HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-57-89 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE �� - REPORT Res. # — -- r-�• By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: MAY 15, 1989 REPORT #: WD-57-89 FILE #: SLRECT: REQUEST FOR A STREET LIGHT ON THE WALKWAY BETWEEN WAVERLY ROAD AND RHONDA BOULEVARD, BOWMANVILLE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-57-89 be received; 2. THAT a street light be installed on the walkway between Waverly POad and Rhonda Boulevard in 1989; 3. THAT the estimated cost of $4,000 for the street light be obtained from "Allowance for Construction at Unspecified Locations", Account No. 7205-01002; and 4. THAT Ryan McKee be advised of Council's decision. ----_-__®-------------®-___- ---_------_---®-_-----__---®-------__--_®-_-_--- REPORT 1. ATTACHMENTS No.1: Petition Requesting a Street Light N0.2: Key Map N0.3: Detail Plan Showing the Walkway and Houses .. .2 REPORT NO.: WD-57-89 PAGE 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. REVIEW AND COMMENT 2.1 The walkway between Waverly Road and Rhonda Boulevard is 4.5 m (15 feet) wide and 79.6 m (261 feet) long. The purpose of the walkway is to provide access for the residents west of Waverly Poad to the Neighbourhood Shopping Centre and the Waverly Public School, which are located on the east side of Waverly Poad. 2.2 The walkway is poorly lit. 2.3 The logical location for a street light is at the mid point of the walkway. However, a light at this location may be a nuisance to the residents of four houses which are located adjacent to the walkway. Prior to installing a street light, the proposal will be discussed with the homeowners. 2.4 The estimated cost for a street light on the walkway is $4,000. 3. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 The request for a street light on the walkway between Waverly Road and Rhonda Boulevard is valid. 3.2 It is, therefore, recommended that a street light be installed on the walkway between Waverly Road and Rhonda Boulevard in 1989 and that the estimated cost of $4,000 be obtained from "Allowance for Construction at Unspecified Locations", Account No. 7205-01002. 3 REPORT NO.: WD-57-89 PAGE 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 Since the street light could create a nuisance to the homeowners adjacent to the walkway, the proposal will be discused with them prior to proceeding. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng., Lawrence tseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Administrative officer. WAE*llv May 10, 1989 Attachments cc: Ryan McKee 73 Doreen Crescent Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3W6 i i I { I AM r I cif,UL AT I N(3 A PETITION TO BE PRESENTED TO { THC,.' TOWN OF NEWCASTLa To HAVE A STREET LIGHT -_- ( I NwTAUED ON THE WALKWAY LEADING f^'ROM WAVERL.EY Rl� 1 ►, t7� T► HONDA BLVD. �r�:GENTUY A YOUNG GIRL { WAS, R ACHED'ZY A MAN- SHE' WAS ABLE Tt?,`Rt�rI TO he- i A FRItNDS HOUSE, WE DO NOT,-WANT THIS HAPPEN ING Jett<wa� { AGHlhi Sic WE FEEL A STREET LIGHT MIGHT t AGE IT, " I F YOU AGREE:' t�laEASE S I:GN BELOW t I I THANK, `r'OU AND THE' GIRL MENTIONED ABOVE THANKS 41 � �«w YOU.w__- .r wpw« wr .war rW ^� — rfMlw •ww wrr +—w f t y 01" CL XVi 9 '0000t x } F _ V, ATTACHIENT NO ,1 WD-57-30 i I j j I AM QIRCULOT;CNG A PETITICIr"a TO Be'PRE:':ENTED TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TO HfY,•!E A °`,TREET LIGHT ,a� V VI -I Irgs"T'.�)LEp .f1h4 THE WALKWAY LEADIrq(] FROM L•lAl'ERLV-,` TO RHQNDr M i BL� a REGENTL'•r' A �YG►JNG GIRL. wal kw',y I •:: APPROACHED H MAN. :511E L-J(jS ,AELE TO RUN TO fa F-RIEND$ HOUSE. 4•IE 00 h1r)T WfWgT �TH I^ !�APPEN I Nr I AG;)I rg AND WE FEEL, A T BEET LIGHT MIGHT 0 I_:O►JRAGE IT. IF YOU AGREE PLEASE. LION MUM. I TliryN� YOU FV40 THE GIRL, MENTIONED ABOVE THANK, r I '•r rihJ, C�� j� J, L 73 �Gr-e--r-) r off" r S I AM --E ITE TO r�)T 1 r-4 1:; 0 p F-T I T 0 N T 0 U.E P R E�', t C, -rCi HA1,1E A :-4:TWEET LIGHT THE TOWN NEWC:k'��TUE WAVERUE'V I-F-.AjDjtji3 rRC I N8TALF-C., -1 THE WALKWf�i'V RECENTLY A '.,.'r-ilJrIG G 1 R.L DWO- RD. TO P'l I WA:S APPR,DACHff.o by ry [JA1,4. ":3HE WW� TO RUN TO A F PaD:`: 1-joliSE. L•4r- F-fo NOT WANT THT*3 HAPPEN It I AGAIN (Ar4i-1 WE FEVL A sTpr-ET LIGHT ruGHT Ei I r r, - p :f.- -�OJJ -1 - PLF-�!:!:E :SlGr•4 -5ELOW. OC IT. IF ' A G R F.E 1�-U -411 THE GIRL MENTIONED AE-01,)F THANKS I THANK, Ar YOU. �5� J�,LU; , c cy Al c -J I AM PETIT I CI •-1 T(D BZ PP.ErSENTErj '70 THE P-N.P.1 OF 1-0 HAVE A :4TPEET LIGHT Ir -,,p .1 WOVERLE", IN*,7l7()LXQ ON THE LEADIr .3 r -Of -ro r�!J10[,10A HXITUV 0 G �L, 0 R.r D 1.10: • APPROACHED IlAt4. SlIF f-'ibUE TO RUN TQ A FR.lEHnX:,' FIQIJ�`E, WE 00 NOT I.-JANT Till' HAPPENING (IGAIt.1 FIND WE FEEL (:,i STREET LIGHT MIGHT IF I-j'OIJ pjiiF,,EE DELOW. DISCOURAGE IT. I -*I MrZNTIONED t'�BQVfr_ THANK�� ,v I TKVIK YOU ANZ THE u PLI Jj cr lit Y/ 11TY, OLT OL (Cl p � t q�y (-Jx. Ci V � { i k f � C J,CC�rro } x i i i i g6.3 I r Jv 4. loDDDv , 0 ..... _ .......I SHOPPING ° °'� .I I CENTRE b �T •�rf WINM .g�•d ' © ...^ .....�,�• .91.3 i�, O,p ...0 .. �f f: SUBJECT .......`...*.........:....... �E``•• i 9g i' SITE ZI •1.. I Ld ❑ _ .......... :; WAVFRLY m i �j PUBLIC SCHOOL w � 2 1 2�1 = L �• a i � m / A � r KEY MAP ATTACHMENT A NT NO ,.- 2 WD-57-39 i i RHONDA BOULEVARD CONCRETE SIDEWALK C rn 0 � o Div rn ;o � rn r D M O x = = m r m D D Xx z � � m � � D r D n UI W r^ �i/ LF -"I-j -i ;u m M x r z = c� --i CONCRETE SIDE ollft- WAVERLY ROAD ATTACHMENT NO .3 WD-57-a9