforced. 3. Driveways and lot grading Residents were assured that adjacent to the new road positive drainage to the road would be achieved from the driveways and the front yards. 3.5 Further to the above-noted concerns, one of the residents, Mr. Jim Colwill (S/W corner of Andrew Street and Arthur Street) had a number of concerns with respect to the development to the west. These are being addressed by the developer's consultant, G.M. Sernas & Associates and we expect they will be resolved in the near future. 4. RECOMMENDATION 4.1 It is, therefore, recommended that this report be received for information; and 4.2 That a copy of this report be sent to all residents who attended the Information Centre. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. , Lawrenc Kotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Adm' istrative Officer. MEH*WAE*llv April 20, 1989 Attachments . ..4 of lU{fv}RT K0. : V0}-67-89 PAGE 4 ________________________________________________________________________________ cc: Mr. Jim OoIwiII 176 Arthur Street Newcastle, Ontario L0& IB0 L. Hawley 122 Arthur Street Newcastle, Ontario LOA IB0 Mc. G. Cborober 170 Arthur Street Newcastle, Ontario LOA I80 1 /l1 [) i I i i VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE w ,--T ORCHARD HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION 3 � � w a CHALLENGER ANDREW STRE PARK 3 (o SUBDIVISION W V) F RFS�/OK r - GEORGE STREE GRAHAM a w J _ K w W a � {- � U U1 •3 ppK�E� + MCAULIFFE ROAD .., a COURT Lli CHALLENGER COURT w m .1 ! HIGH No. 2 J 1989 RECONSTRUCTION —cm-I ST( REET1 FUTURE RECONSTRUCTION I ATTACHMENT N0 ,1 WD-67-39 1020 June 12 , 1989 1"sociates Ltd. Con;�rlting Engineers&Planners Dear Homeowner: , RE: ARTHUR STREET RECONSTRUCTION CHALLENGER PARK SUBDIVISION VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE OUR PROJECT NO. 88181 G. M. Sernas & Associates Ltd. , has been retained to act on behalf of the developer 772503 Ontario Limited as their engineer in the design and construction phases of the subdivision noted above. Servicing of the subdivision will be commencing approximately June 12, 1989, by Goldmar Contracting Limited . A component of the servicing of the subdivision includes the reconstruction of a portion of Arthur Street, and will include road excavation, granular road base, curb and gutter, storm sewer and placing of hot mix pavement. The new roadway will be a total width of 10.0m ( 33 feet) and will eventually have sidewalks on both sides from Andrew Street to Highway #2. There will be minor disruptions during the intial period of construction with an anticipated full road closure at the end of July for a two to three week period. We will attempt to maintain reasonable access at all times to affected properties. You are invited to attend an Information Centre to be held between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 7 :00 p.m, on Thursday, June 15, 1989, at the Newcastle Village Town Hall , 20 King Street West, Newcastle . Plans for the reconstruction will be available for inspection and staff from our office and the Public Works Department will be on hand to answer questions. Should you have any questions prior to or after the public meeting , you may contact Mr. John Croxall , Construction Manager, at 416-432-7878 or Ms. M. Hendry at 416-623-3379, Engineering Supervisor for the Town of Newcastle. Our resident engineer on site will be Mr. Greg Defreitas and he will also be available to address any concerns . Yours very truly, G. M. SERNAS & ASSOCIATES LTD. )(rL C ATTACHMENT NO ,2 John E . Croxall WD-67-89 Construction Manager JC : jm 1021 MISSISSAUGA WHITBY i The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville,June 14, 1989 PUBLIC NOTICE RECONSTRUCTION OF ARTHUR STREET FROM ANDREW STREET TO ORCHARD HEIGHTS DRIVE INFORMATION CENTRE The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle in association with the Developer of Challenger Park Estates will be reconstructing the above street to an urban standard during the construction year of 1989. The reconstruction work will include road excavation, placing granular road base,curb and gutter, storm sewers,upgrading of services and placing of hot mix pavement.The new roadway will consist of a total pavement width of 10.0 metres with 1.5 metre sidewalks on both sides,for the full length of the reconstruction. You are invited to attend an Information Centre to be held be- tween the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.,on Thursday,June 15, 1989,at the Newcastle Village Town Hall located at 20 King Street West, in the Village of Newcastle. Plans for the recon- struction will be available for inspection,and staff from G.M.Ser- nas&Associates and the Town of Newcastle Public Works De- partment will be on hand to answer questions. W. E.Evans,P.Eng., Director of Public Works 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville,Ontario •�. ,a Date of Publication: liC 386 June 14_1989 24-1N ATTACHMENT NO,3 �JD-u7-89 1022 INFORMATION CENTRE RECONSTRUCTION OF ARTHUR STREET FROM ANDREW STREET TO ORCHARD HEIGHTS DRIVE Name Address Remarks Jim Colwill 176 Arthur Street Does not want to loose maple Newcastle, Ontario trees. Does not want vibrating equipment used on Arthur Street. Would like some assurance of dust control. Does not want sidewalk. Concerned about lot grading and drainage of front yard. Gerald Churcher 170 Arthur Street Wants sidewalk. Newcastle, Ontario Wants storm connection. Concerned about dust control. L. Hawley 122 Arthur Street Wants sidewalk. Newcastle, Ontario Hermine Schmid Concerned with new edge of (respresented Barry Danilko, road relative to property 383 Newgate Avenue, Oshawa, line. L1G 2X6) Wanted to know sidewalk location. Note: Spoke to staff prior Would like Maple tree cut down to meeting on front yard. ATTACHITENT NO.4 IUD-67-89 ' 0?3