HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-42-89 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE File # I Res. #a " — '#. - By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: April 17, 1989 REPORT #: WD-42-89 FILE #: SIJ&ECT: TRUCK TRAFFIC ON TYLER STREET - MITCHELL CORNERS RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-42-89 be received; and 2. THAT the Town enter into an agreement with Mr. Ross McMaster to provide for the following: 1. THAT the Town construct an entranceway from Courtice Road into the McMaster Farm, at no cost to Mr. McMaster, as illustrated on Attachment No.l to this report; and 2. THAT Mr. McMaster dedicate sufficient land, at no cost to the Town other than survey and legal costs, to enable the Town to constuct turn-around circles at the east end of . Tyler Street and Bradley Street, as illustrated on Attachment No.2 to this report; and 3. THAT the Town enclose the turn-around circles with farm type fence. .. .2 1033 REPORT NO.: WD-42-89 PAGE 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. THAT the Region of Durham be requested to pay 50% of the estimated cost of $40,000 to construct an entrance and laneway from Courtice Road to the MacMaster Farm; and 4. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng., Commissioner of Works for Durham Region, Mr. R. McMaster, R.R. #1, Hampton, Ontario, LOB 1JO, Mr. R. Klosinski, Box 102, R.R. #1, Hampton, Ontario, Mr. F. Macko, Group 1, Box 107, R.R. #1, Hampton, Ontario, LOB 1JO, and the other residents on Tyler Street. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Drawing showing the location of Tyler Street, the McMaster Farm, Taunton Road and Courtice Road. No. 2: Drawing showing the property required by the Town at the east end of Tyler Street and Bradley Street. No. 3: Letter dated November 21, 1988 from Mr. David Sims. No. 4: Form of Agreement between the 'Town of Newcastle and Ross McMaster. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Mr. Klosinski and Mr. Macko who live on Tyler Street, appeared as a delegation at the regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on May 6, 1988. 2.2 Mr. Klosinski and Mr. Macko were very concerned about the safety of the children on Tyler Street because of the numerous large trucks and farm equipment which use Tyler Street to enter and leave the McMaster Farm. 2.3 As a result of the delegation the Committee passed Resolution #GPA-368-88: "THAT Mr. Klosinski's delegation be acknowledged; AND THAT Mr. Klosinski's concerns be referred to the Director of Public Works for review and recommendations; AND FURTHER THAT Mr. Klosinski be advised of Council's decision." 3.0 THE EXISTING SITUATION 3.1 Tyler Street (See Attachment No.l) is a residential street which dead-ends at the east limit of the street, Also, the east limit of Tyler Street is adjacent to the west limit of the McMaster Farm. 3.2 The 'Town owns a one foot reserve at the east limit of Tyler Street. 3.3 The farming operation at the McMaster Farm is such that large trucks and farm equipment enter and leave the farm on a regular basis. 1034 . . .3 / BEIY}B'r NO~: V0]-42-89 PAGE 3 ________________________________________________________________________________ 3"4 There are two entrances into the McMaster Farm from Regional BDnd #4 (Taunton Road) . These entrances, which are located on a hill, have very poor visibility for east bound traffic on Taunton load. .. .3 4.0 SOME HISTORY 4.1 On February 6' 1981' the Public Works Committee passed the following Resolution: "THAT the Town of Newcastle grant Mr. Ross McMaster permission in the form of a license to cross over the one foot reserve on Tyler Street, Mitchell's Corners, ' for so I000 as be is the cwazec of the property located thereby and on condition that no aooeao is made from said property onto Taunton Road (Regional Road #4) ." 4.2 From February 6' 1981, to the present time there have been several attempts to resolve the concerns of the residents of Tyler Street and the m000eruo of Mr. McMaster. 5~0 THE PROBLEM 5.1 The problem is that the use of Tyler Street by Mr. McMaster with heavy trucks and farm equipment oceabaa oezimoo couoezuo for the residents of Tyler Street for the safety of their children and the use of the entrances onto Taunton Road creates serious safety problems for eastbound traffic on Taunton Road. 6.0 ALTERNATIVES 6^I Following are four alternatives to deal with the problem: I. The reconstruction of Tyler Street is scheduled for 1992. The use of barrier type curb and gutter and the construction of sidewalks on both sides of Tyler Street would provide o considerable improvement to the safety of pedestrians on Tyler Street. 2. Fence off the east limit of Tyler Street to force Mc. McMaster to use the entrances onto Taunton Road. 3. Reconstruct Taunton Road to improve the visibility for east bound traffic with respect to the entrances to the McMaster Farm; and 4. Construct a new entrance to the McMaster Farm from Cooctioe Road (see Attachment 00.1) and closed the east end of Tyler Street to prevent vehicles leaving and entering the McMaster Farm via Tyler Street. ...4 i U A Z �� | � � REPORT NO.: WD-42-89 PAGE 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.2 Alternative 1 will alleviate the concerns for the safety of pedestrians on Tyler Street, but will not solve all the concerns with regard to safety and other concerns such as noise, mud, dust, etc. Alternative 2 will only transfer the safety problem to Taunton Road. Alternative 3 will improve the visibility for eastbound traffic relative to the entrance onto Taunton Road. However, the estimated cost of this alternative is $400,000. Alternative 4 will provide a safe entrance and exit to the McMaster Farm and will solve the concerns of the residents on Tyler Street. The estimated cost for this alternative is $40,000. 7.0 CONCLUSION 7.1 From the above review of the four alternatives, it is concluded that the best alternative is Alternative 4, the construction of a new entrance and laneway onto Courtice Road at an estimated cost of $40,000. 7.2 Since the source of the problem on Tyler Street is the poor visibility for eastbound traffic on Regional Road 4 (Taunton Road) , it is recommended that the Region be asked to pay half the cost of the construction of the entrance and laneway from Courtice Road to the McMaster Farm. 8.0 TURN-AROUND CIRCLES AT THE EAST END OF TYLER STREET AND BRADLEY STREET 8.1 The proposal to construct a new entrance and laneway into the McMaster Farm has been discussed in detail with Mr. McMaster and he has agreed to execute an agreement in the form attached to this report (Attachment N0.4) . 8.2 In addition to the construction of the new entrance by the Town, Mr. McMaster has agreed to dedicate to the Town, at no cost to the Town other than legal fees and survey costs, sufficient land to construct turn-around circles at the east end of Tyler Street and Bradley Street (Attachment No.2) . 8.3 Provision has been made in the 1989 Capital Budget for the Tbwn's share of the cost of constructing the new entrance and laneway and for constructing the turn-around circles. 9.0 WORK ON PRIVATE PROPERTY 9.1 Under most circumstances, it is not legal for the Town to spend public funds on private property. Attachment N0.3 is a letter from our solicitor, Mr. David Sims, which states that in these circumstances, the Town does have the authority under Section 113 of the Municipal Act to pay for the construction of the laneway on the McMaster Farm. 5 1036 ' . IDEIY}RT 0O^: WD-43-89 PAGE 5 ________________________________________________________________________________ I0.0 REGION OF DURHAM PARTICIPATION 10°I This report has been reviewed with staff of the Region of Durham works Department who have indicated that they are prepared to recommend that the Region share in the cost of the cr)uotrmztinm of the entrance and laoeway on a fifty-fifty basis. lI°0 RECOMMENDATION 11.1 It is, therefore, recommended that; I. The Town mooatzoot u new entrance and Iaueway into the McMaster Farm as illustrated on Attachment No.l; 2. The Region of Dozbnm be asked to abuce the cost, on a fifty-fifty basis, for the construction of the entrance and driveway; 2. Mc. McMaster grant to the Town, for the sum of two (%) dollars, sufficient laud to construct turn-around oiznIea at the east end of Tyler Street and Bradley Street and that the Town construct farm type fences to enclose the turn-acouudo; and 4. That a copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. W.A. 9welvetcema, P. Eng., Commissioner of Works for Durham Region, I05 Om000meza Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Ll0 lC4' Mr. R. McMaster, R.R. #l' Hampton, Ontario, LOB IJO» Mr. R. KIooiuohiv Box IO2, R.R. #I, Hampton, Ontario, LOB IJ0' Mr. F. Maokm, Group l, Box 107, B.D. 31, Hampton, Ontario, and the other residents on Tyler Street. � Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. , Lawce Kotoetf, Director of Public Works. Chief AdmiAistcative officer. WAE*lIv March 8, 1989 Attachments ^ 037 COUP FICE F?0 MCGIONAL R0. 3 .• ---• - ......................... .......................... \ a • PROPO LANEWAY r J ■ ■ • o mcm Lu FAR : .�. o o S o * r ■ ■ '• �.... ............ ,PROPERTY UN ....... . R w M Y ►r M K w � r � w w r z r U) r } O �v w w d r } CD � � M r PI "-� V) r r ly N 1+ co TRULLS Ra ATTACHMENT NO. I _ WD-42-89 O METERS i SOLE I. 4000 ( 1 t 1038 TYLER ST. McMASTER FARM STREET UNE E O E N CD N STREET LINE 25M PROPERTY UNE BRADLEY ST. McASTER FARM E UN E E O c0 N N �TRECT LINE 25M PROPERTY UNE ATTACHMENT X10,2 WD-42-39 SCALE: 1:500 DRAWN : B.M. d µ MARCH 9, 1989 III SIMS BMDY & MCMACKIN BARRISTERS SOLICITORS November 21 , 1988 Mr. Walter Evans , P. Eng. Director of Public Works ' Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Evans : Re: McMaster-Hill You asked me whether the Town of Newcastle could contribute to the construction of a laneway on the McMaster private property without contravening The Municipal Act. The purpose of the laneway is to alleviate a very serious traffic hazard on Taunton Road related to the McMaster entrance ways . I understand that even if the grade on Taunton Road were reduced at very considerable expense the hazard would only be minimally reduced. Accordingly, you have concluded that the most functional and economical alternative is the proposed laneway. The construction or a contribution to the construction of the laneway would constitute a grant under The Municipal Act. Section 113 of The Municipal Act, R. S . O. 1980 , c . 302 authorizes council of every municipality to make grants as the council considers expedient for any purpose that, in the opinion of council, is in the interest of the municipality. Given the background of this particular, situation there is little question that if council wishes to proceed with the laneway it is authorized to do. Should y u have any questions please do not hesitate to get Jd h with me . t uly, TOWN 0 N V'J CASTLE PUBLIC V ORK"S DEPARTMENT D. Sims R ECEIVED NOV 2 4 1988 ATTACHMENT NO , 3 1040 WD-12-89 i DATED: April 1989 B E T W E E N : THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE AND- ROSS ALEXANDER MCMASTER and CHERYL DIANNE METCALF A G R E E M E N T SIMS BRADY & McMACKIN Barristers and Solicitors 117 King Street Whitby, Ontario L1N 5S4 David J. D. Sims 668-7704 ATTACHMENT NC ,4 WD-42-39 1041 THIS AGREEMENT made this day of April, 1989. B E T W E E N: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE hereinafter referred to as the "Town" OF THE FIRST PART -and- ROSS ALEXANDER MCMASTER AND CHERYL DIANNE METCALF, herinafter referred to as the "Owners" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the parties hereto wish to alleviate a potential traffic hazard caused by the ingress and egress of farm equipment and related vehicular traffic from the Owner's property being part of Lots 28 and 29, Concessions 4 and 5, in the former Township of Darlington upon Regional Road No.14, (Taunton Road) . AND WHEREAS the Owners are the registered owners of the property more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto and hereinafter referred to as the "Property". AND THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF TWO (2) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration the parties hereto agree as follows: 1042 i 1. The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle shall construct an entrance way and laneway at its sole expense on the property which laneway shall be located as more particularly shown on Schedule "B" . 2. The laneway shall be constructed to the standards shown on the "Typical X-Section for McMaster Entrance" on Schedule "B" . 3. After construction the entrance and laneway shall not be deemed to be a public highway, notwithstanding the expenditure of public funds and the Town shall not be required to maintain or repair the lane. 4. The McMasters hereby covenant and agree to convey at no cost to the Town the lands and premises more particularly shown in Schedule "C" hereof, which lands are intended to by used as turning circles for Tyler and Bradley Streets, respectively. 5. The lands and premises more particularly described in Schedule "C" shall be bounded by 1 foot reserve which shall not be dedicated for highway purposes and which shall preclude ingress and egress to Tyler and Bradley Streets, respectively. 6. This agreement shall be conditional upon the Regional Municipality of Durham agreeing to pay one-half of the estimated cost of the construction of the entrance and laneway, more particularly shown in Schedule "B" . This condition shall be for the benefit of the Town of Newcastle and may be waived by it. In) 43 i i 7. The Town shall bear all costs of engineering, surveying and legal costs to give effect to this agreement. 8. This shall enure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this day of , 1989. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Per: Ross Alexander McMaster Cheryl Diane Metcalf 1044 i SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that cetain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham (former Township of Darlington) in the County of Durham, Province of Ontario, being all of the north half of the north half of Lot 29, in the 4th Concession of the said Township of Darlington, containing by admeasurement 50 acres more or less SAVE AND EXCEPT therefrom portions A and B containing 0.10 acres and 0.11 acres respectively as shown outlined in red on a Notice of Expropriation registered by the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham on the 31st day of March, 1959 as instrument number 8348, AND FURTHER SAVE AND EXCEPT therefrom Part 1 containing 0.677 acres shown of RD Plan #20 filed in the Registry Office of Newcastle (NO. 10) (formerly Durham West) on the 15th day of December, 1969. 1045 I i TYLER ST. MgcMASTER FARM STREET UNE c- 0 E N tD N STREET LINE 25m PROPERTY UNE BRADLEY ST. McMASTER FARM E UN E E o N N 5TRIECT LINE 25 m PROPERTY UNE 'C' 1 n ]jESCHEDULLEE 00 DRAWN : B.M. 1 .,,, MARCH 9 1989 113 -1V uy /J 6 / 3 zo o 999-999-99999-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X9X 9X9 999-999-99999-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X9X 9X9 999-999-99999-9999 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) X9X 9X9 010-130-12900-0000 010-130-12900-0001 010-130-12900-0002 BUTSON DANIEL STANLEY BUTSON DANIEL STANLEY BUTSON DANIEL STANLEY BUTSON DEBBRA JAYNE BUTSON DEBBRA JAYNE T/A ELCON ELECTRICAL BOX 91 BOX 91 BOX 91 R R 1 R R 1 R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB WO HAMPTON ONT LOB WO HAMPTON ONT LOB 1J0 010-130-13000-0000 010-130-13100-0000 010-130-13200-0000 MERKAC GABRIEL WINACOTT MURRAY MORDEN BURTON ILDA ANEITA GROUP 1 BOX 50 WINACOTT MIRIAM EVELYN BOX 55 R R 1 GROUP 1 BOX 82 R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO HAMPTON ONT LOB WO 010-130-13300-0000 010-130-13400-0000 010-130-13500-0000 KINGHORN JOHN ROBERT VANBEEK JOHANNES FRANK LLOYD SIMON KINGHORN MARY GRACE GROUP 1 BOX 62 FRANK IDA GROUP 1 BOX 42 R R 1 R R 1 R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO 010-130-13600-0000 010-130-13700-0000 PERUN OLEH ANDREW MACKO FRANK STEPHEN PERUN LILIANA _ _ _ MACKO BEATRICE JEANETTE R R 1 GROUP 1 BOX 107 HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB IJO 010-130-13900-0000 010-130-14000-0000 PORTER DIANNE GAIL VANDERLUIT JAN PORTER MICHAEL WAYNE VANDERLUIT ELIZABETH NELLY GROUP 1 BOX 88 R R 1 R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB IJO HAMPTON ONT LOB IJO 010-130-14200-0000 010-130-14300-0000 GROAT JOHN NORMAN HOWES MARIE EVELYN GROAT HILLIE HOWES JAMES ARBUTHNOT R R 1 R R I HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO 010-130-14500-0000 MACKAY DALE ELDON MACKAY JOYCE MARY ELLEN BOX 40 R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB IJO 010-130-14600-0000 BAIRD DANIEL DOUGLAS BAIRD DAWN CAROL GROUP 1 BOX 57 R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB iJO 010-130-13800-0000 KLOSINSKI RONALD ALEX KLOSINSKI DEBORAH ANNE _ BOX 102 R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO 010-130-14100-0000 JONES NEIL JOSEPH JONES HELEN DELORES GROUP 1 BOX 84 R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO 010-130-14400-0000 KWIATKOWSKI HENRY STANLEY KWIATKOWSKI GAIL MARY R R 1 HAMPTON ONT LOB 1JO 020-010-09-- Q- KELL- T NRY KEL ET I S I E'� A�w�T LIC 3J6