HomeMy WebLinkAboutCSD-03-05 f" J Cl~mgron REPORT COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: General Purpose and Administration Committee February 7, 2005 Resolution #:~;J/l-O::i.'7,-os Meeting: Report #: CSD-03-05 File#: By-law #: Subject: 2005 MUNICIPAL GRANTS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1, THAT Report No, CSD-03-05 be received; 2, THAT Council consider all submitted grant requests; 3, THAT all requested funds exceeding the $5,000,00 limit be referred to the Municipal budget process; and, 4, THAT all applicants be advised of Council's decision, l Reviewed bO ~ ~~ Franklin Wu Chief Administrative Officer Submitted by: J9's h p, Caruana ir, ctor of Community Services JPC/BT/SCI CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623.5506 1001 t REPORT NO. CSD-03-05 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND 1,1 The Municipal grant process is intended to provide financial assistance to community organizations providing programs and services within the Municipality of Clarington, The Municipal Grant Policy (Attachment #1) establishes the objective, criteria, funding categories, funding formula and public notice for the Municipal grant process, 1,2 The policy provides four (4) distinct categories for grant distribution, Each applicant must meet the required definition for at least one of the following four categories: Recreation/Leisure Services, Civic, Social and Hall Board/ Community Centres, Organizations that receive any form of other funding from the Municipality of Clarington are not eligible to apply, Please note for the assistance of Council, the grant applications have been presented within the appropriate funding categories, 1,3 Applications for funding through the Municipal grant process must not exceed $5,000,00, Applications requesting in excess of $5,000,00, if approved, will refer the amount over $5,000,00 directly to the budget process to be dealt with on an individual basis external to the Municipal grant process, Late applications or requests received subsequent to the current year's municipal budget will be referred to Council for direction, 1.4 Grant applications from the following organizations in excess of $5,000,00 have been received by the Finance Department for consideration by Council as part of the annual budget deliberations: . Clarington Community Care . Visual Arts . Newcastle Community Hall . Orono Cemetery Company . Clarington Museum Board . Handi-Trans . Clarington Older Adults Association . Clarington Beech Centre 1.5 As outlined in the Municipal Grant Policy, the allocation of funding is established at $1,00 per capita, Accordingly, a maximum amount of $80,000,00 has been established for awards to eligible applications in 2005, 1.6 In keeping with the current policy, an advertisement was placed in all local papers announcing the program and establishing a deadline for filing an application, A total of 35 applications have been received for review and consideration, compared to 46 in the 2004 process, The 35 applications represent a total of $115,650,00 in requested funding, compared to $170,240,00 in the 2004 process, 1002 c RE,pORT NO. CSD-03-0S PAGE 3 1,7 Report CSD-02-04 dated March 8, 2004, allocated $64,900,00 to 40 groups, A further $3,800,00 was allocated to additional requests which were considered by Council throughout the year. (Attachment #2) 2.0 APPLICATION PROCESS 2,1 All applications received by the Department have been recorded onto a summary sheet (Attachment #3) providing Council and staff with an overview of all applications being considered, 2,2 Each application is also presented on a one-page summary numbered from 05-01 through 05-35 providing basic information necessary in considering the appropriate level of funding for each application, 2,3 All 2005 submissions reflect the grant request amount in their 2005 revenue statements, 2.4 All applicants who submitted incomplete financial information were contacted and requested to forward the outstanding information, 3.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 3,1 From time to time various applicants make comments through the application process or in other cases resolutions of Council were previously approved that may affect how a particular application is dealt with, The following applications and associated comments are provided for the information of Council. 3,2 Application 05-08, Clarington Beech Centre Hall Board, and Application 05-30, Clarington Older Adult Association, are both requesting funding in excess of $5,000,00. As per Criteria #7 of the Municipal Grant Policy, their request will be referred to the budget process, , 3,3 Application 05-09, Newtonville Community Hall, has indicated that they are anticipating a handicapped washroom and have enquired as to when they could expect it. This query should be referred to the Director of Operations, As noted in Criteria #4 of the Municipal Grant Policy, Hall Boards are exempt from the one- time-only grant funding for capital projects, 3.4 Application 05-11, Newcastle Arena Management Board, is requesting funding for exterior lighting upgrades, signage on the exterior south wall, upgrades to the timekeepers' box and a trophy case, which are capital items, It has been forwarded to the Director of Operations for his consideration, 1003 REPORT NO. CSO-03-0S PAGE 4 3,5 Application 05-14, Newcastle Stars Juvenile Rep Hockey Team is requesting funding to offset the registration costs for team members, The team is operating at arm's length under the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association after an 18 year hiatus, The team is affiliated with the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association for purposes of registration in the Ontario Minor Hockey Association; however, is self-funding and is financially independent of the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association, 3,6 Application 05-21, OakRidge Trail Association, is requesting funds to erect signage on the portion of the OakRidge Trail which traverses Clarington, This local chapter is based in Clarington, however it presently has no budget; the funding is under the provincial organization (OakRidge Trail Association), This could be considered a one-time-only grant application for capital funding under Criteria #4 of the Municipal Grant Policy, 3,7 Application 05-26, Community Care Durham-Clarington, is requesting funding in excess of $5,000,00, As per Criteria #7 of the Municipal Grant Policy, the request will be referred to the budget process, 4.0 COMMENT 4,1 The Municipal grant program in Clarington ensures citizen involvement in recreationallleisure, civic, social and community hall boards enhancing community well being, 4,2 Each appiication is on file in the Community Services Department and will be made available during grant discussions, should further details of a particular application be required, 1004 REPORT NO. CSD-03-05 PAGE 5 ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT #CSD-03-05 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES MUNICIPAL GRANT POLICY Revised September 20, 2002 OBJECTIVE To provide financial assistance to those organizations which provide direct services or programs to the residents of the Municipality of Clarington. CRITERIA 1, The organization requesting financial assistance must be based within the Municipality of Clarington or the Region of Durham, 2, Regionally based organizations must provide details demonstrating how their service directly benefits the residents of Clarington, 3, Organizations must be volunteer based, or operate as not for profit. 4, Funding applications will be considered for operational expenses only, Capital requests may be considered as a one-time grant only (excluding Hall Boards/Community Centres), 5, Organizations that receive any form of other funding from the Municipality of Clarington are not eligible to apply, 6, Applications for funding through the Municipal Grant Process must not exceed $5,000,00, 7. Applications requesting in excess of $5,000,00 will be referred directly to the budget process to be dealt with on an individual basis external to the grant process, 8, Late applications or requests received subsequent to the current year's municipal budget approval will be referred to Council for direction, 9, That areas where the Provincial or Federal government is responsible through ownership of the property or through the School Board budgets, not be eligible for a grant (excluding playground funding), 10, That Citizen Ratepayers Associations not be eligible for a grant. 1005 REPORT NO, CSD-03-05 PAGE 6 ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT #CSD-03-05 FUNDING CATEGORIES 1, Recreation/Leisure Services This category is defined as those organizations offering athletic or leisure opportunities not offered by the Municipality, 2, Civic This category is defined as those organizations providing events, or services promoting the Municipality of Clarington (Le, Santa Clause Parade, Horticultural Societies, Historical Society etc,) 3, Social This category is defined as those organizations offering specific service (other than recreational/leisure) to residents of the Municipality of Clarington, 4, Hall Boards/Community Centres This category is defined as a Hall Board or Community Centre that operates and maintains a Municipally-owned facility, (Please note grants will be considered for operational expenses only, Capital requests must be referred to the appropriate municipal representative for consideration during annual budget deliberations,) MUNICIPAL GRANT FUNDING FORMULA To consider all eligible grants, the Municipality of Clarington will provide a funding formula of $1,00 per capita annually, All unallocated funds will remain in the unallocated grant account for un-anticipated requests received during the current year, PUBLIC NOTICE The Municipality of Clarington will provide public notice of the Municipal Grant Program twice each year through local newspapers, 1006 '" o , '" o , Cl CfJ U ~ 1:: o C. 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'" ";' '" '" '" '" '" '" , ,;., , , ,;., ,;., '" '" '" '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1010 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: COURTICEHORTICULTURALSOCIETY APPLICATION # 05-01 ~ CONTACT NAME I Mark Stanisz DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Community beautification - public garden planting TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 12 REVENUE 2004 2005 $500,00 TOTAL EXPENSES 2004 2005 $500.00 TOTAL EXPENSES NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE 0 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED nla nla $300.00 1011 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: NEWCASTLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY APPLICATION # 05-02 CONTACT NAME ~ Pam Daley DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Bi-monthly meetings with speakers on interesting and helpful topics associated with gardening and our environment. Planting and maintaining gardens at cemetery and Newcastle Community Hall. Annual show and various competitions throughout the year. Junior Gardening Program involved in schools and churches with special plantings and donations. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 106 ADULTS REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $2,953.77 $2700.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $2,093.83 $2915.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $859.94 ($215.00) SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $350.00 $350.00 $500.00 1012 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: BOWMANVILLE COMMUNITY GARDEN/ORGANIC GARDEN APPLICATION # 05-03 CONTACT NAME I Vincent Powers DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Mission is to be a leading organic information and networking resource for Canada. We provide areas for individuals and Organizations who would like to grow their own vegetables who would normally not be able to do so. We provide seeds, plants, tools and a library. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 75 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $470.00 $510.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $500.00 $500.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($30.00) $10.00 DEFICIT SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 1013 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: ORONOHORTICULTURALSOCIETY APPLICATION # 05-04 CONTACT NAME I Flora Sharpe DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Planting & maintaining village flower beds and planters on main street. Continue to purchase new plants for the Clarke Branch Library Flower beds. Provide good speakers on Horticulture related topics at our meetings, Provide bus trips to flower shows in Toronto and other areas. Also encourage our youth to participate in our activities. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 109 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $6,375.00 $6,700.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $6,012.72 $4,620.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $362.88 $2,080.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $350.00 $350.00 $750.00 1014 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: NEWCASTLE VILLAGE & DISTRICT HISTORICAL SOCIETY APPLICATION # 05-05 CONTACT NAME ~ Myno VanDyke DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Maintaining an archive room with free access to the public. Maintain a website relating to the history of Newcastle and area. Producing an historical n~wsletter four times a year with copies donated to locallibrarieslmuseums and historical societies. Acquire historical speakers and presenters for general meetings for our member and the public for no charge. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 80 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $3,029.00 $3,235.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $3,132.00 $3,395.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($100.00) ($160.00) DEFICIT DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $750.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 10t5 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: BOWMANVILLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY APPLICATION # 05-06 CONTACT NAME ~ Elaine Hutton DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Civic improvement projects - planting trees, shrubs & flowers, Host meetings for instruction & discussion on horticulture. Participate in The Apple Blossom Contest. Hold exhibits for production of flowers, vegetable & landscape projects, TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 72 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $6,666.81 $1,528.34 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $10,838.4 7 $4,690.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($4,171.66) ($3,161.66) DEFICIT DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $350.00 $350,00 $1,000.00 1016 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: ORONO TOWN HALL APPLICATION #05-07 CONTACT NAME I Ann Dreslinski DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Facility for community use - public meetings, weddings, banquets, D.B.I.A, functions, board of trade meetings, girl guides, concerts, recitals, Gentlemen's Card Club, Orono Quilters and Yoga Group. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 0 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $18,69.50 $21,000.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $16,229.97 $19,950.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $2,339.53 $1,050.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $3000 nla $5,000,00 1017 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION :Cl.,ARINGTQNBEECHCENTRE APPLICATION #05-08 CONTACT NAME ~ Don Welsh DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Manage the centre on behalf of Municipality which the COAA have all their activities and rent space to the general public. Grant to cover unbudgeted expenses - elevator maintenance, waste removal, firelsecurity monitoring and snow removal. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 0 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $55,400.00 $39,300.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $46,600.00 $61,510.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $5,800.00 ($21,978.00) SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $2,500.00 $3,000.00 $5,000.00 1018 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: NEWTONVILLE HALL BOARD APPLICATION # 05-09 ~ CONTACT NAME ~ Wally Boughen DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Euchre parties, bid euchre teen dances. Rented out for birthdays etc. Boy Scout Executive meetings, Atomic Energy Rentals, rate player, card tournaments, holiday rentals (Christmas, New Years etc.) TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 10 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $7998.65 $5500.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $5275.00 $6000.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $2723.65 ($500.00) SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $1,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1019 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: TYRONECQMMUNITYCENTRE APPLICATION #05-10 CONTACT NAME 1/ Shari Rowan DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Local community centre. Seniors programs (euchre each Friday evening, luncheons once per month). Location for "Ontario Early Years Centre" (mobile learning program for pre-scholars). Location for Community Fun Fairs and social events. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: Benefits all members of Community REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $27,462.23 $33,500.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $30,770.15 $32,100.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($3,307.92) $1,400 DEFICIT SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $3,000.00 $2,500.00 $3,500.00 1020 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL ARENA MANAGEMENT BOARD APPLICATION #05-11 I CONTACT NAME I Gord Lee DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Single Pad Municipality owned ice arena used for hockey, figure skating, public skating, ball hockey, lacrosse and summer day camp. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS:7 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $320,550.00 $328,794.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $320,323.56 $328,174.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $226.44 $620.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $3,500.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 1021 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: KENDAL COMMUNITY CENTRE APPLICATION #05-12 CONTACT NAME ~ Sheila Hannah DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Friends and Fun Youth Group, Playgroup - Mother's and their children, Euchre Night, Canada Day Fire Works, Dart League, Kendal Day (yearly carnival), Post Office (resides in Centre), Christmas Tree Lighting (visit with Santa and singing carols.) TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 100+ REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $11,381.03 $13,600.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $7,989.89 $11,813.20 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $3,391.14 $1,786.80 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $3,000.00 1022 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: Cl-ARINGTONORlOl.,ESBASEBALL CLUB APPLICATION # 05-13 CONTACT NAME II Ken Key DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Foster and improve baseball within the boundaries of Clarington. Protect and promote the mutual interest of the members. Institute and regulate competition for the representative baseball teams in the Municipality of Clarington. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 100 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $43,700.00 $43,700.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $38,700.00 $38,700.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $5,000.00 $5,000.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT APPROVED 2004 GRANT APPROVED 2005 GRANT REQUESTED $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 1023 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: NEWCASTLE STARS JUVENILE REPTEAM APPLICATION # 05-14 CONTACT NAME i Herman Valcex DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provide rep level hockey for young men aged 17 - 20. This is to allow players too old to play within the recognized hockey associations and too young for men's league an opportunity to play at level they are accustom to with their peers. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 25 REVENUE 2004 2005 $7,850.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 2004 2005 $12,599.00 TOTAL EXPENSES NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($4749.00) DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED nla nla $2000.00 1024 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: BOWMANVILLEINEWCASTLE BASEBALL ASSOCIATION APPLICATION # 05-15 CONTACT NAME ~ Sam Norwood DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Offering baseball for youths 4 to 18 years of age. Baseball camp 1 week instructional. Skills development (physical). Social interaction with other children. Team building. To help give children a sense of accomplishment. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 350 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $30,320.00 $25,655.35 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $36,244.65 $28,700.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($5,904.65) ($3,044.65) DEFICIT DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 1025 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: NEWCASTLE VILLAGE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION INC. APPLICATION # 05-16 I CONTACT NAME ~ Scott Turner DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Offering amateur hockey program to children of Newcastle, Bowmanville, Courtice and surrounding area and abiding by all OMHA rules and guidelines. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 247 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $136,836.00 $148,293.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $135,543.00 $149,500.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $1,293.00 ($1,207.00) SURPLUS DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $1,500,00 nla $5,000.00 1026 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: ORONO FIGURE SKATING CLUB APPLICATION #05-17 CONTACT NAME i Charlene Perrin DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: We offer a learn to skate program which is taught by Skate Canada authorized coaches for children three years and older. We also offer an Intermediate Test program for skaters interested in continuing after the Canskate program. We also offer a synchronized program for those interested in a team atmosphere. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 110 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $47,303.96 $54,000.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $52,854.12 $60,425.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($5,550.00) ($6,425.00) DEFICIT DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $4,000.00 1027 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: DARLINGTON MENS SELECT SOCCER LEAGUE APPLICATION # 05-18 CONTACT NAME ~ Mal Hamon DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: The league provides competitive senior soccer at the select level for mens teams in the Municipality of Clarington. Junior players are utilized to introduce them to competition at the senior level. 2005 marks the 125 anniversary of Darlington Men's Soccer League. Celebrations will include a gala/banquet in the Spring at RRC. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 255 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $18,555.14 $31,800.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $19,328.30 $31,800.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($773.16) 0 DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED nla nla $5,000.00 1028 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: CADS DURHAM APPLICATION #05-19 CONTACT NAME ~ Sandra Crandall DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provide ongoing ski instruction to disabled persons. Provide a "no cost" program for all disable persons. Provide CSIA and CADS training and certificates for volunteers. Provide technical training for instructions and volunteers. Provide opportunities for rehabilitation centers to access our program at no cost to them. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 100 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $33,228.98 $27,000.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $23,011.82 $21,250.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $10,217.16 $5,750 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED nla nla $5,000.00 1029 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: ORONO AMATEUR ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION APPLICATION # 05-20 CONTACT NAME I Laverne Boyd DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Promotion of minor sports for Orono and the surrounding area. Hockey - rep and house league, also instructional. Hockey for four and five year old (mites). Soccer - house league. Baseball and girls softball. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS:647 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $263,504.00 $276,680.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $250,509.00 $263,288.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $12,995.00 $13,392.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1030 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: OAKRID.GETRAILASSOCIATION APPLICATION # 05-21 CONTACT NAME I John Windatt DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Maintenance of the portion of the Oak Ridge trail that traverses Clarington. Promote hiking and the use of this trail. Organize and lead hikes for the general public on our trails in Clarington. Assist other chapters in Durham and other municipalities to maintain trail system. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 794 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED nla nla $1,000.00 1031 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: FRIENDS OF SECOND MARSH APPLICATION # 05-22 ~ CONTACT NAME I Marilyn Cole DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Great Lakes Wetlands Project. Wetlands Walks, Kinds in the Marsh, March Break Program. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 100 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $287311.00 $1044837.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $263664.00 $629625.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $23,647.00 $415212.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED n!a $500.00 $500.00 1032 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: NEWc;ASTLESKA)'ING c;LUB APPLICATION # 05-23 CONTACT NAME I Helen Page DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Skating Club governed by Skate Canada guidelines, rules. Offering Learn to Skate Programs for children three years of age to adult. Our programs also cover test stream and competitive figure skating. We also offer power skating to improve hockey and ringette skills. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 115 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $29,143.00 $61,790.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $33,092.00 $55,534.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($3,866.00) $6,256.00 DEFICIT SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $5,000.00 1033 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: VOLUNTEER RESOURCE CENTRE FOR DURHAM REGION APPLICATION # 05-24 CONTACT NAME ~ Nancy Burke DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Promotion of volunteer ism. Volunteer recruitment and referral. Providing education opportunities to Managers of Volunteers. Assisting high school students with the completion of their Community Service Hours. TOTALMEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 90 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $81,338.00 $102,340.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $83,091.00 $102,340.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $1,703.00 0 SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED nla nla $1,000.00 " 1034 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: THEROTARYCLUB OF COURTICE APPLICATION #05-25 ~ CONTACT NAME i Bruce Townley DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: The Clarington Festival; This even celebrates the community's heritage and diversity. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 27 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $20,785.00 $31,002.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $20,785.00 $31,002.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE 0 0 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED nla nla $5,000.00 1035 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: DURHAM REGION COMMUNITY CARE ASSOCIATION APPLICATION # 05-26 I CONTACT NAME ~ Sally Barrie DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Home support program and services, COPE and Respite Program. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: ClientsNolunteers 2,316 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $501,006.00 $508,100.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $501,006.00 $508,100.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE 0 0 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED $12,000.00 $12,000.00 $15,500.00 ~ 1036 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: LUKES PLACE SUPPORT & RESOURCE CENTRE APPLICATION #05-27 CONTACT NAME ~ Carol Barkwell DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Luke's Place offers information, support, referral and legal (court and lawyer appointment) preparation and accompaniment to abused women who are addressing family law issues. The agency houses a comprehensive library with resources focusing on women abuse, separation and divorce, family law procedure, case law and research and is available to women and their advocates. Services are provided by professional staff and trained volunteers and are free and confidential. Luke's Place was formed as a result of community research and consultations in response to the tragic death of Luke Schillings who at age 3 y, years was murdered by his father on his first unsupervised access visit in 1997 in Clarington. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIP ARTICIP ANTS: 8 REVENUE 2004 nla 2005 $112,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 2004 2005 nla $104,305.00 TOTAL EXPENSES NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $7,695.00 SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $300.00 $300.00 $400.00 1037 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: LEARNING DISABILITIES ASSOCIATION OFPETERBOROUGH APPLICATION # 05-28 CONTACT NAME II Shari Davis DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Parent/child and self advocacy training. Parent support and education. Resource Lending Library _ sharing the latest books, videos, articles and periodicals concerning learning disabilities, ADHD and associated or concomitant disorders, Short-term counseling - working to assist clients in the development of coping strategies, parenting strategies, needs identification, referral sources and the assessment/educational planning processes. Resource Facilitation - assisting parent and clients in identifying and obtaining relevant services in the community, Community Education - providing informative and educational seminars and presentations to community members. Resource and assistive software education/training for educators and professionals working with the leaming disabled/ADHD. Computers for Literacy Development Tutoring Program - one to one tutoring utilizing specialized adaptive technology for school aged children, from grade 2 through secondary school, Specialized Summer Tutoring - partnership with the Kawartha Pine Ridge School Board offering specialized one to one summer tutoring for students of all denominations (separate and private schooled children welcomed into program, even though held at public school location,) TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 248 (Includes Peterborough, Northumberland & Clarington) 64 - Provincial Membership REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $17,033.00 $20,300.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $19,503.00 $20,289.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($2,4 70.00) $11.00 DEFICIT SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REOUESTED nla $500.00 $2,500.00 1038 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: BETHESDA HOUSE APPLICATION #05-29 CONTACT NAME i Jaki MacKinnon DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provides emergency food, shelter and transportation to abused women and their children. Also provide support counseling. Transitional support program, crisis outreach support, child and youth worker support, 24 hour crisis hotline. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 334 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $646,348.00 $646,348.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $646,348.00 $646,348.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $0 $0 MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $1,850.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 1039 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: THE BOWMANVILLE SALVATION ARMY COMMUNITY CHURCH APPLICATION # 05-30 CONTACT NAME Captain Douglas W. Stevens DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Community food bank, community Thrift Store, Emergency Disaster Response vehicle, on-call Chaplains at Lakeridge Health Bowmanville, Counseling services, summer camps for disadvantaged children, spiritual care to several local nursing homes, referral service to detox facilities, emergency shelter for short term homeless. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 75 REVENUE 2004 2005 $560,826.00 $605,728.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $562,663.00 $569,112.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($1,837) $36,616.00 DEFICIT SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED nla n!a $5,000.00 1040 . " MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: CLARINGTON OLDER ADULTS ASSOCIATION APPLICATION # 05-31 ~ CONTACT NAME I John Coffey DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Sponsors various activities, speakers, dinner shows etc. for the Older Adults of Clarington. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 570 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $140,600.00 $126,275.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $145,900.00 $160,880.00 NET OPERATION -EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($5,300.00) ($34,605) DEFICIT DEFICIT MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $5,000.00 $3,000.00 $5,000.00 1041 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: BIG BROTHERS & SISTERS OF CLARINGTON APPLICATION #05-32 ~ CONTACT NAME I Lisa McNee Baker DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Provide a high quality of professional assistance to the Clarington Youth and continuously improve and build on their programs. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 450 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $174,841.00 $184,472.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $172,338.00 $184,109.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $2,4030 $363.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 1042 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: Cl.,AIUNGTON EAST FOOD BANK APPLICATION #05-33 ~ CONTACT NAME ~ Kaye Quinney DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Help provide a supply offood & food vouchers to families. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 10 BOARD MEMBERS, 14 VOLUNTEERS SERVED 1091 CLIENTS IN 2003 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $19,838.03 $19,680.84 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $15,157.19 $17,447.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE ($4,680.00) $2,233.84 DEFICIT SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $5,000.00 1043 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZA TION: CLARl'NGTONFIDl)LECLUB APPLICATION #05-34 ~ CONTACT NAME i Shirley Severn DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Monthly evening of musical performances and dancing for youth and seniors Provide support for local fiddle contest and charities. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 250/month REVENUE 2004 2005 $9645.36 $9445.36 TOTAL EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $7823.15 $7823.15 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $1,822.21 $1,622.21 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $500.00 nla $1,000.00 1044 .. ..... ,.. MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON SUMMARY OF GRANT INFORMATION APPLICANT OGRANIZATION: OVERT APPLICATION #05-35 CONTACT NAME I Shane Harbinson DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Emergency search and rescue, incident and disaster assistance. TOTAL MEMBERSHIPIPARTICIPANTS: 170 REVENUE 2004 2005 TOTAL $75,000.00 $148,000.00 EXPENSES 2004 2005 TOTAL EXPENSES $70,000.00 $116,000.00 NET OPERATION - EXPENSES 2004 2005 LESS REVENUE $5,000.00 $32,000.00 SURPLUS SURPLUS MUNICIPAL GRANT HISTORY: 2003 GRANT , 2004 GRANT 2005 GRANT APPROVED APPROVED REQUESTED $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 1045