HomeMy WebLinkAbout1452 Original Clarke By- law 1452 Not Available ,;p.- . -...t..,0_011 .."1q8.p't....1" 1, i"4, 001l.'t1n..4:" (J) n. ol..k'_al1 'r~aa1t4u})11.at..opl...t 'hi. 'y-la.. to 'A. U.'l"2.." .rflo..', tb.....101,.1 Re.....Bran.lt, D.l'~rt_.1J or lI1gh- w..y.,Oatu.t.;.., lat'.r tlluatroh 31s1l or... .a1I41.,.ea:t. . (.4 )...J~"..l .tth. 01l.'a1"lo MUla1pal Boar<< alla'll .. . o "aln84 ,.rer. ..,. .xp.1l4111.r. 1 s au thorlz.t or work .._....1 . whl.h ..111' la. tl...._." \,. 1Ih. 1.au. ot 4ebe.t11re. or mOlll.. ral.... 1. a 8RD.equ..,,..ar. e e e I\r-La.w We. ~.4J. J. lay-l... to .'herlze .. Oellte.D.lal fJd,O...ati,aa . . eP.4.ratlo.Proj.ot, nam.ly, '!'h. >>e....let,...' '.t :P..rk .LaIl4..... lfa1lure Areas aloBl the: 01"0.. . I~._.. . ' n..ea.ft.. IItml.l:pal Aot, B.S. o. 1'&0, Ollapt.r 2.4,S':J1'r;" ..." ,.."",rl...,t11. 'pe.l..1 llJul..rtak:lng. whl.h 1..1114. Jull. ..........1'..."...1. '&r...; e . . . ............... ft. Cont.doratlon Co.t.olal .l.t, l"2-'J, e Sfa,.,...~t 0"'.1"1. ant 0>>.'.1"10 ..luatloD. Jill", uk.. :provl-' .t.. r.rtJl.........l..1z1.. .t .uoh ucl.ertu1q.; . at _..... OOllDOll 1.._ lt .%peileDt to pas. t).U- By-~.; ........r.tor. b. it 0..ao'04 a. a :By-law ot ft. Corporat101(' .-r *.'."._1J .t Clark. aa tollow.. e 1. ,.,t;1dl. 0011..11 or ;ll18 1Iwl101pa11 ty .llall ..t.r 'It...a .rojo..', ....1,., -fte DOTelop.ont or ,Park L.... 04 .. tllre Ar..s a1011& 'the Orono. S'rea. · .10. .."liea'lon ..4er tho :r.deral-Pr....1Jl.1a~ . ...__1.1 Qr...t. Prolr....suDj..t to the ~Jr.- "lot 'h. Provin.. ot Ontarl. and the .a'tln.al O..'oDD1..l Alminiatration. 2. ~a' 'th. .........'ot the .-.4 proJ.ot .'. p1a..a I.?.. ...a..,' .. ooDi 't'.e,: whloh.hall b. Imna .a .... C..'...lal~.....g.....'t Committoo-, ..a ahall ....1.' .t olcht ...Mr. ..ho ahal1 lte ap:pol..'.4 -,. tk. .....11 87 r..olution to ho14 oftl.o ..'11 'h. .0.,1.;10. or 'll. preject or tmt11 tholr .11000..01"a .......pp.l.'.C. I.:ft.., ;"1l.0rono eOllJRWll t1' )("01"1&1 Park :soarcla1\all ...... tru.,.o. ot t1\e laDi ...qulr.<< ualor 't111. pro.1..' \I'.. -19Ja;lo. or tho projo.t. . 4. fte aetu..l .11,ll.1. ooat .r'th. projoot ahall .0' ...... '11,8.4~.IO . ,. ~. '.a' or the a&14 proj.ot .hal1 De ral..4 .p.. ......!'..1 ra'.. or thla 1I11Ul101pallty .ftorloa.o- 'l....t'~l. ....t. aJPllo.blo to tllo .a14 Jre3..'. , ..-l-*i.P:...'!1 ......a.,. L.A.Perrault, .eoo.".4 lay I.W.'''o... nl......11.1l.2t.'y...j..rJl ,. ..0' agala on Ooto..r'th, 1"4,. . a'''10 .... In "aular ..ot1.. 1n the Oounol1 Oha.ltor at 01"0.. ..thema. III aJoola1 ...'1q at t1\e oa11 or the B...e.'- Curi.... . ':;Il~, .. ,- I --J tf1 . -. . . .' ~.~.~ ...1'0. '.' . .