HomeMy WebLinkAbout1494 Original Clarke By- law 1494 Not Available " j .. Page 7- Oounoil Mee~ing, November 2, 196" oontinued on Nov. 1,s- . .. ",: t < Commun1ty Hall in acoordanoe with the provisions of the Oommu- n1 ty Centres Aot( and have oonveyed the said property to th.' sa1d MUnioipal Corporation by a deed 525180 for West Durh..' (R811stered 9th Karch 196,) s-, : ".~' BE IT THEREFORE ENAOT.ED by the MUnio1pal Counoil ot the 'Oor~ora- tion ot the Township at Clarke as tollowa: 1. THAT the lands conveyed to the Oorporation ot the Township at Olarke by deed N2,180, being the lands ocoupied by the New- tonville Community Hall be and the s~me are hereby aocepted by the MUnicipal Corporation tor use ap a lommunity Oentre; 2. TBlIf the Newtonville Community Hall be and 1s hereby esta- bl1she' as a(Oommunity Hall 1n aocordanoe w1th the provisions ot The Community Centres Aet, being R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 60, and amendments thereto; 3. THAT the property ~n deed~N25l80 be1ng the New~onville Community Hall shall be operated tor the use and benetit of all residents within the Township of Clarke and part10ularly within the area known as the New~onville Community and Shall be under the management and control ot a board eonsi,.t1ng ot seven members, each appointed by the Couneil ot the MUnieipal Corpora- tion ot the Township .of Olarke, ~ive ot whpm wh.rever posaible shall be resident ratepayer~ ot the Oommunity ot Newtonville and two members who shall be Oouncillors at the MUnio1pal Council of the Township otClarke. . By-Law No. l494:~ To Designate(an Area ot Subdivision Control . WBEBEI.S section 26 ot The Planning Aet ROO 1960 Chapter 296 as amended authorizes a munieipa11ty to des1gnate by by-law any area within the municipa11ty as an area ot subdivision eontrol; .AND WHEREAS it 1s deemed exped1ent in order to control ade- quately the development of land in the mun1c1pal1ty that a by-law be passed pursuant to the said section 26; NO., THEREFORE the Counoil of the Corp"ratton pt the Township of Cl~ke enacts as tollowss 1. 'ne tollowing desoribed area is hereby designated as an area ot subdivision control to be known. as Area ot Sub- division Control NUmber 2, 1n aooordance withseotion 26 ot The Planning Act, 1960, .ed amendment. 'tchereto:- All and Singular those oertain parcels or tracts at land ana ,premises situate lying and being 1n the Township ot Olarke in the County of Durham and Province ot Ontario, ~ more partioularly described as tollowas Lots 1 to 13 inolusi ve in the BrDken Front Conoess1on A and . Lots 1 to 24 inolusive 1n the Broken Front Conoession B, and Lots 31 to 32 1nolusive 1n the Broken Front Concession B; Lots 1 to 24 inclusive in the Firat Concession and Lots 31 to 3', inclusive 1n the F1rst ConoesSion; 'Lots 1 to 24 inclusive in the Second Oonoession, the north halt .ot Lots 2; to 10 inolus1ve'in the Second Ccmcesa10n,_ and Lo~s 31 to 3' inclus1ve in the Second Conoession; Lots 1 to 3, inclus1 ve in the Third ConoeaS1.on;, Lots 1 to 2& 1nolusive in the Fourth Con~ess1on; Lots 30 to 35 inolusive in the Fourth Conoeas10n; Lots 1 to 26 1nolusive in the Fifth Concession; Lots 30 to 35 inclusive in the F1tth Conc.ssion; Lots 1 to 26 inclusive in the Sixth Conoess1on; The North Three Q,uartera of Lots 27, 28 and 29 in the'sixth Concession; Lots 30 to 3, inolusive in the Sixth Concess10n; Lots 1 to 3, inolusive in the Seventh Conc~.s10n; Lots 1 to 3; inolusive in the Eighth Concession; Lots 1 to 35 inolusive in the Ninth Ooncession; and Lots 1 to 3, inolus1ve in the Tenth Conoe.sion. 2. B7~-law No. 1306, being a previous By-law duly passed on 7th July, 19,8, and whioh a:f'feoted land in the vicinity ot the Police Village of Orono in the Township ot.Olarke shall be read mutatis mutandis with. the provisions of tbis By-law. ...,.j .,