HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-6-89 10(f) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # r" Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION MEETING DATE: - JANUARY 9, 1989 REPORT #: VID-6-89 FILE #: -C-13-5 aRJECT: ALLAN ARDRON CLOSE PORTION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PART LOT 13, CONCESSION 5, CLARKE i i RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT this report be received; and 2. THAT no further action be taken on the request by Mr. Allan Ardron for closure of a portion of right-of-way, Part Lot 13, Concession 5, Clarke; and 4. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to Mr. Allan Ardron, 21 Kirk Bradden Road West, Toronto, Ontario, M8Y 2G1. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Correspondence from Mr. Allan Ardron No. 2: Correspondence to Mr. Allan Ardron dated March 3, 1987 No. 3: Correspondence to Mr Allan Ardron dated September 22, 1988 I Page 2 WD-6-89 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 At a regular meeting of Council held on December 15, 1986, Council passed Resolution #C-797-87 as follows: "THAT the communication dated November 27, 1986, from Allan Ardron, 21 Kirk Bradden Road West, Toronto, Ontario, M8Y 2G1, requesting that Council close that portion of right-of-way which extends beyond their property in Clarke Township be received; AND THAT the communciation be referred to the Works Department for review and direct reply." 2.2 Mr. Allan Ardron was advised of Council's resolution on December 22, 1986. A letter was sent to Mr. Allan Ardron (see Attachment No.2) on March 3, 1987 by the Deputy Director of Public Works, suggesting a meeting be arranged to review the property and access in question. No reply was received. 2.3 On September 22, 1988 a letter was sent to Mr. Allan Ardron (see Attachment No.3) requesting Mr. Ardron to respond to the status of his inquiry and failing a reply to this letter that the file on this item would be closed. 1.6 As of December 16, 1988 no further correspondence or contact has been received by the Department of Public Works. 3.0 RECOMMENDATION 3.1 It is, therefore, recommended that no further action be taken on Mr. Allan Ardron's request and that a copy of this report be sent to Mr. Ardron. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Walter A. Evans, P. Eng. , Lawrence tseff, Director of Public Works. Chief Administrative officer. :llv December 16, 1988 ..� 'U I V I .W\1 1 V i .i i i i l\L 1. ♦v n V0 j) 5 21 Kirk Bradden Rd. West, Toronto, Ontario. M8Y 2G1 . November 27. 1986 Con 5 S Pt Lot 13 Dear Sirs: We own land locked bush on the 6th line of former Clarke Township directly south of where the old Bailey Tobacco Kilns use to be or south-west of where the large A frame log house is or south of Mr. Riggers property. There is a right of way that goes to our property and along side of it. We would like Council to close the right of way that runs along side of our forest but keep it open to it since we are land locked, if possible. Also the right of way is starting to erode again as occurred approximately 10 years ago and we would appreciate it if you would again grade it to stop further erosion spreading across our entrance to our property. If this motion is passed we would appreciate being notified. Thank you for your consideration on this. Allan Ardron (typed as written) i ATTACHMENT N0,1 WD-6-89 { F `1�• CORP0PAT10N-0F'THE.T0W OF NEWWtLE { t VTEMPERANCE STREET OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L•IC3A6 TELEPHONE.623-337.9' .. March 3rd, 1987. Mr. Allan Ardron, 21 Kirk Bradden Road West, Toronto, Ontario, M8Y 2G1. Dear Mr. Ardron: RE: ALLAN ARDRON -CLOSE PORTION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PART LOT 13, CONCESSION 5, CLARKE OUR FILE: 16.19.99 As you were advised by the Deputy Clerk, your correspondence to Town Council was referred to the Public Works Department for review and reply. On investigation, I find that the subject road is considered "not open' and as such, does not recieve road maintenance. Your request to close the Right-of Way but keep it open is somewhat contradictory and not fully understood. I believe we could find some alternative that would accommodate your needs and I would prefer to review the property and access with you at a time later in the year which is convenient to both parties. When you have an opportunity please contact us at 686-2056 or 263-2231 to make an appointment to further review your req St. Yours tr , David T. Gray, C.E.T. , Deputy Director of Publ ' orks . DTG:mev cc: B. Hancock ATTACHMENT N0 , 2 WD-6-89 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 September 22, 1988 Mr. Allan Ardron 21 Kirk Bradden Road West Toronto, Ontario M8Y 2G1 Dear Mr. Ardron: Please find attached correspondence which has been referred to the Public Works Department for reply to Council. The latest correspondence that we have is a letter from our department to yourself dated March 3, 1987 (Attached) . Would you please oantact the writer (416-263-2292) or write us and advise the undersigned of the status of your inquiry. Failing a reply to this letter we will be closing the file on this item. Hoping to here from you. Sincerely Don Patterson, C.E.T. Manager of Operations ATTACHMENT NO , 3 DP:11v LSD-6-30 cc: W.A. Evans, Director of Public Works R. Robinson, Foreman I I i I