HomeMy WebLinkAboutADM-01-05 Cl~-!lJglon REPORT ADMINISTRATION Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Date: Monday, February 7, 2005 Report #: ADM-01-05 File#: Ace,1I 6;:'IJ - Do~- os By-law #: Subject: MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT STEERING COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee approve the following recommendations FORTHWITH: 1. THAT Report ADM-01-05 be received; 2. THAT the Terms of Reference for the Municipality of Clarington Physician Recruitment Steering Committee, attached to this Report as Attachment 1, be approved; 3. THAT the individuals listed on Attachment 2 be appointed to the Physician Recruitment Steering Committee; 4. THAT an annual budget of $15,000 be allocated for administrative and miscellaneous expenses; and 5. THAT a copy of this Report and Council's resolution be forwarded to all appointees of the Physician Recruitment Steering Committee. ~t<...,;,J Submitted by: - Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer C--e; (",__) Lt. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOW MANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: ADM-01-05 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 Clarington, like many rapidly growing communities in Ontario, currently has a shortage of family physicians. Recognizing that his shortage is a critical issue affecting the quality of life for all Clarington residents, a group of concerned citizens, medical professionals, hospital and local government representatives formed a Task Force to examine all available options to address this critical issue. The Task Force identified the immediate need to put a business/strategy plan in place in order to guide its physician recruitment efforts, and has requested Council to retain a consultant to prepare the business/strategy plan. 1.2 At its November 01, 2004 meeting, the General Purpose and Administration Committee resolved to authorize staff to work with the Physician Recruitment Task Force to retain a consultant to prepare a business/strategic plan. The Municipality issued a Request for Proposals to a number of consulting firms in November 2004 for the development and implementation of a physician recruitment strategy. The matter of retaining the consultant is addressed in a separate report. 2.0 PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT STEERING COMMITTEE 2.1 The purpose of this report is to present for approval, the Terms of Reference for the Municipality of Clarington Physician Recruitment Steering Committee. The proposed Terms of Reference form Attachment 1 to this report. 2.2 Physician shortage is a significant health care issue that requires joint government and community efforts in order to address the problem. Council applauds the works of the current volunteer Task Force to date. Given public funds will be allocated to support the recruitment project, it would be prudent to provide a formal and structured Steering Committee which can ensure the implementation of various recruitment tasks are performed on time, on budget and meet the recruitment objective. 2.3 The general mandate of the Steering Committee is to oversee all physician recruitment efforts including providing direction and supervision to the recruiters. From time to time, the Committee is expected to actively participate in these recruitment tasks that require community support and sponsorship such as organizing and preparing for physician visitation. 2.4 The Municipality will provide clerical and administrative support to the Committee. Jennifer Cooke, Manager of Marketing and Communication, will act as staff liaison. 3.0 CONCLUSIONS 3.1 Appropriate access to a family doctor is important to the quality of life of Clarington's residents. The works of the volunteers to date are to be commended for bringing this issue to the forefront and recognizing the need for a business strategy and immediate action plan to attract physicians to the community. The formal constitution of the Physician Recruitment Steering Committee is the logical step in this worthy endeavour. REPORT NO.: ADM-01-05 PAGE 3 List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: Susan McLellan Chair, Physician Task Force Attachment #2 to Report ADM-OI-OS (Revised) Individuals to be appointed to the Physician Recruitment Steering Committee: Jim Schell Council Representative Sheila Hall Clarington Board of Trade Suzanne McCrimmon Clarington Board of Trade Cheryl Greenham MPP's Office Dr. Anthony Stone Physician Dr. Debbie Jefferson Physician Christine Selby Hospital Representative Kevin Anyan Citizen Susan McLellan Citizen Clayton Morgan Citizen Marion Saunders Citizen Bill Tomlinson Citizen Don T eITY OPG Cindy Breare Canadian Hydrogen Energy Company Representative from Holburn (to be confirmed) , Attachment #1 to Report ADM-01-05 TERMS OF REFERENCE MUNICIPALITY OF ClARINGTON PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT STEERING COMMITTEE Backaround The Municipality of Clarington, with a population of 80,000, is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Ontario, and this population growth is projected to continue for the next several years. Clarington has also been designated by the Province of Ontario as being under-serviced with respect to physician services. It is essential that physicians be recruited to serve Clarington so that the community will remain as an attractive area for people to live and work. The Municipality will be retaining the services of a professional consultant to develop both a physician recruitment plan and recruiting physicians. However, the Municipality also recognizes that, in order to be successful, this recruitment project must be a joint effort between the Municipality and the community. In this regard, Council will be appointing a Physician Recruitment Steering Committee. This Committee will be composed of local citizens and key community, business and health care representatives. Mandate The Steering Committee will act as a community resource to Council in the development and implementation of the physician recruitment plan. Scope of Activities The Committee, in fulfilling its mandate, will provide guidance, direction and supervision to recruitment staff/consultant. The Committee will also seek to involve, where appropriate, other members of the Clarington community that may be considered important to the success of the recruitment campaign. Where necessary, the Committee will provide community support such as physician visitation, to augment the efforts of the recruiters. While individual members of the Task Force may represent various interest groups, the opinions and positions taken by the members and the Task Force are not binding, in whole or in part, on either Clarington Councilor the groups they represent. TERMS OF REFERENCE PAGE 2 Membership The Steering Committee is a volunteer committee consisting of a minimum of nine (g) members. One member shall be a Council member. The other members shall be selected from at least one member each from the Board of Trade, a hospital representative, a physician, an industry or business representative and citizens at large. Members appointed to sit on the Steering Committee must be willing to commit the time required to understand and evaluate the information provided, as well as be open-minded to various opinions and perspectives on the recruitment strategy. Chair and Vice - Chair The Council representative shall sit as the interim chair. At its first meeting, the Steering Committee shall select a Chair and Vice-Chair from among its membership. The Chair shall provide leadership to the Steering Committee, ensure that the Committee carries out its mandate, and act as the primary liaison between the Committee, staff and the consultant/recruiters. The Chair shall also be responsible for setting the agenda for each meeting. The Chair may also schedule additional meetings or cancel scheduled meetings, after conferring with the other members, the consultant and staff. The Vice-Chair will assume the responsibilities of the Chair if the Chair is unable to attend a meeting or is otherwise unavailable. If an individual member is unable to attend a meeting, he/she shall notify the Chair at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The Chair shall advise the staff liaison of any member who is absent for three consecutive meetings, and may request Council to remove the member from the Committee. The Chair shall also advise the staff liaison of the resignation of any member. Council shall appoint new members to the Committee to fill any vacancies as required. Staff Support Municipal staff will provide clerical, administrative and technical assistance to the Committee including the recording of minutes if the Committee so chooses. Meetinas Committee meetings shall generally be held in the Municipal Administrative Centre. The Committee shall generally meet a minimum of once per month. However, it is expected that more frequent meetings will be required at specific times as dictated by specific recruitment activities. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum. Recommendations and decisions reached by the Committee will be based on consensus, wherever possible. In the event that a consensus cannot be reached and there are divergent opinions on issues, formal 2 TERMS OF REFERENCE PAGE 3 votes may be called by the Chair, with each member having one vote. Decisions will be carried by a majority of the members present. All members of the Committee will be eligible to participate in discussions related to the project. However, any member who would be directly affected by a specific issue shall refrain from voting on a motion directly related to that issue. Individual members of the Committee shall be responsible for determining whether they have a conflict of interest with respect to any issue. Term ofthe Committee The term of the Steering Committee will coincide with the term of Council and expires on December 31, 2006. Depending on the progress of the recruitment works, Council may either deem the Steering Committee works are completed or re-appoint the Committee to continue the recruitment works. Budaet All administrative costs and expenses related to consultant works, and staff time will be the responsibility of the Municipality which shall determine the annual budgetary requirement necessary to support the physician recruitment project. Reportina to Council Minutes of the Committee's meetings shall be forwarded to the Clerk of the Municipality for Council's information. The Chair shall report to Council at least once per year on the development and implementation of the physician recruitment plan. 3 Attachment #1 to Report ADM-Q1-05 TERMS OF REFERENCE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PHYSICIAN RECRUITMENT STEERING COMMITTEE Backaround The Municipality of Clarington, with a population of 80,000, is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Ontario, and this population growth is projected to continue for the next several years. Clarington has also been designated by the Province of Ontario as being under-serviced with respect to physician services. It is essential that physicians be recruited to serve Clarington so that the community will remain as an attractive area for people to live and work. The Municipality will be retaining the services of a professional consultant to develop both a physician recruitment plan and recruiting physicians. However, the Municipality also recognizes that, in order to be successful, this recruitment project must be a joint effort between the Municipality and the community. In this regard, Council will be appointing a Physician Recruitment Steering Committee. This Committee will be composed of local citizens and key community, business and health care representatives. Mandate The Steering Committee will act as a community resource to Council in the development and implementation of the physician recruitment plan. Scone of Activities The Committee, in fulfilling its mandate, will provide guidance, direction and supervision to recruitment staff/consultant. The Committee will also seek to involve, where appropriate, other members of the Clarington community that may be considered important to the success of the recruitment campaign. Where necessary, the Committee will provide community support such as physician visitation, to augment the efforts of the recruiters. While individual members of the Task Force may represent various interest groups, the opinions and positions taken by the members and the Task Force are not binding, in whole or in part, on either Clarington Council or the groups they represent. \ TERMS OF REFERENCE PAGE 2 MembershiD The Steering Committee is a volunteer committee consisting of a minimum of nine (g) members. One member shall be a Council member. The other members shall be selected from at least one member each from the Board of Trade, a hospital representative, a physician, an industry or business representative and citizens at large. Members appointed to sit on the Steering Committee must be willing to commit the time required to understand and evaluate the information provided, as well as be open-minded to various opinions and perspectives on the recruitment strategy. Chair and Vice - Chair The Council representative shall sit as the interim chair. At its first meeting, the Steering Committee shall select a Chair and Vice-Chair from among its membership. The Chair shall provide leadership to the Steering Committee, ensure that the Committee carries out its mandate, and act as the primary liaison between the Committee, staff and the consultant/recruiters. The Chair shall also be responsible for setting the agenda for each meeting. The Chair may also schedule additional meetings or cancel scheduled meetings, after conferring with the other members, the consultant and staff. The Vice-Chair will assume the responsibilities of the Chair if the Chair is unable to attend a meeting or is otherwise unavailable. If an individual member is unable to attend a meeting, he/she shall notify the Chair at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. The Chair shall advise the. staff liaison of any member who is absent for three consecutive meetings, and may request Council to remove the member from the Committee. The Chair shall also advise the staff liaison of the resignation of any member. Council shall appoint new members to the Committee to fill any vacancies as required. Staff SUDDort Municipal staff will provide clerical, administrative and technical assistance to the Committee including the recording of minutes if the Committee so chooses. Meetinas Committee meetings shall generally be held in the Municipal Administrative Centre. The Committee shall generally meet a minimum of once per month. However, it is expected that more frequent meetings will be required at specific times as dictated by specific recruitment activities. A majority of members shall constitute a quorum. Recommendations and decisions reached by the Committee will be based on consensus, wherever possible. In the event that a consensus cannot be reached and there are divergent opinions on issues, formal 2 \ TERMS OF REFERENCE PAGE 3 votes may be called by the Chair, with each member having one vote. Decisions will be carried by a majority of the members present. All members of the Committee will be eligible to participate in discussions related to the project. However, any member who would be directly affected by a specific issue shall refrain from voting on a motion directly related to that issue. Individual members of the Committee shall be responsible for determining whether they have a conflict of interest with respect to any issue. Term of the Committee The term of the Steering Committee will coincide with the term of Council and expires on December 31, 2006. Depending on the progress of the recruitment works, Council may either deem the Steering Committee works are completed or re-appoint the Committee to continue the recruitment works. Budaet All administrative costs and expenses related to consultant works, and staff time will be the responsibility of the Municipality which shall determine the annual budgetary requirement necessary to support the physician recruitment project. Reportina to Council Minutes of the Committee's meetings shall be forwarded to the Clerk of the Municipality for Council's information. The Chair shall report to Council at least once per year on the development and implementation of the physician recruitment plan. 3