HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-29-89 10 (c) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # ;7, `� . Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 6, 1989 REPORT #: WD-29-89 FILE #: WB,ECT: REQUEST FOR STREET NAME CHANGES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-29-89 be received; and 2. THAT the requests a) To change the street name change of the road between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6, former Township of Clarke from Shiloh Road to Langstaff Road. b) To change the street name of the road between Lots 32 and 33, Concession 3 and 4, former Township of Clarke from Pollard Road to Bowen Road. c) To name the road in Lot 5, between Concessions 8 and 9, former Township of Clarke, McMillan Road. be dealt with in accordance with the procedures established in Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act, at no cost to the applicants. 3. THAT the request from the City of Oshawa that the Town of Newcastle adopt Townline Road (north and south) as the legal name for the boundary street between the former Township of east Whitby and the former Township of Darlington, for that portion of the street which is under the Town's jurisdiction be discussed further with the City; and . . .2 Page 2 WD-29-89 4. THAT the following persons be provided with a copy of Report WD-29-89 and be advised of Council's decision: a) Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan, 6834 Langstaff Road, Newtonville, LOA 1JO, b) Mrs. Wilma Martinell, R.R.#1, Newtonville, LOA 1JO, c) Mr. Ernest J. Bowen, 116 Mill Street, Orono, LOB 1M0, d) Mr. J. F. McMillan, R.R. #1, Kendal, LOA 1EO, e) Mr. Thomas S. Mokrzycki, M.C.I.P. , Director Department of Planning and Development, .The Corporation of the City of Oshawa, 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, L1H 3Z7. 5. THAT Council pass a by-law estabishing that requests for street name changes be dealt with as provided in Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act and that there be a charge of $100 to the applicant. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS 1.1 Attachment No.l: Letter and petition from Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan objecting to the street name change from Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road and requesting that the street name be changed back to Langstaff Road. Attachment No.2: Letter from Mrs. Wilma Martinell objecting to the renaming of Shiloh Road to Langstaff Road. Attachment No.3: Letter from Mr. Ernest J. Bowen requesting that Pollard Road be renamed Bowen Road. Attachment No.4: Letter from the City of Oshawa requesting that West Townline Road be renamed Townline Road North. Attachment No.5: Letter from Mr. J.F. McMillan requesting that the road in Lot 5, between Concession 8 and 9, former Township of Clarke be named McMillan Road. . . .3 Page 3 WD-29-89 Attachment No.6: A plan showing the location of Shiloh Road, Langstaff Road, the road between Concession 8 and 9, in Lot 5, former Township of Clarke and Pollard Road. Attachment No.7: Plan showing the location of West Townline Road. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on May 16, 1988 the recommendations made in Report WD-32-88 were adopted by Committee and subsequently approved by Council on May 23. 2.2 The recommendations in the report dealt with several requests for street name changes and included the change of the name of the road between Lots 4 and 5, Concession 5 and 6, former Township of Clarke from Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road. This recommendation was made in response to a request made by Mrs. Wilma Martinell in 1987 to change the name of Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road. The effect of this name change was that the road between Lots 4 and 5, in Concession 5 and 6, former Township of Clarke is named Shiloh Road and in Concession 7 and 8 is named Langstaff Road. 2.3 At a meeting held on September 26, 1988 Council considered a letter received from Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan submitting a petition from residents from Langstaff Road objecting to the changing of Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road and requesting that the name be changed back to Langstaff Road between Durham Road 9 and Concession Road 6. The effect of this name change is that the road between Lots 4 and 5 would be named Shiloh Road in Concession 5 and Langstaff Road in Concessions 6, 7 and 8. .. .4 Page 4 WD-29-89 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 By-Law 86-112 which was passed by Council on July 28, 1987, established the names of all streets in the Town of Newcastle. Prior to the passing of the by-law, the plans detailing the names proposed for the streets and roads in the Town were circulated, posted and published in an effort to reach and inform as many people as possible. The process took several years, a number of reviews by Council and the Public and the plans and street names were posted at strategic locations in the Town. In every case, the Public were requested to review the material and to comment on the names given to each road and street. 3>2 In the case of the changing of the name from Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road in May, 1988, the request was not published and the owners of the properties adjacent to the road were not notified of the request that the name be changed. 3.3 The Municipal Act establishes procedures to be used in changing the name of a highway (highway means a common or public highway and includes the streets) . Specifically, Section 210 (105) provides as follows: To provide for surveying, settling and marking the boundary lines of highways and giving names to them or changing their names, and for affixing the names at the corners thereof, on public or private property. a) A by-law changing the name of a highway has no effect until a copy of it, certified under the hand of the Clerk and the seal of the Corporation, has been registered in the proper registry office. b) "before passing a by-law for changing the name of a highway, i) notice of the proposed by-law shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation in the municipality, and ii) the Council shall hear any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the by-law who applies to be heard. . . .5 Page 5 WD-29®89 3.4 In addition to the request to change the road name Shiloh Road back to Langstaff Road, we have the following other requests for street name changes: 1) Request from Mr. Ernest J. Bowen that Pollard Road located between Lots 32 and 33, Concession 3 and 4, former Township of Clarke be changed to Bowen Road (see Attachment No.4 and No.7) 2) Request from the City of Oshawa that the Town adopt Townline Road (north and south) as the legal name for the boundary street between the former Township of East Whitby and the former Township of Darlington for that portion of the street which is under the jurisdiction of the Town (see Attachment No.5 and 8) 3.5 In addition to the above a request has been received Mr. J. F. McMillan to name the road in Lot 5, between Concession 8 and 9, former Township of Clarke, McMillan Road (see Attachment No. 6 and 7) . At the present time this road does not have a name. 3.6 Cost The cost to publish requests for street name changes in the local newspapers and the cost of Staff time to process the applications is about $1,500. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Requests to change the name of streets should be dealt with in accordance with Section 210 (1Q5) of the Municipal Act. 4.2 Processing requests for street name changes in accordance with Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act is expensive. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 It is recommeded that: A) The requests for street name changes outlined in this report be dealt with as provided in Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act, at no cost to the applicants. . . .6 Page 6 WD-29-89 B) Council pass a By-Law establishing that requests for street name changes be dealt with accordance with the procedures established in Section 210 (105) of the Municpal Act and that there be a charge of $100 to the applicant. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng., Lawrence ., Kotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief AdmLstrative Officer. :11v January 23, 1989 TYPED AS WRITTEN August 20, 1988 Dear Sir; I am submitting this petition to help you understand the residents feelings on the decision to change Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road. i Firstly, we have been using the address Langstaff Road for 6 months when the sign Langstaff Road was put up. We had been notified 2 years in June of the new address. Secondly, because we have been using Langstaff Road for 6 months my husband and myself have both drivers licence and passports registered. Stationary for kennel and subscriptions to magazines and correspondence. Langstaff Road at the cross roads on Durham Road 9 would be easy to see when giving directions to police and fire trucks in case of emergency. This road is completely separate from Shiloh Road. So finally, I would prefer the name of our road be left Langstaff Road as before. Yours Sincerely Eliz. L. Sullivan 6839 Langstaff Road Newtonville, Ontario LOA 1J0 ATTACHMENT N0, 1 WD-29-89 LANGSTAFf ROAD We the undersigned residents protest the change of the name of our road from Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road, located between Durham Road 9 and Concession Road 6, Clarke Township. We request the name be changed back to Langstaff Road. 1 3 to G I ATTACHMENT NO. 1B WD-29-89 October 25/88 Councillor Stapleton: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CT 2 8 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4 3-ie i This is in regard to the request by Liz Sullivan to have the name of our road allowance being Concession 6 between Lots 4 and 5 changed back"to Langstaff. I prefer that the name remain as "Shiloh Road". It seems like a frivolous reason to go to the expense and time involved to change the name back because it is inconvenient since she now uses Langstaff on her driver's licence. It is not required on a driver's licence, just the lot and Concession, and whether or not you use the road name is your choice. The inconvenience would be repeated again next year if it were changed back. I believe that we have an obligation to preserve the history of our area and what better way is there. At the present time the church is used for road directions. The name Shiloh Road gives easy direction to and from County Road No. 9. If they sincerely wish the name changed that desperately, each resident could be asked to submit their valid reasons suppgrting the change back to Langstaff. The truly interested persons would " reply. To the best of my knowledge and according to documentation obtained from the local registry office and old maps, there is no mention of the Langstaff name south of County Road No. 9. I had previously told Mrs. Sullivan I would not interfere with her request but since changed my mind, as I strongly believe �r the road allowance should remain "Shiloh Road" . ATTACHJENT N0,2 WD-29=a9. Councillor Stapleton _ 2 _ I would also like to mention that one of the people that signed the Sullivan petition just moved in a year ago, another has had a "For Sale" sign 'up. The property owners across from us would like to be able to sell their farm immediately. Therefore �`` I doubt very much if renaming this road is high on their list of u priorities, but switching the name around every year could certainly be aggravating. Sorry for all the trouble I have caused but the majority of people that I have received phone calls from are very pleased with the name "Shiloh Road". A sincere "Thank You" to everyone for your help and understanding. It has been truly a learning experience. Yours sincerely c � R.R.# 1, Newtonville, Ontario LOA 1JO. 983-5177 Copy to: Walter Evans Works Department All Council Members ATTACHINENT NO ,2B WD-20-39 TYPED AS WRITTEN Dear Sir: Lot 33, according to map enclosed, was conveyed to Bradford Bowen on January 27, 1835. Hiram Bowen son of Bradford Bowen had one son Henry C. Bowen who later purchased the north quarter of Lot 33. Henry Bowen was a noted orchardist, purchasing the first orchard sprayer in Durham county. The farm of Bradford Bowen was later split in half. Wellington Bowen with the east half and Fred Bowen (his son) the west half. Fred Bowen was a member of Parliament for three terms. Hector Bowen son of Henry Bowen bought the farm of James Jerome in 1927 and farmed until 1959. As there is only two lines in Professor Squair's book on Clarke Township relating to the Pollards and no dates given, I beleive that relating to history of this section, the name of the road (now known) as Pollard' s should be changed to Bowen Road. Ernest J. Bowen 983-5031 i ATTACHMENT NO AA WD-29-39 f �\ 3 O Vm ?=� Fit r i E 'Z f �o5g19! QD o � a 1 a � � e ATTACHMENT NO ,2B WD-29-89 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA tivo COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTION D-7 R. A. HENDERSON, AAA.CJ., C.M.C. Telephone SO CENTRE STREET SOUTH City Clerk (416) 725-7351 OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1H 3V B. C.SUTER,A.M.C.I.,C.M.C.,P.M.M. Deputy City Clerk -- — -- 1987 09 25 U �:t4 , File E-2503 1 C- L '1 1 �� SEP ti s; 1,8r To,L`1J Q; le51� CLEkti l3LPP,H'fAlEfVT D.W. Oakes, Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Oakes -- Re: Street Names The Council of the City of Oshawa considered the above matter at a meeting held on 1987 09 21 and adopted a resolution as follows: That the Town of Newcastle be requested to adopt Townline Road (North and South) as the legal name for the boundary street between the former Township of East Whitby and the former Township of Darlington for that portion of the street which is under their jurisdiction. I have enclosed for your information a copy of Planning and Development Department Report 111-87. Consideration of this matter by the Town of Newcastle is appreciated. Should you have any questions in this matter, please contact our Planning and Development Department at your convenience. Yours truly DISTRIBUTION _ CLERK .........b.D.- - J` ri� iACli. i?Y......... ..... Brian C. Suter ATTACHMENT NO ,5 Deputy City Cler WD-29-39 BCS/j w 4. - Enclosure -- cc: Planning and Development Department -- I I TYPED AS WRITTEN July 17, 1987 J.F. McMillan R.R. #1 Kendal, Ontario Mr. Gordon Ough Director of Public Works Old Scugog Road Hampton, Ontario Dear Sir: It has been suggested by Steve Harding to write to you asking if it is possible to name our concession road the McMillan Road. Our 300 acre farm is Lot 3 to Lot 4 on Concession IX of Clarke Township. We have been here for 110 years since my grandfather first purchased this land in 1877. Apparently up to this time you have not named this road and we would like to have a road number for our property. We are the only residents on this road between Langstaff_ Road and the Town boundary. J.F. McMillan ATTACHMENT NO ,G WD-29-89 i 11 10000' JL 7'OWNSI-11P OF Mf1Nv RS G _ � BJUNDAR� kUA�:i Z 115 r ON 1V kMv-L> Rd14 SSKEMN01 RO I( 6 a g ;S ° ° 1 •I I ! °� I ( "ER EL RO,0 31 l0 6 e LANCaVrAtrF RMAD I I ! z W C py .Zj �ppCJJ Y a W F h £a} qZ /F �ZZZZ � N 2 6M " _9 al a 9 g t K D p I m I I V 4 O ! {J 5H1 Lo H Ro Al *) - SNt a CH u I S AR VI L � u O W_ a 1 11 I t8 t) Ll V ! 2 Z r a D EE o a 2u 35 0 a 21 n :4 1) 21 11 X. 9 !, !6 !S !4 ATTACHMENT 1110 . 7 r ` WD-29-39 W 17 y Ll i a B K T N II LC►TO to I r,, r .. T89i 1 5 , n o 14 ' is 31 )) 12 JI 1b 29 » 21 x K N 71 77 71 70 H i/ 'U It I I) 1iA 10 9 II t ! L 3 C-1 c c no i . � ' 4 Ws _ T E .1 �.., � o� w ^►� � it � ( a X, L Cyy \/ u 116 14 I; 11 T IN roi N IN 4 4 (j Y I Y V 11 f y a = (1 J AVE' P t yT 74 37 N; 1p H: n' x n 27 11 71 70 j19 1/ 11 16 l NA A < V T 2 z a { >1 ATTACHAENT NO, 7 a a e WO-29-39 +(/ DARLINGTON •I ■ PgAvitirIA PARK . � r 0 10 (c) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. #C'fA- `' �,• By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 6, 1989 REPORT #: WD-29-89 FILE #: SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR STREET NAME CHANGES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD-29-89 be received; and 2. THAT the requests a) To change the street name change of the road between Lots 6 and 7, Concession 6, former Township of Clarke from Shiloh Road to Langstaff Road. b) To change the street name of the road between Lots 32 and 33, Concession 3 and 4, former Township of Clarke from Pollard Road to Bowen Road. C) To name the road in Lot 5, between Concessions 8 and 9, former Township of Clarke, McMillan Road. be dealt with in accordance with the procedures established in Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act, at no cost to the applicants. 3. THAT the request from the City of Oshawa that the Town of Newcastle adopt Townline Road (north and south) as the legal name for the boundary street between the former Township of east Whitby and the former Township of Darlington, for that portion of the street which is under the Town's jurisdiction be discussed further with the City; and i Page 2 WD-29-89 I 4. THAT the following persons be provided with a copy of Report WD-29-89 and be advised of Council's decision: a) Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan, 6834 Langstaff Road, Newtonville, LOA 1J0, b) Mrs. Wilma Martinell, R.R.#1, Newtonville, LOA 1JO, c) Mr. Ernest J. Bowen, 116 Mill Street, Orono, LOB 1MO, d) Mr. J. F. McMillan, R.R. #1, Kendal, LOA 1EO, e) Mr. Thomas S. Mokrzycki, M.C.I.P., Director Department of Planning and Development, .The Corporation of the City of Oshawa, 50 Centre Street South, Oshawa, L1H 3Z7. 5. THAT Council pass a by-law estabishing that requests for street name changes be dealt with as provided in Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act and that there be a charge of $100 to the applicant. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS 1.1 Attachment No.l: Letter and petition from Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan objecting to the street name change from Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road and requesting that the street name be changed back to Langstaff Road. Attachment No.2: Letter from Mrs. Wilma Martinell objecting to the renaming of Shiloh Road to Langstaff Road. Attachment No.3: Letter from Mr. Ernest J. Bowen requesting that Pollard Road be renamed Bowen Road. Attachment No.4: Letter from the City of Oshawa requesting that West Townline Road be renamed Townline Road North. Attachment No.S: Letter from Mr. J.F. McMillan requesting that the road in Lot 5, between Concession 8 and 9, former Township of Clarke be named McMillan Road. . . .3 i i Page 3 WD-29-89 i I i Attachment No.6: A plan showing the location of Shiloh Road, Langstaff Road, the road between Concession 8 and 9, in Lot 5, former Township of Clarke and Pollard Road. Attachment No.7: Plan showing the location of West Townline Road. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a regular meeting of the General Purpose and Administration Committee held on May 16, 1988 the recommendations made in Report WD-32-88 were adopted by Committee and subsequently approved by Council on May 23. 2.2 The recommendations in the report dealt with several requests for street name changes and included the change of the name of the road between Lots 4 and 5, Concession 5 and 6, former Township of Clarke from Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road. This recommendation was made in response to a request made by Mrs. Wilma Martinell in 1987 to change the name of Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road. The effect of this name change was that the road between Lots 4 and 5, in Concession 5 and 6, former Township of Clarke is named Shiloh Road and in Concession 7 and 8 is named Langstaff Road. 2.3 At a meeting held on September 26, 1988 Council considered a letter received from Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan submitting a petition from residents from Langstaff Road objecting to the changing of Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road and requesting that the name be changed back to Langstaff Road between Durham Road 9 and Concession Road 6. The effect of this name change is that the road between Lots 4 and 5 would be named Shiloh Road in Concession 5 and Langstaff Road in Concessions 6, 7 and 8. .. .4 Page 4 WD-29-89 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 By-Law 86-112 which was passed by Council on July 28, 1987, established the names of all streets in the Town of Newcastle. Prior to the passing of the by-law, the plans detailing the names proposed for the streets and roads in the Town were circulated, posted and published in an effort to reach and inform as many people as possible. The process took several years, a number of reviews by Council and the Public and the plans and street names were posted at strategic locations in the Town. In every case, the Public were requested to review the material and to comment on the names given to each road and street. 3.2 In the case of the changing of the name from Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road in May, 1988, the request was not published and the owners of the properties adjacent to the road were not notified of the request that the name be changed. 3.3 The Municipal Act establishes procedures to be used in changing the name of a highway (highway means a common or public highway and includes the streets) . Specifically, Section 210 (105) provides as follows: To provide for surveying, settling and marking the boundary lines of highways and giving names to them or changing their names, and for affixing the names at the corners thereof, on public or private property. a) A by-law changing the name of a highway has no effect until a copy of it, certified under the hand of the Clerk and the seal of the Corporation, has been registered in the proper registry office. b) "before passing a by-law for changing the name of a highway, 1) notice of the proposed by-law shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation in the municipality, and ii) the Council shall hear any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the by-law who applies to be heard. . . .5 i Page 5 WD-29-89 3.4 In addition to the request to change the road name Shiloh Road back to Langstaff Road, we have the following other requests for street name j changes: 1) Request from Mr. Ernest J. Bowen that Pollard Road located between Lots 32 and 33, Concession 3 and 4, former Township of Clarke be changed to Bowen Road (see Attachment No.4 and No.7) 2) Request from the City of Oshawa that the Town adopt Townline Road (north and south) as the legal name for the boundary street between the former Township of East Whitby and the former Township of Darlington for that portion of the street which is under the jurisdiction of the Town (see Attachment No.5 and 8) 3.5 In addition to the above a request has been received Mr. J. F. McMillan to name the road in Lot 51 between Concession 8 and 9, former Township of Clarke, McMillan Road (see Attachment No. 6 and 7) . At the present time this road does not have a name. 3.6 Cost The cost to publish requests for street name changes in the local newspapers and the cost of Staff time to process the applications is about $1,500. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Requests to change the name of streets should be dealt with in accordance with Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act. 4.2 Processing requests for street name changes in accordance with Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act is expensive. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 It is recommeded that: A) The requests for street name changes outlined in this report be dealt with as provided in Section 210 (105) of the Municipal Act, at no cost to the applicants. G Page 6 WD-29-89 B) Council pass a By-Law establishing that requests for street name changes be dealt with accordance with the procedures established in Section 210 (105) of the Munlcpal Act and that there be a charge of $100 to the applicant. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, i Walter A. Evans, P. Eng., Lawrence Kotseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Adm istrative Officer. :llv January 23, 1989 TYPED AS WRITTEN August 20, 1988 Dear Sir: I am submitting this petition to help you understand the residents feelings on the decision to change Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road. Firstly, we have been using the address Langstaff Road for 6 months when the sign Langstaff Road was put up. We had been notified 2 years in June of the new address. Secondly, because we have been using Langstaff Road for 6 months my husband and myself have both drivers licence and passports registered. Stationary for kennel and subscriptions to magazines and correspondence. Langstaff Road at the cross roads on Durham Road 9 would be easy to see when giving directions to police and fire trucks in case of emergency. This road is completely separate from Shiloh Road. So finally, I would prefer the name of our road be left Langstaff Road as before. Yours Sincerely Eliz. L. Sullivan 6839 Langstaff Road Newtonville, Ontario LOA 1JO ATTACHMENT N0, 1 WD-29-89 LANGSTAff ROAD We the undersigned residents protest the change of the name of our road from Langstaff Road to Shiloh Road, located between Durham Road 9 and Concession Road 6, Clarke Township. We request the name be changed back to Langstaff Road. ���/�'• .-t.. �--•�l� �l .jet- -� / d ° ' ATTACHMENT NO . 1B WD-29-89 October 25/88 OCT 2 8 Ift councillor Stapleton: PUBLIC OWN OF NEWCASTLE WORDS DEPARTMENT 37� This is in regard to the request by Liz Sullivan to have the name of our road allowance being Concession 6 between Lots 4 and 5 changed back"to Langstaff. I prefer that the name remain as "Shiloh Road". It seems like a frivolous reason to go to the expense and time involved to change the name back because it is inconvenient since she now uses Langstaff on her driver's licence. It is not required on a driver's licence, just the lot and Concession, and whether or not you use the road name is your choice. The inconvenience would be repeated again next year if it were changed back. I believe that we have an obligation to preserve the history of our area and what better way is there. At the present time the church is used for road directions. The name Shiloh Road gives easy direction to and from County Road No. 9. If they sincerely wish the name changed that desperately, each resident could be asked to submit their valid reasons suppgrting the change back to Langstaff. The truly interested persons would . reply. To the best of my knowledge and according to documentation obtained from the local registry office and old maps, there is no mention of the Langstaff name south of County Road No. 9. I had previously told Mrs. Sullivan I would not interfere with her request but since changed my mind, as I strongly believe the road allowance should remain "Shiloh Road". ATTACHMENT NO ,r WD-29-39. Councillor Stapleton - 2 - I would also like to mention that one of the people that signed the Sullivan petition just moved in a year ago, another has had a "For Sale" sign 'up. The property owners across from us would like to be able to sell their farm immediately. Therefore I doubt very much if renaming this road is high on their list of .. " priorities, but switching the name around every year could certainly be aggravating. Sorry for all the trouble I have caused but the majority of people that I have received phone calls from are very pleased with the name "Shiloh Road". A sincere "Thank You" to everyone for your help and understanding. It has been truly a learning experience. Yours sincerely R.R.# 1, Newtonville, Ontario LOA 1JO. 983-5177 Copy to: Walter Evans Works Department All Council Members ATTACHMENT N0 ,2B VID-29-39 i TYPED AS WRITTEN Dear Sir: Lot 33, according to map enclosed, was conveyed to Bradford Bowen on January 27, 1835. Hiram Bowen son of Bradford Bowen had one son Henry C. Bowen who later purchased the north quarter of Lot 33. Henry Bowen was a noted orchardist, purchasing the first orchard sprayer in Durham county. The farm of Bradford Bowen was later split in half. Wellington Bowen with the east half and Fred Bowen (his son) the west half. Fred Bowen was a member of Parliament for three terms. Hector Bowen son of Henry Bowen bought the farm of James Jerome in 1927 and farmed until 1959. As there is only two lines in Professor Squair's book on Clarke Township relating to the Pollards and no dates given, I beleive that relating to history of this section, the name of the road (now known) as Pollard's should be changed to Bowen Road. Ernest J. Bowen 983-5031 ATTACHMENT NO AA WD-29-39 i I o LD DO 5yi 9: D m � e ni ATTACHMENT NO ,2B WD-29-89 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTION D-7 AND R. A, HEND•RSON, A.m.c.r., C.M.C. Telephone 50 CENTRE STREET SOUTH City Clerk (416) 725.7351 OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1H 3Z7 B.C.SUTER.A.M.C.I.,C.M.C.,P.M.M. Depury City Clerk 1987 09 25 -- C File E-2503 SEP io,8( ".;,r, ArUr J a CLERK 01PAWNEt4-f D.W. Oakes, Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Dear Mr. Oakes Re: Street Names The Council of the City of Oshawa considered the above matter at a meeting held on 1987 09 21 and adopted a resolution as follows: That the Town of Newcastle be requested to adopt Townline Road (North and South) as the legal name for the boundary street between the former Township of East Whitby and the former Township of Darlington for that portion of the street which is under their jurisdiction. I have enclosed for your information a copy of Planning and Development Department Report 111-87. . Consideration of this matter by the Town of Newcastle is appreciated. Should you have any questions in this matter, please contact our Planning and Development Department at your convenience. Yours truly DISTRIBUTION CLERK..........b.,D .......... ........... C-" Brian C. Suter ATTACHMENT N0,5 DISTRIBUTION RIBUTIO .....ba CLERK-T . ......... 'NJ .........� Deputy City Cler WD-29-39 BCS/jw 4. Enclosure I i IIII TYPED AS WRITTEN i July 17, 1987 J.F. McMillan R.R. #1 Kendal, Ontario Mr. Gordon Ough Director of Public Works Old Scugog Road Hampton, Ontario Dear Sir: It has been suggested by Steve Harding to write to you asking if it is possible to name our concession road the McMillan Road. Our 300 acre farm is Lot 3 to Lot 4 on Concession IX of Clarke Township. We have been here for 110 years since my grandfather first purchased this land in 1877. Apparently up to this time you have not named this road and we would like to have a road number for our property. We are the only residents on this road between Langstaff Road and the Town boundary. J.F. McMillan ATTACHMENT N0 ,6 WD-29-89 i I 5 TOWNSHIP OF MANVERS ' G BJURD4R� kJ�'� 2 II I I 115 t el cC ON N kMtt> ROAD SKEIL X no RD 11 Ir i °� j 35z is H u 32 31 21 n 11 15 24 D 11 i LAN G,S'rA F t RAM o p a „ O ; j 2 R 4 -IT i, t NC RD 6 W I` 1 51-x1 L.c t-3 Rc�AD � + V1 ISHI 1 t7 � � I WI° ��� R s• CH II AR VI L ' 2 F RD ° w 3 ` u i 1 g u 35 I ` s 34 u �► b 11 n 24 1) 11 11 X, 9 1 16 15 I, i1 ATTACIMENT IW0 , 7 W i WD-29-39 k i I j� .�- a •� -t i.<:.c�'. _.. ... .. .1 + 1; K T N I LL �� cIl I� I I z E'a t yJl I O I II .�. � pQJ •J, � 1 T � P 11 � �• .�:� s •� yy It 1 �a it u " s I 15 N 11 I7 ]I 1n M » 77 K 7S 7/ 71 71 71 10 11 11 It K I IS G f{(1 10 1 It 3 �-1 c c no .e + I. \N E'5`t' TOWNUNE ROAD W � . �� 1 Iti�.1. J �—� T. ,• E 2 M y� c-• a o' 99M wL 1 r a Hl 3 • R I t V J 14 li 3u o oll 5 � i is O II T N rO4 4 4 LI LEY a s 1 1 i 1 t t 26 K / 11 11 11 ?D;19 I tl I1 t6 I/ t 11 t1 1 9 t 6 MAPU UN . y R C {{ tVV O t z 2 W , � • Z O :J W _ t illt I Q >i RD <' •I ATTACHMENT NO, 7 as • WD-29-a0 (. �I DARLINGTON •IF VQQVffjrIAI PARK 1: